…from distress. The broken chips of a glass bottle in a dream represent money. A urine testing tube in a dream represents a prostitute. Thus, if one sees himself urinating inside such a tube in his dream, he should beware not to commit adultery. A bottle of wine in a dream represents a housekeeper who is hesitant about carrying money on her. A bottle of wine in a dream represents a pregnant woman who could suffer from hemorrhaging though she will deliver her child safely. Glass bottles of different colors and sizes in a dream represent people of different nationalities. A glass bottle in a dream also could mean exposing people’s secret life or slandering disloyal people. If a glass bottle falls and breaks inside one’s house in a dream, it means avoiding corruption or escaping from temptation that could take place inside such a house. (Also see Bottle)…
Dream dictionary: 03241431741want saf dream meanings
…(Benediction | Grace | Light) In a dream, blessings represent one’s life, hearing, sight, good health, wealth, good qualities, contentment, gratitude, faith, guidance, submission to God Almighty, obedience to one’s parents, having obedient children, having a husband or a wife, children, lineage, friends, love, compassion, happiness, comfort, endowments, attainments, success, provi- sions, knowledge, wisdom, balance, intelligence, clarity, truthfulness, work, strength, peace in the land, safety, protection, a just ruler, rain or they could mean a good crop, etcetera. (Also see Enemy | Introduction page xxvi.)…
Just as in real life, ceilings symbolize protection in dreams, not just for possessions and wealth, but for the safety of your family and home. A ceiling in good condition means that youll manage affairs under favorable circumstances, and it forecasts tranquility in family matters. A ceiling in poor condition, or that is crumbling, is an omen for a serious decease, a passing in the family, or the loss of a loved one.
…To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort, or penury and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and full of shining ware, or empty and dirty. See Safe….
To dream of pigeons flying, is hasty news of a happy nature, and constancy in lovers, but that your sweetheart will be absent for a long time on a journey, but will safely return. If your lover is at sea, they denote that he has a pleasant voyage.
If we are actors in a dream, it indicates that we will handle actively to succeed in an ongoing business, whether working or loving. However, if the dream is repeated in more than one night in a short period of time, it means that we cannot solve some of the problems that overwhelm us. When, on the contrary, we see the work of actors and actresses, it presages a simple game of pleasure, frivolous distractions with friends who are not as safe nor as reliable as we would like, and even perhaps, that take advantage of us under the disguise of friendship. We must not forget that real life is like a play, sometimes its funny, sometimes is tragic, and that basically this dream tells us that sometimes we pretend to get what we want, and that sometimes pretenders are others.
Deceitful tranquility. To sleep with a man of repulsive ugliness, indicates minor sickness, displeasure. If sleep with a handsome man, means great profit, joy, happiness, pleasure achievements. With a woman who is displeasing to the dreamer, minor sickness of his wife or mother. With a handsome and agreeable woman, indicates joy, happiness and pleasure things. With a woman of bad reputation means safety. For a husband to sleep with his wife when she is in reality absent, implies unpleasant news, speedy mourning. If the dreamer is the wife, then it signifies friendship, joy profit. For a mother to dream of sleeping with her daughter, indicates consolation, or rather compulsory resignation.
(Safety pin) In a dream, a pin represents miseries and wretchedness. If the pin does not have a head in the dream, then it represents someone who offers invaluable services for a small compensation, or it could mean starting a married life with little furnishings. A pin in a dream also represents a renowned brother, or a companion who defends his friend. (Also see Peg | Skewer)
…righteousness of its people. Seeing ancient edifices or ruins inhabited again in a dream represents people’s repentance from sin. A village in a dream also could signify injustice, innovations, corruption, disregarding the divine laws, or discarding the moral standards set by the community. A village in a dream also could represent ants’ underground nest or colony, while an anthill in a dream represents a village. If a village is completely destroyed by fire, or floods, or freezing temperature, or by locusts, or plagues in one’s dream, it means suffering under the oppression of an unjust ruler or a tyrant, or it could mean destroying an anthill. Moving from a village into a city in a dream means leaving one’s toiling and hardships behind him. Moving from a city into a village means the opposite, and signifies leaving comfort and safety to meet with discomfort and fear. (Also see City)…
…that such a place will be established as a spiritual center or as a mosque. Such a place will also become a center where spiritual leaders and governors will gather and speak. If love songs of light nature are played during such a gathering in a dream, it means that falsehood will overtake such a place. If one sees himself sitting in the center stage, in the middle of learned people and religious scholars in a dream, it means that he will receive a greater knowledge and honor in his life. A gathering that involves a court case, or a marriage in a dream represents an unknown adversity that will safely pass. Admonishing people in a public gathering in a dream means that one’s command will be obeyed. Sitting in the center stage in a spiritual gathering in a dream represents one’s station or rank, or it could represent one’s…
Safety, fame, fortune.
Getting out of all danger, safety.
…Collecting taxes in a dream means compelling someone or forcing him to pay due alms, or it could mean coercing someone to live with him. If one sees himself as a tax collector in a dream, it means that he will earn respect, or that he will be forced to ask everyone for permission regarding everything he does. A tax collector in a dream also means paying one’s debts, or he could represent a policeman, an emissary, a treasurer, or a safe….
…Dreaming that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing fish, portends that she will have a handsome and talented lover. Dreaming of catching a catfish, denotes that you will be embarrassed by evil designs of enemies, but your luck and presence of mind will tide you safely over the trouble. To wade in water, catching fish, denotes that you will possess wealth acquired by your own ability and enterprise. Dreaming of fishing, denotes energy and economy | but if you do not succeed in catching any, your efforts to obtain honors and wealth will be futile. Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments….
…If you dream of something that is absorbed in things that you are doing, it means that you are too much concentrated on your own stuff, ignoring people around you and not paying attention to them. Make sure, if you are not egoistic person and care about the others who are around you. Dreaming about absorption could also have the interpretation of the insecurity. Maybe you not accepting the situation you’re in, or not feeling safe and comfortable in your own skin….
…peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion. Eating something that is given by Malik in a dream also means abstinence and repentance from sin, or it could mean submitting to guidance after having gone astray. If one sees the archangel Malik walking toward him in a dream, it means peace and safety from hell-fire. It also means salvation and restoration of one’s faith. However, if he sees the archangel Malik walking away from him and showing displeasure in the dream, it means that one will commit an act that will deliver him into the blaze of hell-fire. (Also see Hell-fire)…
…(Day of Reckoning | Doomsday | Resurrection) Seeing the reckoning of a deceased person in a dream denotes his sufferings in the hereafter. If a traveller is asked to account for his travel expenses, and if he is treated with kindness during the reading of his report in the dream, it means profits from his journey and a safe return to his homeland. If one reckons himself in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one is brought for judgment on the day of reckoning, and if his questioning is made easy in the dream, it means that God has blessed him to marry a pious wife who has love and compassion for him, and who cares about his interests. If his questioning is strict and detailed in the dream, it means that he will incur losses. If a person sees himself questioned, probed…
When you dream of seeing yourself lying in the bed, then such dream represents great luck especially if you are outside of the house. If you lying in the bed with some unknown person, then it shows infidelity or your feelings of loss. If you see your own bed, then it is an omen of the safety, but if the bed is unseen to you, then it represents your fears and apprehensions. If you are tiding up the bed, then it shows you like to be in control and feel better when things are organized.
It symbolizes safety if the beam is strong and insecurity if it is weak.
Safety against attacks of enemies. 340.
A coming disruptions. To carry one, safety. To break one, vain fatigue.
…Both in awaken life and in dreams beams are a symbol of support, therefore it usually means safety when it’s strong and powerful, otherwise it means insecurity and fear….
To dream of keys is favourable to a person in trade and, to a sailor, it shows that he will return in safety, but, if he dream that they are lost, he may be lost in his turn. To dream of finding a key, denotes an addition to your property, it may be a legacy. If married, it foretells the birth of a child, if a ribbon is attached to it, you may expect a girl.
…Lions in dreams portend marriages; success of all kinds, viz.: in love, work, and sport; and unexpected journeys.Prior to a voyage to the West Indies, planned on the spur of the moment, a lady once told me she dreamed she was crossing the road opposite the house when, on glancing up, she perceived, to her terror, the face of a lion glaring down at her from the nursery window. In an agony of fear for her children’s safety, she turned to seek the aid of a man with a gun, when, with a tremendous roar, the Hon leaped down and dashed after her a proceeding which awoke her.I recollect, too, dreaming I was eaten by a lion, shortly before I made up my mind to go to Oregon, in the summer of 1894….
Are a sign of frugal plenty with content. To see them hop from rock to rock and reach the vale in safety, shows the dreamer wants energy, and should skip and hop and make his humble dwelling comfortable.
…To dream of a bird’s nest means safety, protection and comfort. It can also symbolize new possibilities and opportunities in your real life. Dreaming of a nest full of broken or rotted eggs symbolizes disappointment and failure….
The dream, in which something has disappeared denotes to uncertainty of some things in your life. Perhaps you feel insecure, therefore you see things appearing and then disappearing. Perhaps you are afraid to be dependent on other people, therefore you do not feel safe. The dream could also suggest you to become more self trustful and believe in your capabilities. The dream about disappearance could also reflect some situation or person in your waking life that you did not pay enough attention.
Dream of putting your socks on indicates safety and firmness of purpose. Removing the socks means there will be some family problems. If you dream of cotton socks it is indicative of sincerity and loyalty from your friends. Dream of silk stockings means youll receive unexpected news. If the socks are broken, portends separation from relatives.
…To dream of riding a mule, or driving one, is a sign of celibacy: gentlemen or ladies who dream this may safely calculate that they will have single for the rest of their lives, unless some more vivid dream with a favourable omen should counterbalance the influence of this one. If married people dream of mules, it foretells that they will be childless. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 51, 66….
If you see the seagull flying up in the sky, it shows that you are a happy person who is enjoying the life to its fullest. The seagull that is wounded is not a good omen, because you will lose your freedom or already lost to live the life you want to live. The seagull is mostly a very good omen that brings joy, happiness, safety, freedom and security to your waking life.
…Dreaming of being kidnapped basically means that you feel very uncomfortable in the environment you live, so you crave for an immediate change of life. Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals. A young, single woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that shes getting old and still doesnt find a husband, or that her occupation or job is unpleasant but cant find anything else that suits her desires. A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesnt have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious. Dreaming of being in a in a safe place means that you are confident in everything that…
…If you dream of seeing or being on Scaffolding, then such dream shows that there are some things which are not permanent. You do not feel safe and ensured about certain things….
…himself entering the city of Mecca in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one has a dispute and sees himself entering Mecca in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument. Entering Mecca in a dream also means reaching safety and peace in one’s life. Leaving one’s homeland and travelling to Mecca in a dream means that God willing, he will shortly join the pilgrimage caravan and perform his Hajj. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that his illness will be long and that he may die from it, or he may join the company of the dwellers of the heavenly paradise. Seeing oneself in Mecca and residing in the lodge one usually uses in a dream means extension of one’s contract, or reappointment at a previously held position. If Mecca becomes one’s home in a dream, it…
(Paddles) Oars in a dream represent the movement of a ship, or they could mean having a secret affair. Oars in a dream also mean reaching safety, or finding a helping friend. (Also see Boat | Ship)
…(See Hanged and Gallows.) To dream of seeing a man hanged denotes that some friend or relative will shortly come to good fortune. If you dream that you yourself are going to be hanged, you may safely calculate on good luck for that year: if you are in business you will be successful. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7, 6, 10….
…If you dream of seeing a beach it represents two completely opposite conditions of your wit. The sand symbolizes the reasonable aspects of your mind, but the water represents unreasonable aspects of your wit, such as unsteady, confused and irritating thoughts. The dream shows two different worlds, which very often people get lost, which one of them to choose: the one that tells to improve the spiritual aspects of your innerself or the one that provides stable and safe material well-being. If you dream of standing on the beach and looking toward the sea or the ocean, it foretells that huge and mysteriuos things are taking place in your life at this very moment. The bigger the storm or the bigger the waves are, the more dractic changes will happen. If you dream of looking towards the beach it means that you are settling down and taking back the…
…a dream means danger and descending a steep hill means reaching safety. An ascent in a dream also could represent a bridge, an underpass, a wife, a woman, or a scorpion. Walking through a steep incline in a dream also means rising in station because of one’s knowledge, politics, good conduct, fulfillment of one’s duties, his caring for others or wisdom. Falling through a steep hill in a dream means falling in rank, losing one’s prestige, losing one’s money, denying the truth, objecting to one’s religion or walking into darkness. Climbing in a dream always means attainment of one’s goals. Climbing flat on one’s back in a dream has negative connotations. Descending from a steep hill, or from a ship, or coming down form a castle or a mountain in a dream also mean that one’s goal will not materialize. (Also see Ascending the skies | Climbing a mountain)…
If you dream about the canopy, then you will be in a safe place, because the canopy is an omen of security.
…To dream of being frightened or assaulted by a Negro, is a good sign, as it denotes safety: if the negro comes towards you in a pleasant and agreeable way, it shows that you will meet with a loss or be robbed: to see a grinning, pleasant-looking negro in your dream, forebodes trouble through the conduct of a dependent. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 32….