…To dream one is drowning presages trouble, either domestic or financial, for the dreamer. To see someone else drowning portends misfortune, either from accidents (sometimes drowning, as actually seen in the vision), illness, or loss of money, but not always for the drowning person. This dream, I find, is a very common one. I have often seen in dreams friends of mine struggling desperately in some deep pool or river. Frantically I have plunged in to their rescue, but always too late, and, on sinking down, down, down, have at length come in contact with their cold, clammy corpses. Quite recently I dreamed I saw a near and dear friend fall shrieking into a seething, hissing pool of muddy water. In an agony of mind I tried to go to his rescue, but was held back by one of those cruel, invisible forces that ever haunt dreams. Desperately I…

…The alder in dreams presages travels, chiefly by sea; unrest in home life and work.Ash, bad news of all sorts.Banyan, journeys and surprises.Beech, disaffection (or going abroad) of friends; disappointments in general.Birch, success in work.Broom, illness, sometimes death.Brambles, troubles, both domestic and financial.Cedar, presents of all kinds; loss (by death) of old friends.Chestnut, success in courtship, falling in love.Clematis, reunion of friends and lovers.Elm, death of a relation, of an old friend; or loss of employment.Hawthorn, sickness.Hazel, success of an extraordinary nature; recovery from illness; escape from an accident.Lilac, new clothes; present from lover; unexpected invitations.Mistletoe, great success in courtship and the arts.Olive, falling in love; the forming of new friend-ships.Palm, success in work and rise in social life.Pine, death, illness; and a journey to foreign parts.Poplar, danger from drowning or falling.Willow, death of a great friend or near relation; and sorrow due to illness.Addendum to TreesTo dream of…

…tears; coffee, severe criticism; robbery, illness; pale blue (in the eyes of the lady), impending trouble; diamonds, drowning. Money, minor ailments and surprise visits; murder, great danger; hanging, violent quarrels, separation and divorce.The realisation of these prognostications worked out thus: Within a week of the dream I was deeply grieved at the death of an old friend; one of my books came in for very severe criticism; a near relation fell ill; the wife of one of my old schoolfellows was drowned under very painful circumstances; I received a visit from a man I had not seen for twenty years, who told me he had just been divorced; and as I drove back with him to the railway station our taxi collided with another, and we had a remarkably narrow escape of being killed.I think it was about a year after I had this dream that I again dreamed a…