If you dream of hearing the French language, but have no a clue what it means, because you do not speak French, then such dream indicates the sensitive and amorous aspects of your personality. In many countries the French language is known as the language of love. If you were talking in French, but in reality do not speak this language, then such dream denotes to new things you wish to learn or it is the way you show your love and affection.

Dreaming of scissors is a bad dream for girlfriends or wives, as it suggests jealousy. It also happens for men, but it mainly channels that feeling against their competitors in their work life. Dreaming of very sharp scissors indicates that the dreamer is willing to resort to the extremes to get what he/she wants. Dreaming of using a pair of scissors that break down, announces a break up of relationships. Dreaming that you lose a pair of scissors insinuates your impossibility to achieve what you desire. Generally, this dream references unconscious dreams to end a situation or a relationship. Most of the time, it predicts separations, family fights, or very complicated situations.

To hurt or break your thighs means a break up or a fight with the loved person. Beautiful and well sculpted thighs mean abundance and economic prosperity.

…(Admonition | Fellowship | Gathering | Meeting | Religious meeting) If one who does not qualify to be a spiritual leader or a scholar sees himself holding a religious gathering and admonishing people to do good and to forbid evil in a dream, it means distress and an illness which he is praying hard for it to be lifted by God’s leave. However, if he does speak wisdom during such a spiritual gathering in his dream, it means praying hard to have one’s distress and illness lifted by God’s leave. Consequently, and God willing, he will recover from his illness and be able to dispel his adversities. His condition will change from tightness to abundance. He will repay his debts and overcome his oppressors. If one sees a spiritual gathering where God’s Name is glorified, the holy Qur’an is read and wisdom is spoken in his dream, it means…

…(Army) In a dream, ants represent weak and covetous people, an army, a family, or longevity. Seeing a colony of ants entering a city in a dream means that an army will occupy that city. A colony of ants in a dream also represents a heavy populated area. Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children. If ants leave one’s house in a dream, it means that someone in the family will leave that house. If there is a sick person in a house and one sees ants flying in a dream, it means the death of such a person. Ants leaving their colony in a dream means dying away of the population in that area, or that such a town may become a ghost town. Seeing ants leaving their nest in a dream also means adversities or distress. Though in this case, they represent…

In a dream, a spider represents a malicious woman, or a weak, perfidious and a distant man. A spider in a dream also represents a weaver, an ascetic or a monk. If one sees a spider in his dream, it may mean that he will meet a pious and a religious man. Weaving a web in a dream means becoming weak. A spider in a dream also could represent a pleasing wife. If one sees a spider hanging down from the ceiling in a dream, it indicates a severe winter in that area. (Also see Tarantula)

…Seeing a wall in a dream means obstacles and limitations. There is a barrier that obstructs your progress. You’re too much dependent on your old habits and ways of thinking. Dreaming that you’re jumping over a wall suggests that you will overcome strong obstacles to succeed. Dreaming that you’re demolishing a wall indicates that you will break barriers and you will overcome your limitations. Seeing a wall crumble indicates that you easily rise from your problems and overcome your barriers. Dreaming that you’re building a wall represents a bad relationship. On the other hand, it indicates that you will accept your limitations. Dreaming that you’re hiding behind a wall suggests that you’re embarrassed of some relationships. Dreaming that you’re being thrown to a wall indicates some ways to break barriers and limitations….

To dream that you are typing some kind of text, means that you have some emotions and feelings that haven’t been expressed. Through the typing you are telling how you feel and what you think about certain things. If you are typing at your work, the dream may be a suggestion to take some break, because you got tired.

Large and high, spirit and judgmental personality. Thick and fleshy, sign that on the emergency, the dreamer will speak with strictness and freedom. Open or wounded one represents the qualities of the dreamer threatened with spoliation, a subject for just fright. Dream of having a forehead of brass, bronze, marble iron is good dream which shows the strong personality of the dreamer and his desire to work for the better.

(Particle | Speck) In a dream, it means extensive wealth, an enemy who has no honor, a weak opponent, a selfish person, or someone not worth mentioning.

Stars symbolize fate. The brighter, the better it will be, and even better if it is one radiant star in the sky, in this case success will be immediate. If the star is weak and flickering in the dream, our destiny will be disappointing. Dreaming that stars are falling, blackened and even bloody presage major disasters.

Dreaming of having very developed muscles indicates vanity which will put the dreamer in disadvantage against any enemies that the dreamer might have. However, the dreamer will dominate and solve any problems that may arise. Dreaming of having flabby and weak muscles, insinuates that the dreamer recognizes his or her own inability to solve problems. If a woman has this same dream, then it indicates frustrations and failures.

If you dream that you are very violent, perhaps there is some pressed aggression and anger. It could also mean that you feel very weak.

…Dreaming that you are playing at blind man’s buff, denotes that you are about to engage in some weak enterprise which will likely humiliate you, besides losing money for you….

Dreaming that someone steals from you, or seeing that other people are stealing something, suggests that you’ll go through bad times in many ways, due to your own weak character. Dreaming of being accused of stealing, without it being true announces that your enemies will create rumors to harm you. Dreaming of stealing from relatives or friends can mean that you’re not honest with yourself. A young woman who dreams of someone who pickpockets her, indicates that she’s victim of unjustified jealousy and envy.

Dreaming of yourself receiving a telegram is an announcement of bad news, or that you’ll soon receive news that will demand an immediate and effective intervention. Dreaming of yourself sending a telegram is a sign of your own difficulties, that could be an illness or a bad financial streak, for which you’ll require urgent assistance. Dreaming of yourself in a telegraph office, either as a visitor or as an employee, insinuates that you’re in danger of entering complicated and unpleasant matters.

…(arb. Minor Hajj | Pilgrimage | Visiting God’s House in Mecca) Performing the minor pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during the great pilgrimage season signifies the end of one’s life, or it could mean reaching the peak of one’s illness. Performing the minor pilgrimage also known in Arabic as ‘Umrah in a dream also could mean increase in one’s wealth, longevity, success in one’s life, or acceptance of one’s prayers. (Also see Pilgrimage | Rituals of the pilgrimage | Sa’i)…

Dreaming of a yacht in which we are sailing on, and where we’re enjoying a luxurious atmosphere can be interpreted as our desire to break ties with the limitations of everyday life. Some authors interpret these dreams as a warning to potential thoughtless impulses to escape from reality.

…If we are left: If powerful people or our lover left us, it indicates the possibility to liberate ourselves from their influence. If our mother leaves us we will have economic problems. If it’s the father, it indicates our lack of will to realize our projects. When it’s our husband/wife it means there are some economic problems because of us. If it’s you who leaves someone: what we leave in this dream will indicate what or who torments us and what we must modify or what we must break free from. In every other case there will be problems and difficulties. In any case there are dreams in which our unconscious tells us something isn’t right inside us without reacting to any external suffering, and then we will go to the doctor who will clear up if we are ill without knowing it….

The creek in dreams indicate the fact that you are going through life with easiness, but only if it is flowing easily. If the creek is dry, you are feeling unhappy with your life and do not know how to act in certain situations. If the creak is over floating, you are feeling out of control and are afraid of the bad consequences.

It symbolizes overcoming and triumph. A crown of flowers indicates pleasure. A Crown of oranges represents blossom, engagement. Laurel, triumph. Vine leaf, popularity or sensual pleasure. Ivy crown means secure friendship. Gold crown will bring dignity. Crown made of oak is a sign of love for a country. Olive crown symbolizes sweetness of character. Thorns means suffering.

…judge. This interpretation is possible in most cases except if the necklace breaks in the dream. In this case, if the necklace is broken, it means that one will break his promise, or forget his learning, become heedless, suffer eviction, deportation, or be exiled from his home or country. If one sees himself wearing one or even two pearl necklaces in a dream, it means that he subscribes to God’s revelations, memorizes God’s Words, recites the holy Qur’an, speaks words of wisdom, and that he is one of the carriers of the divine trust who demonstrates trustworthiness, piety, trueness, religious commitment and beauty of character. All depending on the beauty, radiance and clarity of one’s necklace. If one sees himself in a dream carrying many necklaces and decorations, and if he finds them heavy and unbearable to carry, it represents his incompetence, or his inability to complete a job. (Also…

The pelican in dreams is a symbolism of the stuff, relationships and every job you do that is too hard for you to cope with. Perhaps you should be more relaxed and stay away from the stuff you do, otherwise you will reach your limits and explode in negative way. The dream suggests to take a break or at least try to be less demanding to yourself. The dream may also indicate some other person who has these qualities and you should give this person an advice that was given to you if you dreamed about it.

Dream of being sick means your character is weak and you lack of ambitions in life.

Dreaming of crows announces evil and calamities unless they speak to us, in which case announces the end of our ills.

…Dreaming of threshing grain, denotes great advancement in business and happiness among families. But if there is an abundance of straw and little grain, unsuccessful enterprises will be undertaken. To break down or have an accident while threshing, you will have some great sorrow in the midst of prosperity….

Dreaming of being sick means that you have a weak character and a lack of ambition. If you dream of another person being sick, it means pains and sorrows.

Sailing in calm waters indicates that you´ll receive very welcome news, money and will have a lucky streak. If the waters are choppy, then it means sickness, death and sadness. If the boat sinks, then it means your plans will collapse completely.

…Dreaming that you are dumb, announces symbolism of your inability to persuade others to see your point of view. Are you feeling that sometimes people are not listening to you? If yes, then help yourself by telling them riddles about your life. Don’t go into details, speak only partial truth. That means – they don’t need to know everything. Mystery is always more interesting….

Dreaming that you are in a broadcast, shows your strong feeling of wanting to have your voice heard. Do you want to translate some message out there to the public? Maybe you need to speak out more in order to achieve some goal. Are you expressive enough?

Dreaming of salt is always an announcement of unpleasant situations in the near future (for example, fights, rumors, gossips, doubts, failures, losses). Dreaming of eating something salty or chewing salt can mean that you have little or no chance of overcoming your problems. A young woman dreaming of eating salt or something very salty can safely assume that she will soon break romantic, friendly, or work relationships; it can even mean a rupture inside the family nucleus.

Dreaming about the loss of ability to speak through disease of or damage to the mouth has a symbolism of a threat to our independence.

Deficit among friends, dispute, annoyance. Hear them croak, distrust of those who are telling you things.

…To dream of leaving your mother’s house is a bad omen whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity. If returning to your mother’s house or return to your native country, if you have been away, then it means reunion of relatives and friends. Dwell with mother means peace, security. To see her, gain. Speak to her happy times. See her dead, peril in person or in goods….

To see a sledgehammer, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of psychological barriers around you. These obstacles are artificially created by yourself. In the dream to use a sledgehammer works as a trigger to break down these artificial barriers.

To wear chains, melancholy; to break chains, gives future happiness.

Smoking pipe indicates joys mixed with disappointing. If you break pipe means fights.

…Should you dream of worshiping idols, you will make slow progress to wealth or fame, as you will let petty things tyrannize over you. To break idols, signifies a strong mastery over self, and no work will deter you in your upward rise to positions of honor. To see others worshiping idols, great differences will rise up between you and warm friends. Dreaming that you are denouncing idolatry, great distinction is in store for you through your understanding of the natural inclinations of the human mind….

Dreaming that you are taking a nap, can be interpreted as symbolism of hard work. It is sign that you need to take rest and relaxation. Is it time to go to holidays? If no, then just give yourself a break.

…Dreaming of scissors is an unlucky omen | wives will be jealous and distrustful of their husbands, and sweethearts will quarrel and nag each other into crimination and recrimination. Dulness will overcast business horizons. Dreaming that you have your scissors sharpened, denotes that you will work to do that which will be repulsive to your feelings. To break them, there will be quarrels, and probable separations for you. To lose them, you will seek to escape from unpleasant tasks….