…(See Disease.) If you dream you have had a long sickness, and are recovering, it foretells bad luck and difficulties: should you imagine that you are sick and are going to die, the omen is the reverse, for some good fortune awaits you: if a girl dreams that she is sick ab3d, and her lover visits her, it foretells a smooth courtship and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

…Dreaming that the environment is dark warns you about a possible fraud at work. Darkness is a synonym for ignorance, evil, death and fear of unknown things. If in a dream, the sun appears in the dark it means you will overcome your failures. If in a dream you feel confident in the dark, it indicates that you prefer not to know anything about certain things. If in a dream you’re looking for someone in the dark, it indicates that in real life you must control your temper, you have a tendency to lose your control. Dreaming that you’re lost in the dark means that you’re depressed or insecure….

…If you are running in the wilderness in your dream, this signifies your independence. You feel free and unrestrained in your life. You know that there aren’t any restrictions in your life, nobody will stop you if you have decided to act like this….

Thinness warns us about our health.

Play at chess or draughts with some acquaintance, a quick quarrel with that person. The issue of the quarrel will be the same as the result of a game.

To dream that you are wearing the wedding dress, means that you are waiting for your wedding to be the center of the attention or you can’t wait for the times you will be a bride.

It symbolizes immortality and resurrection. Alternatively, dreaming of a cypress symbolizes misfortune, misery and failures in your businesses and projects.

…Exalting God’s oneness and sovereignty in a dream means receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering. To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord. (Also see Exclamation of God’s Sovereignty)…

Dreaming that you have an abscess which seems to have reached a chronic stage, you will be overwhelmed with misfortune of your own | at the same time your deepest sympathies will be enlisted for the sorrows of others.

To see a seamstress in a dream, portends you will be deterred from making pleasant visits by unexpected luck.

If you wrote the address of your own place, then you should be aware and do not take a risk. If there is only the talking about some addresses, then such dream shows the necessity to be more careful while speaking with others.

…For a woman Dreaming of her own illness, foretells that some unforeseen event will throw her into a frenzy of despair by causing her to miss some anticipated visit or entertainment. See Sickness….

To dream that you’re experiencing success implies that there are sufficient elements to make it possible, no matter the obstacles that shall interpose in your path.

Providing a service indicates that your qualities of seriousness and effectiveness will be appreciated. Receiving it announces that acquaintances will lend their help.

…(Austerity | Grimness | Hardness | Rigor | Severity) To be unpleasant, sharp, lacking restraint and wittingly incisive in a dream, or to display a harsh character, or to have one’s heart blocked to receiving admonition, or to be defiant when God’s words are spoken in a dream means pride, arrogance and indulgence in sinful actions….

(See Harshness)

Announces success in a different area which you know.

(See loss)

Dreaming of being lazy suggests that the dreamer will not be able to achieve what he or she desires, mainly due to carelessness and negligence. Dreaming of friends or family being lazy suggests that something is happening that is preventing them from working normally. When a woman has a dream of being lazy, negligent, etc., it suggests that she is falling into bad habits, which will bring various problems.

Furious animal dream means pain, anger, impatience and disgust.

Major projects to be started, good news and fortune.

(See Bed).

(See Head cover | Head)

(See Night)

(See Partnership)

If during the dream we are sad because of troubles, calamities and diseases, we should not be sad because probably we will receive good news on the following days or maybe even the very next day.

Feel of guilt by a painful situation.

(See Army general)

Your satisfactions at the moment shouldn’t let you forget your real situation….

Difficult relationships with others which will be the cause of later misunderstandings.

(See Elegance)

…(Rape) Committing the abominable and forbidden act of adultery in a dream means betrayal. If one sees himself doing so in a dream, it means that he will betray his wife. An unknown woman is better here than a known woman. Adultery in a dream also means theft. If one sees an adulteress soliciting him for fornication in a dream it means that he might be lured to earn unlawful money. If one commits adultery with ayoung and a beautiful woman in a dream, it means that he will place his earnings in a well-guarded place or a coffer. If a strong person commits adultery in his dream and if he had to face the divine ordinance and chastisement for his sin in the dream, it means that his authority will expand. If the person in the dream qualifies for leadership, then he will be endowed with one. If…

It indicates that you are making the mistake of underestimating your inferiors in all areas.

Getting into good circumstances. 33.

(See Bridle | Yoke)

To dream of being mad, or performing extravagant actions in public, indicates a long life, popular reverence, official respect, prosperity. If an unmarried girl or widow has this dream, prompt and happy marriage. If she is a married woman, birth of a son destined to become a distinguished character.