Dreaming of a flock of healthy rams (lamb) or eating peacefully presages that we will have powerful fortune and possessions. Taking a ram (lamb) represents immediate fortune. If we take it on our shoulder, fortune will be very important. Listening to a ram (lamb) bleating portends that we will have very effective protection and assistance. If the herd comes towards us and rams (lambs) are between our legs indicates that we will achieve success but with difficulty. If the ram (lambs) are dead, it bodes bad news. Seeing it lost, doubt and uncertainty in our affairs.
Dream dictionary: Assistance dream meanings
If you are in the cane in your dream, then such dream shows the lack of suggestions and assistance from others. Alternatively, the can may indicate the people you rely on and believe in them.
To dream that you are pregnant means that you will have to look after someone close to you because of the assistance they will need. The pregnancy is also very common dream for women who are expecting the child, therefore it is very normal to dream about your current state. The pregnancy could also show your desire or fear of getting pregnant.
You will benefit from the aid and assistance of a person whose advice will be extremely valuable.
The dream in which you see the doctor signifies some problem that needs to be fixed immediately. The doctor could also represent the actual illness you are suffering from. Sometimes the dream about the doctor may indicate the fact that you are feeling not well mentally, therefore the help from your family or friends would be great to be received. The doctor could also denote to another person who is in need for assistance because of some matter.
To see yourself caught among briars, black enemies are weaving cords of calumny and perjury intricately around you and will cause you great distress, but if you succeed in disengaging yourself from the briars, loyal friends will come to your assistance in every emergency.
To see your brothers full of energy in the dream, you will have cause to rejoice at your own, or their good fortune | but if they are poor and in distress, or begging for assistance, you will be called to a deathbed soon, or some dire loss will overwhelm you or them.
When you dream of making a bail it denotes that you have to adopt the assistance you have been offered especially in your professional work. It seems that the dream is trying to show that sometimes is ok to accept the help you are offered, as it might lead you to better and more profitable place.
To dream you are traveling over hills, and wading through great difficulties, and meet with assistance on the way, shows that you shall have good counsel and overcome all your troubles.