The oak tree is a dream having a special meaning. The old oak tree means great and healthy life the one is going to have. The oak tree that has acorns, represents the abundance in your waking life. If you just got married and see an oak tree in a dream, then it means many children and happiness you will have. Overall, the oak tree is the symbol of abundance and greatness, but only if it is healthy one.

…In a dream, a cloak represents marriage or a child bearing wife. If the outside of it is made of cotton, it represents one’s good spiritual standing. A cloak in the dream usually represents longevity, prosperity for the one wearing it and protection against a cold winter, that is poverty or the heat of summer, or heaviness in one’s life caused by his wife, his spiritual life, his religious attendance, or it could mean a sickness, imprisonment, distress caused by a woman or the stress of war . If a wife sees herself wearing a cloak with the lining made of dark sable fur in a dream, it means that she will have a lover of an iniquitous character. (Also see Coat)…

(Evergreen) An oak tree in a dream represents profits, prosperity, honor, or associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could mean visiting righteous people, ascetics and renunciates who live in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins. An oak tree in a dream also may mean homosexuality or sodomy. An evergreen tree in a dream represents the element of longevity and strength, but it could also imply slavery because of its needles. (Also see Oak | Tree)

…To dream of a beak of the bird foretells that there is no need to interfere to things that has nothing to do with you. The beak represents desire to be involved into other people’s problems and lives. The dream represents irritation and intrusion….

Dreaming of an oak tree symbolizes longevity, stability, strength, grace, wisdom, and prosperity. See an oak tree with acorns means a promotion or an increase in the social scale.

…Dreaming of seeing a forest of oaks, signifies great prosperity in all conditions of life. To see an oak full of acorns, denotes increase and promotion. If blasted oak, it denotes sudden and shocking surprises. For sweethearts Dreaming of oaks, denotes that they will soon begin life together under favorable circumstances….

The dream, in which you wear the cloak, represents the necessity for protection, affection, love and closeness. The dream could also show that you avoid something to show to others. If the cloak is torn apart, then such dream represents the broken relationships with someone close to you. Perhaps the dream suggests you to prepare yourself for these unpleasant events.

When in your dream a yak appears, then such a dream denotes your unique talents and skills. There is other meaning of a yak which shows your stubbornness and disobedience. Sometimes it is better to stop talking too much and try to listen what people around you want to tell you. This also may be a possibility to use others help.

Oak in a dream represents a difficult person who loves to hoard money, or it could represent a great shaikh, or a rich person. (Also see Oak tree | Tree)

To dream that you see the yak in the dream foretells about the ability to adapt in various and difficult conditions. The dream shows that sometimes the life puts you into very hard circumstances, but you manage to get through no matter what the life brings you. The yak could also indicate some person in your life who has abilities to stay strong.

…Breakage is a bad dream. Dreaming of breaking any of your limbs, denotes bad management and probable failures. To break furniture, denotes domestic quarrels and an unquiet state of the mind. To break a window, signifies bereavement. To see a broken ring order will be displaced by furious and dangerous uprisings, such as jealous contentions often cause….

The kayak shows the way you are going through life. It is also a symbol of freedom and your ability to take different choices. If the kayak is moving smoothly, you have no problems while living the life. If you meet the storms, or the water is not favorable to you, you are in emotional turbulence of your life as well. You feel like being unable to control your life, because of the circumstances.

Dream of seeing a stout well-leaved oak, denotes profit, riches and an existence prolonged beyond three score and ten.

…Dreaming that you’re on the peak of a mountain symbolizes your success and achievements….

If we reach it, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If you just arrived to the peak and didn’t reach it, then it means we won´t achieve success due weaknesses of character.

To dream that one has lost his cloak, is good if it be old, for thereby is signified that the party so dreaming shall have a new one; but if he dream of finding it again, then he shall have no change, but shall keep the old one still.

Symbolizes power and strength. If we see a large size of oak and with a lot of foliage, it indicates that the benefits and quality of the protection will be great and abundant. If we dream it being weak, without foliage or even dead, then it indicates the loss of protection we had or weaknesses of our character.

…To dream of seeing a very large oak tree, and of gathering acorns under it, is a sign that some wealthy relative will leave you a fortune by will: if anybody dreams this who does not happen to have wealthy relations, it may turn out that somebody else will take the liberty of making a will in his or her favour; if not, a streak of good luck will come in some other Way to make the matter right. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 65….

…If we break any object which means servitude or dependence its equivalent to the release of these ties. To dream that a water-filled vessel breaks and pours on the ground indicates the definitive loss of affection. Breaking a sword means our victory over our enemies (if the sword is theirs) or our own loss (if it’s our sword). Breaking a necklace means our release of another person….

…(Meat) In a dream, a steak represents an unavoidable evil happening, or it could represent a passing danger. Sliced meat in a dream also could mean happiness, quick earnings, fertility, or exposure of what man should keep personal and private. Seeing a butcher slicing meat in a dream could mean fights, evil, war, divisions in the society, or mixing the lawful with the unlawful, or usury, or fulfilling one’s needs….

To dream of being under the shade of an oak-tree, and that you pick up an acorn and eat it, shows that you will become rich when you are past the meridian of life, but to drop the acorn on the ground again, denotes that you will be rich, but another will enjoy your property.

If we surf the calm waters, it indicates that we are able to manage our business. If we are in troubled waters or lose control of the kayak, we should expect difficulties and problems at home and at work.

To dream that you are weak refers to your feelings of inadequacy, you should be firmer.

(See Oak tree)

To dream one sees a stately oak, is a sign of long life, riches, and gain to the dreamer. See Plant.

(Bill) In a dream, a beak represents wealth, prosperity, honor and power.

The dream, in which you break something denotes to the various diversities that are about to happen in your life. Probably you are trying to take the different path of your life. On the other hand, the dream may suggest you to keep things going not so fast.

(Turk. Double veil worn by Muslim women | Apparel | Attire | arb. Khimar | Niqab) A yashmak or a veil covering the lower part of the face up to the eyes in a dream represents a young girl who will live a long life, or it could represent one who devotes her life to religious and spiritual studies. (Also see Khimar | Veil)

An oak forest foretells great success in business.

To dream one sees a majestic oak, is a token of riches and profit to the dreamer or his friends.

It symbolizes the moral and physical strength and wisdom. To see an oak in dreams foreshadows great protection and success in our businesses as long as it is not in bad shape, in which case it may not become a reality.

(Indian oak | Timber) In a dream, teak represents a feverish illness.

(Frog) Hearing the croaking sound of a frog in a dream means death. (See Sound of animals)

To watch the day break in a dream, omens successful undertakings, unless the scene is indistinct and weird | then it may imply disappointment when success in business or love seems assured.

To dream of breaking an object means servitude or dependence equivalent to the liberation from difficult situations. To dream of breaking a full glass of water that shatters on the floor indicates a definite loss of affection. To dream about the breaking of the sword of our enemies indicates our victory over them. To dream that a necklace breaks signifies our liberation from a negative relationship.

(See Sound of animals)

It symbolizes that we feel like teenagers, and if we are, we are filled with the joy of living.

To dream that you broke a promise which was made, means that you feel guilty about something. Perhaps you did the same thing in your waking life as well. If the promise is broken by other person, you are feeling abandoned and betrayed by this particular individual, therefore you dream about it as well. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of betrayal.

(See Sea.)…

If you saw the day break in a dream, then such dream foretells about new ideas and luck within any work you will do.