…In a dream, the stomach represents the elements of property, family, secrets, one’s mate, prison, grave, health, sickness, friend, wayfarer, one’s religious life and nature of one’s devotion. If in a dream one sees his stomach open, it means that his business may be temporarily put out of commission, or that he may lose any benefits he used to derive from it up to then. The other aforementioned elements also may apply. If the person in question is a pregnant woman, and if she sees her baby or any part of it comes out of her open stomach, this may mean that a jailed person in her family will be set free, or that the family graves will be desecrated, or that the body of someone in her family will be exhumed, thus uncovering its diseases and infestations, or it could mean that one’s personal life will become public…

…(Food | Valuable gift | Unexpected favor) A gummy saccharine secretion found on a species of a Tamarisk tree. A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money….

If you dream about some kind of machinery, then such dream indicates the fortune in all your endeavours. If the machinery is broken, you will have to overcome your evil surroundings. If the machinery has made some injuries to you, problems are unavoidable. The properly working machinery brings joy and happiness in your waking life.

…Dreaming of machinery, denotes you will undertake some project which will give great anxiety, but which will finally result in good for you. To see old machinery, foretells enemies will overcome in your strivings to build up your fortune. To become entangled in machinery, foretells loss in your business, and much unhappiness will follow. Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream….

To dream that you receive the message through the answering machine means that you have the urge to communicate with other people more than you do at the moment. If you left some message on the answering machines during your dream, then such dream indicates some important message you wish to spread to the world.

When you dream about the stomach, then you should be aware of what you are eating, because your body might send you some signals about your health. For pregnant woman it is a very common dream also, because of the life that is growing inside them. If you dream about fat stomach, you should start working out.

…To dream about any type of machinery suggests that you’re seeking to have more responsibilities in your job or to have your business initiatives accepted or any other matters that you are working on, from which you’ll obtain considerable profits. To dream about an old and unused machinery is usually an announcement of failure and it suggests that you’ll encounter serious obstacles for your initiatives to be accepted, what may cause you failure….

Dream of writing in with machine or being operator of certain machine is a sign of achievement and improvement at work.

To see your own stomach in your dream, suggests the beginning of new changes in your life. The dream may highlight your difficulties with accepting these changes. It is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person. The stomach is often seen as the center of emotions.

To dream that you see an answering machine means that there is some problem you haven’t been able to solve. The dream shows that some message is not going though. The answering machine shows that you should tell whatever you want to.

Dream of seeing or eating manna suggests you need some spiritual food.

If you see the manna in a dream, then such dream suggests you to look for the emotional renewal. Perhaps you need to clear up your mind.

The one who dreamed of being in savanna needs to learn to adapt in different situations while living the life. You must take for granted everything that the life has offered for you, because either negative or positive emotions causes different experiences and lessons.

Too see a machine in your dream suggests you live your life without thinking too much. You make decisions without thinking about the consequences. Alternatively, it indicates that you should fix a relationship with a person.

…In a dream, rumbling of one’s stomach means a family dispute, an argument, or an antagonistic competition between relatives. (Also see Body 1 )…

If you dream of seeing an answering machine it means that you do not pay attention to someone who is trying to say something important to you. Maybe there is something for you hard to understand.

If you are dreaming about the fax machine, then such dream represents the important message you will receive from unconscious mind of yours. This message will make huge changes in your life.

The sewing machine indicates the organized skills the one have while making the most while doing less.

To see a sewing machine in your dream suggests that you think most in a more thrifty way in order to overcome a difficult time.

When you dream of the flying machine, then it shows the balance within your future. Perhaps you will get the pleasure in all of your projects.

…If we don’t suffer stomach sickness in reality this dream foretells difficulties and problems….

Dreaming of seeing a flying machine, foretells that you will make satisfactory progress in your future speculations. To see one failing to work, foretells gloomy returns for much disturbing and worrisome planning.

Suffer a stomach pain means problems, anxieties and afflictions.

Dream of stomach ache means you’ll have problems, anxieties and afflictions.

To see or use a washing machine in your dream, suggests that you need to resolve past issues and old problems in order to make a clean start for yourself.

If you dream of playing with the slot machine, then such dream indicates your tendency to spend more than you have. Consider you find something different to do, as your spending will lead you to a bankrupt. Try to find something interesting to do or find a hobby that does not cost you too much.

…If the machines work with a good pace, it’s an omen of success and prosperity. If they stop, there will be delays in our plans and projects. If they work badly, break or fail or if an accident should occur, then that’s an omen of failure and complications….

Dream of seeing or using a washing machine suggests you need to resolve old issues and problems to make a clean start.

(See Sleep | Turning in one’s sleep)…

If it works well, it predicts success. If it gets stuck or malfunctions indicates that no matter how hard we try, it will be impossible to achieve what we wanted.

(See Body’ | Pain)…

Announces marriage and family harmony.

Loss, difficulties in money matters.

…If one sees himself turning in his sleep and putting his face down, or resting on his stomach in a dream, it means that he will turn away from his faith and lose both his earnings in this world and in the hereafter. If one sees the reverse, which is turning from resting on one’s stomach to lying on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. It also represents his willingness to face the people and to correct his wrongdoing. If the subject is a woman, then sleeping on her stomach in a dream means that she is refusing to sleep with her husband. (Also see Running away | Take a flight | Sleep)…

…(Abdomen | Anus | Aorta | Back | Bones | Brain | Breasts | Buttocks | Chest | Earlock | Ears | Eyes | Eyebrows | Face | Feet | Fingers | Fingernails | Forehead | Hand | Head | Heart | Heels | Intestines | Jugular vein | Kidney | Knee | Legs | Limb | Lip | Livers | Loins | Lungs | Marrow | Mouth | Nails | Navel | Neck | Nerves | Nose | Rear end | Ribs | Penis | Sexual organs | Shoulders | Skin | Spinal column | Spleen | Stomach | Temple | Testicles | Thighs | Throat | Tongue | Umbilicus | Veins) In a dream, the head and the brain represent man’s controller, strength, benefits, longevity, wisdom or power. One’s ears in a dream represent his wife, daughter, sister or aunt. The eyes represent one’s faith, religion or…

…and on coming to myself the garden had vanished, and I found that I was — well, it took me a long time to make out what I was, but I at length discovered — that I was a pair of high-heeled boots, and that I had on the top of me a pair of feet — red-hot, perspiring feet that chafed my skin, squashed me in all my most tender parts, and dragged me with them over sharp, jagged stones, hot asphalt pavements — the smell of which made me retch and vomit — dusty roads that blinded me, and tarry roads that stuck together my lips and eyelids. The torments of purgatory are not to be compared with those I was now compelled to undergo. Whenever I endeavoured to halt, the toe-nails stabbed me in the stomach, the ankle bones prodded my ribs, and the heels came down…

…(Garden greens | Leguminosae) A fresh sprout in a dream means distress, but if it is dry, then it means a good harvest, or clean money which is earned with joy. If one sees himself gathering a bunch of green sprouts in a dream, it denotes a warning. If one recognizes its substance in his dream, interpreting the element then goes back to its innate quality. Entering into a field of sprouts in a dream means a marriage into the family who owns that farmland, or it could mean a business partnership. If one sees himself bartering green sprouts for bread in a dream, it means aversion to poverty. Eating cooked sprouts in a dream means benefits in every respect. If one sees himself in a dream exchanging quails and manna (See Manna) for green sprouts and garlic, it means that he will be subjugated to poverty and humiliation….

…should guard his money. A wound which does not bleed in a dream also represents recognition by others. If a man of authority is wounded in an accident, whereby his flesh splits open, and his bones are dissected in a dream, it means that he will live a long life to see the burial of most of his relatives. If an army general sees his left hand wounded in a dream, it means that his army will double in size. If his right hand is wounded in the dream, it means that the area of his control will expand. If one suffers from a wound in his stomach in the dream, it means growth in his financial standing. If one is wounded in his thigh in the dream, it means that his clan will grow stronger. If one sees himself wounded in his legs in a dream, it means longevity….

…Seeing or eating sweets in a dream indicates one’s sincerity in his religious attendance, release of a prisoner, arrival of a traveller, recovery of a sick person, marriage of an unwed person, guidance, repentance, learning the Qur’an, buying new clothing for one’s children, having a loyal servant, or earning blessed monies. Seasonal sweets in a dream represent witnessing an annual festival, or the reinstatement of a just ruler. To feel saturated with sweets in a dream means self-conceit, lies, or it could mean extollment, or speaking nice words. Eating sweets in a dream also means suffering from cold symptoms. Though, eating fermented sweets or preserves in a dream may represent a cure. If a sweet is made from the basic four ingredients (i.e., honey, sugar, flour and manna or dates, or other fillings) in a dream, it means happiness, longevity, or escaping from the consequences of a dangerous busi-…

…To see the water of a canal muddy and stagnant-looking, portends sickness and disorders of the stomach and dark designs of enemies. But if its waters are clear a placid life and the devotion of friends is before you. For a young woman to glide in a canoe across a canal, denotes a chaste life and an adoring husband. If she crossed the canal on a bridge over clear water and gathers ferns and other greens on the banks, she will enjoy a life of ceaseless rounds of pleasure and attain to high social distinction. But if the water be turbid she will often find herself tangled in meshes of perplexity and will be the victim of nervous troubles….