To dream that someone is absent, when you expect to see them, signifies your lost. It could be someone you loved, something you loved to do before (your old job) or something you felt comfortable with. This also can be the meaning of you feeling alone, single and empty.

To dream that you are abandoned means that you are feeling left out and unwanted in your waking life. Perhaps there is some situation or person which makes you feel unnecessary. The dream suggests to be more confident and trust yourself, only then you will be appreciated by others.

…Dreaming of abusing a person, means that you will be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others. To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others. For a young woman Dreaming that she hears abusive language, foretells that she will fall under the ban of some person’s jealousy and envy. If she uses the language herself, she will meet with unexpected rebuffs, that may fill her with mortification and remorse for her past unworthy conduct toward friends….

Dreaming of being abducted, represents you being commanded by other person in your life. If you dream seeing someone being abducted, it means that there is a possibility to unforeseen news in your life. Nevertheless, do not expect only for good news, as the meaning of the dream represents something unexpected, but not necessarily good, stay cautious and focused.

If you see something being very ugly and even disgusting, then you should be aware of the dangers that are lurking for you. If in the dream you haven’t felt very much of distastefulness and ugliness, but were only minor stressed, then it means that you will overcome all of your problems and there is no need to panic.

It tells us that we live in an ephemeral security, and a situation where our resources can decrease is approaching.

(See Arabic months)

Dreaming you are rich indicates that you have achieved your goals. The dream represents your achievements and the rewards which you harvest for your hard work. Dreaming that others are rich suggests that you should help people around you.

Dreaming that you’re absolved of any crime, even if it wasn’t serious, indicates that you will have the benefits you wanted to have, but that will bring you some problems and risks that must be managed carefully. The bigger is the thing you crave, the greater the risks would be, and they can even include legal procedures. Dreaming that others are absolved from a crime or accusation, suggests that the dreamer will soon receive some benefits he was expecting or some benefits he wasn’t expecting at all.

When we dream that we are acquitted by another person, a court or any other human or religious institution, it indicates that a change of attitude is near, and it is always favorable. The other circumstances of the dream will serve to assess the importance of change, which can range from the simple acceptance by others of any quality that has not been recognized or a major change in life, whether it is social, professional or spiritual.

The dreamer will experience a moral or a physical pain, if the dreamer dreams of buying it, it may mean that he’ll get ill; if the dreamer sells it, it’s a happy sign.

Hindrances in undertaking already begun. 361.

Dreaming of an absent person portends their next return.

If you dream that someone is absent person, it indicates that you’ll receive news of their return. It also means sadness and melancholy, or longing for the past.

It shows that you wish for some privacy.

Projects that were not achieved.

If we receive it, it is a lucky presage. If another person receives it, we have a great sense of friendship.

…(The corner stone of the Ka’aba | God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean repentance from sin at the hand of a pious Imam, or it could mean kissing one’s son, wife or bosom friend. It also means serving people in the government. If one sees himself touching the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he will follow and learn at the hand of one of the Imams of the Arabian peninsula. Seeing the sacred Black Stone in a dream is perhaps an indication of going to perform one’s pilgrimage. If one sees himself cutting into the Black Stone in a dream, it means that he wants people to follow his personal opinions. If he sees the pilgrims searching for the Black Stone but cannot find it in…

…the nature of the dream He sent me. I dreamed I was playing cards in a large, brilliantly illuminated nursery, my adversary being a child of about six years of age, who was seated directly opposite me. In his face and features I had little difficulty in recognising myself — that is to say, myself of long ago, when I was young and pure, without any knowledge save of what was innocent. We played some curious game that was quite new to me and which, strive how I would, I have never been able to recollect since. It was a game of speculation, and the stakes ran high, my opponent winning everything — everything, till at length I had nothing left to risk but my soul, which I staked and lost.I was then so maddened that I sprang from my seat and, seizing a knife, rushed on him and, despite…

…(Curse | Omen | Policeman | Warning sign) In a dream, thunder without rain means a scare, a warning or an ultimatum. It also represents good promises, gracious orders, or the sound of drums. Seeing thunder in a dream means repayment of one’s debts, and for a sick person, it means recovering from his illness. Thunder, lightening and rain in a dream represent fear for a traveller, or the greed of a merchant. Hearing about an awesome blast in a distant land in a dream means that the dwellers of that place will be struck with a major calamity or sudden mass casualties. The sound of thunder in a dream represents a murder, a fight, a dispute, an argument, lack of religious atten- dance, loss of money, or the release of a prisoner. A thunderstorm with rain when needed in a dream represents a good harvest for that year…

…(arb.) Performing one’s ritual ablution but without water in a dream means the nearing solutions of one’s problems. Tayammum is usually performed instead of the regular ablution in the absence of water, or because of a preventing illness, etcetera. However, observingthe religious rites and substance of the act remains solemn. Tayammum in a dream also may mean a journey, or an illness. If the act is performed with a dry surface such as wood, stone, dry sand, earth, or a substance that does not stick to the skin in a dream, it means that one’s travel plans may be infeasible, or it could mean that he will become cheep, or pursue his evil desires. To perform tayammum while water is accessible in a dream means falsehood and hypocrisy. It also means hoping for forgiveness while adamantly pursuing the avenues of wrongdoing, giving preference to one’s interests in the world…

…Usually the escape is interpreted as the good omen, because you are able to escape any situation, especially the ones that makes problems or are unpleasant. If you escaped the jail, then such dream foretells about some situation that was hard to deal with, maybe even unfair one from your point of view, and now you found the way how to escape it, instead of being reconciled with it. If you escaped form some kind of the animal, who was scaring you or you were in danger of losing your life, then you will be able to avoid some unfair and false people that you are surrounded by. To escape the disaster that is cause by the nature is a very good dream, because it shows the strength and power you have. If you were not able to escape this disaster that was caused by nature you will fail…

…(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply was…

…If one sees himself entering the heavenly paradise in a dream, then his dream represents glad tidings that God willing, he shall enter it. If a pilgrim sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that his pilgrimage is accepted or that he will reach God’s House in Mecca. If he lacks faith in God Almighty, it means that he will become a believer. If a believer who is bed- stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will die of his illness. If a non-believer who is bed-stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is unwed, it means that he will get married. If he is poor, it means that he will become rich or receive an inheritance. If a sick person sees himself in the abode of the hereafter healthy…

…When you dream of seeing an athlete or of being one (a sportsman, or just a person who is skilled in sports) it signifies that you are exhausted and came to the point where you are not able to do anything else, that is already been done. Athlete in dream is very good omen. This dream means that you reached the final destination of something you never thought of being able to do. You became strong person and you’re able to achieve anything you want, without thinking of how much energy you will have to put into this….

(Abuse | Cursing | Swearing | Vilify) Insulting someone in a dream could represent the dignity of the one impugning upon the other person, and the unworthiness of the person who is insulted. There is an exception to that interpretation when the person insulting the other in the dream has suspicious motives, and the one who is abused in the dream is supposed to command respect. It is also said that the one who is insulted or abused in the dream may owe something to his assailant and must repay him. If the one insulting is of a higher social rank, then the victim in the dream is better than his attacker. However, in general, an abused person in the dream is ultimately the victorious one in wakefulness. (Also see Insulting)

…{arb. Junub. A state of ritual impurity that inhibits performance of one’s prayers. Feces | Semen | Urine) In a dream, to be in a state of ritual impurity means that one is avoiding to comply with fundamental religious obligations. According to Islamic traditions, one must have ablution even if when pursuing any of his daily interests. If one sees himself performing his prayers without the required ritual ablution in a dream, it means corruption in his religious practices, though it also could be interpreted as committing oneself to serve God’s religion. Being in a state of ritual impurity in a dream also could mean confusion. If one sees himself in such a state and finds no water to perform his ablution in the dream, it means adversities and inability to sustain one’s needs in this world, or to satisfy one’s aspirations in the hereafter. Washing oneself or washing…