…If in your dreams you enter a pawn-shop, you will find disappointments and losses in your waking moments. To pawn articles, you will have unpleasant scenes with your wife or sweetheart, and perhaps disappointments in business. For a woman to go to a pawn-shop, denotes that she is guilty of indiscretions, and she is likely to regret the loss of a friend. To redeem an article, denotes that you will regain lost positions. Dreaming that you see a pawn-shop, denotes you are negligent of your trust and are in danger of sacrificing your honorable name in some salacious affair….

…When you are dreaming about entering the new doors, then such dream indicates the new chances the life is going to provide to you. You are going to the different phase of your life. If you see the doors that open to the outside, then it shows the necessity to be more opened to others. If the doors open to the inside, then it means you should look deeper into yourself, how you feel and what you want out of life. The dream, in which you see the doors that are locked and you are unable to open them, represents the opportunities you are unable to have. Perhaps the life has closed some of the choices you could do. The back door you see in a dream, indicates the hidden aspects and secret thoughts and ideas. If you have closed the door to someone, then it shows you are…

In the dream to do something in a workshop, means the process of developing your skills. To see a workshop in your dream, has the symbolic significance of being developed and skillful. Alternatively, workshop in the dream represents your exploration of yourself. Maybe you are trying to understand what you have and who you are. Are you trying to find out these aspects?

To dream of opossum means that you are capable to act fast and fight for your rights. The opossum as the animal is the one who adapts in different and various circumstances. The dream about opossum could either describe you, or the person you know in your waking life.

…To see a stop sign in your dream, suggests that you need to stop what you are doing and think about the situation before moving forward. You need to proceed with care and caution. Alternatively, it signifies barriers and difficulties on our path. To dream that you run a stop sign, indicates that you do not consider the consequences of your action. It may refer to your reckless habits….

To dream that you see the stop sign means that you are facing some barriers and walls while achieving your goals. The stop sign could be a reflection of certain situation or person that doesn’t let you move along. Sometimes the stop sign is interpreted as the necessity to slow down, perhaps you do too much at this time of your life and subconscious mind is sending you a message.

…Dreaming of a bishop, teachers and authors will suffer great mental worries, caused from delving into intricate subjects. To the tradesman, foolish buying, in which he is likely to incur loss of good money. For one to see a bishop in his dreams, hard work will be his patrimony, with chills and ague as attendant. If you meet the approval of a much admired bishop, you will be successful in your undertakings in love or business….

Dreaming of acrobats in action suggests that the dreamer is exposed to misunderstandings and embarrassments because of unfounded fears of other, which is exercising negative influence on the dreamer. Dreaming that the acrobats fail at any of their acrobatics suggests that there will be losses in the businesses you are managing. Dreaming of yourself performing and failing implies that you feel limited or unable to do your things due to constant interference of hidden and hypocritical enemies. Doing a perfect performance suggests a high probability of success in all your affairs. Dreaming of women performing acrobatics suggests that the name of the dreamer will be discredited by rumors, which will disturb your working or romantic life. If a young woman dreams of performing acrobats, it indicates that she is being or will be courted by men that are not serious and not even of her liking. A young…

To feel that you are afraid to proceed with some affair, or continue a journey, denotes that you will find trouble in your household, and enterprises will be unsuccessful. To see others afraid, denotes that some friend will be deterred from performing some favor for you because of his own difficulties. For a young woman Dreaming that she is afraid of a dog, there will be a possibility of her doubting a true friend….

Dreaming of alabaster, foretells success in marriage and all legitimate affairs. To break an alabaster figure or vessel, denotes sorrow and repentence. For a young woman to lose an alabaster box containing incense, signifies that she will lose her lover or property through carelessness of her reputation….

Dreaming of actors performing and being cheerful suggests frivolity that should be avoided. Dreaming of any actress indicates that business and other affairs that you may be managing are not changing in a long time. Dreaming of an actress in a forum suggests that you will soon be disappointed by something unexpected. If the dreamer feels in love with the actress (or actor) indicates that you will soon suffer. Dreaming of talking to an actor or actress is a sign of vanity. Dreaming of an actress who suffers, indicates that the dreamer can help someone who needs him, to help them getting out of the disgrace that surrounds them. Dreaming of having an affair with an actor or actress indicates the desire of having an affair; it also means that the dreamer, because of his vanity, considers himself talented enough to overcome obstacles and get a better life…

Dreaming that you wear armor is a warning that means that you should be prudent to be successful. If the dreamer dreams of taking off the armor, it usually indicates danger. If you just see armor in dreams, it means that there will be some difficulties which will be surpassed.

Dreaming of being on a veranda, denotes that you are to be successful in some affair which is giving you anxiety. For a young woman to be with her lover on a veranda, denotes her early and happy marriage. To see an old veranda, denotes the decline of hopes, and disappointment in business and love….

To have interaction with a Joshua Tree or to encounter it or to see a Joshua Tree, when dreaming, has important message about superior spirituality. Also, Joshua Tree stands as an omen for purity and natural achievement. It also has the symbolic significance of personal power and control. It shows strength and courage in the life of the dreamer.

The famous singer Madonna could mean that you enjoy this type of music or simply adore the celebrity as the person. The Madonna as the religious figure could show that you are looking for spiritual direction. Perhaps you are looking for some answers that could only be given through the spiritual world. Make sure you pay attention to what Madonna means particular to you.

(Contract | Homage) Making a pledge of allegiance to the blessed family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or to their descendents, or true gnostics and leaders among his followers in a dream means following true guidance, walking on the straight path and truly observing the divine laws and abiding by them. Making a pledge of allegiance to the governor of a seaport city in a dream means winning victory over one’s enemy, glad tidings, honoring piety, being grateful to one’s Lord and oft-praying for salvation and forgiveness. Making a pledge of allegiance to an impious person or to an evil companion in a dream means helping evil people. Making a pledge to someone under a tree in a dream means receiving blessings from God Almighty….

(Commander | Military) In a dream, an army general or a com- mander represents someone famous who is self assured and dauntless. If one sees himself as an army general in a dream, and should he qualify for such a position, it means prosperity, honor and blessings. If one does not qualify for such a position, then it may mean his death. If a poor person sees himself as an army general in a dream, it means disturbances and that he will raise his voice. As for a prisoner, it means his release from jail.

Alum seen in a dream, portends frustration of well laid plans. To taste alum, denotes secret remorse over some evil work by you upon some innocent person. For a woman Dreaming of quantities of alum, foretells disappointment in her marriage and loss of affection….

To see Santa Claus is expressive symbol of tolerance. This is a fortunate omen, which must be explained as the indication that you need to be more giving, accepting, and/or forgiving. You need to acknowledge and tend to some aspect of yourself. Dreaming that you are dressed as Santa Claus suggests that you need to treat others better. If you see someone dressed as Santa Claus, it means that you would like to be treated better. If sometimes you’re acting in devious way, then try to put yourself in someone else’s shoe and determine how they might feel in such acts….

To dream an acorn, represents you as a confident, strong and dexterous person. This dream represents the start of actions you will do, will make big and advantageous results. If you dream of seeings acorn on the ground and picking it up, represents the joy you will have after severe work you have done. This is the sign, that you willl be pleased. If you see yourself eating an acorn it is the sign of happy, easy future and wealtthy life you are going to have. If you see yourself trying to pluck the acorns from the tree and shaking the tree, it signifies your good impact on other people. You should be happy, as people around you, respect and admire you.

Red snake attack in a dream can be triggered by external stimulus. For anyone, recently in waking life encountered an intensive movement of a thing in a red color can be a source of dreaming about attack by red snake. A movement of a red car, or a bike, a burning cigarette, or a seeing of a red colored sunset can be an inspiration for your dream. For a woman, a sudden start of a monthly period can be an external stimulus of dreaming about an attack of red colored snake. For a man, a sharp feeling of spontaneous erection induced by blood flow into a body part is a cause for the dreams about the red long limbless reptiles attacks. And these feelings can be felt up to few times per sleep. Also, if closed eyes suddenly being touched by red colored light rays of rising sun…

In a dream, an arrowhead represents talk, benefits or profits from business travels. An arrowhead which is made of lead in a dream means receiving a letter that explains one’s weakness. If the arrowhead is made from copper in the dream, it means material pleasure. If it is made from gold in the dream, it represents a letter one is forced to send. (Also see Arrows)…

It symbolizes the unconscious along with instincts and memories. Thus the sea reflects what is going on inside of us. If the sea is rough or calm, then this reflects our emotional state. Letting ourselves sink into the sea, indicates that we are giving up, but trying to come up to surface tells us about our desire to fight with all our strength.

The sea lion is the animal that doesn’t do any harm, it signifies friendship, loyalty and playful side of your personality. If you played with sea lion, it could even mean that you have a very big love for animals or simply are ready to have a children of your own if you do not have them yet. The sea lion is also a symbol of your friends who make you feel happy and relaxed.

If the dreamer is a man with assembly, and the assembly is full of young and beautiful women, is a suggestion that he should look for a wife. If the assembly is full of men, it means that fearsome enemies will appear.

Visiting the Holy city of Medina, the city of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means profits and blessings in this world. Standing at the door of the Sacred Mosque in Medina, or in front of the Blessed Chamber of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means repenting from a sin and acceptance of one’s repentance. Seeing the Holy city of Medina in a dream can be interpreted in six ways to reflect peace, mercy, forgiveness, salvation, relief from distress and enjoying a happy life. (Also see Masjid | Visiting holy sites)…

If in the dreams you talk about age, it indicates that your sincerity will be appreciated in your professional environment. If you feel concern about age in a dream, you should monitor your health. To hide the age means you will be betrayed by your relations.

Dreaming of age, no matter who it is, suggests that problems will arise soon. Dreaming about your own age indicates that the slanders of wicked people will create problems even with family. When a woman dreams that she is older than she actually is, it indicates how she has negative and false friendships that will end up harming her. When a woman dreams of herself being older than she actually is, it insinuates that soon she will suffer from an illness, or if the woman is young, she will have difficulties with her boyfriend, lover or husband. If a woman who dreams about her lover being older than he actually is, then it indicates that she is at risk of losing him. Dreaming of treating elderly people with kindness shows that the dreamer has a good character, which will pay off in sincere affection from others. Dreaming of…

Attending a ceremony signifies a favorable change. Attending a reception means family joy. It you attend a sick person, setbacks in your projects. When attending a dying person, we finish one stage and start another with new possibilities.

If you are the one to receive the assassin’s blow, you will not surmount all your trials. To see another, with the assassin standing over him with blood stains, portends that misfortune will come to the dreamer. To see an assassin under any condition is a warning that losses may befall you through secret enemies….

To dream of drinking tea, or being present at a tea-party, is a sign of thrift and domestic happiness: a girl who dreams of meeting her lover at such a party, or of drinking tea with him, may be sure that he’s all right, and she can close her matrimonial bargain with him at once without any risk. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61, 19….

To dream that you receive some kind of the award means that you feel appreciated and loved by others. The award ceremony in which you take a part could also show the significant meaning you have in other people lives. If you attend the ceremony, but haven’t received any of the awards, you are making too much pressure for yourself. You should let go and become easier on yourself. Sometimes the award ceremony could indicate your desire to be surrounded by the company such as your friends and family more.

If you dream seeing an alligator, it indicates perfidy and guile. This dream could be a sign of taking the new chances which are ahead of you. It could also symbolize your capacity taking apart two different systems: spiritual side of yours and fundamental side of yours. The alligator could also symbolize the curing kinds and potency. When you see yourself running away from alligator in your dream, it indicates hidden fears and pain you are suffering from. What you should do is try to find the reasons why you are experiencing this pain, only then you will be able to set your soul free and live peacefuly with yourself and those around you.

Dreaming that you are in the clutches of adversity, denotes that you will have failures and continued bad prospects. To see others in adversity, portends gloomy surroundings, and the illness of some one will produce grave fears of the successful working of plans. The old dream books give this as a sign of coming prosperity. This definition is untrue. There are two forces at work in man, one from within and the other from without. They are from two distinct spheres | the animal mind influenced by the personal world of carnal appetites, and the spiritual mind from the realm of universal Brotherhood, present antagonistic motives on the dream consciousness. If these two forces were in harmony, the spirit or mental picture from the dream mind would find a literal fulfilment in the life of the dreamer. The pleasurable sensations of the body cause the spirit anguish. The…

Ants in the dreams symbolize organized and proactive work. If ants invade your house, it announces some crowd will make little annoyances. If ants attack your body, it foretells an accident or illness.

(Rodent) A jerboa in a dream represents a liar who often swears in God’s Name that he is speaking the truth. Fighting with a jerboa in a dream means having an argument with a person of such qualities. A jerboa in a dream also represents a body snatcher or a researcher….

If you dream of the accounts, then such dream represents conflictual issues. The dream suggests to keep your money for yourself. If your accounts balance is being seen in a dream, then it shows great deals. If you are dealing with other people accounts, then you should be aware of deceitful people.

The sofa in dreams is the symbol of relaxation and rest. If you lay on the sofa and feeling good about your resting time, it shows that perhaps you wish to have a break because you feel very tired. Sometimes the sofa could indicate the lack of privacy in your waking life, perhaps you wish to be on your own more.

The abyss in dream is interpreted as the barriers. If you didn’t fall into abyss, but you dream of it, then such dream represents the fact that you will deal with problems easily. When you fall into abyss, then such dream signifies the necessity to become more careful while dealing with business matters.

Seeing a Santa Claus in a dream indicates that you should be more willing and respectful. Dreaming that you’re dressed as Santa Claus suggests that you should treat others the way you would like to be treated. Wearing Santa Claus’ shoes indicates a very long journey….