To see or eat rye bread in your dreams, foretells you will have a cheerful and well-appointed home.

Dreaming of seeing a mad dog, denotes that enemies will make scurrilous attacks upon you and your friends, but if you succeed in killing the dog, you will overcome adverse opinions and prosper greatly in a financial way. See Dog.

To follow a straight and easy road, represents joy, prosperity, and success. A winding and crooked one, signifies fatigue, grief, bad luck, annoyances in succession, but only for a short period of time.

…To dream of heads in any way is a good omen: if you dream your own head is very large, it shows that you will probably become distinguished; if you see a large-headed person in your dream, it is a sign you will make the acquaintance of someone who will benefit you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 65, 9,…

…(See Thick.) To dream of bread is an excellent sign. If you see a good deal, the better the dream. It foretells good fortune to either man or woman. To lovers it predicts that they will make a good match and be well off, if not rich. To farmers it promises full and abundant crops. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 15….

(Flattery | Sociability | Sycophancy) Adulation and sociability in a dream mean showing respect and esteem, lauding someone, being true to oneself or being charitable. (Also see Flattery)

…(Destruction | Harvest) To impel one’s animal to drive faster in a dream means heeding admonition. (Also see Washing)…

If you wrote the address of your own place, then you should be aware and do not take a risk. If there is only the talking about some addresses, then such dream shows the necessity to be more careful while speaking with others.

(See Companion on the road | Friendship)

For lead see Metals.

…Dreaming that you commit adultery, foretells that you will be arrainged{sic} for some illegal action. If a woman has this dream, she will fail to hold her husband’s affections, letting her temper and spite overwhelm her at the least provocation. If it is with her husband’s friend, she will be unjustly ignored by her husband. Her rights will be cruelly trampled upon by him. If she thinks she is enticing a youth into this act, she will be in danger of desertion and divorced for her open intriguing. For a young woman this implies abasement and low desires, in which she will find strange adventures afford her pleasure. It is always good Dreaming that you have successfully resisted any temptation. To yield, is bad. If a man chooses low ideals, vampirish influences will swarm around him ready to help him in his nefarious designs. Such dreams may only be…

If you see yourself as an addict to something or someone, it symbolizes that you are not handling context very well. No matter how much you try, everything is falling apart. This is the sign, that you are not capable of controlling things you should be able to control. This dream could also mean how insecure, helpless, weak, fearful, upset and depressed you are. Make sure you know what kind of insecurities you have.

If you dream that something bad is happening to you or someone wants to damage you, then such dream is interpreted as the nightmare. The dream could also indicate the negative experiences you had in your waking life and the dream is simply the reflection of your waking life. Do not take this dream as negative sign.

When you dream of an adder it signifies someone very smart, clever and tricky. Be careful, as you can not trust this person, do not believe anything he says, as the behaviour of this person could make you many problems. This dream could also be the meaning of losing someone or something. Make sure you are prudent at this time of your life.

When you are dreaming as being adamant, it represents the restrictions you will face for huge tasks you have wanted to achieve.

…When you are dreaming about God’s creatures: Adam and Eve, it symbolizes that you are avoiding your feminine part of you if you are a man, and if you are a women you are avoiding the manly part of you. This dream wants to show you, that you will suffer from being out of luck, which will lead you to disappointment and frustration. Do not panic, as you will be in despair only for a while, everything will pass away….

(See Bread)

Dreaming that you advocate any cause, denotes that you will be faithful to your interests, and endeavor to deal honestly with the public, as your interests affect it, and be loyal to your promises to friends.

(See Date Spread)

…Dreaming that you are victimized by an adventurer, proves that you will be an easy prey for flatterers and designing villains. You will be unfortunate in manipulating your affairs to a smooth consistency. For a young woman to think she is an adventuress, portends that she will be too wrapped up in her own conduct to see that she is being flattered into exchanging her favors for disgrace….

…To see your adopted child, or parent, in your dreams, indicates that you will amass fortune through the schemes and speculations of strangers. Dreaming that you or others are adopting a child, you will make an unfortunate change in your abode….

If you adopt the person or even an animal in a dream, then it means that your relatives or close friends will ask for a hand. If you are being adopted by someone, then it could either mean you should be careful with your enemies or it shows that other cares about you, depending how you feel about this adoption. The children that are adopted means that you wish to do well for others.

To admonish your child, or son, or some young person, denotes that your generous principles will keep you in favor, and fortune will be added to your gifts.

Dreaming of adamant, denotes that you will be troubled and defeated in some desire that you held as your life.

When you dream of having a bad emotions, it shows that you are not in control anymore of your own life. You feel like you are useless in anything you do.

(See Road)

In a dream, a spearhead means patience, determination, bearing difficulties, facing evil people, or it could mean a bridge or tools.

For a man to dream he is mad, and is guilty of extravagancies, he shall be long-lived, and become of great consequence.

Reading in dreams reveals a finding, surprise or desire to know a thought or personality of another person. To read a letter augurs news. A newspaper means that we are waiting for the successful conclusion of a business or company. If this is a well-known book, the argument or any circumstances will give us the clue about what we want to know.

Eating or buying bread, starvation never fear.

If you dream of having a great adventure, then it shows your desire to explore the world.

If you dream as having an addiction to something, it represents the mania you are suffering from. This dream tells you, that there is someone trying to handle something that you are managing. The other meaning of this dream is that you are having troubles with people who are around you. Make sure if you spend enough time with your family, friends, colleagues. You should try to rebuild the relationships you had with those people.

Promise of marriage.

(See Reptile.)…

…who will kill him, then steal his property. If one escapes from the crocodile in the dream, it means that he will escape from such a danger in real life. In general, a crocodile in a dream means insolence, sins, a bandit, unlawful earnings, fear and depression. It may also mean the end of one’s life, portrayed by his drowning. Seeing him in water is bad while seeing him on dry land means that he is weak and humiliated. If a crocodile pulls someone into the waters in a dream, it means that someone in authority will force him to do something he despises. If one sees himself eating the meat or flesh of a crocodile, or if one sees himself dragging a crocodile out of the water in a dream, it means that he will triumph against his enemy or opponent. (Also see Alligator | Policeman | Thief)…

The ring is a symbol of continuity while it also protects and insulates. If it is an alliance of marriage, then it indicates the existence of a wedding promise. In case to be a stamp it is a sign of power. If the ring has gems, the meaning of the gems will be attached to the meaning of the ring. If the ring brakes, an alliance announces the annulment of the marriage. To lose a ring, augurs quarreling with the person who gave it to us. To put the ring on someone else’s finger, indicates our desire to overpower them.

…Dreaming of cartridges, foretells unhappy quarrels and dissensions. Some untoward fate threatens you or some one closely allied to you. If they are empty, there will be foolish variances in your associations….

…Dreaming of the wind blowing softly and sadly upon you, signifies that great fortune will come to you through bereavement. If you hear the wind soughing, denotes that you will wander in estrangement from one whose life is empty without you. To walk briskly against a brisk wind, foretells that you will courageously resist temptation and pursue fortune with a determination not easily put aside. For the wind to blow you along against your wishes, portends failure in business undertakings and disappointments in love. If the wind blows you in the direction you wish to go you will find unexpected and helpful allies, or that you have natural advantages over a rival or competitor….

…Evil pursues the unfortunate dreamer. If you are banished to foreign lands, death will be your portion at an early date. To banish a child, means perjury of business allies. It is a dream of fatality….

If during the dream our ears are whistling then our fear is manifesting, or the intuition of gossip and criticism of our actions. If we see ourselves covering our ears, then this symbolizes that we don’t want to recognize the emotional dependence that we have on someone else or to a situation. Some authors consider that seeing ourselves put on earrings or another person putting them on for us, means that there’s a possible marriage coming or a sentimental alliance.