In a dream, the Queen represents a noble rank. (Also see Chess | Chessboard | Chessmen)

Richness in a dream means poverty or contentment. (Also see Star)

Fear of losing, change of character. Although dreams whit strategy games traditionally presage joy and friendship, if we dream that we play chess that could mean that we are involved in a problem and we are afraid to take some resolution that we are repeatedly weighing.

(Oil mill | Oil refinery | Refinery) In a dream, an oil press represents spiritual guidance, knowledge, a foster mother or a wet nurse. (Also see Sugar mill)

Dreaming that you play chess or checkers with a colleague indicates an upcoming quarrel with this person, and the result will be the same as the game you dream to be playing.

Dreaming that you’re playing chess or checkers means that you’ll have to do your biggest effort and move very cleverly to solve that problem or problems that haunt you. If you know your opponent, be cautious with your comments because it is a sign of you having a fight with him. If you don’t know your opponent and consider you don’t have any enemies, it indicates possible disease.

Dreaming that you are playing chess or checkers is a sign that you’ll have to put all your effort and take all your cunning and finesse to solve the problems that torment you too much right now. If in the dream you know your opponents, you should be very cautious and careful with your comments, because they can cause a very serious problem. If the person you dreamed of is unknown, it means you could get sick.

To dream you manage business of great concernment shows you will meet obstructions.

…(Accomplished | Compassed) A finished business in a dream connotes life and continuity. Completing good deeds in a dream means desiring to have children. Completing one’s job in a dream is a sign of prosperity for rich people and the strong ones. It also signifies owning properties and having control over a vast land and its people. (Also see Incomplete job)…

If you see yourself or somebody else being faceless, then such dream indicates how you are trying to figure out of who you are. You are still searching the potential within your personality. Probably you are trying to figure out what other people are thinking.

…A chronic illness in a dream means hindrances or suspension of one’s travel plans, or difficulties in earning one’s livelihood in a work that involves using one’s hands and feet, or it could represent impediments to achieving one’s goal….

If you feel emotionless in a dream, then such dream represents the phase of your life where you are feeling best on your own. You do not want to take other people’s company. The dream could also suggest paying more attention to your feelings and realizing what you want out of life.

If we dream we attend a congress, it indicates we can expand our circle of relationships and increase our knowledge.

(Disdain | Superciliousness) If one desires to earn respect from others, then haughtiness in a dream means grovelling, servility, toadying, or losing rank.

…If you have no skin in a dream, then such dream denotes to the fear of losing the protection you already have. The skinless could also symbolize the lost of your senses where you evaluate with the outer world. Perhaps there is a fear of losing respect from others, because of getting older or other aspects which have much in common with how you look….

The dreams where you find people dressed in priestly character like the abbot or abbess, and are from any religion, reveal the need to trust someone who can understand us with our problems and help us fix them. The important thing is to remember the advice and attitude of the person, as almost always they contain the solution or the comfort you are looking for.

…Dreaming that you are helpless, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are experiencing troubles in your life. Maybe you feel that you can’t make any change in a situation or relationship. Additionally, you feel that you are unable to take responsibility of your actions….

…In a dream, truthfulness represents one’s faith and certitude. Being truthful in a dream means avoiding adversities….

…(Aloneness | Isolation | Solitude) Loneliness in a dream means fame, artistry or attaining excellence in one’s craft. If a ruler or a governor sees himself alone in a dream, it represents his impeachment from office. Finding oneself alone in a dream also means poverty, or separation from one’s beloved. Lone- liness in a dream also means humiliation, infamy, or segregation….

The dream, in which you became voiceless, shows the state of your mind that is lost. Perhaps you cannot present yourself the way you would like to, therefore you are not showing you true opinions and views towards particular thing.

…Dreaming of being mad, shows trouble ahead for the dreamer. Sickness, by which you will lose property, is threatened. To see others suffering under this malady, denotes inconstancy of friends and gloomy ending of bright expectations. For a young woman Dreaming of madness, foretells disappointment in marriage and wealth….

In a dream, emptiness represents the dwellings of a foreigner. It may also represent breach of contract, betrayal, death of a sick person, rest after exhaustion or peace after bewilderment. (Also see Deserted)

The happiness is the omen of your actual feelings that is why you dream about it. You feel joy. The kids that are happy are also a very good omen, which brings great feelings for the dreamer and those around you.

To see or use a harness in a dream, symbolizes controlled freedom. Also, it is an omen of deficiency to act free. Possibly you feel that you are being suppressed either by your own apprehension or by others. You need to explore more options in your life in order to act without restriction.

…(Affiliation | Alliance | Business association) In a dream, business partnership means happiness, or it could mean exaggeration in one’s devotion toward God Almighty, or it could mean going to extremes to attain business success and prosperity in the world. If a poor person sees himself involved in a business partnership with a rich person in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy. If he is hoping for an inheritance, then seeing this dream means that it will come through, and that he will find abusiness partner. If one sees himself in a business partnership with a known person in a dream, it means that they deal justly and equitably with one another. If one’s partner in the dream is an unknown old person, then he represents his grandfather and such a year will be a prosperous business year for him. If one’s partner in the dream…

Dreaming of cleverness indicates that a man plans to trick a woman, or a woman that wants to mock a man; it always depends on who the dreamer is.

Darkness, forebodes a long and lingering sickly life. A dark lantern reflects your secret enemies.

…If someone blesses you, it means you must get closer to your spiritual side so your soul finds peace. If you bless someone, it indicates that you’ll be able to give someone a good piece of advice that will help a lot to that person….

(Disdain | Haughtiness) For one who desires to earn respect from others, superciliousness in a dream means grovelling, servility, toadying, or loosing rank.

To see actress play, misfortune; if you talk with her, you will have success in what you undertake if you make love to her, your life will be joyful. If you dream that you enjoy her, you will meet great troubles.

Dreaming about becoming bald indicates problems and suffering. Dreaming about a bald man indicates that someone is trying to defraud the dreamer through seemingly legitimate propositions. This is a warning to carefully analyze future propositions. A woman who dreams of a bald man must take precautions when it comes to love propositions, since they could be false, and come from a dishonest and selfish person. Dreaming of bald children suggests that the dreamer desires to live in a happy home as a result of marriage. Baldness has for a long time been a symbol of virile energy loss in men and infertility in women, and casually in some cases it indicates the same in dreams, but usually they are just unfounded fears caused by a certain mood.

…Dream of beating one’s mistress, danger of discovery of adultery by your partner…..

To dream that you are undressing means that you will have some fights with your loved one, because of your shocking conduct. To see another person getting undress means that this dream will bring you bad fortune. Probably you will fail. If someone is undressing because of you, you will suffer for your scandalous behaviour.

If you are undressing in your dream, it could mean that you wish to get rid of the fake face and emotions you were having while being with those around you. Perhaps you are tired of pretending being not yourself, therefore you dream about undressing. If the other person is undress in your dream, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected, because this person shows the features of himself/herself that doesn’t show to everybody.

Dream of a mess indicates possibility of being meddlesome in a fight or a lawsuit. It also means you should make use of all your patience to avoid some difficult discussions.

…To dream of madness presages impending trouble of all sorts. Not infrequently the dream is, to a large extent, fulfilled. I well recollect a lady saying to me once: “I dreamed last night that my brother and I were sitting by ourselves in the breakfast – room, when, something making me suddenly look up at him, I perceived a curious glitter in his eyes — a glitter that made my blood run cold. Presently, he made the most frightful grimace, baring his teeth, bulging out his eyes and frowning, and then all his features contorted as if they were India-rubber, and I saw something too evil and repulsive for words. With a shriek of terror I sprang up and made a rush for the door, and as I did so he gave a loud chuckle and bounded after me, crying out:”I’m mad! I’m mad! Say your prayers, I’m going…

If you are a witness in the dream, this marks that you have to notice and to investigate more carefully and attentively the environment and people around you. When you testify in the dream, this denotes that you must be responsible for all your actions and words that you say, because they can make lots of damage for innocent people.

…(Height | Size) To see oneself taller than usual in a dream means increase in knowledge and wealth. If a man of authority sees that, it means expansion of his power. If he is a merchant, it means business prosperity. If one sees himself extremely tall and beyond the tallest human being in a dream, it means the nearing of his death, or it could mean his downfall. It is ominous for a tall person to see himself short in a dream, for it also denotes falling in rank, losing respect, or nearing one’s death. Even seeing oneself shorter in a dream means death. If one sees his figure taller in a dream, it means that his authority will expand and he will win victory over his enemies. Tallness of one’s figure in a dream also denotes longevity. If a short person sees himself tall in a dream, it…

View an address in a dream means that we will receive news or visit a friend. Give out our direction warns us that we have committed an imprudence.

To dream poor or homeless means perseverance and delusion.