Dreaming of counters, foretells that active interest will debar idleness from infecting your life with unhealthful desires. Dreaming of empty and soiled counters, foretells unfortunate engagements which will bring great uneasiness of mind lest your interest will be wholly swept away.

To dream of losing money denotes losses in business. To find money, if gold, or large bank bills, is a good omen, and signifies success in all your undertakings; but to dream you find small silver or copper coin foretells a discovery made too late to be of any benefit to you. To dream you are melting or see money melted or bank bills burned, presages disappointment in some cherished design. To dream you throw money away foretells chagrin and want. To dream you change money foretells inconstancy in a lover or sweetheart. To dream you have money given or paid to you, implies success in love affairs, and much domestic happiness. To dream of counterfeit money is a bad omen, and foretells quarrels, sickness, and secret enemies; it also presages domestic unhappiness. To dream of money in bags or boxes, also denotes misfortune of some kind.

The skydiving in a dream represents the freedom and combination within eternity. There are some aspects of yourself, which wants to get away from the problems you are dealing with every day.

…(Green garments) Seeing paradise and not entering it in a dream means glad tidings of a blessed deed one will perform. Only an equitable person may see it, not an unjust person. Should he desire to enter it when someone is preventing him from doing so in the dream means that he must exercise patience toward being prevented from attending a pilgrimage to Mecca. It also means that he could be prevented from repenting from a sin he is adamant at disqualifying from being a sin, then when suddenly he feels an urge to repent for it, he may be prevented from doing so. If one sees that one of the gates of paradise is closed in the dream, it means that one of his parents will pass away. If two of its gates are closed in the dream, it means that he will lose his parents. If all…

…(Breach | Break | Enmity | Rift | Cutting off) Enmity among relatives and rupture of relations in a dream means straying away from God’s path, heedlessness, paying a penalty, or it could mean suffering from being exiled as a punishment. (Also see Enmity)…

…To dream that you find a bird’s nest with several eggs suggests upcoming successes including in the economic aspect, and consequently this will bring many satisfactions and pleasures. For married couples, this type of dream usually announces that they’ll have several children. To dream that you’re eating eggs suggests that something may cause difficulties at home or within your family. To dream about broken eggs suggests that you may get what you want, but this may happen if you act with caution to avoid tripping. To dream about bird eggs announces up coming good news from far away. To dream about rotten eggs suggests that you should not expect to be rewarded for what you’ve already done or for what you may do in the future, because some misunderstandings and losses are soon to come. To dream that someone throws eggs, and at the same time that person spots…

To dream of seeing apricots growing on the tree, represents that your positive thinking while looking to the future will not appear as good as you think it is. Things will not go as smoothly as you would like them to be, so stay calm and do not stress, as you will sort it out and will find the solution. When you dream of seeing yourself eating the apricots, it symbolizes dissapointment and frustration on things you are doing at the moment. If you see others eating apricots it shows that you will have problems, but everything will pass away very quick.

The vault in a dream represents the things that have been placed away. Perhaps you have the qualities that can be used as the main resource for your potential and growing. Make sure show of yourself as much as you have, otherwise you will not reach the results you could achieve.

If you dream about seeing the jockey, then such dream indicates some unexpected present you will receive shortly. If the jockey was thrown away from the house, then such dream represents that your help will be asked by unknown people.

…To dream of warts on your left hand is a sign you will receive some money; if they are on the right hand, it foretells that you will pay away money: to dream of a wart on the nose, signifies that you will be distinguished; on the neck or bosom of a female, denotes riches. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45….

In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman)

…(Underpants | Underwear) If one discovers some wetness in his under- pants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant. If one defecates in his underpants in a dream, it means a fight with his wife after which he will pay her something he owes her, or it could mean a fight that will end in divorce. If one wears his underpants inside-out in his dream, it means that he indulges in the loathsome and forbidden act of anal intercourse with his wife. If one sees himself wearing his underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream, it means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels, or financial growth. Wearing new underpants in a dream means protecting one’s chastity. Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties. (Also see Underwear | Pants)…

…directed toward Him in the dream, then they represent falsehood. If the supplications are silent in the dream, they could mean that one will beget a blessed son. If one sees a group of people gathering in a circle of prayers, or doing Zikr and invoking the divine attributes in a dream, then they represent a gathering of children, growth, blessings, or waiving away sufferings. If one sees himself praying to God Almighty, or that prayers are invoked on his behalf in a dream, it means happiness and money. Supplications in God’s house or in a mosque in a dream are more beneficial than prayers which are offered anywhere else. If one prays in the dark in a dream, it means that he will be saved from trials. If one sees himself imploring another person in a dream, it means that he fears him. (Also see Prayers | Zikr)…

News from a person who is away on some trip or living abroad.

Clearing away hindrances. 73.

…Dreaming that you have hidden away any object, denotes embarrassment in your circumstances. To find hidden things, you will enjoy unexpected pleasures. For a young woman Dreaming of hiding objects, she will be the object of much adverse gossip, but will finally prove her conduct orderly….

…For a woman Dreaming that she has lodgers, foretells she will be burdened with unpleasant secrets. If one goes away without paying his bills, she will have unexpected trouble with men. For one to pay his bill, omens favor and accumulation of money….

The pagoda is mystical place that makes the wishes come true. The pagoda shows that you have a desire to get away from your life for a short period of time and have a good rest where the everyday problems doesn’t exist.

…means adversities. If one faces a threatening elephant in a dream, it means an illness. If one falls under the feet of an elephant in a dream, it means his death. Speaking to an elephant in a dream means receiving a precious gift from someone in authority. Running away in fear of an elephant in a dream means being persecuted by someone in authority. Riding an elephant during a war in a dream means defeat and subsequent destruction. Eating elephant’s meat in a dream means money. As for worldly people, seeing an elephant in a dream means benefits, but as for pious and religious people, it denotes adversities. Riding an elephant in a dream also may denote lies or oppression. An elephant entering a land other than its natural habitat signifies an official visit of a king or a president to another country, or it could mean invading it….

If you are digging in a dream, then it means you are trying to find some answers that are hidden away about yourself or others. If you are digging some hole, then it means you are trying to understand some situation very well, from the roots. If you are digging for water, then such dream shows some situation you are very anxious about and how much of the importance it has to you and the meaning of it either. If you were digging the grave, then such dream shows that you are taking things too serious. Perhaps the matter that seems very important is not so important to you.

…To see a yacht in a dream, denotes happy recreation away from business and troublesome encumbrances. A stranded one, represents miscarriage of entertaining engagements….

Dreaming of grime or dirt of any kind, and worse if it’s surrounded by green and flowering plants in a garden, indicates that the environment in which the dreamer lives is bad and inappropriate, which is why the dreamer is distressed. The advice that this dream gives is that the dreamer should make the changes. Dreaming of having dirty, stained, and filthy clothes is a warning to stay away from bad influences, contagious patients or people that due to the illegal activities that they participate in might involve the dreamer in dangerous situations. Dreaming that someone throws something dirty at you, for example, mud or manure, it suggests that hypocrites or adversaries are trying to harm you.

…Dreaming of one or more angels occasionally is usually a good omen because it indicates joy, happiness, constant protection, and help in all your affairs. This dream is equivalent to seeing your guardian angel, whose symbol acts in the long term, which means throughout all the life of the dreamer. When the angel appears flying and glowing, but it doesn’t go away, it suggests that the dreamer is destined to have success and fortunes in his life. When there is severe and static angel close to you in the dream, it is scolding you for your misbehavior; if angel appears with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might…

An unconscious return to childhood to run away from the difficulties and worries of the present.

It reflects our fear of losing something, or someone taking it away. If we are the wrongdoers, then that reveals our fear of being usurping the rights of another person.

Dreaming that you’re holding a bayonet in your hand, or other similar weapon is a bad sign which warns that you shouldn’t get carried away or be dominated by anger. Dreaming of one or more bayonets or other weapons like that indicates that there are some evil enemies around you, with them you must be careful and maybe even fight against them.

…(Army) In a dream, ants represent weak and covetous people, an army, a family, or longevity. Seeing a colony of ants entering a city in a dream means that an army will occupy that city. A colony of ants in a dream also represents a heavy populated area. Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children. If ants leave one’s house in a dream, it means that someone in the family will leave that house. If there is a sick person in a house and one sees ants flying in a dream, it means the death of such a person. Ants leaving their colony in a dream means dying away of the population in that area, or that such a town may become a ghost town. Seeing ants leaving their nest in a dream also means adversities or distress. Though in this case, they represent…

Dreaming that you are going abroad, represents you as unstable and confused person. Being abroad in the dream also indicates that there are changes in your life, that have to be done. Maybe changing the environment, in which you are at the moment, might be useful. However, this means that there are some things in your life that has to become opposite then they are now. You might need to change your job, go for the holidays, broke up or get divorced to someone. This is a sign of you growing as a person spiritually. Abroad dream can also represent that you are going to run away from something, maybe relationship or situation.

When we dream that we are acclaimed and cannot distinguish the faces of those who are cheering for us (or their faces mean nothing to us) it’s a sign of danger, and almost always we will face this danger due to getting carried away by our passions.

When you dream of moving backward it means that any actions you are taking it does not brink the effect you have been expected. It seems that you are not reaching the target you were aiming for. Maybe you feel that everything you do is slipping away. You are not able to manage your life anymore and this dream is a sign, that you have to make some differences if you want to move forward instead of going backward.

Superstitious people may dream of seeing this arch-enemy of mankind. If so, it foretells that they will go away from home to be absent some time. It also shows that they will be very fortunate in life. To a young girl it is a sign that she will either be well married or leave home, or leave for some other reason.

…family members or you will face some misfortune while dealing with your daily life. To dream that you’re in a house that is being shaken or even destroyed by a storm indicates serious disturbances to your daily life, which may force you to move from your address, employment and perhaps city. To dream that other people are suffering in a storm and that some of them die suggests that you should immediately make an examination of conscience to figure out how close you are to those people in waking life, because you are going to suffer the same fate as those people in the dream. To dream that a destructive storm moves away and that sunlight and general tranquility comes back, may mean, that all of the sorrows that you suffered at the time of the dream, will be finished and you will have a happy and calm life….

Water symbolizes feelings. When feelings overflow, flooding dreams often happen, where the damage caused is a warning of the damage getting carried away by excesses of passion can cause in our coexistence.

Dreaming that we are acclaimed, it shows danger. Do not be carried away by passions.

If one sees himself walking across hills in a dream, it means that he is trying to escape from danger. (Also see Escape from danger | Running away)

If, during the dream, we’re in front of a telescope or we’re using binoculars, this is usually a warning about the meaning of our habits, which are drifting us away from the reality of our own situation. It’s an invitation to take care of ourselves, and a warning that participating in activities that differ from our own interests may be detrimental to our business handling.

…(Crown | Headgear | Tiara) In a dream, one’s turban represents his family tree, his paternal uncle, or his paternal aunt. In a dream, one’s turban also represents his crown, strength, integrity, state, or wife. If one’s turban is taken away from him in a dream, it means that he may lose his job, divorce his wife, or lose his wealth. The same interpretation is given for one who sees himself wearing a golden turban in a dream. If a prophet of God Almighty, or a ruler crowns someone with a turban in a dream, it means that he will receive an important appointment, or that he may marry a pious woman. Putting on a turban in a dream means increase in one’s strength, expansion of one’s control, growth in one’s business, or it could mean becoming wealthy. If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it…

Very often people who have a physical need to go to toilet during their sleep dream about the toilet, because they simply want it. The toilet could also be interpreted as the place you get rid of the negativities in your waking life. The toilet is the symbol of your patience that is going away. You are no longer able to cope with some things, but only if the toilet is overflowing. If you are unable to flush the toilet in your dream, this means that you are trying very hard to finish some part of your life, but the circumstances doesn’t let you to do it. If you dropped something in the toilet and it drowned, it means that due to your silliness you will lose important things or people in your life.

…In a dream, soap represents the washing away of one’s sins, dispelling distress and adversities, or paying one’s debts. Seeing a soap boiler inside one’s house in a dream represents a visit by the undertaker. A bar of soap in a dream also represents a funny person. Washing a shirt with soap in a dream means recovering from an illness, or repenting from sin. A bar of soap in a dream also means hearing a story, writing a story, bringing a deposition before a judge, or it could simply mean washing one’s dirt….

…(Also known as John in Western traditions. God’s prophet Ishaq, son of the prophet Jacob, upon both of them be peace.) In a dream, seeing him indicates adversities and hardships. If one has a son who ran away in disobedience to his father, and if he sees God’s prophet Ishaq in a dream, it means that he will return to his home and be obedient again. This dream also indicates a surge of glad tidings, peace and tranquility. Seeing Ishaq (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from persecution by the senators of one’s town, or from some of his relatives, and finally God Almighty will come to his help, and grant him back his integrity and honor. If one sees him in his best form and radiant beauty, it becomes a sign of glad tidings, whereby one’s progeny will engender leaders, governors and righteous people. Seeing him in…