…(Case | bag) In a dream, a quiver represents a good wife, a trustworthy companion, or one’s confidant. If one draws arrows from his quiver in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. Buying a quiver in a dream means getting married. Receiving a quiver as a gift in a dream denotes a political appointment….

Getting into better circumstances.

…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…

Seeing a wrinkle in your dream represents your feelings of getting older or wiser. It also represents the things that you have learned from your previous experiences.

…To dream that you’re wearing gloves suggests that you must be cautious, mainly how you manage your money. This is a warning so you can prevent legal problems. To dream that you’re using a pair of dirty and torn gloves warns you to take precautions, as you may experience different losses; you could even loose some valuable objects. To dream that you’ve lost your gloves indicates that you should not rely on others assistance; you should plan to solve your problems by yourself. To dream that you find gloves indicates a probability of getting married or a new business. When a man dreams that he’s holding a woman’s glove in his hand, it indicates that a woman will try to dominate and blackmail him. To dream that you’re pulling off a glove suggests that your businesses will experience problems and if you don’t address them properly they’ll worsen….

Getting into embarrassment.

One’s wishes not getting realized. 5….

…(Couturier | Marriage) A tailor in a dream represents unity, a peacemaker, a scribe, a secretary, or an officiant who conducts the marriage ceremony and witnesses the signing agreement. A tailor in a dream also represents someone who regrets his wrongdoing, or amends his conduct for the better. To become a tailor and sew one’s own garments in a dream means struggling to build one’s livelihood. If one sees himself unable to do a good sewingjob in a dream, it means that he is trying to bring opposites together but to no avail. Sewing a robe for a woman in a dream means that he will be afflicted with a major trial. If one sees himself as a tailor or altering garments in a dream, it means prosperity, setting up a business venture, getting married, having a progeny, or putting things where they belong. A tailor in a dream…

…In a dream, a rabbit represents a coward man, a wife, an evil woman, or someone who talks continuously about unimportant matters. Eating rabbit meat in a dream means getting little money, or profiting from a woman. A rabbit’s foot in a dream represents superstition or a talisman….

To dream that you have an abscess and is growing means that you’ll get something you have been longing for a lot of time, but you’ll have to overcome some obstacles before getting it. If you dream that you’re starting to get an abscess, it means that you’ll face some difficulties.

The dream in which you see your own skin, denotes to the protection you have against the others. You are the person who does not let others too close, both physically and mentally. The dream could also show that you are in intensive care of yourself and the way you present yourself to others. The skin that is unhealthy or have rashes on it, shows the fear of getting old or losing the protection you already have. The dream may also identify the careless decision you are making.

Getting into bad company.

If you see yourself throwing darts in a dream, then it means you should reconsider what you are saying to others, because you will be responsible for your own words. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the tasks you have made for yourself and started getting it.

Getting into good circumstances. 122.

Seeing or getting money, joy, marriage and station. To dream of great heaps shows losses and sorrow. To find money (not gold) bad luck tomorrow.

…In a dream, jasmine denotes happiness, blessings and benefits. It also represents religious scholars and spiritual teachers. If one sees heavenly angels descending from the heavens to pick jasmine flowers in a dream, it means the death of scholars. Jasmine in a dream also means despair, or making a false oath. It also could mean dispelling anxieties, distress and adversities. As for a bachelor, jasmine in a dream means getting married. Seeing a jasmine flower in one’s hand in a dream also means recovering from a chest cold or a fever….

…Dreaming that you are getting fat, denotes that you are about to make a fortunate change in your life. To see others fat, signifies prosperity. See Corpulent….

When you are baking muffins in your dream, then such dream indicates how much you are working in pursuance of getting the great results. If you were eating muffins in a dream, then such dream shows the luxurious and extravagant flavors in life.

Depending on the dreamer’s religion and beliefs, this dream is usually a good sign and announces that you’re getting some benefits, but they won’t necessarily improve your economy. This dream is usually an indicator that you have the necessary conditions to smoothly run your life in good way and also warns you that you shouldn’t deviate from the current path you’re following, since it’s the correct one; if you follow this path your life will be filled with peace and you’ll be free of concerns. This dream’s meaning can vary widely depending on the saint you dream of and the conditions and circumstances in which the saint appears.

Getting free from suspicion.

Good connections, getting rich. 264.

If you dream of getting into some kind of accident, then you will have to deal with unexpected problems.

Getting satisfaction, happiness in life.

The hair are the symbol of your mind, femininity and thoughts. The hair that are grey signifies knowledge. The dream in which you find the hair signifies the unexpected things you will find out. If you are combing your hair, then such dream indicates some journey you will have to take. The longer the hair, the longer the journey. If you see yourself getting bold, then such dream foretells about the things you wish to get rid of, or you are afraid of losing yourself, because many people need your attention. If the woman dreams of two different colors of her hair where one part of it is dark and another bright, then she will have to choose something between two.

…To dream that you’re wearing a mask suggests temporary problems as a result of some misunderstanding and misinterpretation of your actions. On the other hand, it indicates that you want to hide your true self. To see other people using a mask in a dream means that you’re going to fight against deception, deceit and jealousy. To see other people getting unmasked in a dream symbolizes lack of respect….

Getting engaged with a known person announces joy and happiness. With an unknown person symbolizes disorder, threat of danger.

…(Covenant | Husband | Qur’an | Wisdom) A pearl necklace in a dream represents woman’s beauty and ornaments. A pearl necklace, or a necklace made of corals in a dream also means piety, fear of wrongdoing, or an expression of reverence before God Almighty. All of that is subject to the value, beauty and clarity of the necklace, or the number of gems it holds. As for a woman, a pearl necklace in a dream represents her husband, or her young son. If a man sees himself wearing a pearl necklace in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of knowledge, spiritual understanding and wisdom. It could also mean fulfilling a covenant, making a promise, or getting married. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will give birth to a son who will grow to be a wise person, a man of knowledge, or a…

Getting into suspicion.

…Dreaming of a raft or canoe, or dreaming of navigating, indicates the probability of starting a new business or something new and attractive, but since it will be unknown for the dreamer, he could put himself at risk. Dreaming of sailing in raft or canoe and happily getting to your destiny suggests that, even though you’ll face a lot of obstacles, you will come up triumphant at the end. Dreaming of being in broken and useless boat is warning so you should stop acting in the way you have been acting, because your attitude will lead you to failure….

Bad news, getting into a quarrel.

Getting into difficulties. 78.

…Dreaming of being in a bank without tellers is a sign that your own businesses are not going well. Dreaming of a closed bank is a symbol of diseases, particularly in the nervous system; it also indicates that you have been neglecting your health, being careless with money, and in some cases loss of money or problems to recover it. Simply dreaming of being a spectator in a bank is a recommendation to take precautions about the business you make. It also indicates that there isn’t a complete control of your health or anxiety. Dreaming of being in a bank when employees are delivering gold coins is a symbol of carelessness; however, if they are getting them, it’s a sign of success in business. Dreaming of being in a bank where large amounts of silver coins are visible indicates that, in the immediate future you’ll be successful in your…

Dreaming about a boiler or any vessel where a lot of steam is produced indicates that the dreamer must work hard before getting the success that is desired. Dreaming of broken and useless boilers or pots announces upcoming failures.

Getting released from great troubles.

To dream that you are undressing means that you will have some fights with your loved one, because of your shocking conduct. To see another person getting undress means that this dream will bring you bad fortune. Probably you will fail. If someone is undressing because of you, you will suffer for your scandalous behaviour.

…To dream that you are sick indicates concern for your health and reveals emotional problems. If the patient is your father there is the possibility of getting sick in the head. If it’s the mother, the stomach. A son/daughter, the heart. A brother/sister, arms or legs….

…(Clay | Hod) In a dream, a mortar carrier represents a person who veils people’s ills and hides scandals. To see oneself as a mason in a dream means getting involved in a good project and seeking to do a good deed. Seeing a mason using mortar or hod in a dream means becoming strict, giving oneself hard time, or toiling hard to serve others. Seeing a mortar carrier in a dream also means distress, misfortune, or hardships….

…the crush is very normal, because your feelings are the same while you are sleeping. The dream, in which someone has rejected you and you had a crush on this person, shows your fear of being neglected. If there is someone in your dream that has a crush on you, then it shows how much you appreciate yourself and trust your own power. The present crush in your waking life indicates what kind of relationships you have in your daily life. If your crush doesn’t have the same feelings you have towards him, then it shows your worries and anxieties about that certain person. Perhaps you do not feel that you have deserved to be either this person or simply are not worth him. Maybe the unconscious mind is protecting you by getting ready to be rejected. The dream could also suggest you to become more trustful in yourself….

Getting into quarrels.

…To dream that some people have shipwrecked, but the dreamer can help, hints that the dreamer will soon have to help someone who is in disgrace, and that these people are losing faith in one’s ability to correct errors. Dreaming of leaving a sinking ship and trying to reach land by swimming, suggests a serious confusion in the dreamer’s concerning matters, which involves risks, but if in the dream you fail to reach solid ground, it indicates that even if there are difficulties in your business, romantic life, or relationships, you will soon solve them satisfactorily. Dreaming that other people talk about two boats crashing or a shipwreck, suggests that your issues are bad because you neglected them, and perhaps because of the intervention of women (when the dreamer is a man) or men (in the case of women). Dreaming of dying in a boat that is anchored in the…