To dream that you are on a deserted island shows that you will commit some act to disgust your friends and make them cut your acquaintance; be careful how you behave after dreaming such a dream.

…In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. If one sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife. A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency. If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly. (Also see Saddle)…

…To see cane growing in your dream, foretells favorable advancement will be made toward fortune. To see it cut, denotes absolute failure in all undertakings….

Seeing a thicket indicates that have to go through some difficulties. To cut it or go through it indicates that you will find appropriate solutions.

Who dreams of planting poplars experiences a fast but temporary promotion. Removing the bark of the tree is a sign of an improving fortune. Dreaming that you cut this tree may indicate an immediate ruin.

…it could mean disdaining to obey God’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate. A drinking glass cup in a dream represents a woman. Receiving a glass of water in a dream means that one’s wife is pregnant. An unknown kind of glass cup or a roughly cut drinking glass of water in a dream means that there is a fetus in the mother’s womb. If the glass of water breaks and the water remains in the dream, it means that the mother may die after giving birth and the infant will survive. If the water spills and the glass remains intact in the dream, it means that the fetus may die and the mother will survive. The breaking of a glass in a dream also denotes the death of the one who is serving it. If a sick person is given a glass of wine, or water, or…

…It is bad Dreaming of cabbage. Disorders may run riot in all forms. Dreaming of seeing cabbage green, means unfaithfulness in love and infidelity in wedlock. To cut heads of cabbage, denotes that you are tightening the cords of calamity around you by lavish expenditure….

(See Cut)

The interpretation will depend on the way the wood appears in the dream. If we see it as dry stacked branches ready to burn, it can be a harbinger of poverty in some aspects of our lives. If the wood is cut up into blocks or boards that are ready to be used, it’s a harbinger of prosperity.

Symbolizes raw material. To dream of dry branches stacked next to a house or inside is an omen of illness or poverty. Tied branches being carried on the shoulders is an omen of heavy duty and poorly paid jobs. Wood cut into cubes or tables means a dream of wealth and satisfaction.

…(Bag | Pouch | Suitcase | Trunk) A sack or any packing container in a dream represents travels, or activities in general. A sack in a dream also represents the body of a human being. An empty sack in a dream then means death. Seeing a sack within a sack in a dream represents the knowledge one benefited from during his life in this world. If the second sack contains money in the dream, it means that one’s knowledge is true. If it contains change, it means that one is still studying and needs to further his knowledge. A sack in a dream also represents one’s personal and secret life. In a dream, if one makes a cut through a sack and throws its contents asunder, it means that his private and intimate life willbe exposed and becomes the subject of people’s talk. If one’s money falls through a…

Dreaming of having dirty or injured fingers and blood suggests that many sufferings are approaching. Dreaming about having fingers, that are clean and beautiful, hints that soon someone will require the help of the dreamer. Dreaming of having cut and clean fingernails and toenails indicates that the dreamer is at risk of material losses caused by the intervention of opponents.

…(Bowels) In a dream, intestines represent one’s personal property, or they could mean a pouch. If the intestines are seen outside the stomach in a dream, they represent one’s step daughters, or an illness in that house. If the tissue of the intestines has a cut, or if it breaks in the dream, then it means death. Intestines in a dream also mean money. Exposed intestines in a dream mean the surfacing of hidden money. Eating someone’s intestines in a dream means denying him his money, or discovering a hidden treasure. If one’s intestines and bowels are taken out from his body for washing, then placed in a container in a dream, it means his death and the washer represents the undertaker. Noting here that embalming is not permissible in Islam. Islamic Laws. (Also see Body’)…

The dream, in which you see the cords, represents the shortage of freedom in your life. Perhaps somebody is giving you the pressure, therefore you wish to get more freedom in your life. The dream, in which the cord is cut, indicates the separation of some bond you made to someone in your life. Maybe the dream warns about upcoming divorce or break up with someone you like.

The dream in which you are looking at the clock may mean that you are afraid of oversleeping your morning. You are afraid of getting up too late. Perhaps you have too much stress. Please also see the meaning of alarm clock.

When you are dreaming about some deed that you have signed, then it means there is an important thing in your life you are getting ready to start doing.

…To dream of drawing a prize in the lottery, is a sign of poverty and misery: if you dream that you bought a lottery ticket with a majority of odd numbers on it, you may perchance be successful with those numbers, but even numbers are worthless in dreams. To dream of getting prizes in any way is a bad omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11, 44….

To play the video game, denotes to your capability of getting what you want from those you are surrounded by. Perhaps you know how to manipulate people, therefore you are able to get what you want. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something you are trying to avoid. Perhaps there are some issues that have not been dealt of. If you were the one who is in the video game and somebody else is controlling you, then it shows you inability to stand for yourself.

Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.

Getting into disgrace, vexation, having trouble with employers. 78.

Getting into servitude. 245.

Getting into bad reputation.

…(med. Gastrointestinal disease | Inflammation) Suffering from colitis in a dream means feeling malaise, languid or indisposed with one’s own family, children or relations, or it could mean being niggardly toward one’s own family and consequently suffering from a just retribution. As for a woman, suffering from colitis in a dream means getting pregnant or befriending evil people, or it could mean hearing harsh words….

Getting into quarrels, being forced to wrath, misfortune. 359.

The one who saw violets in a dream is getting married or happiness at the relationships he is at the moment.

Death of a friend or relative, being pursued by enemies, getting into danger. 90.

If you were walking or saw a sideways, then the dream offers you to make a plan and be more directed while getting to your destination.

The fountain in dreams is known as the symbol of joy, happiness, new activities and childishness. There is also a possibility that you are getting into new relationship. If the fountain doesn’t work or is completely dry, then the dream shows the reality you have faced after great and joyful time that you have had.

…Dreaming of yourself as a mountaineering or alpinist that’s climbing difficult slopes, and that reaches the mountain top in the end, means that you’re fully capable of getting through any obstacle and that you’ll achieve success soon; nevertheless, if the top is not reached in the dream, the meaning could be the contrary. Dreaming of yourself climbing a stepladder until you get to the top indicates success in the businesses you’re handling. But if for any reason you don’t manage to get to the top, or if the ladder breaks, this indicates the opposite and risks will be higher. When you are dreaming that you fall as you’re climbing, the setbacks and failures in your life will be as big as the fall. Seeing yourself climbing during a dream is a sign of your own will to find the right solutions to the tasks that must be completed. The…

…Dreaming of some kind of seal, other than a postage stamp, is usually an announcement that certain affairs you’re handling will have the success you expect. Dreaming of postage stamps is a sign that the dreamer’s life is governed by order, discipline and that everything for him is systematic; therefore is likely that the dreamer successes in his endeavors. Dreaming of using expired stamps and is a sign that indicates that you’re trying to commit fraud. Dreaming of getting stamps is a sign that indicates you’ll get some profits that will improve your life or you’ll be congratulated for something….

If the dreamer sees him/herself having a tattoo or is getting one, this is a sign of their own vanity in most cases. It’s a sign that you have the clear desire to impress and seduce.

Getting into dispute and law-suits. 7.

Getting up after a fall expresses your determination to continue actions you have started.

Symbolizes the most impure and obnoxious aspects of our personality or the circumstances in which we live in. If we are walking through the mud and we feel much fear of getting dirty, the dream is showing us our fear of demonstrate those parts of ourselves we do not accept for their pettiness.

The passport in dreams indicates your identity. If you have lost your passport it means that you are no longer feeling yourself. You feel that you are getting yourself into some unpleasant circumstances.

(Sentinel | Watchmen) A patrol in a dream represents a warning to the person seeing it. Fleeing from a patrol of soldiers, then getting caught and interrogated by them, and if one is released thereafter in the dream, it means that he will repent for his shortcomings.

…a person and assisting him to lay hands on his rivals. The crosier represents the human heart and the staff represents man’s tongue. Thus, playing with a scepter in a dream means playing at will. Whatever may affect a scepter in a dream can be interpreted as affecting one’s son or his tongue. If one sees himself hitting a small ball with a septer, or playing with a ball in his dream, it represents a dispute with his wife, or a fight with a hypocritical person. A scepter in a dream also indicates the presence of jinn spirits, wars, devastations, or it could represent past benefits. Hitting someone with a scepter in dream means getting what one desires from him, but through crooked ways. If one sees his governor or his boss carrying a scepter in dream, it means that he will be appointed to head an important project….

Getting into danger, losing a friend or acquaintance. 70.

Getting into danger; so be very careful where you go.

…Snoring in his dream means getting hold of one’s enemy or exposing him, or it could mean enjoying peace and comfort, or dispelling one’s fear. Seeing someone else snoring in a dream means that he is a heedless person….