…the cobs suggests that you’ll soon have or will start a social or familiar relationship with important and successful people. When a farmer dreams of him standing among beautiful corn crops before they’re harvested, it suggests a good year in the field and a good harvest also. For city or business people this same dream indicates a favorable business and a near future prosperity. When young people dream of corn crop fields, it suggests that they’ll have a pleasant future. When you dream about wilted pods, or that these have grown little or have been destroyed by someone, it suggests losses, illnesses and in some cases a real disaster. To dream about yourself shelling corncobs symbolizes that what you’re doing in your daily life is wrong and you’ll soon suffer the consequences. To dream of you eating stewed tender cobs indicates satisfaction and self-confidence that will yield good results….

…dream means solving a problem through kindness. If the food is greasy in the dream, it means that one’s problem is a lasting one. Sour food in a dream means steadfastness. Sour food in one’s mouth in a dream also means pain and sufferings. Yellow food in a dream means sickness, except for fowl’s meat. Drinking food the way one drinks liquids in a dream means increase in one’s earnings. Eating at a wedding in a dream means glad tidings. Eating at a reception after a funeral in a dream means distress and sorrow. Any food that has a long shelf life in a dream means profits and continuous benefits. Meat, eggplant, squash or the like food in a dream represent temporary benefit or seasonal earnings. Eating at the tables of royalties or rich people in a dream means rising in rank, or renewing the mandate of one’s office. Eating…

…Sleeping in a dream means heedlessness or joblessness. In general, sleeping or feeling sleepy in a dream has negative connotations except for someone who is scared, or who expects an adversities or sufferings he may experience otherwise. This is because sleep abates all fears, annihilates them and clams one’s distress. Sleeping in a graveyard in a dream means a sickness. Sleeping over a grave in a dream means death for a sick person and joblessness for a healthy person. Sleeping in a dream also means stagnation, heedlessness, or infringing upon God’s commands, or discrediting or denying the consequences of negating them. Sleeping in a dream also could represent a blessed journey, such as seeking knowledge or doing good deeds. It also means disregard for worldly attractions, or despite for its glitters. Sleeping people in a dream also represent mass annihilation, death, murders, rising prices, or it could denote things…

…(City | Suburban area | Town) A village in a dream represents injustice that will be followed by destruction as a consequence of people’s sins. Entering a well fortified village in a dream means fighting with someone. Crossing a village into a city in a dream means changing a menial job into a more respectable one, or perhaps it could mean downgrading a good deed one has performed, thinking of it as unimportant, or regretting it, or it could mean doing something good and thinking of it as evil, or perhaps it could mean showing indecisiveness and doubt. Entering a village in a dream also means governing it, or presiding over its people, or it could mean commencing a new job. Walking out of a village in a dream means escaping from evil. Seeing a destroyed village in a dream means heedlessness or a calamity caused by the sins…

…God Almighty and calling upon His most holy attributes in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or face great adversities, while in his heart, he will remain pleading with God Almighty for mercy and relief, though he may remain silent in public regarding his inner faith, and in fear of being ridiculed by his own circles. If during his dream one speaks words of truth and wisdom, it means that he will recover from his adversity and be cured from his illness. Furthermore, he will move into a more comfortable life and begin a life of sharing and doing good deeds in this world, or he may receive guidance and light, and faith will permeate his heart. If one says his prayers with a twang in a dream, it means that he will linger in difficulties, and that people will mock him too. (Also see Supplications)…

…skies in a dream, it means that a war may take place in that land. Riding a horse and holding a spear in one’s hand in a dream means forcing people to do something, or forcing them to pay what they owe. If one sees his horse drowning in a dream, it means that he may die from an illness. Buying a horse and tending the money to the seller in the dream means profits in one’s business, or earning money from teaching. Selling one’s horse in a dream means doing good and being grateful for it. If one’s horse bites him in a dream, it means that he will lead an army in a war. If one kills a horse in his dream, it means that he will be awarded status, rank and money. Slaughtering a horse for other than food in a dream means spoiling one’s livelihood. If…

…Reaching a well which is dug for the general public to draw from its water means getting relief after suffering from difficulties. Finding a well adjacent to a barmaid in a dream means finding a spiritual teacher, or joining a fellowship and a school for the seekers. If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people in a particular neighborhood other than Mecca in a dream, it means that a gnostic will come to that town, and whose knowledge and wisdom will greatly benefit its people. It also may denote the bounty and blessings which are imparted to that town, or it could denote the victory of its people over their real enemy. Drinking from such a well in a dream means fulfillment of one’s intentions and satisfaction of his needs. In a dream, a well also means a prison or depression. If one is in such…

…Tirmithi, it is also stated that Satan cannot impersonate God Almighty, His signs, prophets or angels. If someone suffering from distress sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his difficulties will be removed. If a prisoner sees him in a dream, it means that he will be released form prison. If one is living at a time of economic chaos, and if high prices are exploiting the people of the land, or if injustice is tyrannizing everyone, then seeing God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream represents an end to such adversities. Seeing him in his beautiful, radiant and impeccable appearance as best described by his companions in a dream means glad tidings of attaining a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world and in the hereafter. The state and clarity of one’s heart and how well polished is his own mirror determines in…

See Crowd.

…(Admonition | Cave in | Earthquake | Harvest | Violation) In a dream, destruction means dispersion of people, or it could mean death. Destruction in a dream also means the leveling of a town or the death of its ruler or it could represent absence of justice. Experiencing destruction in a dream means suffering from the persecution of people one cannot bear. Seeing a city destroyed by an earthquake in a dream represents the carrying of a death sentence for someone there, or it could mean violation of people’s rights or freedom in that town. If one sees an entire town being destroyed with its urban area, factories and fields in a dream, it means that the people of that town have gone astray, or that its leaders are struck with calamities. On the other hand, if one sees it flourishing in a dream, then it reflects the spiritual…

Great blessing. 86.

Making long journeys.

Receiving benefits and reward.

…them, or mocks them, or argues with them in a dream, it means that he is an innovator and a heedless person. This could also mean that he will be persecuted by his superiors, for a prophet in a dream also represents a ruler or a king, and God’s prophets are in truth the guardians of the souls, and they are kings in this world and in the hereafter. A prophet in a dream also represents a religious scholar, because religious scholars are the heirs of the prophets, upon all of them be peace. Religious scholars also know God’s prophets better than the common people. They understand their message and follow their traditions of glorifying God’s Oneness, devotion, piety, prayers, charity, acting upon what they know and admonishing others to follow the path of truth and righteousness. A prophet in a dream also represents one’s superior, a preacher, a righteous…

(See Tar)

…May, it means a fierce battle, fights between people or public disorder. If one’s dream takes place during the month of June, then it means destruction of evil trades and their people. If the dream takes place during the daylight time, then it means appointment of people of knowledge to leading positions in the government. If one dreams of an earthquake during the month of July, it means that a great person will die in that place. If it takes place during the month of August, it means that an enemy will attack that country. If it takes place during the month of September in the dream, it means that a stranger will enter that town and subsequently, the town will be hit with a severe plague and sufferings. If it takes place during the month of October in one’s dream, then it represents a common illness, safety of pregnant…

Getting plenty of work. 318.

…hanging down from trees in a dream, it means rising prices and the same interpretation applies for all commodities. If he sees bread scattered on the ground and people walking over it in a dream, it means prosperity in that land which leads to vanity. A good looking loaf of bread represents one’s good religious stand, otherwise it means the opposite. Baking bread in a dream means working for one’s livelihood. Seeing squandered loaves of bread and not eating from them in the dream means meeting with brothers one has not seen for a long time. Having a loaf of bread baked with coarsely grounded grains in the dream means living a comfortable life, though with insignificant religious attendance. If it is a loaf of barley bread in the dream, it means a strenuous life, though well managed. Corn bread, chick peas bread or millet bread means tight financial conditions…

Joy, health and luck.



Getting chance to help persons in want.

Hindrance in entertainments. 153.

Mourning and sadness.

To see one naked represents sadness, sorrows or even some kind of injury.

Getting into danger of life.

…(arb. God’s House | Mosque | Place of worship) In Arabic, the word masjid means a place of prostration, while the word Jami means a place of gathering. A masjid or a mosque in a dream represents a scholar and its gates represent men of knowledge and the guardians, or the attendants of God’s House. Building a masjid in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, fostering the unity of one’s family, or becoming a judge, should one qualify for such an office. A masjid filled with people in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, brings their hearts together, teaches them the precepts of their religion and explains the wisdom behind the divine revelations. Seeing a masjid being demolished in a dream means that such a gnostic,…

Partaking of the misfortune of others. 264.

To dream of an actor or actress portends success in courtship; an author, a rencontre with an old friend; a baker, missing a train; a builder, a present in the way of dress; a clergyman, neuralgia or biliousness; a coachman, an injury to the head; a chemist, getting into debt; a dentist, ill-ness or death; a dressmaker, kisses; a doctor, danger from cows and horses; a gardener, an accident to the feet or legs; a grocer, sickness; a lawyer, pecuniary losses and danger from dog-bites; a manicurist, presents from a lover, success in courtship; a parvenu, danger from tramps; a publisher, danger from stinging; a member of Parliament, a birth; a sailor, an accident to a clock or watch; a soldier, breaking china or glass; a tailor, quarrel with parents-in-law; a tinker, visit from mother-in-law, or debts incurred by wife or sweetheart; a tramp, present of a dog…

…(Challenges | Game) Playing chess in a dream means mixing with all kinds of people. Playing chess in a dream also means deception, fights or a ploy. Seeing a chessboard, and if no one is playing it in a dream represents a strike, or people who are dismissed from their job. If one sees people playing it, then such people represent the leaders or the statesmen. The winner in a chess game in a dream is the winner of a political or a military maneuver. Whatever steps one takes in playing chess in a dream will be reflected in the political arena. Playing chess in a dream also could mean intending a fight, but not knowing whether he will win or lose. It also could mean facing dangerous people, so one is warned in the dream to be on guard against their tricks or ploys. Playing chess in a…

…In adream, shooting arrows is interpreted like shelling someone or a place. Otherwise, they means backbiting people or slandering them. Shooting arrows in a dream also could mean taking medicine, or giving an injection to a patient. If the arrows do not have arrowheads in the dream, then they mean disappointment. If one shoots arrows and finds himself also at the receiving end in a dream, it means that he will attain his goal of meeting his Lord. However, if he remains in this world, it means that he will rise in station and receive honor. If one sees two rows of people shooting arrows at each other in his dream, it means that the successful ones would be right and the losers would be at fault. Shooting arrows at people in a dream then means backbiting people, slandering them, or it could mean vain talking. If one constantly…

Luck, good fortune.

Dreaming about clothes symbolize desires for elegance, fame and success with the opposite sex. If a garment strongly draws our attention, then such dream shows that we will have to analyze it together with the color of the garment. If we dream seeing ourselves with the opposite sex underwear, then such dream certainly has sexual connotations. If the underwear is of the same sex, then in this case for men reveals timidity or fear of the consequences of auto-eroticism. In women the same can be taken as a garment more to dress, reflect of timidity, fear of sex or desire or fear of motherhood.

…This dream usually has different meanings depending on with whom you sleep. Dreaming that you sleep with a person of the opposite sex can mean an obstacle to achieve you goals. If you dream that you sleep with someone of the same sex, it may indicate setbacks. If you sleep with an ugly man, it indicates disease; if on the other hand, you sleep with a handsome man, it indicates disappointment. Sleeping with an ugly woman means death, but sleeping with a beautiful woman indicates betrayal. Sleeping with a former spouse indicates bad news, but sleeping with your current wife or husband indicates joy. Sleeping with your mother indicates security in business. Having sex with your own daughter means scandal, and if you dream you sleep with your sister, it can indicate a close trip. Dreaming that you have sex with prostitute portends permanent fortune….

To dream that you see the heron could mean that you feel you are doing something you shouldn’t do. You feel that whatever you are doing you have no passion for it and not enjoying while doing it, therefore you dream of heron. The heron in dreams could also show that you do not put the whole dedication and do not put enough of the effort while doing the job or while being in some relationships. In some cases the heron could indicate your desire to be independent from others and receive more freedom.

…will recover professionally, perhaps with new gains. When you are dreaming that you are wearing shoes of the opposite sex, then it can mean that your name and personality are being slandered and defamed. When you are dreaming about someone else who is wearing your shoes, then it warns you about a rival in your love life. When you are dreaming of yourself wearing a new pair of shoes, then it announces success and improvements in the matters that you are dealing with such as employment, or business. When we are dreaming about sneakers, then it warns us about the risk of making dangerous commitments, for example, relationships with untrustworthy people. If a woman dreams about her own shoes or sneakers as being very appealing and highly regarded by other people, then it is a warning about her flirtation, which, if not controlled, will cause her headaches and disrepute….

…(Green garments) Seeing paradise and not entering it in a dream means glad tidings of a blessed deed one will perform. Only an equitable person may see it, not an unjust person. Should he desire to enter it when someone is preventing him from doing so in the dream means that he must exercise patience toward being prevented from attending a pilgrimage to Mecca. It also means that he could be prevented from repenting from a sin he is adamant at disqualifying from being a sin, then when suddenly he feels an urge to repent for it, he may be prevented from doing so. If one sees that one of the gates of paradise is closed in the dream, it means that one of his parents will pass away. If two of its gates are closed in the dream, it means that he will lose his parents. If all…

…In a dream, a floor cleaner represents someone who investigates people’s conditions and likes to help them. Cleaning throughout a farmland in a dream means seeking the company of righteous people. Cleaning through a vineyard in a dream means investigating the living condition of a woman. Cleaning a tree in a dream means investigating the living conditions of religious people. Sweeping a street in a dream means travelling an equal distance to such a street. If one sees himself cleaning the road to Mecca in a dream, it means that he will perform a pilgrimage. Cleaning through a grass field without knowing the owner in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Cleaning the floors of someone’s house in a dream means finding how he is doing. (Also see Sweeping the floor | Washer | Washing)…

Dreaming of doing any activity related to art or science suggests that in real life you want to be in contact with important people, you want to be included or stand out in a particular social environment, for example in politics, trades or an intellectual area. This dream usually indicates a desire to stand out as an artist or an intellectual. It is also common in people who already have some notoriety in a social environment, at work, or already have rich friends. Usually, those who have this kind of dreams are cheerful, good-natured and very funny people, who like to attend parties, go on trips, etc.

…Dreaming of a random lock suggests that the dreamer is neglecting issues that require urgent attention. Dreaming of a specific kind of lock suggests that the dreamer feels or is confused, disoriented, without knowing what to do or say. Dreaming of opening or moving a lock, suggests that through some effort the dreamer will overcome the things that malicious people who are seeking to harm him or her are doing, the same as in business or romantic relationships. Dreaming of not being able to open a lock means that it’ll be very difficult to overcome obstacles that appear in daily life. Dreaming of a damaged or broken lock means that the dreamer’s own health is being neglected or the health of a loved one is being neglected. Dreaming of keys to a door lock signifies surprises and changes in the dreamer’s life. Dreaming of searching for the keys of…