To dream about your own face with a fierce attitude suggests that you aren’t acting properly, particularly with women, and this behavior will prevent you from achieving your desired success. This is well known to happen in the case of artists who may experience professional jealousy that finally causes conflicts. To dream about a fierce, ugly, unpleasant or angry face, suggests that you’ll fail in your sentimental and amorous affairs, or that your dreams for improving your affairs (of any kind) will not come true….

…The leopards symbolize bravery, ferocity and warriors’ skills. A leopard reflects the aggressive and domineering aspects. The leopard always attacks from the back. It is a warning to react and fight an excess of placidity….

Symbolizes bravery, ferocity and the warrior skills. It also reflects to the aggressive and domineering aspects.

Panther symbolizes bravery, ferocity and the warrior skill. It reflects the aggressive and domineering aspects in us. Always attacks treacherously. It also symbolizes a rival and jealous woman who we must fear. In other cases symbolizes sexual desire always associated with fear. In these cases the panther is the violator or rapist who possesses with violence, even sadistically.