…of enemies that are hurting her, maybe by witchcraft. When a young woman dreams of mice, it’s a warning that she has enemies that talk poorly about her. If a woman, and worse if she’s young, dreams of a mouse on top of her clothes or dress, it could signify that her honor is at stake with the risk of being involved in a scandal caused by enemies. Dreaming of rats or mice announces that hypocrites are trying to harm the dreamer and will create problems with family or friends. Dreaming of catching mice or rats suggests that the dreamer has an advantage over his or her enemies, who they won’t be able to harm the dreamer. Dreaming of killing rats or mice suggests that the dreamer will defeat his or her enemies. Dreaming of catching mouse with a mousetrap suggests that enemies will stop but if the dreamer is…

…Wandering through a palace and noting its grandeur, signifies that your prospects are growing brighter and you will assume new dignity. To see and hear fine ladies and men dancing and conversing, denotes that you will engage in profitable and pleasing associations. For a young woman of moderate means Dreaming that she is a participant in the entertainment, and of equal social standing with others, is a sign of her advancement through marriage, or the generosity of relatives. This is often a very deceitful and misleading dream to the young woman of humble circumstances | as it is generally induced in such cases by the unhealthy day dreams of her idle, empty brain. She should strive after this dream, to live by honest work, and restrain deceitful ambition by observing the fireside counsels of mother, and friends. See Opulence….

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers. To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger’s care. For young people Dreaming of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert. For brides to dream of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys. For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery in the dream, indicates she may expect the continued good…

…For a young woman Dreaming that she is alone on a turbulent and muddy lake, foretells many vicissitudes are approaching her, and she will regret former extravagances, and disregard of virtuous teaching. If the water gets into the boat, but by intense struggling she reaches the boat-house safely, it denotes she will be under wrong persuasion, but will eventually overcome it, and rise to honor and distinction. It may predict the illness of some one near her. If she sees a young couple in the same position as herself, who succeed in rescuing themselves, she will find that some friend has committed indiscretions, but will succeed in reinstating himself in her favor. Dreaming of sailing on a clear and smooth lake, with happy and congenial companions, you will have much happiness, and wealth will meet your demands. A muddy lake, surrounded with bleak rocks and bare trees, denotes unhappy…

…Dreaming of seeing good-looking and fat cattle contentedly grazing in green pastures, denotes prosperity and happiness through a congenial and pleasant companion. To see cattle lean and shaggy, and poorly fed, you will be likely to toil all your life because of misspent energy and dislike of details of work. Correct your habits after this dream. To see cattle stampeding, means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel. To see a herd of cows at milking time, you will be the successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain. To a young woman this means that her affections will not suffer from the one of her choice. Dreaming of milking cows with udders well filled, great good fortune is in store for you. If the calf has stolen the milk, it signifies that…

If a young man dreams that he is marching along with martial music, it suggests that he wishes to enlist himself in the military. When a young woman dreams about soldiers that are marching in a parade suggests that she wants to relate sentimentally preferably with a military or political man. However these desires, in case she discloses them or not, can somehow discredit her.

…For a woman Dreaming of knitting, denotes that she will possess a quiet and peaceful home, where a loving companion and dutiful children delight to give pleasure. For a man to be in a kniting-mill, indicates thrift and a solid rise in prospects. For a young woman Dreaming of knitting, is an omen of a hasty but propitious marriage. For a young woman Dreaming that she works in a knitting-mill, denotes that she will have a worthy and loyal lover. To see the mill in which she works dilapidated, she will meet with reverses in fortune and love….

To a young man, it shows a great disappointment in setting out in life and to a young maiden, it predicts dishonour if she gathers them, particularly if they stain any part of her clothes or hands.

…Dreaming of seeing a negro standing on your green lawn, is a sign that while your immediate future seems filled with prosperity and sweetest joys, there will creep into it unavoidable discord, which will veil all brightness in gloom for a season. Dreaming of seeing a burly negro, denotes formidable rivals in affection and business. To see a mulatto, constant worries and friction with hirelings is foretold. Dreaming of a difficulty with a negro, signifies your inability to overcome disagreeable surroundings. It also denotes disappointments and ill fortune. For a young woman Dreaming of a negro, she will be constrained to work for her own support, or be disappointed in her lover. Dreaming of negro children, denotes many little anxieties and crosses. For a young woman Dreaming of being held by a negro, portends for her many disagreeable duties. She is likely to meet with and give displeasure. She…

…Dreaming of seeing your soul leaving your body, signifies you are in danger of sacrificing yourself to useless designs, which will dwarf your sense of honor and cause you to become mercenary and uncharitable. For an artist to see his soul in another, foretells he will gain distinction if he applies himself to his work and leaves off sentimental ro^les. To imagine another’s soul is in you, denotes you will derive solace and benefit from some stranger who is yet to come into your life. For a young woman musician Dreaming that she sees another young woman on the stage clothed in sheer robes, and imagining it is her own soul in the other person, denotes she will be outrivaled in some great undertaking. Dreaming that you are discussing the immortality of your soul, denotes you will improve opportunities which will aid you in gaining desired knowledge and pleasure…

…To dream about a calm and quiet sea is a good dream, it suggests that you will soon be traveling for pleasure or business. This type of dream among young lovers often suggests their upcoming wedding and honeymoon. To dream that you’re facing the sea and listening to the sound of the waves as they hit against a ship, is a warning that your family will encounter problems, or that you’ll have problems in your business or workplace. To dream that you’re standing near the shore watching as the waves crash each other announces problems that will be difficult to resolve. To dream that you’re listening to the ocean’s waves without watching it suggests that you have been wasting your time on trivialities. When a young single mother dreams that she’s near the sea, it suggests that she longs for true love. To dream about sea foam symbolizes demoralization…

…Dreaming of making candy, denotes profit accruing from industry. Dreaming of eating crisp, new candy, implies social pleasures and much love-making among the young and old. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that disgusting annoyances will grow out of confidences too long kept. To receive a box of bonbons, signifies to a young person that he or she will be the recipient of much adulation. It generally means prosperity. If you send a box you will make a proposition, but will meet with disappointment….

…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….

…Dreaming of drinking coffee, denotes the disapproval of friends toward your marriage intentions. If married, disagreements and frequent quarrels are implied. Dreaming of dealing in coffee, portends business failures. If selling, sure loss. Buying it, you may with ease retain your credit. For a young woman to see or handle coffee she will be made a by-word if she is not discreet in her actions. Dreaming of roasting coffee, for a young woman it denotes escape from evil by luckily marrying a stranger. To see ground coffee, foretells successful struggles with adversity. Parched coffee, warns you of the evil attentions of strangers. Green coffee, denotes you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter, but will fight for your overthrow….

…Surgery in a dream represents the real limb which is operated on in one’s dream. If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love. As for elderly people, it means distress. Having a minor surgery on the thumb in a dream means signing a loan. (Also see Body 1 | Chest)…

(See Young man | Young woman)

…Dreaming of pickles, denotes that you will follow worthless pursuits if you fail to call energy and judgment to your aid. For a young woman Dreaming of eating pickles, foretells an unambitious career. Dreaming of pickles, denotes vexation in love, but final triumph. For a young woman Dreaming that she is eating them, or is hungry for them, foretells she will find many rivals, and will be overcome unless she is careful of her private affairs. Impure pickles, indicate disappointing engagements and love quarrels….

To dream of keys is favourable to a person in trade and, to a sailor, it shows that he will return in safety, but, if he dream that they are lost, he may be lost in his turn. To dream of finding a key, denotes an addition to your property, it may be a legacy. If married, it foretells the birth of a child, if a ribbon is attached to it, you may expect a girl.

To dream of playing with dice is a sign of disgrace, or that you will do some act that, if it is not bad in itself, will cause people to censure you for. To a young girl engaged to be married, dreaming, of dice foretells that her lover will be wild and not of much account.

…To dream of going upon a high scaffold, shows that you will rise in the world: if, in your dream, you imagine that you fall from a scaffold, or from any high place, it shadows forth a misfortune that will make you poorer: a girl who dreams of climbing upon a scaffold, will positively marry a rich man, or one of distinction, who is far above her in position. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 7….

…If one sees himself pillaging or plundering something in a dream, it means that he will recant a covenant, or ruin something useful, stray from God’s path, or it could mean that he will marry a young girl whom he will abuse sexually. If what he ruins is a cast of precious metal in the dream, then it denotes bad words he speaks, or jealousy and envy he carries. (Also see Booty)…

…To dream of eating fried sausages, foretells that you will come in contact with some person who is very poor, and will be disagreeable to you: a girl who dreams this, will be very sure to get a shiftless and needy lover, and perhaps marry him if she is in much of a hurry to get married. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 16….

…These paper missives are good to dream about: if you dream you receive a great number of letters, it foretells that honours await you: to receive one letter in your dream, denotes that soma one is praising you behind your back. If a girl dreams that she receives a love-letter from her beau, it shows that he adores her: a gentleman who has a similar dream of a letter from his sweetheart, may rest satisfied that he only possesses her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 28, 54. 1….

…house servant. Clearing one’s nose from a nasal congestion in a dream means dispelling distress. Wiping and washing someone else’s nose in a dream means concealing his secret life in front of his wife. Eating one’s nasal mucus in a dream means cheating one’s son in his money. A congested nose in a dream represents a pregnant wife. If a beast or a bird comes out of one’s nose when he sneezes or blows his nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from a secret affair with a servant or an employee. If a sable comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to become a thief. If a pigeon comes out of his nose in the dream, it means that he will beget a girl that will grow to be insane. Blowing one’s…

…If you dream of seeing large herds of cows, it predicts prosperity and wealth. To see one cow in our dream is a sign of a, good piece of luck of some kind. If a young girl dreams of cows, it is a sign she will marry a rich man, and have numerous children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 26, 1….

If you are a little girl this dream indicates loneliness and lack of communication if the dream is sad. To a woman it means nostalgia for childhood.

If you dream you have any contagious or foul disease on you, it foretells luck and benefit, and as such a dream goes by contrary. If you dream of a running sore, it shows that you will have plenty of money and spend it freely. If a young girl dreams she has any contagious disease, she will probably fall in love soon after.

…(See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamoured of the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10, 19….

…To dream of crossing a large and clear river, foretells a splendid fortune: if the water is muddy or riled, it predicts difficulties, but they will be overcome provided you get safe over the river without accident. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will travel somewhere and get a rich husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 20….

Superstitious people may dream of seeing this arch-enemy of mankind. If so, it foretells that they will go away from home to be absent some time. It also shows that they will be very fortunate in life. To a young girl it is a sign that she will either be well married or leave home, or leave for some other reason.

Toward the fair sex, satisfaction and good health. If the dreamer is a woman, good luck will be noted while trading different things. If she is an unmarried girl, inconstancy will be to her admirer.

…Salt is an omen of discordant surroundings when seen in dreams. You will usually find after the dream of salt that everything goes awry, and quarrels and dissatisfaction show themselves in the family circle. To salt meat in the dream, portends that debts and mortgages will harass you. For a young woman to eat salt in her dream, she will be deserted by her lover for a more beautiful and attractive girl, thus causing her deep chagrin….

…If a young girl dreams of being fondled and hugged by her lover, it is a sign he will soon get sick of her and want to be off: is not half so bad to let him hug her in real earnest as it is to dream of it. The same sign holds well with the other sex. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 11,…

…To dream of letting birds out of a cage, is a sign that you will lose something. If a young girl dreams this, it predicts a loss of her chastity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 5….

…(See Fast.) To dream of being hungry foretells that you will soon engage in some new enterprise which will prove successful. Hungry dreams are excellent omens to lovers, as they denote energy and success. If a girl dreams that a gentleman come to see her who is hungry, it is a sign that he will woo her in such an earnest and affectionate manner as to win her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 37….

…If a girl dreams that she meets a gentleman who is impertinent toward her in conversation, it is a sign she will make a new male acquaintance who will be very agreeable to her: if she gets angry at the said impertinence she will probably fall in love with her new friend and either marry him or be on improper intimate terms with him. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 11….

…To dream of these animals, foretells many small children: if a newly married woman dreams of them it is a sign that she will have twins or triplets within a year: such a dream will not be very pleasant to a young girl unless she means to marry right sudden, for rabbits do not predict anything else but breeding children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44, 13….

…Dreaming of seeking refuge in a convent, denotes that your future will be signally free from care and enemies, unless on entering the building you encounter a priest. If so, you will seek often and in vain for relief from worldly cares and mind worry. For a young girl Dreaming of seeing a convent, her virtue and honestly will be questioned….

…To dream of this vegetable, signifies that a secret will be discovered, which will occasion a muss in the family. To a girl, it is a sign she will lose her beauty and to a lover, it foreshadows he will be “cut out” by some other nice young man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 13….

…To dream that your clothes are ragged, indicates that a young girl will banter you: if, in your dream, you see ragged people, it is a sign that you will suffer ridicule at your next meeting with a party of ladies and gentlemen. Rags and ridicule go together in dreams. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….