…Dreaming of actors performing and being cheerful suggests frivolity that should be avoided. Dreaming of any actress indicates that business and other affairs that you may be managing are not changing in a long time. Dreaming of an actress in a forum suggests that you will soon be disappointed by something unexpected. If the dreamer feels in love with the actress (or actor) indicates that you will soon suffer. Dreaming of talking to an actor or actress is a sign of vanity. Dreaming of an actress who suffers, indicates that the dreamer can help someone who needs him, to help them getting out of the disgrace that surrounds them. Dreaming of having an affair with an actor or actress indicates the desire of having an affair; it also means that the dreamer, because of his vanity, considers himself talented enough to overcome obstacles and get a better life And…

…Dreaming that you are confined in a fortress, denotes that enemies will succeed in placing you in an undesirable situation. To put others in a fortress, denotes your ability to rule in business or over women….

…To dream of a wedding-dress or winding-sheet portends a death, but not necessarily that of the person directly associated in the dream with the wedding-dress or winding-sheet. To dream of clothes in general signifies petty disappointments and minor ailments….

To wear a wedding dress in a dream indicates that you evaluate and determine your personal relationships. To see someone who wears a wedding dress suggests that you feel closed.

…The loneliness that is felt in the dream could be the reflection of your actual life where you feel lonely and misunderstood. You have no one to talk to and think that nobody cares about you. Sometimes the loneliness could mean the opposite, it shows that you are surrounded with big companies and sometimes wish to have some privacy….

Dreaming of being in the dark during a trip suggests that you are not confident in what you’re doing and that you’re ignoring the results of certain actions, which will lead to failure and losses. If during the trip the darkness is suddenly illuminated by the sun, then this announces that in the end all problems will be solved. Dreaming of being in the dark signifies your own disorientation and mental confusion which will result in frustrations on matters that are being handled. If during the dream the darkness is being diminished, this could signify that the problems will start to be resolved as soon as you start to understand them and handling them better.

To dream yourself being among darkness is a sign that your own businesses will improve notably, as long as you put the dedication that is deserved to your job. The darkness, also depending on the context, is a warning that we must look after our health.

…(Assertion | Nude | Stripped | Unclothed | Undressed) Nakedness in a dream represents inward purity and clarity, or it could mean committing an act that will culminate in regret. Undressing oneself in a dream means facing a reticent, hidden, unexpected and notorious enemy who will publicly assert his enmity. If one sees himself alone and naked in a dream, it means that one of his enemies, knowing his weaknesses, is demanding capitulation from him, or threatening him, or blackmailing him. If one sees himself naked during an assembly or a party in a dream, it means that he will be exposed or defamed. If one sees himself naked in the midst of people, though he does not feel shy and is not aware of it in the dream, it means that he engages in a project then exaggerates the degree of his involvement, suffer hardships and gains nothing…

To dream that you lover is faithless, has an opposite meaning. It means that your lover is faithful and predicts fantastic moments or happy marriage. To dream that your friends are faithless, it represents that they respect you. It indicates that you are held in high regards and worthy admiration by them.

Dreaming of having an abscess, reminds you that there is something that has to be represented. The dream about abscess explains that there are things that were not fully exposed. Maybe you your goals are not fulfilled yet. Please see Sores.

See a mattress in a dream means that you will have new responsibilities and duties that will occupy you for a while. To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress symbolizes happiness in your life.

…For a young woman Dreaming that she sees an abbess, denotes that she will be compelled to perform distasteful tasks, and will submit to authority only after unsuccessful rebellion. Dreaming of an abbess smiling and benignant, denotes you will be surrounded by true friends and pleasing prospects….

Feebleness in a dream means strength. However, if one sees himself debilitated or emaciated in the dream, then it means weakness in his faith, failure to properly observe his religious obligations, or it could mean sterility, impotence, or sorrow and distress.

…(Courtesy) If a respected person sees himself showing friendliness and kindness toward lowly people in a dream, it means self-degradation, loss of status, dismissal from one’s position, poverty and need for other’s assistance….

…To dream that you feel restless suggests that in your real life you’re going through difficult times and perhaps it’s due to the environment in which you’re living, for example, you may have difficulties at home, with your family, friends or business, or even ideological encounters. Obviously, this restlessness feeling is a consequence of your daily life problems….

(Avariciousness | Greed | Niggardliness) In a dream, covetousness means committing a sin. (Also see Jealousy)

…(Eyewitness | Legitimacy | Testify | Truth) An eyewitness in a dream means triumphing over one’s enemy, testifying to the truth and refuting falsehood. If one sees himself as a true signing witness to an agreement in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his enemies. If one sees himself witnessing a contract or putting his seal on a testimony in a dream, it means that he will loan money to the second party in the contract. If one sees himself bearing a true testimony before someone and against the other in a dream, it means that he will attend the pilgrimage in Mecca….

…To dream you are in a dark place, is an unfavourable omen; to the lovers it denotes, loss of sweethearts , to the trader, loss of goods; but to dream of getting out of darkness into lights is good; if you are in poverty, it foretells riches; if in love, a happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 16….

In a dream, the Bishop signifies playfulness, distraction or a chronic illness. (Also see Chess | Chessboard | Chessmen)

If you are topless in a dream, then it denotes to your fearless approach to life. You are the one who is not afraid to take the risks and show even more of your personality than you should.

…(Insomnia) In a dream, sleeplessness means loss of a beloved, the death of a child, separation between lovers, or leaving one’s family and trav- elling to a foreign country….

If you feel sick during your dream it could mean the actual sickness you are suffering from. Perhaps you have the illness you haven’t known yet. Sometimes people are very afraid to get sick, therefore they dream about their fears. If you are sick in reality, it is simply a reflection of it. If you ae vomiting in the dream, please see the meaning of vomiting.

Dreaming that you feel a numbness creeping over you, in your dreams, is a sign of illness, and disquieting conditions

Sickness means loneliness and imprisonment.

…In a dream, stress means tightness of income, or it could represent the consequences of one’s wrongdoing, or the punishment for his sins….

If we see ourselves being homeless but we are happy, it could be interpreted as feeling the need of keeping away from some responsibilities that overwhelm us, but if we feel sadness, we should interpret this as keeping a fear inside of us about our economic future.

If you dream about the distress, then such dream indicates some situation that will become favorable to you. The dream shows that the stress you were suffering from will disappear completely.

Walking in darkness: sadness, moral sufferings, decay.

…If you dream you have an abscess, or running sore on your person, it foretells good fortune and good health, to be preceded by sickness. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 27….

(Health) Physical fitness in a dream denotes the opposite in wakefulness. On the other hand, it could mean enjoying blessings. (Also see Physical paralysis)

If you see empress in a dream, then such dream indicates your wish to be acknowledged and adored. However, if you will stay so pride, you will never receive the respect from others.

When you dream of the emptiness, then such dream foretells that there are certain things in your life which have been missed. Perhaps you feel empty, because of the things you wish to have.

Dreaming of possessing bright new harness, you will soon prepare for a pleasant journey.

Dreaming of happiness or being happy means upcoming annoyances.

Unquietness shows good to man, woman, girl or boy. For, all who dream of it, shall have plenty and joy.

If you dream that you are homeless, then such dream indicates your feelings of uncertainty. You are afraid of your future and do not know what to do with your life in general.

The darkness shows all of your negative feelings and fears you are carrying within yourself.

In a dream, seeing the Knight signifies contracts, deals and money. It also could mean cheating, or the death of a sick person. (Also see Chess | Chessboard | Chessmen)

To dream you are playing chess is a sign of discord with friends.

(bot. Nasturtium officinale) Watercress is the legume of the dwellers of hell-fire. If one sees it in a dream, it means that he follows the conduct of the dwellers of hell-fire.