Dreaming about drama can be interpreted as the reflection of your current state of being pessimistic and unrealistic. To dream that you are writing a drama represents that you’re going into questionable situation. This situation may invoke financial losses. Because of this, you may quickly find yourself flooded with stress. To see or to watch a drama in your dream symbolizes forgotten connections. Maybe you will be reunited with old friends.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a llama, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of the fact of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. Llama is also a sign for deep trust, strength and endurance. It may also mean that you are worrying too much and carrying too many problems.

…To see a drama, signifies pleasant reunions with distant friends. To be bored with the performance of a drama, you will be forced to accept an uncongenial companion at some entertainment or secret affair. To write one, portends that you will be plunged into distress and debt, to be extricated as if by a miracle….

…Dreaming of a panorama, denotes that you will change your occupation or residence. You should curb your inclinations for change of scene and friends….

(Japanese fermented rice drink | slightly sweetened and a non-alcoholic drink also found in Egypt) Drinking amazaki in a dream means comfort and prosperity. If an unmarried man sees himself drinking this fermented rice drink in a dream, it may mean that he considers it lawful to live unmarried with divorced women.

Dreaming of seeing an amateur actor on the stage, denotes that you will see your hopes pleasantly and satisfactorily fulfilled. If they play a tragedy, evil will be disseminated through your happiness. If there is an indistinctness or distorted images in the dream, you are likely to meet with quick and decided defeat in some enterprise apart from your regular business.

For a man, dreaming of one or more Amazons usually indicates that he will fall in love, if he is not already, of a woman who will enslave him for his weakness of character.

(See Mother).

If we are believers, it foretells providential help, comfort, increased material and spiritual goods. If we are not believers, it announces evils and calamities unless they speak to us, in which case the dream announces the end of our pains.

If we see the flower is a bad omen. If we only see its color, we will achieve our goals.

Someone who pretends to be your friend, and it is not.

In this dream the most we can do is analyze the important parts of a landscape, like the mountains, valleys, fountains, caves, the seasons of the year, the dominant colors, the orientation, animals, plants, flowers, etc., to be able to achieve the interpretation of the dream by ourselves.

…Feeling captivated by something in a dream represents one’s love for money and wanting to amass the wealth of the entire world if he could. If one is fond of his own hair or ties, or if he sees himself as a collector of fine ties in the dream, it means that he is a professional business person who amasses large sums of money. (Also see Band | Tie)…

(Fur | Marten) In a dream, a sable represents an ungrateful person, a disbeliever, or an unjust person who lives in isolation, amasses wealth and no one can benefit from his riches until he dies. (Also see Fur coat | Fur)

(See Amazaki)

…(Book dealer) In a dream, a bookseller represents someone who has vast knowledge or someone who gathers amazing stories. Seeing a bookseller in a dream also could mean overcoming one’s trouble, solving one’s problems, marriage, or the repentance of a sinner. (Also see Book | Bookstore)…

…Dreaming of seeing cars, denotes journeying and changing in quick succession. To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made under different auspices than had been calculated upon. To miss one, foretells that you will be foiled in an attempt to forward your prospects. To get off of one, denotes that you will succeed with some interesting schemes which will fill you with self congratulations. Dreaming of sleeping-cars, indicates that your struggles to amass wealth is animated by the desire of gratifying selfish and lewd principles which should be mastered and controlled. To see street-cars in your dreams, denotes that some person is actively interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet. To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness. To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to…

…Dreaming of a spider, denotes that you will be careful and energetic in your labors, and fortune will be amassed to pleasing proportions. To see one building its web, foretells that you will be happy and secure in your own home. To kill one, signifies quarrels with your wife or sweetheart. If one bites you, you will be the victim of unfaithfulness and will suffer from enemies in your business. If you dream that you see many spiders hanging in their webs around you, foretells most favorable conditions, fortune, good health and friends. Dreaming of a large spider confronting you, signifies that your elevation to fortune will be swift, unless you are in dangerous contact. Dreaming that you see a very large spider and a small one coming towards you, denotes that you will be prosperous, and that you will feel for a time that you are immensely successful…

…I dreamed one night I left my material body, which I saw lying stretched before me on the bed, and that after patting it affectionately on the head; I mounted the window-sill and dived head first into the blackness of the night. Down, down, down I went, the cold air whistling and humming about my ears till I thought the drums would burst.Down, down, eternally down, till all became hushed and silent as the grave, and I perceived to my amazement that the earth was fast disappearing in the distance, and that I was rapidly approaching one of the other planets. Dropping gently, I alighted on a tiny hillock, and discovered I was on an islet that lay in the midst of a sparkling, amethyst ocean. All around me were flowers; pink and white roses, pansies, forget-me-nots, carnations, and many others known only in Dreamland. A breeze, laden with…

…their impending fate.T. Charley, in his News from the Invisible World, furnishes another example of this type of dream, namely, as follows:”Dr. Donne and his wife lived for some time in London with Sir Robert Daury. Sir Robert having occasion to go to Paris, took the doctor along with him, leaving his wife, who was in a delicate state of health, at Sir Robert’s house. Two days after their arrival at Paris, Dr. Donne was left alone in the room where Sir Robert, and he, and some other friends had dined together. Sir Robert returned in half an hour, and as he had left so he found the doctor, alone; but in such an ecstasy and so altered in his looks as amazed Sir Robert to behold. He inquired the cause, and after some time the doctor told him he had seen a dreadful vision. “I beheld,” he said,” my…

…not very well, I rushed upstairs, and, on opening the door, saw this man in the act of breaking open the sale. I shrieked out, and he rushed towards the window. I fired, aiming purposely at his arms, so as to merely disable him. Alarmed by the noise, the servants came rushing up from the kitchen, and I ran to telephone to the police station. On my return, the man was still in the grasp of my servants.””And your husband, ma’am?” the sergeant asked deferentially.”I haven’t been in to see yet,” the lady replied a trifle shamefacedly, as I thought. “Will you come with me, sergeant? I — I — am so nervous lest anything should have happened to him.””They entered the dressing-room together, and then — then as we all listened in breathless expectation, for I instinctively felt the sinister-eyed woman had planned some terrible drama, there was a…

…myself — he was unworthy of her love.I would insult him, pick a quarrel, fight a duel — and pose in her eyes as the conquering hero! This and much more nonsense rushed through my brain, as I ate my frugal meal and watched the two.Suddenly I was forced by some unrestrainable impulse, and, as much to my own surprise as theirs,I leaned forward and whispered, “Are you going to the ZONE ARTO?”The effect was marvellous.The man dropped his cup with an oath — the hot coffee soaking through his trousers made him wince with pain — and the girl gazed at me with dilated eyes.”Good God!” she ejaculated, a slightly foreign accent in her voice only adding to her charm, are you one of us? It was my turn to be amazed and puzzled.Was I one of them? What did she mean? Was it possible that my dream was…

…(Tongue | Speaking | Speech) Speaking the language of another people in a dream may represent their country or culture. Speaking Arabic in a dream means honor and dignity. Speaking Persian in a dream means associating with a higher class of people and benefiting from them in business. Speaking Hebrew in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Speaking Turkish in a dream means hearing pleasing words. Speaking Italian in a dram means eagerness to amass money. Speaking French in a dream means drawing benefits from one’s profession. Speaking English in a dream means love for the world. If one can speak in all tongues in a dream, it means that he will acquire wealth, strength and fame. (Also see Reading | Speaking)…

…To dream about a university may indicate that in this moment there is a new panorama in front of us that could be very beneficial if we act based on our experiences. We’ll have in our hands the opportunity to apply various activities to broaden our knowledge and that will be very beneficial, so our choices will be very important. You may leave any project you had in mind, since they most likely fail. It will be necessary to use the newly acquired knowledge, because a valuable and very positive experience will be obtained from it. Overall, it is an omen of a good time to start any kind of studies. Dreaming about a university, either as a visitor or as a student indicates that you will soon reach your goals and will receive honors. Dreaming about returning to a university where you completed studies long ago, indicates that…

The dream in which you see very expensive, big, beautiful and amazing palace signifies your perspective progress that will be appreciated by others. If you are the one who owns this beautiful palace, then it means you will become very rich in very short period of times. The palace that is big, but is old, dirty and neglected, signifies the disappointments one is going to suffer.

…To see large fields of growing wheat in your dreams, denotes that your interest will take on encouraging prospects. If the wheat is ripe, your fortune will be assured and love will be your joyous companion. To see large clear grains of wheat running through the thresher, foretells that prosperity has opened her portals to the fullest for you. To see it in sacks or barrels, your determination to reach the apex of success is soon to be crowned with victory and your love matters will be firmly grounded. If your granary is not well covered and you see its contents getting wet, foretells that while you have amassed a fortune, you have not secured your rights and you will see your interests diminishing by the hand of enemies. If you rub wheat from the head into your hand and eat it, you will labor hard for success and…

…A builder, or a brick layer in a dream represents a righteous person who brings people’s hearts together. If he does not accept wages for his work, then in reality such a person is a man of virtue and moral excellence. A builder in a dream also represents a poet, longevity or he may represent the element of greed and desire to amass the world because of his continuous asking for bricks and cement to fasten them together. A builder, or a brick layer in a dream also means unity, love and support. Demolishing a building in a dream means negating promises and failing to comply with the conditions of an agreement. (Also see Builder)…

…Dreaming that you see yourself swollen, denotes that you will amass fortune, but your egotism will interfere with your enjoyment. To see others swollen, foretells that advancement will meet with envious obstructions. Swimming. Dreaming of swimming, is an augury of success if you find no discomfort in the act. If you feel yourself going down, much dissatisfaction will present itself to you. For a young woman Dreaming that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends. To swim under water, foretells struggles and anxieties. See Diving and Bathing….

…(Bond | Tie) To tie or band one’s hair in a dream mean amassing huge sums of money and to disband one’s hair means to squander one’s wealth. (Also see Bond’)…

…Dreaming of an ostrich, denotes that you will secretly amass wealth, but at the same time maintain degrading intrigues with women. To catch one, your resources will enable you to enjoy travel and extensive knowledge….

…(Phantom | Spook) In a dream, a mirage represents falsehood, or some- thing that will not take effect. If one desires something, then sees a mirage in his dream, it means that his desire is impossible to attain, or that he will be deprived from attaining it. A mirage in a dream also represents hypocrisy and ingratitude, disbelief in God’s oneness and love to amass the world and to indulge in its pleasures. A mirage in a dream also may denote false hopes, or unattainable goals. If one is summoned by the court to testify in a case, and if he sees a mirage in his dream, it also means that he will give a false statement. A mirage in a dream also represents a story that has no basis, or deception and lies that are reported as if they were true. (Also see Ghost)…

…wisdom. If one sees himself amassing clouds in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom at the hand of a close associate. If one sees himself mixing with the clouds but does not carry anything out of them in a dream, it means that he will mix with people of knowledge and learn nothing from what they say, or practice nothing of what they teach. If one sees himself riding over the clouds in a dream, it means that he may become famous for his wisdom and knowledge. If one sees his own son turned into a cloud in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from teaching wisdom or religious knowledge to others. Black clouds in a dream mean wisdom, forbearance, honesty and joy. If the black clouds also carry a threat or cause fear in the dream, it means that one will be reprimanded…

…To see mushrooms in your dreams, denotes unhealthy desires, and unwise haste in amassing wealth, as it may vanish in law suits and vain pleasures. To eat them, signifies humiliation and disgraceful love. For a young woman Dreaming of them, foretells her defiance of propriety in her pursuit of foolish pleasures….

…Dreaming that you are the victim of any scheme, foretells that you will be oppressed and over-powered by your enemies. Your family relations will also be strained. To victimize others, denotes that you will amass wealth dishonorably and prefer illicit relations, to the sorrow of your companions….

When you dream about the amazing fairy that is gracious and adorable, the felicity is in your life everywhere you go. If the fairy seems to be angry, sad or ugly one, you might get in trouble with your finances.

…Brick in a dream, indicates unsettled business and disagreements in love affairs. To make them you will doubtless fail in your efforts to amass great wealth….

…(Aroma | Perfume | Stigma) In a dream, If dried saffron does not stain the skin or a gown, then it represents lauding someone, commending him, or speaking good of someone. If its color does stain the skin or one’s gown in the dream, then it represents an illness. Grinding the dried purple saffron flowers in a dream to use it as powder, or as an additive for making perfumes in a dream represents a severe illness, though many people will pray for the recovery of the person who is struck by it, but to no avail. It is also said that saffron in a dream represents benefits, except if it touches one’s skin or stains it. Grinding saffron in a dream means producing something one will view with pride and be amazed by its results, though again, one’s efforts will be followed by a severe illness. Grinding saffron…

…look after their interest with solicitude. Dreaming of horses, you will amass wealth and enjoy life to its fullest extent. To see horses pulling vehicles, denotes wealth with some incumbrance, and love will find obstacles. If you are riding up a hill and the horse falls but you gain the top, you will win fortune, though you will have to struggle against enemies and jealousy. If both the horse and you get to the top, your rise will be phenomenal, but substantial. For a young girl Dreaming that she rides a black horse, denotes that she should be dealt with by wise authority. Some wishes will be gratified at an unexpected time. Black in horses, signifies postponements in anticipations. To see a horse with a tender foot, denotes that some unexpected unpleasantness will insinuate itself into your otherwise propitious state. If you attempt to fit a broken shoe which is…

To count money means considerable gain. See it only means anger. Spend it, coming losses. Find it signifies a fortune to come. To collect gold coin means deceit and cheating. To amass silver indicates loss through robbery of something valuable. Work at coining, denotes profit and good fortune. Make false money means shame and blame. To pass it in trade signifies skill and peril. See golden coin shows distress. See silver coin represents mediocrity. See copper coin foretells brilliant fortune.

(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply…