…(God’s house in Mecca.) In a dream, the holy Ka’aba represents the calif of all Muslims, his chief minister, a leader of a country, or it may represent a wedding. Seeing the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may enter it, or it could mean receiving glad tidings and dispelling evil. Praying inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means enjoying the guardianship and protection of someone in authority, and safety from one’s enemy. Entering inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means entering before a ruler. Taking something from inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means receiving something from the ruler. If one of the walls of the holy Ka’aba crumbles in a dream, it means the death of the Calif or the local governor. Entering the holy Ka’aba and failing to perform any of the prescribed rites in a dream means standing before…

…Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’a prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions. It is a guard, a clemency, assurance of the divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear. It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace – “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to wash…

…(Ablution | Ghusul | Ritual ablution | Wash) A ritual bath (arb. Ghusul. Islamic Law) is customarily performed on a festival day, or before the Friday congregational prayers, before starting a pilgrimage, after recovering from an illness, or is necessitated by the emission of sperms either during one’s sleep or following a marital intercourse. A ritual ablution is also given to a deceased person before his funeral and burial, or otherwise is taken by the undertaker himself after washing the dead. To take a ritual ablution in a dream before the Friday congregational prayers means purifying oneself, washing oneself from sin, repenting from sin, serving one’s parents, or being true to one’s friends. Taking a ritual ablution for any of the above reason during the wintertime and using cold water in the dream means distress, trouble or a sickness. If hot water is used, then it means profits, benefits…

…This dream is fairly common and frequent and has vast hues. First we must distinguish from seeing ourselves being abandoned or if we abandon someone or something. When the abandoned is oneself, it’s typically a bad dream, unless we are abandoned by powerful people, indicating the possibility of being free from their domain, which gives hope for a better life. Also when in our dream we are abandoned by a lover it may mean that we are being freed. In other cases, it always predicts problems and difficulties. If our mother leaves us, it signifies material difficulties, if it’s the father, it means lack of the necessary willpower to carry out what you want, if it’s the spouse, then it means difficult material circumstances that are occurring because of our own actions. When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles…

…Dreaming that you are abandoned, denotes that you will have difficulty in framing your plans for future success. To abandon others, you will see unhappy conditions piled thick around you, leaving little hope of surmounting them. If it is your house that you abandon, you will soon come to grief in experimenting with fortune. If you abandon your sweetheart, you will fail to recover lost valuables, and friends will turn aside from your favors. If you abandon a mistress, you will unexpectedly come into a goodly inheritance. If it is religion you abandon, you will come to grief by your attacks on prominent people. To abandon children, denotes that you will lose your fortune by lack of calmness and judgment. To abandon your business, indicates distressing circumstances in which there will be quarrels and suspicion. (This dream may have a literal fulfilment if it is impressed on your waking…

…(Calculator) In a dream, an abacus represents social order, conformity and uprightness. Seeing an abacus in a dream also reflects one’s own state and conduct. If the frame and beads are in a good condition, operate smoothly and smell fragrant in the dream, the abacus then denotes one’s uprightness and good conduct. If they look dirty, greasy and rough to handle in the dream, then they denote the ill management of one’s life or business. If one sees an abacus in such a condition in his dream, it may also represent unsanitary food preparation, a greasy spoon restaurant, or it could mean abating the declared weight or value of a merchandise. An abacus in a dream also may represent a well behaved child, a student, a teacher, or a judge. If one turns into an abacus in a dream, it means an illness or a calamity. An abacus in…

The dreams where you find people dressed in priestly character like the abbot or abbess, and are from any religion, reveal the need to trust someone who can understand us with our problems and help us fix them. The important thing is to remember the advice and attitude of the person, as almost always they contain the solution or the comfort you are looking for.

…When a man dreams that someone that he loves is absent, it indicates big issues that need his attention, and if he is older, it indicates that he has too many things accumulated, or too many issues unaddressed. Anyone, who dreams of grieving for the absence of someone, probably has annoying situations with old friends; if you dream that someone’s absence (friend or relative) gives you joy, it announces that you’ll soon be free of those enemies that have been bothering you. If you dream that someone is traveling far away but will return soon, suggests that some issues that were apparently resolved are going to return. If you feel happy because someone is absent, it indicates the desire to get rid of enemies and difficult situations. If someone that is absent dies, it suggests the probability of an upcoming wedding. Any young person, who dreams of absent people,…

…(Maqam Ibrahim, arb.) One who stands at the Station of Abraham at the Sacred Mosque in Mecca and offers his prayers in a dream is a pious person who observes the divine laws and who may be invited to perform a pilgrimage. If a terrified person sees himself entering inside the Station of Abraham in a dream, it means that all his fears will be dispelled and that he will reach the abode of safety. Entering the station of God’s prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream also means receiving honors, seeking knowledge, or receiving an inheritance from one’s father or mother. Standing up or sitting at the Station of Abraham in a dream also may signify living by the divine laws until one’s soul returns to its Lord. (Also see Abraham)…

Dreams in which priests are involved, no matter the religion they belong to, indicate our need to trust our problems to someone who understands us and help us fix it. It all depends on the attitude of the priest.

…(arb. Alcove | Niche | Prayer niche) In a dream, a prayer niche or a mihrab represents a leader, a guide, or the Imam of a mosque. Praying at the mihrab in a dream means glad tidings. If a woman sees herself praying at the mihrab of a mosque in a dream, it means that she will beget a son or a daughter. In a dream, the alcoves or shelters that poor people use for their retreats in a mosque represent sincerity, love, devotion, remembrance of God Almighty, standing in night prayers, and aloofness. Building a mihrab inside one’s house in a dream means bearing male children. Otherwise, it means that such a property will be donated by its owner for religious use. Seeing an incorrectly positioned prayer niche in a mosque in a dream means deviation for God’s path and erring in one’s words and actions. In a…

…Dreaming of an enormous depth, abyss or precipice is always a warning of upcoming dangers. The best thing you can do after one of these dreams is to stay prepared, watchful. But always serene, waiting for whatever the dream was trying to announce. Usually these dreams reveal themselves in no more than two weeks. Dreaming of being at the edge of a cliff or abyss is usually a warning that some enemies are trying to hurt the dreamer. Dreaming of depths or abyss also suggests that the dreamer has an altered mental state and, if left untreated, he or she could suffer from psychological shocks or panic for almost any reason. The following interpretations are for the case that the dreamer, male or female, enjoys of reasonable good health and that is not being affected by serious concerns: Dreaming of falling off a cliff is an announcement that something…

…If a young woman dreams that she is leaving her home or her family, or her job or business, then it symbolizes that she is in uncomfortable environment in which she lives, and wishes for a change. it also suggests to pay attention to various problems, including love life. to dream yourselves being abandoned indicates that there will be difficulties in planning a successful future, due to certain mistrust of others. When others dreamed of being abandoned, then it means that they are facing difficult conditions and limitations that needs an overcome. When you dreamed that you are leaving home, then it indicates that family or money problems will come on your way. You will suffer losses and disappointments due to involvement of bad people. When you dreamed of leaving your girlfriend, boyfriend or lover, then it indicates that you will face losses such as your friendships, relationships or…

If you dreaming of abdomen, it means that you suppress your feelings and instincts. The abdomen might also mean that you have physiological problems and experiencing obstruction or diarrhea. The other symbol of seeing abdomen in your dream may mean, that there is something in your life you find hard to admit and can not accept it, and the meaning of it is that you want to get rid of it. If you see your abdomen is vulnerable, it signifies the abusiveness. The dream also can mean of you wanting, but being afraid to express the instincts you always had.

…To ride in a cab in dreams, is significant of pleasant avocations, and average prosperity you will enjoy. To ride in a cab at night, with others, indicates that you will have a secret that you will endeavor to keep from your friends. To ride in a cab with a woman, scandal will couple your name with others of bad repute. Dreaming of driving a public cab, denotes manual labor, with little chance of advancement….

…To see your abdomen in a dream, foretells that you will have great expectations, but you must curb hardheadedness and redouble your energies on your labor, as pleasure is approaching to your hurt. To see your abdomen shriveled, foretells that you will be persecuted and defied by false friends. To see it swollen, you will have tribulations, but you will overcome them and enjoy the fruits of your labor. To see blood oozing from the abdomen, foretells an accident or tragedy in your family. The abdomen of children in an unhealthy state, portends that contagion will pursue you. See Belly….

…To see an abbey in ruins, foretells that your hopes and schemes will fall into ignoble incompletion. Dreaming that a priest bars your entrance into an abbey, denotes that you will be saved from a ruinous state by enemies mistaking your embarrassment for progress. For a young woman to get into an abbey, foretells her violent illness. If she converses with a priest in an abbey, she will incur the censure of true friends for indiscretion….

If in dreams we see someone suffering from an abscess it means we have, or will have, emotional problems with another person, whether or not it’s the same person of our dream. The degree of maturation in the abscess will indicate the evolution of such problems. If the abscess is hard and unripe, it means that the problem has not reached its peak, while if it is already mature or better yet open, this emotional problem is about to be known and be definitely fixed. If it’s us who suffer from an abscess, then it indicates the existence of a problem or an unfortunate period in our life, which according to its state of maturity, will be beginning, ending or coming to an end.

Foreshadows changes in our situation and work. If we are abroad and we do not move from there, it reveals that our mind is unstable. If we go abroad or return from abroad and we look at the events of the trip, it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends in the dream suddenly, and we are in a place of fun, then it indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream of someone else who goes abroad, that means our competitors leave the fight by giving up.

To have interaction with a swab in the dream, means unclean spirituality. To see a swab when you are dreaming, indicates emotional problems. Alternatively, swab in the dream can represent health issues. If you are using swab in your dream, then this dream has the importance of being more careful. It suggests for you to take all possible chances in healing and cleansing yourself.

…Dreaming that you can’t find your abode, you will completely lose faith in the integrity of others. If you have no abode in your dreams, you will be unfortunate in your affairs, and lose by speculation. To change your abode, signifies hurried tidings and that hasty journeys will be made by you. For a young woman Dreaming that she has left her abode, is significant of slander and falsehoods being perpetrated against her. See Home….

If the crab is between two people, which one of them is the opposite sex and the crab walks to the other person, then it indicates that we must follow our feelings. If it walks towards you, you must go back and proceed with caution. If the crab is between you and another person of the same sex, it tells you about the existence of people trying to delay or prevent what you want.

Whether we are being abandoned or we are the ones that abandoned someone else, the fact is that this phenomenon is quite common in dreams, and lends itself to many nuances in interpretation. Being abandoned is often the subject of some nightmares but on closer analysis it can mean feeling liberated, especially if the one that leaves us means authority or power over us. These dreams usually indicate, in any case, fear and this should be taken into account in terms of our health, perhaps because we are receiving a notice of our unconscious. When we are the ones who abandon it could mean that we are prisoners of some idea, circumstance, person or group and we desire to get out of this situation, if only in dreams we dare to take that step.

Dreaming of having a high abundance of adequate element, means that you have to look after your incomes and supplies which you have. Dreaming about abundance in the dream also foretells you to look after your health, make sure you are not ill. If you dream having a huge abundance of different type of things, represents your future as happy, successful, lucky and profitable.

…(God’s bosom friend, upon whom be peace, arb. khalil) To see the Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream is a good sign of wealth, blessings, glad tidings, devotion, long life, assiduousness, healing of a sick, noble goals, righteous progeny, commanding good and forbidding evil, discard- ing bad company, compliance with the divine ruling, knowledge, guidance, success after failure and separation from one’s family and kin to seek God’s nearness and pleasure. In a dream, Abraham represents the element of com- passion toward one’s son and family and sometime he represents the element of adversities and finally of reachingsafety . (Also see Feast of Immolation | StatiQn of Abraham)…

Dreaming that you are going abroad, represents you as unstable and confused person. Being abroad in the dream also indicates that there are changes in your life, that have to be done. Maybe changing the environment, in which you are at the moment, might be useful. However, this means that there are some things in your life that has to become opposite then they are now. You might need to change your job, go for the holidays, broke up or get divorced to someone. This is a sign of you growing as a person spiritually. Abroad dream can also represent that you are going to run away from something, maybe relationship or situation.

If you dream of having an abortion, it represents your own insecurities of suspending and halting your increment as individual. Dreaming about abortion also means that you are insecure and weak while moving forward in your life. The dream may also mean that you had an abortion and only now you are facing it. The dream signifies how guilty and disappointed you are of the actions you did in your life. This is the process of healing and moving forward for something you did in your past. The other meaning of the dream is that there might be possibility of unhealthy life.

To dream that you are in abbey means that you are trying to get the deeper connection with your spiritual features of the personality. The people who are very religious dream about abbey very often. The abbey could also indicate the new chapter of your life where you will become a completely different person.

…Dreaming of looking into an abyss, means that you will be confronted by threats of seizure of property, and that there will be quarrels and reproaches of a personal nature which will unfit you to meet the problems of life. For a woman to be looking into an abyss, foretells that she will burden herself with unwelcome cares. If she falls into the abyss her disappointment will be complete | but if she succeeds in crossing, or avoiding it, she will reinstate herself….

…Dreaming that we fall into an abyss is the warning that the end of a catastrophic situation is near, due to the basis on which our life is based, whether moral, economic or professional it’s falling apart because it is false or inadequate, making it necessary to urgently look for what is wrong, to correct it and adapt them to the real situation. Only when we are awake and make a lucid analysis of the current situation we can know if the danger is moral, economic, ethical or professional, because in many cases what the dream reveals is our inner fear of giving in to what we consider base instincts. Dreaming that we fall into an abyss but we manage to get out of it, or we are forced to cross on a weak walkway, means that there is a chance to mend the situation and regain happiness, but…

The abyss in dream is interpreted as the barriers. If you didn’t fall into abyss, but you dream of it, then such dream represents the fact that you will deal with problems easily. When you fall into abyss, then such dream signifies the necessity to become more careful while dealing with business matters.

…Seeing Abel, the second son of Adam in a dream means suffering from people’s jealousy, grievance, chicanery, or that one may be killed by his enemy. It also means that an unjust person will envy him. Seeing Abel in a dream also means piety, devotion to God Almighty, feebleness toward a woman or making an offering to please God Almighty and entering the heavenly paradise as a reward. One who sees Abel in a dream should beware of his brethren and close friends, and he should fear for his life….

In a similar way you can interpret dreams where religious buildings appear, but in this case they reveal the existence of doubts of intellectual, moral, or spiritual concerns. What is important in the dream is our attitude to the abbey, which can reflect the intensity and motivation of these concerns. For example, if we go to the abbey, but we do not enter, it means that our concerns are not yet well defined, nor on track, but is an indication that we already envision where we should direct them. But if we are also praying at the abbey there is no doubt that the concern will soon become certainty and happiness.

If you use the cab in a dream, then such dream signifies the comfortable and rich life you will get where others will be your servants. If you are riding friends with a cab and you pay for it, somebody might use your goodness.

…If you dream that you can not find your abode, it signifies your fear of believing and trusting the people around you. The meaning of it says, that you do not trust or believe in people who are around you. If you dreaming, that you haven’t got abode in your dreams, it represents the bad luck or loss of someone or something. Be careful, avoid any investments in near future….

Dreaming of having an abscess, reminds you that there is something that has to be represented. The dream about abscess explains that there are things that were not fully exposed. Maybe you your goals are not fulfilled yet. Please see Sores.

Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependence you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and truthful in your own skin. Dreaming about being abstinent also can mean that you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The interpretation of the abstinence symbol in the dream is telling for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for.

If you dream of an abyss, it represents the barriers you are facing in your life. You should consider the things you want to do in your life and try to find out what barriers do not let you move forward. Do not be afraid of challenges you are going to have, as you will sort everything out, you will be capable to find the solution to achieve the task. This dreams also shows that you are worrying about your future, about who you are, what you feel and what you are afraid of. If you are dreaming that you are falling into abyss, it signifies your hidden plans for the future. The dreams also could be the meaning of your fear to start something new in your life or your fear taking the risks.

To dream you are looking over an abyss is a warning of danger. To dream that you fall into abyss denotes illness.

To dream of scarab, means that you are able to adapt and absorb different or difficult situations you are in. The scarab is also a symbol of everlasting life, therefore it could indicate the fear of getting old or being dead.