…If a young woman dreams she has got a new parasol, it predicts for her a new lover: if she imagines she has broken her parasol, her lover (if she has one) will leave her if not, then some male friend, in whom she placed confidence or derived advantage, will fail her: to a married woman, dreaming of a broken parasol is a very bad omen, as it predicts ruin to her husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34….
Dream dictionary: Parasol dream meanings
…Dreaming of a parasol, denotes, for married people, illicit enjoyments. If a young woman has this dream, she will engage in many flirtations, some of which will cause her interesting disturbances, lest her lover find out her inclinations. See Umbrella….
…The shape and color are very important: If it’s square or rectangular it’s tied to earthly wealth. If it’s round its tied with the heavenly aspects. If we see ourselves under a parasol that means we will enjoy special protection….
Being supported and recommended by patrons. 346.
(Look at parasol)
…(A RECAPITULATION) The dreams in which one flies from one scene to another with breathless rapidity, and all the characters are bewilderingly mixed and everything is hopelessly incongruous, though apparently very meaningless, often contain many significant features.To quote an illustration: A certain Doctor Eastlake dreamed he was cycling through Hyde Park one very sunny morning, when a servant-maid, dressed all in pink and yellow, shot a perambulator straight in front of him, and he was thrown head over heels in the air; but instead of alighting on the ground, he found himself running about in a cage at the Zoo without anything on. Then, just as his mother-in-law, her face green with fury, advanced on him with uplifted parasol, the scene changed, and he was picking up sovereigns in the street as fast as he could. One of the coins, as he was about to pop it into his…
See Parasol.