…To see in your dreams an actress, denotes that your present state will be one of unbroken pleasure and favor. To see one in distress, you will gladly contribute your means and influence to raise a friend from misfortune and indebtedness. If you think yourself one, you will have to work for subsistence, but your labors will be pleasantly attended. If you dream of being in love with one, your inclination and talent will be allied with pleasure and opposed to downright toil. To see a dead actor, or actress, your good luck will be overwhelmed in violent and insubordinate misery. To see them wandering and penniless, foretells that your affairs will undergo a change from promise to threatenings of failure. To those enjoying domestic comforts, it is a warning of revolution and faithless vows. For a young woman Dreaming that she is engaged to an actor, or about…

…Dreaming of actors performing and being cheerful suggests frivolity that should be avoided. Dreaming of any actress indicates that business and other affairs that you may be managing are not changing in a long time. Dreaming of an actress in a forum suggests that you will soon be disappointed by something unexpected. If the dreamer feels in love with the actress (or actor) indicates that you will soon suffer. Dreaming of talking to an actor or actress is a sign of vanity. Dreaming of an actress who suffers, indicates that the dreamer can help someone who needs him, to help them getting out of the disgrace that surrounds them. Dreaming of having an affair with an actor or actress indicates the desire of having an affair; it also means that the dreamer, because of his vanity, considers himself talented enough to overcome obstacles and get a better life And…

If we are actors in a dream, it indicates that we will handle actively to succeed in an ongoing business, whether working or loving. However, if the dream is repeated in more than one night in a short period of time, it means that we cannot solve some of the problems that overwhelm us. When, on the contrary, we see the work of actors and actresses, it presages a simple game of pleasure, frivolous distractions with friends who are not as safe nor as reliable as we would like, and even perhaps, that take advantage of us under the disguise of friendship. We must not forget that real life is like a play, sometimes it’s funny, sometimes is tragic, and that basically this dream tells us that sometimes we pretend to get what we want, and that sometimes pretenders are others.

You will get a better health and fortune.

Dreaming of an actor or an actress means that you will have to deal with delicate situations and you need to pretend something you’re not. As a result this will bring you problems with yourself. Try to be as you are, this will help you to be happy. It also means jealousy, slander, mocking or problems with justice.

…To dream of an actor or actress portends success in courtship; an author, a rencontre with an old friend; a baker, missing a train; a builder, a present in the way of dress; a clergyman, neuralgia or biliousness; a coachman, an injury to the head; a chemist, getting into debt; a dentist, ill-ness or death; a dressmaker, kisses; a doctor, danger from cows and horses; a gardener, an accident to the feet or legs; a grocer, sickness; a lawyer, pecuniary losses and danger from dog-bites; a manicurist, presents from a lover, success in courtship; a parvenu, danger from tramps; a publisher, danger from stinging; a member of Parliament, a birth; a sailor, an accident to a clock or watch; a soldier, breaking china or glass; a tailor, quarrel with parents-in-law; a tinker, visit from mother-in-law, or debts incurred by wife or sweetheart; a tramp, present of a dog or…

…To dream of public shows such as fairs or pantomimes or with an exhibitionist person, and worse if that person lacks of grace, is a warning that an unknown person can scam the dreamer. To dream that you’re a pantomime actor/actress, or that you behave as an exhibitionist suggests that you’re planning to do something wrong and perhaps illegal, which will eventually cause you problems….