…To see tassels in a dream, denotes you will reach the height of your desires and ambition. For a young woman to lose them, denotes she will undergo some unpleasant experience….

…Dreaming of hemp, denotes you will be successful in all undertakings, especially large engagements. For a young woman Dreaming that some accident befalls her through cultivating hemp, foretells the fatal quarrel and separation from her friend….

Dreaming of mourning crepes (black silk or imitation silk, used for mourning clothes), no matter the site, suggests that early news about the death of a loved person will be received. Dreaming of people dressed in mourning cloths, implies suffering of others but that somehow this will affect the dreamer as well. Such suffering doesn’t have to be precisely because of the death of someone, but by a disaster, such as the loss of a harvest, business or property. If young lovers have this dream it usually announces troubles, fights, rifts and even break-ups.

…elongated like a boat means tight circumstances and debts. Slippers in a dream also represent money which is earned from a foreign country or from an import and export business. If slippers in a dream are interpreted to mean protection, then losing them in a dream could mean loss of one’s job. If they are interpreted to mean religion, then losing them in a dream means relief from difficulties, or an end to one’s trials. Wearing a pair of simple slippers in a dream means taking a trip to a distant place, or a marriage to a young virgin. If one’s slippers are worn-out in a dream, it means that one may marry an unwed woman or a widow. Losing a slipper in a dream means losing half of one’s assets. Finding a pair of lost slippers in a dream means occupying oneself with worldly business rather than serving one’s…

…Dreaming of a pallet, denotes that you will suffer temporary uneasiness over your love affairs. For a young woman, it is a sign of a jealous rival….

…If a young woman dreams that her lover places a locket around her neck, she will be the recipient of many beautiful offerings, and will soon be wedded, and lovely children will crown her life. If she should lose a locket, death will throw sadness into her life. If a lover dreams that his sweetheart returns his locket, he will confront disappointing issues. The woman he loves will worry him and conduct herself in a displeasing way toward him. If a woman dreams that she breaks a locket, she will have a changeable and unstable husband, who will dislike constancy in any form, be it business or affection,…

…Palm trees seen in your dreams, are messages of hopeful situations and happiness of a high order. For a young woman to pass down an avenue of palms, omens a cheerful home and a faithful husband. If the palms are withered, some unexpected sorrowful event will disturb her serenity….

Dreaming of a target, foretells you will have some affair demanding your attention from other more pleasant ones. For a young woman to think she is a target, denotes her reputation is in danger through the envy of friendly associates.

…For a young woman Dreaming of palmistry, foretells she will be the object of suspicion. If she has her palms read, she will have many friends of the opposite sex, but her own sex will condemn her. If she reads others’ hands, she will gain distinction by her intelligent bearing. If a minister’s hand, she will need friends, even in her elevation….

…Dreaming of a business engagement, denotes dulness and worries in trade. For young people Dreaming that they are engaged, denotes that they will not be much admired. Dreaming of breaking an engagement, denotes a hasty, and an unwise action in some important matter or disappointments may follow….

After this dream, pleasures of consolation from the knowledge of duties well performed, and the health of the young is assured.

…To feel in a dream that you are yearning for the presence of anyone, denotes that you will soon hear comforting tidings from your absent friends. For a young woman to think her lover is yearning for her, she will have the pleasure of soon hearing some one making a long-wished-for proposal. If she lets him know that she is yearning for him, she will be left alone and her longings will grow apace….

…Dreaming that you come into the ownership of a vast estate, denotes that you will receive a legacy at some distant day, but quite different to your expectations. For a young woman, this dream portends that her inheritance will be of a disappointing nature. She will have to live quite frugally, as her inheritance will be a poor man and a house full of children….

…To go on errands in your dreams, means congenial associations and mutual agreement in the home circle. For a young woman to send some person on an errand, denotes she will lose her lover by her indifference to meet his wishes….

For a young woman Dreaming that she is wearing a hood, is a sign she will attempt to allure some man from rectitude and bounden duty.

…Dreaming of being mad, shows trouble ahead for the dreamer. Sickness, by which you will lose property, is threatened. To see others suffering under this malady, denotes inconstancy of friends and gloomy ending of bright expectations. For a young woman Dreaming of madness, foretells disappointment in marriage and wealth….

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.

…To dream of seeing a large building is a sign that you will be introduced to someone with whom you will afterward become intimate. To a young lady it predicts that she will have a new admirer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 17, 25, 1….

…Dreaming of seeing your thigh smooth and white, denotes unusual good luck and pleasure. To see wounded thighs, foretells illness and treachery. For a young woman to admire her thigh, signifies willingness to engage in adventures, and she should heed this as a warning to be careful of her conduct….

…To dream of ghosts like the ones that wear white sheets, and that they have a cheerful attitude, or at least are friendly, it announces an upcoming success and the realization of long-yearned goals, including material gains. When young people frequently dream that they’re dressed as black ghosts, they should monitor their behavior, but particularly their sexual behavior, because it can affect their future. To dream about ghosts of one or more of your acquaintances that in real life are still alive is a sign that you have not put enough attention to your activities, such as your social relations and businesses; this can end up hurting you. To dream that one or more dressed in black ghosts suddenly appear and then they suddenly disappear announces upcoming calamities that will affect some of your most important economical affairs and in some cases even your life. Dreaming about the ghost…

Dreaming of traveling in Europe, foretells that you will soon go on a long journey, which will avail you in the knowledge you gain of the manners and customs of foreign people. You will also be enabled to forward your financial standing. For a young woman to feel that she is disappointed with the sights of Europe, omens her inability to appreciate chances for her elevation. She will be likely to disappoint her friends or lover.

…Dreaming of soft zephyrs, denotes that you will sacrifice fortune to obtain the object of your affection and will find reciprocal affection in your wooing. If a young woman dreams that she is saddened by the whisperings of the zephyrs, she will have a season of disquietude by the compelled absence of her lover….

Dreaming of finding a wallet hints upcoming moments of joy but that also require reservation. Dreaming of an old worn wallet suggests bad news concerning affairs or business that’s being handled by the dreamer. A young woman who dreams of being a victim of pickpocketing indicates that she is the victim of unjustified jealousy.

…If a lady dreams that her face has become wrinkled, it is a sign that someone is, or has been, praising her good looks; an old bachelor who dreams this, “had better believe” that some young lady is in love with him, for there is no accounting for taste. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 66, 4….

Dreaming of a birthday is a signal of poverty and falsehood to the young, to the old, long trouble and desolation.

…Dreaming of a hornet, signals disruption to lifelong friendship, and loss of money. For a young woman Dreaming that one stings her, or she is in a nest of them, foretells that many envious women will seek to disparage her before her admirers….

…Dreaming of pastry, denotes that you will be deceived by some artful person. To eat it, implies heartfelt friendships. If a young woman dreams that she is cooking it, she will fail to deceive others as to her real intentions. See Pies….

…Dreaming of completing a task or piece of work, denotes that you will have acquired a competency early in life, and that you can spend your days as you like and wherever you please. For a young woman Dreaming that she has completed a garment, denotes that she will soon decide on a husband. Dreaming of completing a journey, you will have the means to make one whenever you like….

…Dreaming that you have patches upon your clothing, denotes that you will show no false pride in the discharge of obligations. To see others wearing patches, denotes want and misery are near. If a young woman discovers a patch on her new dress, it indicates that she will find trouble facing her when she imagines her happiest moments are approaching near. If she tries to hide the patches, she will endeavor to keep some ugly trait in her character from her lover. If she is patching, she will assume duties for which she has no liking. For a woman to do family patching, denotes close and loving bonds in the family, but a scarcity of means is portended….

…a major change in your life. This dream reveals the consciousness of having made any mistakes; therefore it is a warning that you must change your attitude or way of thinking towards a positive way. To dream about the biblical final judgment, in the middle of the disaster, it symbolizes that your affairs are doing wrong and it is urgent to put maximum attention to avoid serious losses. This dream is frequent in religious people when they have serious personal conflicts in which case they should be very careful with the people that somehow are associated with them. When a young woman dreams about the final judgment, it suggests that she should carefully review her feelings and emotional reactions before continuing any relationship, because it may cause her suffering in the immediate future. To dream about a sentence warns you to avoid being too curious or that you’re at risk…

…Dreaming of this heavenly awe-inspiring object sailing through the skies, you will have trials of an unexpected nature to beset you, but by bravely combating these foes you will rise above the mediocre in life to heights of fame. For a young person, this dream portends bereavement and sorrow….

…Dreaming of eating macaroni, denotes small losses. To see it in large quantities, denotes that you will save money by the strictest economy. For a young woman, this dream means that a stranger will enter her life….

In the dreams of young people the stains often reveal fear of sexuality and its consequences. If stains in the dream appear by the action of time, such dream reveals that there is an event or a fact that is not current and not for the future but remains stuck in the past, or that its consequences come from the past.

…If you dream at playing at tenpins, you will doubtless soon engage in some affair which will bring discredit upon your name, and you will lose your money and true friendship. To see others engaged in this dream, foretells that you will find pleasure in frivolous people and likely lose employment. For a young woman to play a successful game of tenpins, is an omen of light pleasures, but sorrow will attend her later….

…Dreaming of being in any type of disaster is a warning that there is a risk of serious losses, either, health or material values, prestige, credit, etc. A young, unwed woman that dreams about suffering from the consequences of a disaster of any kind, suggests that she is at risk of dying or being abandoned by her lover or even the death of a very close and dear relative. Dreaming of a disaster at sea indicates a serious danger if you have planned to travel on any type of transport, but especially if traveling by boat. This type of dream is particularly indicative for marines or people that somehow live in the sea. Dreaming of being in a sea disaster, but being rescued, indicates that despite all the problems you will eventually triumph. Dreaming of being a spectator of a railway accident, hints that something very unpleasant will happen…

…Dreaming of a yew tree, is a forerunner of illness and disappointment. If a young woman sits under one, she will have many fears to rend her over her fortune and the faithfulness of her lover. If she sees her lover standing by one, she may expect to hear of his illness, or misfortune. To admire one, she will estrange herself from her relatives by a mesalliance. To visit a yew tree and find it dead and stripped of its foliage, predicts a sad death in your family. Property will not console for this loss….

…To dream that you’re checking a map suggests that after experiencing failure, frustration and setbacks, you’ll experience major changes in your life and perhaps you’ll travel occasionally, what will ultimately benefit you. To dream that you’re searching for a map suggests that you usually struggle with confusion when looking for solutions to your problems. When a young woman has this type of dream, it suggests high ambitions and intent to stabilize her life through an advantageous marriage….

…To see your parents looking cheerful while dreaming, denotes harmony and pleasant associates. If they appear to you after they are dead, it is a warning of approaching trouble, and you should be particular of your dealings. To see them while they are living, and they seem to be in your home and happy, denotes pleasant changes for you. To a young woman, this usually brings marriage and prosperity. If pale and attired in black, grave disappointments will harass you. Dreaming of seeing your parents looking robust and contented, denotes you are under fortunate environments | your business and love interests will flourish. If they appear indisposed or sad, you will find life’s favors passing you by without recognition. See Father and Mother….

…(See Raking and Harvest.) To dream of making hay, signifies success in ah your undertakings. This is a good omen to young lovers. To dream you are seeing hay is a bad omen, and portends losses in business and dangerous accidents. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 11….

…Dreaming of being in a coal-mine or colliery and seeing miners, denotes that some evil will assert its power for your downfall | but if you dream of holding a share in a coal-mine, it denotes your safe investment in some deal. For a young woman Dreaming of mining coal, foreshows she will become the wife of a real-estate dealer or dentist….