Good prospects for the future.

Denotes having secret enemies.

To dream about lemons suggests resentfully envy against others. This meaning may be ratified if those lemons are unripe and are also hanging in a tree that is property of the dreamer. To dream that you taste (suck) a lemon symbolizes that you feel humiliated for a situation that may well be unjustified. If married couples dream about unripe lemons, it suggests their problems will likely worsen. This dream means the same for unmarried couples, and it usually indicates a relationship breakup.

…To dream about unripe figs symbolizes poor health. To dream that you’re eating delicious figs symbolizes upcoming successes. To dream about figs that are still hanging on the tree announces that your business will grow positively in the immediate future. If a young woman has this type of dream, it announces an advantageous marriage….

The monkey symbolizes wisdom, intelligence, prudence, and experience and also symbolizes an adventurous, playful person that is able to damage. To see a monkey in a dream symbolizes people who work for their own interests. To see a monkey hanging from a tree denotes that you will take a risk. To dream that you feed a monkey suggests that someone will betray you. Dreaming of a group of monkeys denotes a warning about fake friends who flatter you just to suit their own interests.

…and pointed excitedly at my coat. Following his glance, the blood in my veins froze. My coat, which was buttoned, had swollen to an enormous size, and right across the back of it, was a huge, flabby-lipped mouth that was gulping down some nasty -looking, sticky mess as fast as it could. With an ejaculation of disgust I loosened my hold of it, and the next moment, caught up by a strong current of air, it was wafted away from me and borne at a great rate across the desert. Hanging on to it behind, I noticed (with the greatest sensation of relief) my tail! I now left the boy, and aiming for a clump of trees I saw in the distance, was rapidly advancing towards it, when a very tall and thin man, with a fiat rectangular face no thicker than a plank, rose out of a pit a…