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Tag: W
Well, falling in it
Wheelbarrow, seeing dogs pulling it
Window, precipitating one’s self from it
Wood, on a fire, putting
Waking in bed
War-cry, hearing it
Water, trying to keep some in a broken vessel, or something else that does not hold it
Well, flowing quickly
Whistling, hearing
Window, seeing an open
Wood, splitting
Waking up very early
War, seeing it
Well, getting water from it
Whistle, trying, but not being able to
Wine, drinking good
Wood, carrying
Walk, taking it
War, seeing preparations for
Water-mill, seeing it
Well, with beautiful ornaments, seeing it
Widowhood, being in
Wine, spilling
Wood squaring
Walk with friends, taking it
Washing one’s self
Waterspout, seeing it
Well, with pure water, bathing in it
Wife, having a, being married
Wings, having, and flying with
Wool, buying or selling
Walk with one’s lover, taking it
Washing, seeing
Wax-candles burning, seeing
Well, with pure water, seeing it
Wife, having a handsome
Wives, seeing
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