…desert with its interminable extent of brown soil, dotted here and there with spidery looking trees, discovered no one; neither could I discern the slightest evidence of life in the town.Entering a broad, cobble-paved street, I was proceeding slowly along it, almost afraid to tread on account of the clatter made by my boots, when suddenly, without the faintest warning, I was surrounded by a crowd of people, all in brown clothes, and all wearing an air of the greatest mystery. Catching hold of me gently by the arms, with one finger laid on their lips to enjoin silence, they tiptoed cautiously forward, dragging me with them. In this manner we advanced some hundreds of yards, coming to a sudden standstill in front of a kind of brown bathing machine. One of the crowd then stepped forward, and, bowing to me with mock solemnity, very cautiously approached the wooden box….

…(Delivering water) In a dream, a water carrier represents a man of piety and trueness, because he practices the best of deeds and particularly if he does not receive a wage for his delivery in the dream. If one sees himself filling a bottle of water and delivering it to a house, it represents his earnings. A water carrier in a dream also represents a gnostic who heals the illness of people’s hearts with his knowledge, love and wisdom. A water carrier in a dream also represents one who can go near high ranking people. He also represents one who delivers people’s belongings to their hands. A water carrier in a dream also may denote evil, burdens, fights, dancing, or whirling. If a water carrier delivers someone a glass of water in a dream and receives money for it, it represents a responsibility or a burden he will carry,…

…(Bucket | Watering) In a dream, a shepherd represents a leader, a teacher or a governor. If one sees himself herding his sheep and not knowinghow far they have spread in the fields in the dream, it means that he reads the Qur’anic revelations but does not fathom their meaning. Herding camels in a dream means presiding over people from a different land. Herding one’s flock in a dream means serving one’s people with compassion, and caring for their interests. Sheep in a dream also represent righteous men. A shepherd in a dream also represents a high rank, a position of authority, or justice toward others. (Also see Righteous people)…

…(zool. Bird) A crane in a dream represents a poor, meek and a weak person. Catching a crane in a dream means marrying a girl from a family of despicable characters. Cranes in a dream also represent sociable people who like to share. Seeing a crane in a dream also could mean undertaking a distant journey or returning home safely from a distant trip. Seeing cranes flying over a town in a dream denotes a cold winter, rain storms and floods. Eating the flesh of a crane in a dream means receiving money from a thief or a servant. A flock of cranes flying in a dream represents thieves, bandits, highway robbers, pollution or a hurricane. Seeing dispersed cranes flying in a dream means profits and benefits for a traveller, marriage, or a son. Riding on a crane in a dream means becoming poor. Owning a large flock of…

…(Boat | Human being | Might | Mother | Prison | Star | Salvation | Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought. If one who is experiencing adversities sees a ship or a boat anchored in a harbor in his dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted shortly. If one sees himself pulling it, or driving it on dry land in a dream, it means that he is a hypocrite or a pimp. If he rides a ship along with righteous people in a dream, it means that he is guided on the straight path and that his sins will be forgiven. If one reaches the shore and leaves the boat in a dream, it means that he will live in safety and happiness, and he will escape…

…(Foreseer | Fortuneteller | Predictor | Soothsayer) Seeing an astrologer in a dream means associating oneself with spiritual masters and witnessing some of their miraculous signs. An astrologer in a dream also may mean knowledge of people’s secrets, curiosity, inquisitiveness, meddling in people’s affairs, divulging people’s secrets, soothsaying, fortune-telling, backbiting, predicting the future, hearsay, gossip, distress or trouble. If the one who is seeing the dream suffers from any of the above ills, seeing an astrologer in a dream also means dispelling such misfortunes. Seeing an astrologer in a dream also signifies marriage, divorce, the death of a sick person, travels, delivering a baby, hearing good or bad news. Seeing an astrologer in a dream also may denote knowledge, following the true path and acting upon it, for a God fearing astrologer mostly arbitrates by the prophetic rules. (Also see Astrolabe | Divi- nation | Fortuneteller)…

If you envy other people in the dream, then such dream shows the great friends you are surrounded by. You will be honored and appreciated for your honest behavior. If you have been envied by other people, then such dream warns you to be aware of people that called themselves friends. Maybe they are not truthful to you.

(Call | Cry | Human call | Outcry | Shout | Scream) Shouting at a gathering of people in a dream means winning the title of a statesman, authority and power in an election, or presiding over people. If one sees himself shouting alone in a dream, it means that he will lose his power and his words will have impact. Shouting in a dream also denotes social turmoil, agitation caused by war, an earthquake, the drowning of a ship, or the spread of a new disease that will force people to turn to God Almighty for help. (Also see Calling someone)

When you lend something for others, then such dream indicates your responsibilities and duties to other people. The dream could also show the goodness that is in you. If other people were lending you money or any other things, then it shows your dependency on other people. Perhaps the dream suggests you to be more independent and to become responsible for your own life.

(Eye doctor | Oculist) In a dream, an ophthalmologist represents a spiritual guide who brings people out of darkness into light and who brings peace and unity between beloveds. An ophthalmologist in a dream also represents a teacher who entices people to seek knowledge, to reflect in advance about the consequences of their actions and to develop a sharp sight. An ophthalmologist in a dream also could represent a pearl diver, an ocean diver, one who digs wells or restores old springs, or an eye expert who can tell the difference between false eyes from the true ones. An ophthalmologist in a dream also represents a preacher, or a counsellor who can show the difference between the path of righteous people and the path of the heedless ones. An ophthalmologist in a dream also may represent someone who has something to say, or news to report.

…Dreaming of being a prisoner indicates that the dreamer is living in an unpleasant environment because enemies are constantly attacking and trying to harm the dreamer. Dreaming that others are being confined in a fortress or prison suggests that the dreamer has the ability and energy to dominate the competition and achieve success in his or her business or employment. Dreaming with weapons in hand defending a fortress suggests that some enemies try to damage the dreamer, but fail in their attempt. Dreaming of successfully attacking a fortress indicates that the dreamer will overcome enemies and obstacles that may come in the way. This dream, in a sentimental aspect, indicates probable marriage, and in married people it indicates reconciliation. A young woman who dreams that her boyfriend is in jail insinuates that he is not a trustworthy person and has already begun to disappoint her. When a man or…

If you dream that you are imitating others, then such dream shows that you are not sure about the decisions you’ve made. You do not trust your own opinion and your gut. The dream in which you are imitating others could show your admiration towards those people. If other people are imitating you, then such dream shows how much respected you are by those people.

(Silk brocade) Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Owning extensive yardage of silk brocade in a dream means piety, presiding over people, a marriage to a beautiful and a noble woman who is worthy of respect. Buying folded yardage of silk fabric in a dream means getting a housemaid. Wearing a silk brocaded garment in a dream means taking a beautiful and a virgin servant for a wife. If people of knowledge or religious leaders wear brocaded garment in a dream, it represents their love for the world, or misleading the people through innovation.

…If you’ve dreamed of seeing bites it foretells about the evil you are surrounded by. You should stay wide awake and pay more attention to people you are in contact. Be careful as the enemy manages to destroy many things. Evil is not point of view, because it is something that people chose to do or not to do and mostly all of the bad things happen instantly. This is an example that you never know what to expect from the others and especially at this time of your life you’ve got t stay focused and careful. If you were dreaming that someone bit you, then it signifies to your inability to deal with severities. Maybe you have the barriers which should be removed, otherwise you will stay at the same point you are now. If the vampire has bitten you, you’ve got to get rid of the person…

There are people who because of their deep religious beliefs, think so much about Christ that they might even believe to have seen him and heard him while being awake or in dreams. This exaggeration naturally makes the symbol to lose its true value. However, it seems that in many of the dreams the person has enormous anguish and yearning for peace, because the dreamer is very uncomfortable in the environment he or she lives in, that is why the dreamer wants a definite shift towards a quiet, comfortable life in harmony with people of his or her liking. Obviously, in other cases the symbol can be different, but always in the sense of seeking peace, for example, people who are non-believers of Christ, are obviously suffering distress. In most cases, the dream of Christ becomes more of a prayer in which they are asking for help.

The string is the symbolism of the connection between 2 people. Sometimes the string shows that you are too much attached to particular person, therefore you see the string. Some people feel the necessity for more personal space, but certain relationships or lifestyle doesn’t provide that, these people also dream about string. If you are winding the string or make the place tidy by tying the strings, it shows your tendency to keep everything organized. You tend to keep things clear.

…(Inundation | Torrent) Flood in a dream represents enemy attack, harm, destruction, sickness, a toiling journey or the inundation of a town. If the water flows toward a river in a dream, it means that he will escape from a dangerous enemy. Fighting a flood or trying to prevent it from entering one’s house in a dream means fighting with one’s enemy to protect one’s family and property. However, if people still benefit from its waters for their wells or farms in the dream, then it represents a prosperous year and a good harvest, or it could represent good irrigations and strong dams. In a dream, a flood also represents lies, hypocrisy, wasting one’s speech, or it could mean falsehood. If one sees his town flooded with blood in a dream, then it represents God’s wrath and punishment for people’s sins. Inundations in a dream also could represent a…

…in such a place one sees himself being tortured in a dream, it means that his benefits and profits will be greater. If a woman sees herself imprisoned in a dream, it means that she will marry an important person or an older person. If in one’s dream the prison is administered by a religious authority, it means that one correctly prescribes to his religion. If it is a civil prison, then it means adver- sities, sufferings and distress caused by hypocrisy and by blaming others. An unknown prison in a dream means the world. A prison in a dream also represents an ill-natured wife, a difficult cause, silence, or controlling one’s tongue, the perfidy of one’s enemy, accusations, allegations, associating with rich people, one’s grave, suspension of travels because of an illness, losing one’s drive, poverty, or unhappiness. Entering a prison in a dream also means longevity, or reuniting…

…(String instruments | Guitar | Lute | Mandolin) In a dream, a banjo repre- sents people’s common business, double-dealing, scrupulousness, adultery, playing chess, sorcery, a medium, evocation of spirits, calling on jinn spirits, being possessed by jinns or similar effects. A banjo in a dream also represents the leader of such a band of people and it denotes distress and sorrows. Playing a banjo with strings made from animals’ intestines in a dream also represents a wise man admonishing or reprimanding people. Playing a banjo in a dream also means sorrow. To tap on a banjo in a dream denotes nostalgia. Listening to the music of a banjo in a dream means turning one’s attention to lies. (Also see Musician | String Instruments)…

…circumstances or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or it could mean marriage for an unwed person. Wearing a stately apparel in a dream means honor and dignity. Wearing a soldier’s uniform in a dream means war. Wearing a scholar’s robe or a teacher’s vest in a dream means studying to become a learned person. Wearing an ascetic’s woolen wrap in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Wearing a salesman’s suit in a dream means hard work or looking for work if the suit looks expensive in the dream, for people mostly wear expensive looking suits when they are still searching for work. Wearing a white garment in a dream means pride, honor and dignity. Wearing silk in a dream means strength and occupying a high rank in a business or government. If one sees a deceased person wearing a silken garment in a dream, it means that he is…

…shaded under a cloud of smoke in a dream, it means that he will suffer from a high fever. If one suffers from the heat of smoke in a dream, it means difficulties and distress. If one sees clouds of smoke gathering over the hills in a dream, it means that a great scare will befall the people of that locality. If the smoke is not caused by a fire in the dream, it represents the stationing of an army though no war will take place. However, the impact of such fear will have its effects on everyone. If the smoke causes harm to the people and affect their sights or limits their vision in the dream, it means injustice, depression, adversities, pain and suffering from a divine punishment for people’s sins. Smoke in a dream also means news from the direction it comes from. (Also see Smoke | Sparks)…

When you dream of seeing yourself apologizing to someone, it signifies you as open minded to people who have been in your life. It means that people in your life comes and the leaves, which is not a bad sign, as you are changing so the people are changing as well. This dream also represents justice and indulgence. Make sure you leave the negative emotions behind you. What this dream wants you to show is, that you have to move forward with your life.

…(Spiritual guide | Letter carrier | Lighthouse | Minaret of a mosque) In a dream, the minaret of a mosque represents a righteous man who fosters unity and love between people, who calls them to live by their religious covenant and guides them on the path of God Almighty. If a minaret is demolished in a dream, it represents the death of such a spiritual guide, fading of his name, dispersal of his community, and perhaps it could lead to the reversal of their conditions. The minaret of the city’s central mosque in a dream represents a letter carrier, or a guide calling people to God’s path. Falling down from the top of a minaret into a well in a dream means marrying a strong minded woman who uses vicious expressions, when one already has a pious wife with whom he enjoys peace and tranquility. It also means losing…

…falsehood or become affected. If one sees a common marketplace on fire, or filled with people, or with a stream of fresh water running in the middle of it, or if it is fragrant with perfumes in the dream, then it represents good business for everyone and increase in their profits, though hypocrisy will later on spread among the people. Otherwise, if one finds the shops closed, the merchants drowsing and spiders webs spreading in every corner and covering the merchandise in the dream, it means stagnation of business or suffering major losses. Seeing the marketplace in a dream is also interpreted to represent the world. Whatever affects it will show in people’s lives, in their mosques, churches, or temples including their profits, losses, clothing, recovering from illness, lies, stress, sorrows or adversities. If the market is quiet in the dream, then it represents the laziness of its salespeople. (Also…

To dream of attending the convention, denotes to the lack of interaction and contact with other people. Consider that the decisions you are making always makes the influence on the other people. Make sure you include those people in your life and decisions you make. The dream could be interpreted much better if you remembered what kind of convention you attended to.

…(Moth | Silkworm) In a dream, a butterfly signifies ignorance, lack of experience with people, or inexperience with the proper protocol. A butterfly in a dream also could signify love and sacrificing one’s life for others. A butterfly in a dream also represents fire worshipers, fear, or a weak enemy who speaks big words. If a farmer sees butterflies in his dream, it means hardships and lack of work, or consenting to evil by associating with evil companions, or befriending vile women. A silkworm in a dream represents the best of people who spend in charity from their best and who curtail their evil, or it could represent children who live a short life in this world, or people who leave a sizeable estate for their posterity. A silkworm, or a butterfly in a dream also could signify a short life, the near end of one’s life, a miller,…

The falling is very common dream for everyone and most of people had it at least one time in their lives. The falling represents the fears the one has and how he is thinking that he is going to fail. If you fall, but have no fear about it, then such dream represents the fact that you will deal with your problems very easily. If you were falling and felt the apprehension, then it denotes to failures you will have in your life. Or you simply don’t know how to deal with current situation. In you were injured while falling, you will lose the people that are close to you or will have a fight. In some cultures it is told that people who dream of falling are actually returning to their body, because their souls were separately for some time.

To dream of seeing the judge could have several meanings. The first one is that you’ve done something bad and are afraid of the payback time. The other explanation says that you are too judgmental on people, especially if the judge you see in the dream is you. The judge shows the people we are afraid of as well, therefore you should think of what kind of people you surround yourself with.

…Sopped bread with meat and broth or soup in a dream represent man’s livelihood. The amount of food one eats from a bowl of soup represents the portion of life one has spent, and the balance in the bowl represents what is left. Looking at a bowl of soup and being afraid to eat from it in the dream means longevity which is accompanied with comfort and ease. Eating fat-free soup in a dream means wishing for death because of one’s poverty or illness. Soup with bread but without meat in a dream represents a high ranking position without benefits. Eating a lion’s soup in a dream means presiding over heartless and inhumane people, along with mistrust and fears. Eating a dog’s soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits. If the soup has no fat…

…in that case, it is dead and does not glorify God Almighty, nor can people benefit from it. In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead. If a person sees himself climbing an erect mountain, eating from its plants and drinking from its water, and if he qualifies to govern, it means that he will be appointed to a governing post under the auspices of a stringent ruler, though his subjects do receive benefits from his government. The size of benefits the governor will acquire is equal to the quantity of food and the measure of water he drinks from it in his dream. If the person is a merchant or a business man, a mountain in his dream represents profits and earning a good reputation. If climbing the mountain is easy, then there…

…poverty, sickness and death. In fact, death in a dream also could mean love, or living distant from one’s beloved or life after death. To burn in the fire in a dream also means love. To enter paradise in a dream also means love and to enter hell-fire in a dream means separation from one’s beloved. Yearning for one’s beloved in a dream means heedlessness, and love in a dream also indicates corruption in one’s religious life, or loss of money. To love someone in God in a dream, means mercy between people. Otherwise, to love one another for personal interests in a dream means a partnership that will end in betrayal or it could mean a marriage without family consent. Pretending to be in love in one’s dream means straying from God’s path. If a knowledgeable person or a scholar pretends to be enamored in a dream, it means…

…(Blackboard | Preserved Tablet | Records | Scrolls) Seeing the heavenly Preserved Tablet in a dream means unveiling one’s actions and thoughts, glad tidings for someone suffering from adversities, recovering from an illness for an ailing person, or falling into sin for people whose indulgence in abominable action is a common way of life. As for godly and righteous people, seeing the Preserved Tablet in a dream means guidance relating to what God Almighty has written of commands and prohibitions. As for niggardly people, seeing the Preserved Tablet in a dream means acquaintance with one’s written shares and certainty about one’s limitations and his life in this world. Seeing it also means preserving knowledge, cataloging references, or saving money for one’s family and heirs. It also represents a guardian for one’s properties, treasurer, the keeper of one’s secrets, or a controller. Seeing the Preserved Tablet in a dream also…

…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…

…If you dream that you’re crying, it suggests transitory joys that will eventually turn into sadness as a result of bad business decisions and problems at home. To dream that a friend or family member is crying suggests that soon someone will ask for your help. To see many people crying in your dream is a warning that a great misfortune will occur and it can somehow affect you. To dream that a few people are crying and wiping their tears suggests that the sufferings of the people that surround you somehow affect you, but this will soon pass….

…(Followers | Righteous people | Successors) If one sees in a dream that one of the companions of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, his followers or their successors entering a town or locality that is suffering under natural adversities, oppression or war, it means relief for its people and reversal of their conditions. It could also mean that their leaders will become guided again. To see the gnostics of a land means increase in one’s knowledge. To see the wise men of a land, means increase in one’s wisdom. To see the preachers of a town in a dream means spiritual growth and increase in one’s happiness. To see the righteous dwellers of a land and God’s trustees therein in a dream means increase in one’s devotion. If one sees past companions alive in a dream, it means prosperity, justice and economic growth for the inhabitants, coming from…

…(Goldsmith | Leather craftsman | or any craft using a hammer and a chisel.) An engraver in a dream represents knowledge and pursuit of the prophetic traditions. In a dream, an engraver also means deception, trickery and imposing credulity upon others through dishonesty. A stone carver in a dream represents someone who deals with people of ignorance. A copper engraver represents disputes and illness. Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong. An engraver in a dream also represents a worldly person. If he also deals with fabrics in the dream, it means that he is a peacemaker. Seeing him also means spending one’s money to serve evil people or investing money in their projects, lies, falsehood and hypocrisy. The customers in the dream represent people who prefer worldly and temporary benefits over the eternal reward and benefits of the hereafter….

…Dreaming of being helped by God hints that matters and business being handled are not going well and will remain that way for some time, especially if the dreamer continues having bad behavior, because overconfidence in oneself will produce serious disorders, loss, etc. The tradition of dreams says that the presence of God in dreams is common in people, who know that their behavior is wrong and continue to act that way, which is subconscious self-reproach. However, it’s rare for those who have a correct behavior and have nothing to reproach about themselves to dream of God. Also, dreaming of God is common in people of markedly religious ideas, which does not happen to people with developed intellectual. Dreaming of God seems to be more than anything, a way of blaming one-self for not acting properly. However, there are other interpretations: When a man dreams of looking at God…

…(Brass polisher | Dishwasher | Washer) A dishwasher or a brass polisher in a dream represent an interior decorator, or someone who beautifies and embellishes people’s properties, or one who attracts people to himself. A washer in a dream is also interpreted as a righteous man, a gnostic, a preacher, a teacher, or one who polishes people’s hearts with his admonitions. (Also see Washer)…

By the pictures of our dream we can learn a lot about ourselves and the people and situations that we care about. So, looking at old photographs indicate that we want to recover gone times. If we are taking pictures of other people, the identity of these people speaks to us of our affections and interests. And if we see a picture of us in the dream, we must analyze what is the sensation when we look at ourselves and what nuances we contemplate.

…in a dream represents a mighty king who is gracious and generous, patient and tender hearted. If an elephant hits someone with his trunk in a dream, it means receiving benefits from such a person or inheriting something from him, receiving a political appointment, or becoming wealthy through high connections. An elephant in a dream also represents righteous people, scholars and noble ones. An elephant in a dream also denotes hardships, toiling, then relief from adversities. Seeing an elephant in a dream and failing to ride on it means lack of integrity or loss of business. Seeing a dead elephant in a dream means that the ruler or a great person from that land will die, or that a noble person will be killed. Seeing an elephant in a land other than its native land in a dream means adversities. If one faces a threatening elephant in a dream, it…