If you are in good health it is a happy and very positive omen that speaks of love and marriage. Orange denotes pure, warm and passionate love that promises numerous offspring. If the flowers of orange tree are wilted or the oranges spoiled those loves are waning or have not been taken advantage of it.

…Seeing a number of orange trees in a healthy condition, bearing ripe fruit, is a sign of health and prosperous surroundings. To eat oranges is signally bad. Sickness of friends or relatives will be a source of worry to you. Dissatisfaction will pervade the atmosphere in business circles. If they are fine and well-flavored, there will be a slight abatement of ill luck. A young woman is likely to lose her lover, if she dreams of eating oranges. If she dreams of seeing a fine one pitched up high, she will be discreet in choosing a husband from many lovers. To slip on an orange peel, foretells the death of a relative. To buy oranges at your wife’s solicitation, and she eats them, denotes that unpleasant complications will resolve themselves into profit….

…To dream of having an abundance of oranges, shadows forth that you will get just so much yellow gold: if you dream of eating them, it promises your health: if you give them to friends, it foretells that you will be honoured and esteemed: if a girl dreams that her lover presents her with fine-looking oranges, he will undoubtedly bring her a fortune when she marries. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 12, 36….

Dreaming of being in the oranges’ plantation that will soon be ready for harvest suggests that the dreamer will soon enjoy desired success. Dreaming of eating sour oranges is a symbol of setbacks and failures that are approaching, including own conditions or diseases in family or close friends, unfortunate businesses or frustrations in relationships. But if the orange is sweet and delicious, then it means the opposite.

To dream of the orange color could mean that you are having the feeling of the autumn. Alternatively, the oranges as the fruits indicates your funny side and the sweetness of you as well.

To see or to eat them, means wounds, pains or simply harsh sorrows. If they are not ripe, temporary illness. See an orange tree means worries and tears.

To dream that one sees and eats oranges implies wounds, sorrow, and vexation.

Dreaming that one sees and eats oranges, implies wounds, grief, and vexation, whether they be ripe or not.

Dreaming of an orang-utang, denotes that some person is falsely using your influence to further selfish schemes. For a young woman, it portends an unfaithful lover.

The dreamer who sees the orangutan in his dream should spend more time relaxing and playing instead of being so serious. The monkey is also a symbol of team work. The swinging monkeys signify the wisdom and cleverness of the dreamer. The monkey that has come to you and sit on your shoulder or lap, represents the thieves you should be aware of in your waking life.

Your business will work successfully.

Loss of honour and property, being misjudged.

To eat them or cut them means you will suffer heartaches. Trouble at work. Difficulties.

(See Distilled water)

(See Colors | Safflower | Yellow)

…(Dyestuff | Orange) Safflower in a dream represents a pleasant party that will be interrupted or followed by bad news. Safflower in a dream also represents one’s working tools, a war proclamation, the defeat of those who call for a war, and women’s role in provoking a fight. If safflower is planted around the thorny tragacanth plant (bot. Astragalus) in a dream, it means receiving overwhelming benefits one did not anticipate….

…forests, then this dream could make worse his current condition. If the person gallops through a city, then it means he will heal soon. To ride a horse also indicates success and prosperity. To fall off the horse means losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides him then such dream symbolizes some kind of women meetings. To sell a horse means that you might have a threat for property loss. If you punish him, then you will deal with false accusations. If we see the horse that is shoeing, then we must prepare for a trip. If we give them fodder, then we will have wealthy life. If it he a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white then it portends about good news. Black one represents problems. Reddish horse signifies dignities. Orange one warns about difficulties. Gray indicates obstacles….

It symbolizes overcoming and triumph. A crown of flowers indicates pleasure. A Crown of oranges represents blossom, engagement. Laurel, triumph. Vine leaf, popularity or sensual pleasure. Ivy crown means secure friendship. Gold crown will bring dignity. Crown made of oak is a sign of love for a country. Olive crown symbolizes sweetness of character. Thorns means suffering.

(Dye | A reddish-orange cosmetic dye produced from the stalks and leaves of henna plant) Henna for a man represents his working tools. It also means adornment, money, prosperity, or children. If a man sees his hands dyed with henna in a dream, it means that he keeps praising his Lord. If only the right hand is dyed with henna but looks ugly in the dream, it means that he may commit a murder. Dying one’s hands with henna in a dream also means carelessness about exposing one’s good and bad qualities in public, or it could mean that he delivers his merchandise or work in any condition without acknowledging blame, fault, or recognizing his improper behavior with his customers. If one’s hands are tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to acquire his earnings. Eventually, he will be exposed and his opponents will…

…Blue is the color of the sky, feelings and religious thoughts and innocence. It is the color of devotion. Green is the color of nature, fertility, sympathy and adaptability. It is the color of sensation and perception. Yellow is known as the symbolism of sun, gold, generosity and light. It is the color of intellect. Red is the color of war, blood, fire and passion. It is the color of feeling. Violet is the color of memories, longing and the border with the beyond. Grey is the color of dejection, inertia, indifference and ashes. It is a neutral color. Orange is the color of pride and ambition. It is the color of intellect (yellow) and (red) passion. Pink is very fresh color which foretells about sensuality and affection. It is the color of the limit and rebirth (white) and (red) passion. Gold color symbolizes the mystical aspect of the…

…Generally flowers speak of emotion and feelings. Each kind of flower has its own symbolism, but the color adds a new element for interpretation. Orange and yellow flowers reflect the solar symbolism and express life and creative energy, or according to other authors, nostalgia. Red flowers in dreams mean passion, ardent feelings. Pink – romance and infatuation. Blue – cure or according to other interpretations unreality, daydreams. The purple flowers indicate sensitivity, and motherly feelings….

…Flowers are the symbol of the fleeting and transitory. If we see flowers that expresses our need to find another soul that fill our emotional needs. If we take flowers, it indicates that a relationship will be intense and reciprocated. If we receive flowers from another person, it’s a guarantee of love from whom they are delivered. If we only notice the smell, it reveals to us that we missed a good opportunity. If we see them withering, it indicates that a relationship comes to an end or reflects disillusion and disenchantment. The orange and yellow flowers reflect life and creative energy. The red flowers mean burning passion and feelings. The blue flowers show dreamy unreality….

…Without going into detail with regard to variety in shade, colour in dreams, especially when it is vivid and predominant, has much significance. The separate meaning of each separate colour in dreams is as follows:Light blue signifies impending trouble, particularly matrimonial and domestic troubles; serious quarrels between husband and wife, and parents and children; also suicide and murder.Dark blue, recovery from illness; reconciliation of husband and wife, relatives and friends; presents of animals.Brown, success in work and business.Black, illness; and death.Green, success in anything appertaining to the arts; also an impending visit from an occult presence.Gold, success in speculation, commerce, and courtship.Grey, trouble and even danger from unsuspected quarters.Mauve, death; and violent catastrophe, not infrequently with regard to the sight.Orange, illness; treachery.Pink, a wedding or engagement.Purple, accidents, more particularly on land.Red, quarrels, voyages, great changes; and accidents, chiefly by fire.Violet, success in the arts — viz. painting, music, literature.Yellow,…

In a dream, distilled water represents beautiful children or noble children. Seeing distilled water in a dream also may signify acquiring knowl- edge from learned people who practice what they teach. It also means learning wisdom from wise people. Smelling rose-water or orange-blossom water or distilled water from jonquil or from any species of the narcissus flower in a dream means joy, happiness, cheers, eulogies and prosperity. In a dream, distilled water also may represent bringing out confiscated or stolen merchan- dise or discovering hidden goods. As for distilled farm water or from water lily or distilled water from similar flowers in a dream, they represent medicinal remedies, profits, celebrations or weddings. (Also see Water)

The blue color signifies calmness and devotion. The green color represents vitality, fertility and money happiness. Orange one denotes loyalty, goodness and childhood. The red one foretells about sexual aspects, power and scary things. Yellow one represents happiness, childhood, great health and vitality.