…(Twenty one pebbles collected at Muzdalifa near the Plain of ‘Arafa during the pilgrimage season and are used to stone the devil at a place called Jamarat.) In a dream, pelting stones represent fidelity, paying one’s debts, victory over one’s enemy, or doing good deeds. To eat one of the stones which are intended for pelting in a dream means to devour or steal the property of a young orphan. Pelting stones in a dream also means fulfilling one’s obligatory prayers and fasting, having earlier missed their performance for a legitimate reason. (Also see Pebbles | Pilgrimage | Jamarat)…

The anvil means the passive principle against the hammer that is the active ingredient. When an anvil appears in a dream then it shows that our attitude in life can only be passive, we are forced to endure the blows of fate without doing anything to avoid them.

…Dreaming that you’re making any arrangements with one or more enemy, indicates that soon you’ll face various problems, including a disease. Instead, if you dream that you turn down those enemies, it suggests that those problems will be mild and that you’ll solve them quickly as soon as they arise. To dream that you’ve been maligned indicates that some adversaries are doing what’s necessary to make you suffer setbacks and failures in your job, business, etc. However, if you can dominate your enemies in such dream, then you can expect to be successful in the immediate future. To dream that you’re at enmity or rivalry with someone, though you can’t identify the person, it suggests that you will experience problems and uncomfortable situations due to the improper handling of your affairs….

…to succeed in life, which promises future welfare. Dreaming of a broken and dirty flag indicates failures and losses. Dreaming of only one flagpole indicates that you don’t know for sure what you want. For a woman, who dreams of a flag, indicates that she will have to change her behavior and, after this, she’ll be successful; it also indicates that she will receive good news. Dreaming of your own country flag flowing in the wind during a turbulent day suggests that there will be a victory, but dreaming of this in a peaceful day means that you’ll be successful in whatever you are doing. A woman that dreams her country flag implies that she’s somehow related to military man and may have romantic relationships with a member of the army or the navy. Dreaming of foreign flags generally indicates various problems either in the family or with friends….

To dream of brewing and baking, is a sign of an ill housewife, who lies dreaming in bed when she should be at work, and doing her business.

The power of being yourself and the strength doing what you want. The dream shows that you have an ability to feel yourself and do whatever you like to do in your life. You are the person who is confident enough to be himself instead of pretending someone else. If you are dreaming that you are invincible in front of bad people, it means that you do not care about others opinions and do not let to control your life.

To dream with one or more engineers that are performing their usual work, like working on their blueprints and doing measurements, suggests that you will try to change of employment, affection, business, etc., but will suffer failures and losses because of it. If you have marital aspirations, you should avoid precipitation because it may scuttle your plans.

If you saw a tannery in your dream, then it signifies the illness and sickness you will suffer. If you are the tanner, then it means that you have got to do things you do not like doing, because there are other people who depends on you and you must support them towards your hard work.

The waiting as the symbol in dreams could be interpreted as the negative and positive omens, depending on the circumstances of your waking life. Try to figure out how you were feeling in a dream as it would give much more information about the meaning of the dream. If you felt positively in a dream, then it means that you are dedicated to some work you are doing or to the partner you are in relationships with. If you felt negatively in a dream while waiting, then it symbolizes your fear of unknowingness.

To dream of bees alighting on you, and doing you no injury, you will be caressed by worthy characters. Industry and virtue will be your safeguard: if they sting you, and then fly away, it bodes a momentary injury, and will add to your virtue. It will be the same with the male or female.

…Dreaming of a scaffold, denotes that you will undergo keen disappointment in failing to secure the object of your affection. To ascend one, you will be misunderstood and censured by your friends for some action, which you never committed. To decend one, you will be guilty of wrong doing, and you will suffer the penalty. To fall from one, you will be unexpectedly surprised while engaged in deceiving and working injury to others….

The jaguar as the animal has such qualities as quickness, strength and power. The dreamer who sees jaguar probably has the ability to act fast in unexpected situations. The strength while reaching the goals is seen even if the circumstances are very unfavorable. The power of reaching the tasks and the speed while doing it is not regular one, but extraordinary great.

…Dreaming about your legs means that you have recovered your security and you will take control of your life again. Dreaming that your legs are weak means that, from the emotional point of view, you feel vulnerable. Dreaming that you have wounds on your legs or that you can’t walk represents the lack of balance or independence in your life. Dreaming that you have three or more legs means that you include too many actions in your real life. It’s better to do a few things properly rather than doing too many badly….

The cougar in dreams shows the power you are carrying with yourself. You feel the person who is capable of doing the things he likes and not feeling guilty that enjoying the life to the fullest. The cougar could be applied not only to the dreamer, but to the person that is very close to him and have these features such as being a strong person and believer in himself.

If the mud that appears in our dreams is the one used to modelling and we are doing some work with it, the dream symbolizes our ability to create and it’s a good omen for our ability to move forward with a project we have in mind. But if the mud is the one formed through the streets after torrential rains is a warning about the danger of slipping because of our immoral tendencies.

…Seeing or manufacturing aloe perfume in a dream means religious innovation, dirty money, evil reputation, placing things in the wrong place, or it could mean doing good deeds for profit. (Also see Civet | ‘Ud)…

The footprints symbolize pride, arrogance and victory. The dream about footprints could also represent the message you are trying to leave for others. Perhaps the things you are doing in your waking life, makes you wish to leave something for others either. Alternatively, the footprints could show the dreamer the things he has missed. There is a possibility that you wish to be someone close to you when it’s needed.

To dream of seeing apricots growing on the tree, represents that your positive thinking while looking to the future will not appear as good as you think it is. Things will not go as smoothly as you would like them to be, so stay calm and do not stress, as you will sort it out and will find the solution. When you dream of seeing yourself eating the apricots, it symbolizes dissapointment and frustration on things you are doing at the moment. If you see others eating apricots it shows that you will have problems, but everything will pass away very quick.

Dreaming of the palisades, denotes that you will alter well-formed plans to please strangers, and by so doing, you will impair your own interests.

…If you’re doing a work with ink, then such dream is interpreted as the symbolism of prosperity. If we get dirty with ink or spilling the ink out, then it is a sign of misfortune and obstacles in our work….

Doing it indicates that you will be active in the reconciliation of a dispute. Having difficulties to dry it, means gossip will threaten family stability.

Dreaming of your father-in-law, especially if he looks happy, may mean that family and friend ties are in great shape and they’ll continue that way. On the contrary, if he’s angry in the dream, it means the opposite. Dreaming that your mother-in-law is happy indicates that everything’s going great at home, there’s harmony. But if she’s angry, then it may mean that the dreamer is doing something improper. When a woman dreams of herself arguing with her mother-in-law, who’s angry, this indicates that there are family problems or friendships that must be avoided.

Dream of laurel symbolizes success. You’ll overcome a difficult task and you’ll be rewarded for doing goodness.

Dreaming that evil spirits shall obstruct thy doing good, under a show of devotion, shows thou will be obstructed in thy affairs by a hypocrite. And if thou dream that thou sees hideous physiognomies, things more than common shall be revealed to thee.

…(Imploring | Invocations) In a dream, supplications represent worship, a special prayer, or asking for a specific need. Invocations in a dream mean that one’s needs are satisfied. If one’s supplications are done under dire need, or if they involve strong emotions, sobbing or grief in the dream, then they represent trying moments in one’s life, or they could mean temptations. Loud or solemn supplications in a dream may indicate a special prayer for rain. If the suppli- cations do not call for God’s favors, or if they are not directed toward Him in the dream, then they represent falsehood. If the supplications are silent in the dream, they could mean that one will beget a blessed son. If one sees a group of people gathering in a circle of prayers, or doing Zikr and invoking the divine attributes in a dream, then they represent a gathering of children,…

Dreaming of being blind means that you will experience great disappointments and reversals of fortune. Seeing one within dreams means that you have to be a bit less of a dreamer and put your feet on the ground doing a retrospective analysis and examine what your limitations are.

…(Rape) Committing the abominable and forbidden act of adultery in a dream means betrayal. If one sees himself doing so in a dream, it means that he will betray his wife. An unknown woman is better here than a known woman. Adultery in a dream also means theft. If one sees an adulteress soliciting him for fornication in a dream it means that he might be lured to earn unlawful money. If one commits adultery with ayoung and a beautiful woman in a dream, it means that he will place his earnings in a well-guarded place or a coffer. If a strong person commits adultery in his dream and if he had to face the divine ordinance and chastisement for his sin in the dream, it means that his authority will expand. If the person in the dream qualifies for leadership, then he will be endowed with one. If…

Dropping the anchor or see someone doing so, it is a warning that we must meditate if we are on the right track. If we haul down the anchor, it is time that we put ourselves into action.

If you are at the clinic and looking out for some assistance, it shows that you are feeling very bad and need for help. Perhaps there are some happenings in your waking life that makes you feel very bad. You shouldn’t be afraid to seek for help, otherwise you will have these kind of dreams again and again. If you received the help while being in this clinic, it shows that you are doing great and the help will be provided to you as well in reality.

…(Anger) Suppressing one’s anger in a dream means having good qualities, receiving a commendation, blessings, doing good for those who appreciate and those who do not appreciate good favors. (Also see Anger | Suppressing one’s feelings)…

…Asking for forgiveness in a dream means expansion in one’s wealth, victory in one’s life, repelling calamities, long life and bearing children. If asking for forgiveness is done after completing one’s prayers in the dream, it means that one’s prayers will be answered. If one confronts the necessity of asking for forgiveness, then if he disdains from doing so in the dream, it means that he is a hypocrite. If a person is asked to repent and to ask for forgiveness in a dream, it means that he or she will commit adultery….

…Dreaming of a lottery, and that you are taking great interest in the drawing, you will engage in some worthless enterprise, which will cause you to make an unpropitious journey. If you hold the lucky number, you will gain in a speculation which will perplex and give you much anxiety. To see others winning in a lottery, denotes convivialities and amusements, bringing many friends together. If you lose in a lottery, you will be the victim of designing persons. Gloomy depressions in your affairs will result. For a young woman Dreaming of a lottery in any way, denotes that her careless way of doing things will bring her disappointment, and a husband who will not be altogether reliable or constant. Dreaming of a lottery, denotes you will have unfavorable friendships in business. Your love affairs will produce temporary pleasure….

Dreaming of firefighters doing an intense work indicates that you have good friends. Dreaming of a fire truck is a sign that there are deep concerns that you will overcome. Dreaming of a fire truck and that firefighters are extinguish the fire, it is a sign that all your problems will be solved, but if firefighters fail to control the fire, or the car appears destroyed or broken and useless and it doesn’t work, the existing problems that you have will be aggravated. If a young man dreams of a fire truck, such dream works as an indication that he won’t be able to fulfil his romantic desires. If a young woman dreams of firefighters resting, inactive, it indicates that she or some of her relatives or friends are at risk of having an accident.

Dreaming of bananas indicates that the dreamer will be forced to tolerate friends that he or she doesn’t like. Dreaming of eating bananas means that the dreamer has a very intense workload for not that much money. Dreaming of green bananas indicates upcoming sorrows and problems. If the dreamer is eating these bananas, then it suggests that the dreamer has something wrong with his or her nervous system and should consult a doctor. It could also be that the body is demanding something sweet, either because the pancreas requires sugar or because the heart needs potassium. Dreaming of trading with bananas announces that all of the matters being handled will go from bad to worse. Dreaming of old and rotten bananas suggests that the dreamer is doing illegal business.

When you dream of suffering from arthritis it means that you are struggling when it comes to reaching your tasks. Maybe there are some barriers you are facing when dealing with your business or maybe you have no intention, because you do not like what you are doing. What you have to do is to try to concentrate and move forward, instead of complaining about it.

If someone has stabbed you with the fork, or you saw the other person being stabbed with it, then such dream suggests to look after your financials and family, because there is a possible danger you are unable to avoid. If you eat the food with the fork or see others doing so, it means that we follow the rules and like the comfortable life.

…Walking down a sidewalk, both in dreams and in real life, means in principle be within appropriate limits for the walker but we will have to see what we’re doing on that journey. If in the dream we are going up on the sidewalk it may indicate a possibility to climb up a hierarchy, either professional or another kind and, if we dream that we are going down the sidewalk that will mean the opposite. It can be a good starting point for analyzing everyday actions in which we operate and how we deal with them….

…or without license means that you are wandering throughout your life without plan, without goal, without identity. You are trying to find these aspects by yourself, without any help. Also, it means that your actions is not controlled or is not permitted by someone who should be in charge. Are you in relationship? Maybe you are the one who acts without consultation with partner. Additionally, driving without permit means that you are the person, who thinks that he is always the right one. Thus, you don’t go into anything where you can be controlled. Dreaming without license doesn’t show that you are bad, you are just different. But if you get caught by police in the dream, it shows that sometimes you have feeling of being devious. Also, to be caught without permit shows your fear of being isolated from everything what you are doing. Are you afraid to lose…

Dreaming that you take olives from a jar and eat them suggests that you’ll have social success soon. Dreaming that you’re happily standing under the shadow of an olive tree plucking olives, means that you will succeed in what you’re doing or that you’ll obtain what you have been longing for. Dreaming of breaking a jar with olives suggests that you’re mixing work with pleasure, which will give you bad results.

…To dream of brewing is a sign you should be up and doing great in love, it denotes idleness in your sweetheart; if in trade you will sustain losses. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 31….