If you were dreaming of playing a banjo it represents joy and happiness you will receive from your friends, family and the ones you love. If you saw the others playing banjo it denotes of an escapade. Alternatively, very soon you will meet somebody you realy like and this will turn into very beautiful love story. Prepare yourself for amazing love journey, as it will bring joy and happiness for both of you.

Dreaming that the person you love is beautiful, although in reality he or she is not, indicates true and lasting love. Dreaming of beauty is always good and indicates spiritual and mental tranquility and, therefore, peace and harmony with others. If a woman dreams of beautiful children, it indicates that she is able to provide with genuine, sincere and honest love, which is reciprocated. Dreaming of beautiful things, no matter what it be (flowers, meadows, buildings, artworks) insinuates that many people appreciate you.

Hesitations in the love field or innocence, platonic love, and desires of romantic situations. White daisies are interpreted by some authors as a promise of love.

Dreaming of sleeping in a comfortable and clean bed indicates internal peace in the dreamer and love in those around you. Dreaming of sleeping uncomfortably indicates probable illness or difficult situations of various kinds, for example at work, in business, in love relationships, etc. Dreaming of others sleeping peacefully announces that the dreamer’s own affairs or businesses will march unhindered. Dreaming of sleeping next to an unpleasant person, or any annoying object or animal is a warning of possible dangerous rivals, either in love, in business or social affairs.

…Dreaming of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love. To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements. To sleep beside a little child, betokens domestic joys and reciprocated love. To see others sleeping, you will overcome all opposition in your pursuit for woman’s favor. Dreaming of sleeping with a repulsive person or object, warns you that your love will wane before that of your sweetheart, and you will suffer for your escapades. For a young woman Dreaming of sleeping with her lover or some fascinating object, warns her against yielding herself a willing victim to his charms….

…(See Thick.) For a girl to dream of baking pancake is a sign that some gentleman is in love with her; and if a married, woman has such a dream, she may be sure that some man, other than her husband, admires her; to dream of eating pancakes, foretells falling in love, to either sex; and if you relish them, you will be successful in your love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36….

…If the birdcage or aviary has any bird in it that means a good omen, in general regarding love or friendships. If it’s empty it’s an omen of sorrows about love or lack of love….

…Finding money in a dream means that soon you’ll receive very pleasant news related to your economic situation. Finding money also indicates the pursuit of love or power. Counting money indicates profit and luck. See others have money means you have big material losses. Lose money in a dream means serious disease or death. It may also mean temporary unhappiness at home and some setbacks in your affairs. You may feel weak, vulnerable and out of control in your daily life. Making money in a dream symbolizes success and prosperity. It can also mean your attitudes about love and the heart. It is often a symbol of sexuality and energy. To dream that you give money to someone else means you’re looking for love, or feel that your partner does not pay enough attention to you. Dream that you have no money denotes that you have a fear of…

…It is a symbol of spirituality and power of sublimation. Also, dove is a symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity. Associated with the olive branch symbolizes peace, harmony, hope and newfound happiness, and if it is white dove add candor and purity. If we see a couple of dove’s chicks its symbolism is amorous. If we see doves are flying in the dream, this brings us news of a loved one. If they are perched before us that means this news will be as expected. If we try to pick it up and the dove flees before we get to touch it it’s an omen of a love that will not get to enjoy….

…in white represents nearby unsatisfactory changes that may even be harmful and all related to health. Dreaming of oneself dressed in a ridiculously unfashionable way suggests that the dreamer is reluctant to accept modern ideas and customs, i.e., is very conservative. Dreaming of oneself in a fashionable way is a very good sign, as it means good friendships, advantageous situations, healthy and corresponded love, successful businesses, etc. Dreaming of oneself buying or using new clothes in a good way, that is a suit or dress, means upcoming changes in the dreamer’s life. When the clothes’ color is black or dark gray it means unfavorable changes (sadness, poverty, disappointments, etc.). When it has one or more colors, especially bright green, it means joys and successes, especially social ones. Blue clothing means a change towards a more spiritual or intellectual state, the dreamer is always seeking a higher levels. Red means energy,…

(Abstinence | Asceticism) To see oneself living an ascetic life in a dream means that one is earnestly seeking to show kindness and love for people and to earn their love. (Also see Perfume salesman)

…Dreaming of a torquoise,{sic} foretells you are soon to realize some desire which will greatly please your relatives. For a woman to have one stolen, foretells she will meet with crosses in love. If she comes by it dishonestly, she must suffer for yielding to hasty susceptibility in love….

To dream about your own parents represents different explanations about different people. The parents could indicate your love you have toward them. Maybe you have some problems that are not been resolved between you and them. The parents could also denote to your childhood, affection that you are missing as an adult and love that one gives to you.

…Passion is usually a mental condition that’s more or less temporary, but it makes the person that’s being affected into suffering from depression or in being very aggressive. Consequently, dreaming of being passionate is always a reflection of what’s happening in real life. Dreaming of being intensely passionate about something indicates that the dreamer is suffering from sudden changes that are making the dreamer go from happiness and optimism to depression and even anger, perhaps due to indifferent, uncontrollable, dubious and contradictory situations, for example, in love, business, politics, etc. Dreaming of having high hopes in love that turn very passionate, suggests that in some cases that the loved one is passionate and unreflective, not in a loving or sexual way, but ideologically, in sports, business, politics, anything that’s capable of producing successes or failures as a result of outbursts of passion which even though they might be temporary,…

…Dreaming that you have a guitar, or is playing one in a dream, signifies a merry gathering and serious love making. For a young woman to think it is unstrung or broken, foretells that disappointments in love are sure to overtake her. Upon hearing the weird music of a guitar, the dreamer should fortify herself against flattery and soft persuasion, for she is in danger of being tempted by a fascinating evil. If the dreamer be a man, he will be courted, and will be likely to lose his judgment under the wiles of seductive women. If you play on a guitar, your family affairs will be harmonious….

If a young woman dreams of sticking buttons to a military uniform, it reveals that she craves for love, but she’s thinking of a charming prince. When a young man dreams of sticking buttons to a military uniform, it reveals that he aspires to join the military and become a hero to receive honors. If married adult dreams of sticking buttons to clothes, it implies that there is love and peace in home. Dreaming of gold and silver buttons indicates that your actions are driven by pretention and you waste both time and money. Dreaming that you lose one of your buttons indicates that you have lots of probably unjustified anxiety. Dreaming of handling old faulty buttons indicates poor health and various problems, including economic problems.

…If you dreamed about sex, then such dream may have many different explanations depending on the various contexts of the dream. To dream that you were having sex, could show the actual lack of sex in your life. Maybe partner you have do not pay enough attention to you, especially the sexual one. The sex is also the symbol of fertility, new life and new opportunities. Maybe you are willing to start a family life therefore the regular sex is inseparable part of it. The sex in a dream could also show the massive impact the media does to you such as magazines, internet, television and others where the sexuality plays a huge role. If you had a sex with your partner in a dream, then it shows the strong bond between you two. To have sex with your ex denotes to the lack of sex in your waking…

…If a young woman dreams that she’s being flattered by one or more men, it symbolizes her own vanity and desire to find a sincere man, perhaps because the men that she has previously known have somewhat disappointed her. When a man dreams that he is wooing women, it suggests that he isn’t a planted firm person, and also that he is insincere in his love matters and many other aspects of his life, and that is the main reason why he in unlucky in love and in his businesses….

…could represent anger, frustration, love, losses, passion and sexuality. The dream could show that the past is no longer important, because the present is promising something exciting and new. Perhaps you’re thinking and overall the understanding about life and it values changing. If the fire has got out of control, then such dream shows that you have lost the control of your own life or some aspect of it. If you see your house that is on fire, then such dream indicates the changes in your life that you are not ready to face. On the other hand, the house that is on fire could symbolize the love and affection you are spreading towards the others. The other good meaning of the dream foretells that you will overcome the badness in your life and will reach the victory, but only if you were the one who put the fire….

…also represents someone who conceals his acts, or hides his true face. He also could represent alcoholism, falling in love, marriage, or having children. Some of the painter’s works are beneficial while others are harmful. All depending on the quality of his work, its objectives, balance, resemblance to the object painted and authenticity. The characteristics of such a person in the dream may be that of a hypocrite in wakefulness, or an ostentatious person, a toadying person, a hypocrite, a panegyrist, or a lauding person, though he mostly looks as a good, sincere and a hard working person. The value of his paintings varies depending on the subject treated. A painter in a dream also represents a person who loves flattery, self-adulation, an eloquently speaking person, a liar, one who fails his promises, or he could represent strength and authority. (Also see Architect | Artist | Paintings | Weaver)…

…(Canopy | Furniture | Love seat) A raised couch in a dream represents one’s wife, midwife or a high ranking position. If it is made of wood in the dream, it indicates respectability, and if it is not upholstered in the dream, it means lowness or inferiority. A fabric stuffed couch in a dream signifies honor, welfare, promotion, good words, new clothing, love, affection and unity. (Also see Bed | Mattress)…

…Dreaming of engaging in combat, you will find yourself seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love of some one whom you know to be another’s, and you will run great risks of losing your good reputation in business. It denotes struggles to keep on firm ground. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing combatants, signifies that she will have choice between lovers, both of whom love her and would face death for her….

…Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making. If you climb one, you will overcome enemies who are working to injure you. To decend{sic} a rope, brings disappointment to your most sanguine moments. If you are tied with them, you are likely to yield to love contrary to your judgment. To break them, signifies your ability to overcome enmity and competition. To tie ropes, or horses, denotes that you will have power to control others as you may wish. To walk a rope, signifies that you will engage in some hazardous speculation, but will surprisingly succeed. To see others walking a rope, you will benefit by the fortunate ventures of others. To jump a rope, foretells that you will startle your associates with a thrilling escapade bordering upon the sensational. To jump rope with children, shows that you are selfish and overbearing | failing…

The swans are seen as the good symbol of youth, love and grace. The one who dreamed of swans will have honorable future fulfilled with love and other positive feelings.

…(Clothing | Food | Words) If a rich person sees himself either wearing coarse clothing, eating coarse food or speaking harsh words in a dream, it means that he will experience severe changes in his life and that will perhaps affect much of his savings. Should one feel more comfortable about such changes in the dream, or if he prefers them over his usual comforts, it becomes a sign of his humility, contentment, gratitude and the correctness of his way of thinking. Should he feel uncomfortable about such changes in the dream, it means that he will become subject to God’s wrath. Exchanging coarse words in a dream means aversion between people who actually love one another….

…Dreaming of eloping is unfavorable. To the married, it denotes that you hold places which you are unworthy to fill, and if your ways are not rectified your reputation will be at stake. To the unmarried, it foretells disappointments in love and the unfaithfulness of men. Dreaming that your lover has eloped with some one else, denotes his or her unfaithfulness. Dreaming of your friend eloping with one whom you do not approve, denotes that you will soon hear of them contracting a disagreeable marriage….

…(Hitching | Jerking | Lameness) Limping in a dream means becoming incapacitated, or being unable to conclude a project one is pursuing. Limping in a dream also means acquiring knowledge, understanding one’s religion, or growing in wisdom. Limping in a dream also means travels. If the limping is caused by one’s right leg in the dream, it could mean that an illness will inflict one’s son, If the limping has affected the left legin the dream, it could mean that one’s daughter will be engaged. If one has no children, or if he has no plans to travel, then limping in a dream means a warning to set back, slow down and to be careful about his next move. If one’s leg is dislocated in a dream, it means that his wife may get sick. Limping in a dream also means longevity, knowledge and religious understanding. Seeing a woman…

…(Shake | Shiver | Tremor) Seeing one’s head trembling in a dream means gaining honor and rising in station. If one’s right hand trembles or shakes in a dream, it means difficulties in earning his livelihood. If one’s right leg trembles in a dream, it means profits from one’s family or clan. If one’s left leg trembles in a dream, it means business losses. The same applies to the trembling or the shocking of any part of one’s body. (See Body 1 | Tremor)…

…man who comforts the broken hearts, a just judge, a great scholar, a shoe repairman, or a tailor. If one sees himself standing before an orthopedist in a dream because of a broken bone or another fracture and then complains about an abscess in his neck, and if the orthopedist opens that abscess with pliers to drain the puss in the dream, then it represents a debt one has to repay, or a votive offering one has to fulfill, or it could mean giving a testimony in court, or accepting the ruling of a scholar. If an orthopedist sets one’s broken right arm and ties it to his neck in a dream, it means that someone will oblige him to do him a personal favor and consequently deprive him from attending other duties, or restrain him from serving other charities. The same interpretation is given for a broken leg….

…Falling in a dream means despair or disappointment, or it could mean a mistake that cannot be covered. Falling in a dream also means changing conditions from good to bad, or a marriage failure and changing of spouse. It also means changing profession, country or religion. Falling in a dram also projects the reverse effects and produces positive results if what one falls over is pasture, or if he falls upon a good community or to join a banquet or the like effects, then it may have a positive meaning. On the other hand, falling into the hand of a bad company, or into a beast’s den, etcetera, means evil consequences, or it could mean stinginess. If one sees himself falling down from the roof of his house, and if he breaks an arm or a leg in the dream, then it reflects a psychological distress, adverse financial conditions,…

…for the town — for the theatre! Cannot we go there tonight?” ” Tonight!” I ejaculated; “say rather tomorrow!””No! Tonight” she answered, with a pout of her pretty lips;” you always try to disappoint me but I will have my way this time, you shall see! I will summon the horses!” She clapped her tiny, bejewelled hands together as she spoke. There was a loud clatter of hoofs, and the next instant two silver-grey, fiery-eyed horses trotted in at the front gates and galloped across the lawn. “Come!” she cried, seizing me by the arm, “let us be off at once!” Yielding to her wishes, I followed her out of the house and on to the lawn, where the steeds stood impatiently pawing the ground. Leaping nimbly on to one of them, she looked down at me with an artful smile on her bewitching lips, and crying out: “Through the…

They symbolize action, friendship and strength. Strong arms show that we will always be expected. If they are weak, they will welcome us the same but it will be fake. Seeing us armless is a symbol of an approaching ruin. If an arm is missing, it is a sign of a disease. If we break an arm or see it slimmest, it means illness or hardship. If they are longer or robust than in reality, we will reach success and wealth.

…To dream that a man’s feet are cut off, betokens damage. Dreaming one hath a wooden leg, implies the alteration of your condition from good to bad, and from bad to worse….

…Dreaming that a man’s feet are cut off, is a sign of damage. Dreaming one hath a wooden leg, implies alteration of your condition, from good to bad. Dreaming you walk when your feet are sore is a token of fasting….

…Dreaming that a man’s feet are cut off, is a sign of damage. Dreaming one hath a wooden leg, implies alteration of your condition, from good to bad. Dreaming you walk when your feet are sore is a token of fastening….

…gunwale of the ship, the steamer hooted, the captain hurled him brutally off, and he saw the berth give way, the baby fall, and his wife’s head squash like an egg. Then, swearing and screaming, he tumbled backwards, and was precipitated into the drawing-room of his own house, where he found his wife carrying on a desperate flirtation with the one man he detested more than anyone else. The villain had his arm round her waist and was smothering her with kisses, which she returned every now and then with the greatest effusion; and goodness alone knows what might have happened, had not Doctor Eastlake, with shouts of wrath, leaped in through the window and cut off the heads of his wife and her lover with one sweep of his razor. But, to his horror, the man and woman he had killed, far from being the people he imagined them…

…(Arm | Member) Limbs in a dream represent one’s family. Seeing oneself dismembered in a dream means the dispersal of his family, or that he will cut off his blood ties, or it could mean undertaking a long journey and separating from one’s family for a long time. (Also see Body 1 | Tooth)…

…consolation, if in debt, payment of his indebtedness, if elevated to dignities, continuation in advancement. As a general thing this dream replaces fears and cares into joy, and a merited confidence of people in their subordinates. Dream of being beheaded by an acquaintance, then it signifies attendance in his pleasures, success, or dignities. For a child, if the dreamer is ill, the dream shows that he will be in good health soon. If the head is only half cut off, the effect of the dream will be in proportion. Dream of being beheaded by terrorists, predicts the loss of ideas, or thoughts and the dreamer should also beware of the people he doesn’t know well. If someone is beheaded in accordance with a decision of a court or justice, the consequences will be met sooner or later. You should pay more attention to legal things you are dealing with….

Dreaming you cut your fingers, or see them cut by another, betokens damage. To dream you lose some or all of your fingers, implies either the hurt or loss of servants. To scriveners, orators, and attorneys, it is a sign they shall want employment; to debtors, that they shall pay more than they owe; to usurers, loss by interest.

…suggest that your plans, intentions or projects will fail. If there’s broken glass in the dream, it almost always means that we’ll receive sad news. Dreaming about receiving cut glass objects shows the upcoming success, and in some cases the honor if you’re involved in artistic activities. Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to failure. Dreaming of looking through a glass at people who are working suggest that you’ll get the job or business you were seeking, but if the glass seems dull, dirty, etc., your chances will decrease. Dreaming of handling flat glass, like stained glass, suggest that you’re involved in possibly unlawful affairs or businesses with a risk of loss. If in the dream the glass breaks, then it’s a warning for short-term losses. Dreaming of oneself talking to someone through a glass, indicates serious impediments in order to achieve short-term goals….