To dream we are tied up means a dependence which is too heavy on us. If we manage to untie ourselves we will find liberation.

Dreaming we are tied means a dependence that weighs too much. If we manage to untie ourselves, we will find liberation. If we tie someone, it means that someone will commit an injustice, unless it is of the opposite sex, in that case, it means attraction.

It symbolizes the union, the union until death, and if possible, beyond. This dream reveals our inner desire to form an imperishable union with someone or something. To see ourselves tied means a tie that weighs too much on us. If we manage to untie ourselves we will find liberation. If we tie someone else it means we will commit an injustice, unless it is a person of the opposite sex, then it means attraction.

If you tie a cord, then it shows how much the passion and work you put into something. If you untie the cord, then you may have troubles or will get released from something stressful. If you broke the cord, you will lose a relationships that you’ve been working on.

…her hands, is a warning, as it means that she will be victim of intrigues against her good reputation. When a woman dreams about handling fire without burning her hands, it suggests that she has achieved an important position. To dream that your hands are tied suggests the impossibility to achieve what you want, but if you manage to untie yourself in the dream, it indicates that you may achieve it thanks to your effort. To dream about beautiful hands suggest that you’ll be socially successful, which foresees an improvement in those matters that you’re handling. To dream about ugly hands, or worse, with deformed hands, suggest upcoming failures that can lead you to be ruined. To dream of bloody hands is not a good dream; it suggests sadness, diseases, etc. To dream about an injured hand implies that someone will take advantage of the work and effort you’ve been…