The dream, in which you are brunette, denotes to the grace, sexuality and posh attitude in general. The dream about brunette could also show the necessity to be more realistic and rational.

…To see one, a sign of weakness; many ladies bring calumny and slander. To see a light-haired one, is a happy event to the dreamer; a brunette, sickness; a pregnant lady, brings good news; a naked lady, signifies the death of a relative. To hear a lady speak, without seeing her, foretells departure. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47, 51, 11….

See one means infirmity. Many of them, mortifications. Hear woman without seeing her, change of location. See a brunette, dangerous illness. With long locks means honor and profit. A white one represents deliverance. A pregnant one symbolizes agreeable news. See woman with a beautiful figure, signifies joy, satisfaction, and health, when the dreamer is a man. Jealousy, quarrels, scandals, when it is a woman. Hear a woman quarrel, anxiety.

To see one, a sign of weakness; many ladies bring calumny and slander. To see a light-haired one, is a happy event to the dreamer; a brunette, sickness; a pregnant lady, brings good news; a naked lady, signifies the death of a relative. To hear a lady speak without seeing her, foretells departure.