If you are kissing someone in romantic way, it shows your romantic feelings towards that particular person. You have a very close relationships to that person. If you kiss someone who is not your partner, it shows that you have the feelings to this person or would like to see the features of him/her in your partner. If the romantic kiss is not enjoyable, you do not have the sexual affection to this person or simply are angry for something and have unsolved problems. The romantic kissing could also show how much you are longing for it, because it don’t experience romantic kissing in a very long time. To get more interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of nonromantic kissing.

If someone is kissing you like your mother, father or neighbor, it shows the kind and great relationships between you two. The kissing could have the other meanings as well, but only if it is the romantic type of kissing, which indicates passion and affection.