Hearing an ass bray, is significant of unwelcome tidings or intrusions.

Unpleasant news. Shocking rumors.

To dream you see an ass is a sign of malice. To dream you hear an ass bray shows you will meet with some loss. To see an ass run denotes trouble and misfortune.

…The ass in dreams denotes a good servant or slave, that is profitable to his master; it also indicates a foolish and ignorant person. To dream you see an ass, is a sign of malice. To see an ass sitting on his crupper, denotes laboriousness. To dream you hear an ass bray, shows you shall meet with some loss. To dream of asses bearing charge, strong and obedient, is good for friendship and company, and signifies the wife’s companion or friend, being not proud above their estate, or fierce, but gentle and very obedient; they are also good in affairs and enterprises. To see an ass run, denotes misfortune, especially to a man that is sick….

…To dream you hear an ass bray, shows you will meet with some loss; to see an ass run, signifies misfortune. 62, 18, 20….

Some lies and silliness is approaching in dreamer’s life. Perhaps the dreamer feels uncomfortable in certain situation. If you are seated on the ass you will get to toil at some point, or other people will do it for you. To see one that is running, indicates misfortune. To hear one bray, fatigue, damage.