…Seeing a new house in a dream indicates that you gathered strength again and it identifies new projects. You try to be more mature emotionally about a few things. Seeing some new shoes in a dream suggests that you show off your success. Alternatively, you’re on a life path that is new and unknown. Dreaming about being in a new school means that you feel out of place in a certain situation. Generally dreaming about new things or new places resembles to something new in your life. You can try to learn and analyze what you already know from your previous experiences….

The dream is presenting for something that is related to our future, whether in the mental, material or emotional level. You have to look if the kitchen is well stocked or not, because that will tell us if we are prepared to face events. If we are cooking, we’ll know if we still have much or little to learn to achieve our goals, depending on how good the stew is.

The yeti as a dream symbol stands for stability and balance. You have to find the golden mean between your mind and heart. You have to learn to listen to your inner feelings but to consider with wise mind.

If you are dreaming about baggage it symbolizes how much of the weight you are carrying within yourself. It seems that the dream wants to warn you about carrying too much stuff with yourself. The other meaning of this dream could also symbolize oneself.

(Patching) A mender in a dream represents happiness and prosperity. (Also see Darn)

Dreaming of seeds of any plant means hard work in the present, prosperity in the immediate future. In general, seeds are the image of our projects themselves, what we have sown. When in dreams, the seeds are in good condition and have a good quality, it’s a usual indicator of success, but not only in your projects, but in life in general. Dreaming of a barn full of seeds is a clear announcement of future prosperity for the dreamer. If not, it indicates that you’re working hard to get the things you want.

Dreaming that you are eating yogurt shows your inability to act properly in difficult or unusual situation. You have to learn to accept and to calm when dealing with unpleasant situation, because thoughtless actions or words may bring bigger damage.

In a dream, a rhinoceros represents a great king or a powerful ruler. If one sees himself milking a rhinoceros in a dream, it denotes money one may earn from such a great person. Riding a rhinoceros in a dream means rising above such a ruler, or it could mean betraying him.

…Dreaming of being attacked with this hideous sensation, denotes wrangling and failure in business. For a young woman, this is a dream prophetic of disappointment and unmerited slights. It may also warn the dreamer to be careful of her health, and food….

(See Darn)

represents everything about our food. If the kitchen is well stocked with utensils, then it indicates the organizational skills of the dreamer. If you lack the most essential things in the kitchen, then it shows you are not prepared for the future. If the kitchen is well stocked, then it indicates good material conditions to face the future. If the food is burnt or not cooked, then it warns you that you have much to learn in order to succeed.

…To see your own nose in a dream resembles a conscious effort to undertake and reach any objective. The nose represents energy, intuition, and wisdom. On the other hand, the nose symbolizes curiosity to learn more about a current situation. To dream that your nose’s hair grows indicates some extraordinary facts that need to be carried through with a willingly and strong character. To dream that an insect is coming out of your nose indicates that you’re uninformed about your business and that you feel uncomfortable….

…Dreaming of wearing new gloves, denotes that you will be cautious and economical in your dealings with others, but not mercenary. You will have law suits, or business troubles, but will settle them satisfactorily to yourself. If you wear old or ragged gloves, you will be betrayed and suffer loss. If you dream that you lose your gloves, you will be deserted and earn your own means of livelihood. To find a pair of gloves, denotes a marriage or new love affair. For a man to fasten a lady’s glove, he has, or will have, a woman on his hands who threatens him with exposure. If you pull your glove off, you will meet with poor success in business or love….

If it is made of wood, it indicates that the proposition that was made to us is tricky. If the bench is made of stone, the proposal must be taken into account. If it is made of iron, the proposition will be accompanied by a gift. We must not trust. If the bench is from a church, it will be marriage proposal. Then we must trust in it. If it is from a school, it indicates that we still have much to learn.

…a siren call. If you see a guitar with broken strings, it suggests that all the harmony that surrounds you will soon disappear, and it can even suggest sentimental breakups. If a man dreams with music played by a guitar, it suggests that he is likely to be driven by difficult love relationships that can ultimately cause him problems. If you dream that you’re singing and playing a guitar or other stringed instrument in front of a woman, it indicates that your love intentions could be reciprocal. If in that dream you’re also accompanied by friends who are also singing and playing any instrument, it suggests that sooner or later some people will return and stand by your side. Any person, who dreams that he/she is playing a guitar although he/she doesn’t know how to play it; it suggests that they yearn to feel harmony and love around them….

Dreaming about friends means you have rejected some aspects of your own personality in the past, but now you’re willing to recognize these characteristics and even to talk about them freely. Dreaming of friends may also mean that soon you will receive good news. Dream of a childhood friendship means you yearn for the past, when you had less responsibilities and worries. You may have the feeling of wanting to escape the tensions and stress of being an adult. You must analyze the relationship you had with that friend of your dreams and wonder if you learned something relevant from that friendship. Another possible interpretation of this dream with a childhood friend is that you’re behaving childishly in real life and must mature. Dream about the death of your best friend means some aspect, defect or characteristic of that person, is disappearing from your personality.

…To dream of having a sword, is a sign of poverty: if you dream of seeing a man flourish one of these weapons, it foretells you will make a loss. A young girl who imagines her lover wears a sword, had better give up all ideas of silks and satins, and learn how to cook and wash, for she will be a poor man’s wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 17….

If you dream of being a scientist then such dream shows your desire to learn something new. The dream may also be an indication of the new professional growth you are making.

If you dream of the school, it could be interpreted as the past and the future. If you are still going to school it is obviously the place where you spend most of your time and experiencing many different emotions, therefore it reflects in the dreams. If you are not going to school for a long time, then the dream could indicate the lessons you learn at your waking life. The new experiences associates with the school, because it is the place where children learns something new every day.

…This dream denotes that one’s home and country are in danger of foreign intrusion, from which our youth will suffer from the perils of war. For a young woman to hear or see cannons, denotes she will be a soldier’s wife and will have to bid him godspeed as he marches in defense of her and honor. The reader will have to interpret dreams of this character by the influences surrounding him, and by the experiences stored away in his subjective mind. If you have thought about cannons a great deal and you dream of them when there is no war, they are most likely to warn you against struggle and probable defeat. Or if business is manipulated by yourself successful engagements after much worry and ill luck may ensue….

The wrinkle on the face indicates wisdom and experience. Also this dream shows you ability to learn from past events and to use it for the future.

…(Interlacing yarn or thread | Weaving) In a dream, knitting represents a problem solver, garments, travels, or hesitation. Knitting in a dream also means the passing of one’s life and the nearing of its end. Knitting in a dream also means living under acceptable conditions, or experiencing the gifts of life between exhilaration and deflation. Knitting a garment in a dream means travels. If one sees himself wrapping the knit in a dream, it means that his mind is set on travelling. If one unravels his knit after completing it in a dream, it means that his goal was reached then obstructed. In such a dream, if one is incarcerated, it means that he will be released. If he is disputing something, it means that his disagreements will be solved. Knitting in a dream also could denote sodomy….

…deaf, or a dumb, or a non-intelligent woman, or that he may beget a child who will grow up having one or more of these defects. In whatever condition one sees the statue in his dream, it will reflect on any of the above. A statue in a dream also represents a generation. If the statue is missing something in the dream, such defect will definitely manifest in one’s society. Seeing a statue in a dream also could reflect one’s strength and determination. If one breaks a statue, or lames it, or damages it in a dream, it means that he will vanquish his enemy and earn rank and fame. If the statue in the dream portrays a particular woman, or if it is interpreted to represent a specific woman, then she will be quiet, intelligent and serene, or it could mean that she is stupid and has pride….

Bad marriage, relatives’ problems from those you yearn to escape. Hypocrite relations, fleeting joy.

The one who dreamed of being in savanna needs to learn to adapt in different situations while living the life. You must take for granted everything that the life has offered for you, because either negative or positive emotions causes different experiences and lessons.

If you dreamed of seeing or using the sponge, then the dream denotes to your ability to learn new things quickly or adapt to certain situation. On the other hand, the dream shows your tendency to depend on others.

…If we give alms to someone it’s an omen of disappointments and heartbreaks. If we see a beggar without giving him anything it’s a warning against the possibility that we will suffer economic losses. If we are the beggars it announces that we are entering a period of difficulties, problems and a lot of work, from which we will probably only earn enough just to get by….

(Abstinence | Asceticism) To see oneself living an ascetic life in a dream means that one is earnestly seeking to show kindness and love for people and to earn their love. (Also see Perfume salesman)

…The belly represents motherhood and tenderness. When we see our bellies healthy and thick, it means we’ve been able to learn from past situations and from other people for our own benefit. It can also mean that prosperous times lie ahead. If the belly looks weak and sick in dreams, then it signifies despair and misery….

To dream you have been assaulted means you’re too greedy. You must learn to be a little more generous.

…sees the dogs returning from the hunt in a dream, it means dispelling fears, or shortage of work. If one sees himself fishing with a fishing instrument in a dream, it means making an honest living, or seeking lawful earnings. Hunting in a dream represents one’s diligence and determination to succeed in his life, and to earn his livelihood with his own sweat. If one happens to be unmarried, then hunting in a dream means that he will get married. If one is married, it means that he will beget a son. If a woman sees herself hunting in a dream, it means that she has control over her husband’s money, her father’s assets, or it could mean that she will receive an inheritance or control vast interests in a business. Hunting small preys in a dream represents knowledge, a trade, or an inheritance. (Also see Dog | Hunter)…

The dreams in which a fountain appears highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the fountain appears dry those hopes are vain, but if we can drink from it and the water is fresh and clean it will be a good omen that our emotional needs will be satisfied. Other authors warn of unsafe water from the fountain believing that in that case the dream will be harbinger of moral ruin.

…Seeing a papyrus in a dream indicates that you’re looking back into the past, because of this you can learn a lot by analyzing your previous interactions….

Dream of eating a cookie indicates that you’ll see life from a different angle. Seeing some cookies in a dream suggests you should think about some things more clearly and learn to express yourself with more assurance and confidence.

If you dream of hearing the French language, but have no a clue what it means, because you do not speak French, then such dream indicates the sensitive and amorous aspects of your personality. In many countries the French language is known as the language of love. If you were talking in French, but in reality do not speak this language, then such dream denotes to new things you wish to learn or it is the way you show your love and affection.

…In a dream, a lamb represents one’s son. If one sees himself slaughtering a lamb in a dream, it means that either his son or the son of one of his relatives may shortly die from an illness or an accident. If one is offered a lamb as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a noble and a blessed son. If one sees himself eating lamb in a dream, it means that he will earn his money through such a son. If one sees himself herding sheep in a dream, it means that he will profit from a blessed money and acquire honor and fame thereafter. (Also see Sacrifice)…

…(Calif | Caliphate | Deputy | Human being | Minister | Ruler | Secretary of state | Vizier) In a dream, a vice-regent represents someone whom people seek for his knowledge, or to learn the mastery of his craft, or he could represent an appointed justice of the peace. He also represents someone who inherits good and bad qualities, or whose character is different privately from the way he portrays himself in public. If one sees the vice-regent of the land in a stately appearance, or if he sees himself in such a form in a dream, it denotes his good state in this world and his success in the hereafter. Seeing him wearing an unsuitable garment in a dream reflects one’s own state, or it may mean that his current religious state is weak, though it may become better at a latter stage of his life. A vice-regent…

…To dream that you’re studying a history lesson suggests your desire to achieve cultural self-improvement, or it may also suggest that you yearn to travel and visit interesting historical sites….

You should learn how to tame your feelings and control your reactions better.

By the pictures of our dream we can learn a lot about ourselves and the people and situations that we care about. So, looking at old photographs indicate that we want to recover gone times. If we are taking pictures of other people, the identity of these people speaks to us of our affections and interests. And if we see a picture of us in the dream, we must analyze what is the sensation when we look at ourselves and what nuances we contemplate.