(See Ophthalmologist)

(Eye doctor | Oculist) In a dream, an ophthalmologist represents a spiritual guide who brings people out of darkness into light and who brings peace and unity between beloveds. An ophthalmologist in a dream also represents a teacher who entices people to seek knowledge, to reflect in advance about the consequences of their actions and to develop a sharp sight. An ophthalmologist in a dream also could represent a pearl diver, an ocean diver, one who digs wells or restores old springs, or an eye expert who can tell the difference between false eyes from the true ones. An ophthalmologist in a dream also represents a preacher, or a counsellor who can show the difference between the path of righteous people and the path of the heedless ones. An ophthalmologist in a dream also may represent someone who has something to say, or news to report.

If we dream that we are blind or we see ourselves with our eyes closed, then the dream is showing us an illogical fear of being cheated on or persecuted and also powerlessness over the circumstances of life. But dreaming of going to the eye doctor indicates our desire to find a solution.

When in dreams we stare down into the eyes of those before us that reveals the fear to betray something we want to keep hidden. To feel like we are being observed insistently but without seeing the eyes that look at us denotes guilt complexes. If we dream we are blind or blindfolded, then it is indicative of an illogical fear of being cheated or persecuted or can also reveal our powerlessness over the circumstances in real life. To dream that we suffer from bad sight without wearing glasses shows a lack of courage that prevents us from looking straight at facts. If we go to an eye doctor it indicates the desire to find someone we can involve in our problems and who would help us.