…(Barn | Byre | Coach | Cowshed | Stall) A carriage house in a dream represents the assembly place of politicians, leaders, scholars, merchants, visitors or spectators. The condition in which the carriage house appears in one’s dream reflects the state of such groups of people. (Also see Barn | Stableman)…

…(Acknowledgment | Announcement | Distinction | Luminary | Recognition | Renowned | Title) Fame in a dream represents a wedding that will be publicly announced, or it could mean rising in rank. If one earns a title of recognition, or if he becomes renowned, or if he is awarded a great prize for his work in a dream, it means that he will learn that his wife has given birth to a beautiful son. Such a son will follow his father’s footsteps, learn his trade or work at spreading his knowledge or tradition, or he may govern and lead his people after him….

…also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts. Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one’s wealth, recovering from illness or payment of one’s debts, all of which earn levels of exaltation and blessings. To pay charity on one’s property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married. If it is a poor person, then paying alms tax in a dream represents God’s acceptance of one’s deeds. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of sin and earn lawful money, and if he is a disbeliever, it means that he will become a believer. (Also see Charity | Endowment | Tithe collector)…

…and return to his Lord. If he is living in heedlessness, it means that he will be guided. Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord. If one is fearing oppression, persecution, or loss of his property and wealth sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means putting an end to such fears, for he is the best of intercessors to restore anyone before God Almighty. If one who follows innovations sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he should fear God Almighty, heed to His warnings and correct himself and particularly if he sees Him (uwbp) walking away from him, or turning his back to him. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream also means receiving glad tidings and happy news, or it could signify justice,…

…(Excavate) Digging the earth in a dream means profits equal to the measure of earth one piles-up if the dirt is dry. However, if the ground is wet in the dream, it means deceiving someone else in a business venture, whereby, he gains nothing from it but headache and exhaustion equal to the amount of earth he piles-up. The digger’s plot also may backfire. If a sick person or if someone in his household who is sick sees himself digging the earth in a dream, it could mean digging a grave. If a business traveller sees himself digging the earth, it represents his travels and the dirt he gathers represent his profits. Digging a hole, a water well or irrigations and planing to water the plants through them in a dream means looking for a job to earn one’s livelihood and to bring its benefits to his family. Eating…

…(Dwellings | House | State) In a dream, the human body represents his state, and its strength represents his faith in God Almighty. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will avow his enmity toward others. If one sees himself as a ram in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from whose success he will earn his livelihood. If one sees his body turn into iron or clay in a dream, it means his death. If one’s body appears bigger in a dream, it means that he will prosper accordingly. Having a fat body in a dream means prosperity and knowledge, and an emaciated body in a dream represents poverty and ignorance. The body in a dream is what envelops and contains the human being. The body is like one’s wife, a garment, a house,…

…of death, a visitor, or someone asking for marriage. If there is a sick person in the house and a thief enters that house in a dream, it means the death of the ailing person. If a thief comes to one’s house and takes nothing from it in a dream, it means the recovery of sick person from his illness. A thief in a dream also can be interpreted to represent a cunning person, a deceiver, an adulterer, a hunter, a backbiter, someone who asks for things that do not belong to him, a lion, a snake, a Satan, eavesdropping, or one’s mind, desire and passions. If a scholar sees a thief in his dream, it means that he will learn wisdom from an anecdote. A thief in a dream also represents a liar, or the humiliation inflicted upon such a person. (Also see Crocodile | Illness | Robbery)…

Mermaids, undines or water nymphs or any female water spirits symbolize the female aspect of water, its dangers and the mud brought from lakes, rivers and torrents. In dreams they warn us of the deathly curses of love and against giving ourselves without control to the seductions of pleasure.

When you dream of the address you used to live, this symbolizes your past. Make sure you look at your past and if there were any inaccurate decisions you made, do not hesitate, but learn from them. If you dream of the new address, this is a sign that you have to make new alterations in your life. Maybe the change could be a new job, or new partner, or new lifestyle. If you writing an address on an envelope and sending it, it means that there are more opportunities you need to discover. When you make an important changes in your life, make sure you think twice before you will make the ultimate solution.

If you dream of dealing with the bankrupt this dream wants to warn you that you should take some actions to deal with your business, personal life or innerself. It seems that in some area of your life you feel unprotected and insecure. Try to focus on substantial tasks, prepare yourself for the worst and keep fighting for your independence.and self-suport.

…(Onion) In a dream, a squill represents an obscene and corrupt person who is notorious for his pranks. Holding a squill in one’s hand in a dream means seeking something that will earn him the worst reputation….

…(Barn | Cattle-ranching | Fodder | Forage) In a dream, a stableman represents a rich and a generous person who is known for his good deeds. Seeing a stableman in a dream also means managing one’s business, showing kindness to others, distributing charity, helping foreigners, assisting travellers, turning one’s attention to slothful people, or feeding the homeless. (Also see Driver)…

Seeing a thumb in a dream indicates that you should learn about some situations. Dreaming of a thumb is a symbol of energy and capacity. To dream that you are missing a thumb denotes poverty and loneliness. To dream that you have a very big thumb means a rapid rise to success.

If you dreamed of being in a space, then such dream indicates how open minded you are and able to be on your own without others help. On the other hand, the dream could warn you about the fact that you are not grounded enough and being out of space.

A young woman who dreams about walking past cemetery graves could signify that she might soon become a widow. If an adult woman dreams that she’s carrying flowers to the cemetery it indicates that her luxuries and family are in good health and there’s no reason to worry. A widow who dreams that she’s walking through the cemetery could mean that she’ll soon get married again, this time with better luck. Dreaming about being in a cemetery or pantheon could signify that loved ones who are supposed to be dead aren’t, and soon the dreamer will receive news about them. Dreaming of abandoned and forgotten graves suggests that friends or distant relatives, who were already being forgotten, will soon be present again. Elderly people that somehow dream of cemeteries, hints that the dreamer is physically tired and that they yearn for a true and prolonged rest.

To dream that you are wearing a uniform shows your need to belong to a group. Alternatively, this dream can indicate that you conform to others’ beliefs. You need to learn to believe in yourself. To dream of others wearing weird uniforms represents an interruption or an obstacle.

…(Love | Passion | Rose | Tenderness) A kiss in a dream means satisfying one’s need, want or desire, or it could mean subordinating one’s enemy. Kissing a man or embracing him lustfully in a dream means getting hold of what one intends to acquire from him. If it is a lustful kiss, then it means accomplishing one’s pursuit of benefits, knowledge, or guidance. If it is an amicable kiss, it means that the one who received the kiss will receive benefits from the one who kissed him, or learn something from him, or reap a new understanding of things through him. Kissing a child in a dream means love, care and tenderness toward that child. Kissing a servant in a dream means soliciting the friendship of her master or employer. Kissing a married woman in a dream means seeking friendship with her husband. Kissing someone in authority in…

…one’s good deeds, repentance from a sin, adopting good conduct, or being just. Seeing oneself inside a new masjid one does not recognize in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during that same year, or joining religious circles to learn about one’s religion. If one’s shop becomes a masjid, or if the masjid becomes a shop in the dream, it denotes lawful earnings, or it could mean mixing lawful and unlawful earnings. A forsaken masjid or mosque in a dream means intentionally ignoring the value of gnostics and religious scholars, or denying the necessity to command what is good and to eschew what is evil. A forsaken masjid in a dream also denotes the presence of ascetics who have renounced the world and its people and care less about their material possessions. A known mosque in a dream represents the city where it is erected….

…(Jogging | Prancing | Strutting | Tripping) Walking straight in a dream means profits, seeking the path of righteousness and unwavering in one’s religious commitment. Walking through the markets in a dream means carrying a will, or should one qualify for leadership, it means that he may be appointed to fill such a position. Walking barefooted in a dream means dispelling distress and portraying a good religious character. The meaning of walking in a dream implies an expression of meekness and submissiveness before one’s Lord, and it could mean seeking to earn one’s livelihood. Jogging in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Walking backward in a dream means reversing one’s decision, cancelling a commitment, or it could represent corruption in one’s religious practices. Strutting or prancing in a dream represents an ugly state of mind that is coupled with evil actions. Falling down over one’s face during walking…

…Dreaming of seing{sic} a priest at the altar, denotes quarrels and unsatisfactory states in your business and home. To see a marriage, sorrow to friends, and death to old age. An altar would hardly be shown you in a dream, accept to warn you against the commission of error. Repentance is also implied….

…it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war. A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town. If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream represent highway robbers, a band of thieves who are not residents of that town, people who refuse to earn their livelihood through honest work, or it could represent an undertaker, a body snatcher, a grave digger, or a lewd and an insulting person. (Also see Eagle)…

…Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem in a dream means blessings, understanding the inner meaning of important spiritual subjects and miraculous events, or reflecting upon the Nocturnal Journey of God’s Messenger (uwbp), the night in which the eight heavens were decorated to receive and honor him when he was called upon to come before God Almighty. Visiting the grave of God’s Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream means obedience to one’s parents, being true to them, seeking their love, blessings and pleasure with sincerity and trueness with one’s words and actions. Visiting holy sites in a dream also means seeking knowledge and wisdom, having love for charitable people, associating with good people, seeking to learn one’s religion at the hand of a pious teacher, to receive blessings and benefits in this life and in the next. (Also see Muhammad, upon whom be peace | Mecca | Medina)…

If you were sowing the seeds, then such dream represents the new tasks you have started doing. The foundation has been already built, now you must learn how to keep this project growing. Consider that the dream could also express the sexual thoughts you have such as actual love making act.

…into paradise. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the gathering of believers, the local markets and the vicinity of the holy Mosque. If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example. Performing some of the required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may work for someone in authority, or serve a man of knowledge, a shaikh, a renunciate, one’s father, one’s mother, or it could mean that one has a master who demands clarity, true following and hard-work from his students and disciples. (Also see Circum- ambulation | Entering Paradise | Gutter of…

Show insecurity or distress and can warn us that we are entering slippery areas that can bring problems if we do not pay enough attention.

…his dream, it means living a comfortable life using the labor of tradesmen. If one sees himself cooking lion’s meat in a dream, it means that he will rise to leadership over unjust people, though one will have to maintain his vigilance and live in constant fear. If one sees himself cooking dog’s meat in a dream, it means that he will manage a lowly job. If he cooks the fat with it in a dream, it means that he will earn unlawful money. Otherwise, without the fat, it means that he will perform a lowly job and remains poor and deprived. If one sees himself cooking a bird in a dream, it means governing or managing a business or earning lawful money from associating with rich and noble people. If one cooks his meal with vulture’s meat in a dream, it means governing or trading with non-intelligent or heedless…

(Haughtiness | Superciliousness) If one who desires to earn respect from others shows disdain in a dream, it means grovelling, servility, toadying or losing rank. (Also see Sneezing)

…Gold jewelry warns us against pride. Silver is an omen of benefits. Fake jewels warn us against false vanity and presumption. Broken jewels foretell frustration. Worn or dirty jewels mean business problems. To lose them, means problems with our personal property. To find them, means dangerous temptations. To buy them, means loss of money. If we are given jewels as a gift it’s a warning not to lend or borrow. To wear them, means backbiting. In a much higher level jewels acquire the meaning of spiritual truths. Jewelries are symbols of a higher knowledge. Dreams in which the jewels are discovered in caves, symbolize a wisdom that lies hidden and ignored in our subconscious….

To dream of seeing a thief, denotes to your energy, period of time and concepts that you are giving to others. Probably the dream tries to tell you to be more focused on yourself, instead of the others. If you became a thief in a dream, then such dream shows your fear of losing what belongs to you. Maybe you feel you did not earn what already belongs to you, therefore there is a feeling of taking other peoples ownerships.

…To dream of attending school, is a sign of advancement and good fortune: if you dream of studying, and succeed well, it shadows forth that you will rise to a position in society above your present one: if you find it difficult to learn, you will have trouble in getting along, but will rise at last. 42, 72….

…(Servant) In a dream, vinegar means money that is earned and spent in piety with blessings contained therein, or it could mean longevity, or wasting the least time possible in doing one’s work. Vinegar sediments in a dream represent ignoble or evil money that carries meager benefits, or which is deemed shoddy, In a dream, vinegar and its container represent a servant and her dwellings. Drinking vinegar in a dream means enmity with one’s household, or it could mean a family quarrel. As for a prisoner, drinking vinegar in a dream means his release from prison. Good vinegar in a dream means income and blessings, though when rarefied or stale, it means struggling to earn one’s livelihood. It also means toiling to make ends meet, or it could mean hardships. Vinegar in a dream also may mean marital problems, difficulties with one’s children, or a conflict at work. Vinegar…

If you are writing a will in your dream, then such a dream indicates your thoughts about a future. You are planning to start new phase in your life, you desire to make or to create something important in your life, to leave a footprint in your life. If you get a will from somebody in your dream, this is a very positive sign that you can learn new and interesting things from your ancestors. You may have talents and hidden skills which you inherited from your oldest family members.

…painting an old and partially destroyed door, indicates that the dreamer wants a change of life in hopes to earn a fortune by putting in effort and hard work. Dreaming of other people going through a door without any difficulties means that the dreamer has frustrations due to situations that are not going well. If the person, who dreams this dream, is a politician, it means unfavorable changes. For an artist, inventor or writer it may mean that their work will not be accepted, which is a warning for them to check the things that they’ve made. When a door is closed and the dreamer can’t open it, it suggests that the dreamer is not on the right path, which will cause difficulties with family, business and with friends. Dreaming of destroying a door suggests that soon the dreamer will have several problems, including with authorities. Dreaming of hearing what’s…

…(Dung | Excrement) Manure represents money for one who eats it, or for one who collects it in his house or in a barn in his dream. Any animal excrements that are used to fertilize the soil, or if they are used as fuel represent profits when seen in a dream and particularly dried dung. Pigeons’ droppings, or the refuse of any type of fowl in a dream represent unlawful money. Cow dung in a dream is a sign of prosperity and a good harvest for farmers only. (Also see Droppings | Dung)…

…In a dream, a honeycomb represents an inheritance of a lawfully earned money, or money from a business partnership, or profits in general as long as the fire does not touch it. If a honeycomb is placed before someone in a dream, it means that he has knowledge which he wants people to hear about or to learn. If the honeycomb is placed as if on a table in the dream, it means a booty, or blessed earnings. If it is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Qur’an with embellishment and awaits people’s praises and request to encore his recital. Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one’s own mother. Eating a honeycomb in a…

…If they live, it is a favorable presage. Success in your businesses. If they are nagging, they are giving a warning that you are making mistakes. If they’re dead, you can receive sad news. Learn to listen to their advice. If they are sick, it presages concerns and difficulties….

If you dreamed of the thrift shop, then it foretells about your past where you did not learn all of the lessons. Perhaps the dream wants you to remember some matters and include them in this time of your life. Maybe you just simply forgot what you learned, only now you are trying to get back to your past and remember all of those things.

The guillotine in dreams is explained as the warning sign. The dream shows that you should pay attention to certain situation and get over with it as soon as it is possible. The dream could also symbolize something very strong that will change your views. Perhaps you will have to make some rash decisions even if it won’t be suitable for those around you. Alternatively, the dream about guillotine could suggest you to slow things down. Perhaps you should stop for a while and think about the time that is dedicated only for yourself. The guillotine could also warn you about the temper in your personality. Maybe you should start being calmer, then you will see things clearer and will be able to make the right decisions. You should ask yourself: What kind of life I want to have in the future? Am I hurting anyone?

…To dream of a miser is a sign of waste, loss, or destruction: if you see him counting and hoarding money, it forebodes you will either lose or be robbed of some: to see him patching his clothes or coming out of barn signifies worries. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 56….

…illness. A lance without a spearhead in a dream means the death of one’s brother or child. A lance in a dream also represents a brother or a friend who will part with his brother or friend, or it could mean loss of one’s job. Walking with a lance in one’s hand in the middle of a marketplace in a dream means walking or strolling with one’s son. As for a pregnant woman, a metal lance means that she will deliver a girl, and that she will receive a gift of money or a present after her birth from other daughters. Carrying a lance with a flag raised on top of it in a dream means attaining a position that will earn fame. If one is challenged by someone holding a lance against him in a dream, it means that someone will hurt him with his words, or slander his…