See one or wear one, misery will be slightly merited. Embroidered, means fortune, eminent position.

…Dreaming of eating peas, augurs robust health and the accumulation of wealth. Much activity is indicated for farmers and their women folks. To see them growing, denotes fortunate enterprises. To plant them, denotes that your hopes are well grounded and they will be realized. To gather them, signifies that your plans will culminate in good and you will enjoy the fruits of your labors. Dreaming of canned peas, denotes that your brightest hopes will be enthralled in uncertainties for a short season, but they will finally be released by fortune. To see dried peas, denotes that you are overtaxing your health. To eat dried peas, foretells that you will, after much success, suffer a slight decrease in pleasure or wealth….

(See Slip)

…Dreaming that you are in a hypnotic state or under the power of others, portends disastrous results, for your enemies will enthrall you | but if you hold others under a spell you will assert decided will power in governing your surroundings. For a young woman Dreaming that she is under strange influences, denotes her immediate exposure to danger, and she should beware. Dreaming of seeing hypnotic and slight-of-hand performances, signifies worries and perplexities in business and domestic circles, and unhealthy conditions of state….

If we are eaten by a big fish it indicates that we are in a process of perfection and purification. In other occasions being devoured by a fish indicates a real danger that can cause us moral and material losses. The small fish that we try to catch with our hands and slips away reflect the memory or fear of sentimental disappointments. Dead or solitary fish indicate bitterness, despair and loneliness. Solitary fish hiding among the rocks reveals the desire to hide where we can evade responsibilities and sorrows.

…Dreaming of seeing an eye, warns you that watchful enemies are seeking the slightest chance to work injury to your business. This dream indicates to a lover, that a rival will usurp him if he is not careful. Dreaming of brown eyes, denotes deceit and perfidy. To see blue eyes, denotes weakness in carrying out any intention. To see gray eyes, denotes a love of flattery for the owner. Dreaming of losing an eye, or that the eyes are sore, denotes trouble. To see a one-eyed man, denotes that you will be threatened with loss and trouble, beside which all others will appear insignificant….

If we keep money in a bank or jewelry in a safe, it indicates a need for protection. If we get money from it, it indicates that despite the difficulties we still have energy to face problems. If the bank denies our money, we must accept that we are in a difficult situation. Leaving the bank with the money is a slightly favorable presage.

…Dreaming of a password, foretells you will have influential aid in some slight trouble soon to attack you. For a woman Dreaming that she has given away the password, signifies she will endanger her own standing through seeking frivolous or illicit desires….

If the mud that appears in our dreams is the one used to modelling and we are doing some work with it, the dream symbolizes our ability to create and it’s a good omen for our ability to move forward with a project we have in mind. But if the mud is the one formed through the streets after torrential rains is a warning about the danger of slipping because of our immoral tendencies.

Seeing ourselves unable to make the slightest movement in dreams is something that is distressing and frightening. This dream reveals that we are stuck in a serious state of indecision. It can also mean a defeat from which we believed we would recover but we have not. In any case it advises us to resign ourselves or the dream will continue to occur.

…Dreaming that you handle a pane of glass, denotes that you are dealing in uncertainties. If you break it, your failure will be accentuated. To talk to a person through a pane of glass, denotes that there are obstacles in your immediate future, and they will cause you no slight inconvenience….

…Dreaming of drinking milk, denotes abundant harvest to the farmer and pleasure in the home | for a traveler, it foretells a fortunate voyage. This is a very propitious dream for women. To see milk in large quantities, signifies riches and health. Dreaming of dealing in milk commercially, denotes great increase in fortune. To give milk away, shows that you will be too benevolent for the good of your own fortune. To spill milk, denotes that you will experience a slight loss and suffer temporary unhappiness at the hands of friends. Dreaming of impure milk, denotes that you will be tormented with petty troubles. Dreaming of sour milk, denotes that you will be disturbed over the distress of friends. Dreaming of trying unsuccessfully to drink milk, signifies that you will be in danger of losing something of value or the friendship of a highly esteemed person. Dreaming of hot…

…Dreaming of seeing yourself in a mirror, denotes that you will meet many discouraging issues, and sickness will cause you distress and loss in fortune. To see a broken mirror, foretells the sudden or violent death of some one related to you. To see others in a mirror, denotes that others will act unfairly towards you to promote their own interests. To see animals in a mirror, denotes disappointment and loss in fortune. For a young woman to break a mirror, foretells unfortunate friendships and an unhappy marriage. To see her lover in a mirror looking pale and careworn, denotes death or a broken engagement. If he seems happy, a slight estrangement will arise, but it will be of short duration. See Glass….

…(Arrogance | Deception | Defeat | Death | Giant | Mocking | Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and falsehood. If one sees himself nicknamed as Goliath’s head in a dream, it means that he will be accused of treachery, deceiving others or defaming them, though he maybe innocent of such allega- tions….

…Dreaming of a Jew’s-harp, foretells you will experience a slight improvement in your affairs. To play one, is a sign that you will fall in love with a stranger….

…To dream of catching or handling eels, denotes that you will have good fortune, but difficulty. If the eels slips through your hands and escape from you, it shows that you will experience a loss. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41, 6….

…If you visit in your dreams, you will shortly have some pleasant occasion in your life. If your visit is unpleasant, your enjoyment will be marred by the action of malicious persons. For a friend to visit you, denotes that news of a favorable nature will soon reach you. If the friend appears sad and travel-worn, there will be a note of displeasure growing out of the visit, or other slight disappointments may follow. If she is dressed in black or white and looks pale or ghastly, serious illness or accidents are predicted….

…To dream of boring many ears denotes obedience and readiness; to dream of cleansing them, good news; of having your ears boxed, ill news; of having large ears, prosperity and honour; of being hurt or slit, offence and treachery; of loss of ears, loss of friendship; of loss of hearing, betrayal of secrets; and to a woman, ruin. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 19….

…Amethyst seen in a dream, represents contentment with fair business. For a young woman to lose an amethyst, fortells broken engagements and slights in love….

…a sarcastic commendation that matches the smell of his fart. If one breaks wind in a dream while sitting with a group of people who are experiencing difficulties, it means that their difficulties will be dispelled, and their suffering will ease. If they are merchants, it means that their merchandise will move faster. If one forces himself to break wind in a dream, it means that he will carry a burden greater than he can bear. If one breaks wind along with passing gas in his dream, it means that he will attain success in his life, and he will receive honor and profits from an important business trip. However, it is possible that his interests will become diverse, or that he could lose his focus, then he will return home free from such burdens. To fart from the mouth in a dream means faltering or a slip of a…

…approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent | if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse. Sickness, uneasiness and unkindness will increase to frightful proportions in your mind | but they will adjust themselves to a normal basis, and by the putting aside of imaginary trouble, and masterfully shouldering duties, you will be contented and repaid. Dreaming that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you, is a sign that you will be placed in a position where you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and you will be attacked with sickness. To handle them, you will use strategy to aid…

In a dream a red snake refers to the evolution of the subconscious. Red creatures that are slithering along the ground may represent your growing subconscious mind. If a red snake is swimming in the water, it is a reflection of the strong surge in the suppression of the emotions. If you were dreaming about of a red snake inside a box, then it symbolizes your refusal to acknowledge newly developed part of your subconscious. The red snake dream always is alerting you to look around. It is also carrying highly developed hidden message. It means that something important is going around your for some time. The hidden message is not about a fresh thing from your waking life.

Subconsciously you know that you are in a slippery situation and that your advances are slower than you wished. You cannot shake off this problem and it weighs you down always carrying it with you.

…Red snake dream symbolizes an awareness of rising hidden threats. To see red snakes is an easy task even when they are covertly slithering in bushes, thus red color of the snakes is a symbol of a progressing hidden threat and/or an advanced betrayal being discovered. Red color is an alarming signal which let you to see them and to defend yourself. For them the perfect opportunity to move is missed. If the red snake bites you, then the dream is trying remind you the importance of this threat. Also, it shows that it has developed to new level and thus your attention has to be directed to it. You need to assess it again, especially paying attention to the progress it has made. To see a red baby snake in your dream means that a development of a hidden threat is just beginning. Also, it can mean that…

…If you are vexed in your dreams, you will find many worries scattered through your early awakening. If you think some person is vexed with you, it is a sign that you will not shortly reconcile some slight misunderstanding….

…unlawful practices before contracting unknwon illness. Kissing one’s beloved from the mouth in a dream means money. Kissing a woman in a dream means desiring her, or receiving news from one’s beloved. Kissing an old woman in a dream indicates an excuse or regret for a slip of the mouth. Kissing a young girl in a dream means drinking a glass of wine. If a scholar kisses a beautiful woman in a dream, it could mean reciting the Qur’an, or speaking words of wisdom. If such a scholar is known to love the world and its pleasures, then what he has kissed in his dream is the world itself. Kissing God’s right Hand in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca and kissing the black stone. Kissing God Almighty in a dream means kissing the holy Qur’an, or kissing God’s holy Name. If one sees God Almighty kissing him…

Since each flower, fruit, tree and vegetable in dreams has a specific meaning, and to deal exhaustively with each would fill volumes, I am again beset with the difficulty of limited space.Speaking then as briefly as possible, in my experience to dream of:Buttercups portends presents and kisses; carnations, weddings; convolvulus, an enemy, intrigues; cornflowers, success in courtship and work; cow-slips, petty troubles; daisies, births; daffodils, inconstancy of lovers; dandelions, illness and minor worries; ferns, a journey; foxgloves, presents; honeysuckle, deceit on the part of a friend; ivy, weddings, friendly actions; lilies, engagements, also death; mignonette, sorrow at loss of a friend; pansies, success in any branch of art; pinks, success in business; poppies, breaking off an engagement, work or business, losses; prim- roses, new friendships; roses (white), success in courtship and the arts; roses (yellow), danger from intrigue and jealousy; roses (pink), engagements, journeys of pleasure, presents; roses…

…Dreams about pigs are decidedly unlucky, and mean anything from slight accidents to downright calamities.One lady, prior to her youngest child falling down a well and nearly being drowned, dreamed she saw him riding up and down the front lawn on a big white pig, which eyed her with an expression of fiendish malignancy; whilst someone else, shortly before he lost all his money in a brewery, dreamed that he saw a herd of white pigs outside his front door, pawing the ground and uttering the most piteous cries….

…For a young woman Dreaming of crossing a mountain in company with her cousin and dead brother, who was smiling, denotes she will have a distinctive change in her life for the better, but there are warnings against allurements and deceitfulness of friends. If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further, she will be slightly disappointed in not gaining quite so exalted a position as was hoped for by her. If you ascend a mountain in your dreams, and the way is pleasant and verdant, you will rise swiftly to wealth and prominence. If the mountain is rugged, and you fail to reach the top, you may expect reverses in your life, and should strive to overcome all weakness in your nature. To awaken when you are at a dangerous point in ascending, denotes that you will find affairs taking a flattering turn when they appear gloomy….

Painting with lively colors indicates love slipperiness or unfortunate love. To paint with dark colors mean melancholy, sadness and sorrow.

To see agate in a dream, signifies a slight advancement in business affairs.

They symbolize action, friendship and strength. Strong arms show that we will always be expected. If they are weak, they will welcome us the same but it will be fake. Seeing us armless is a symbol of an approaching ruin. If an arm is missing, it is a sign of a disease. If we break an arm or see it slimmest, it means illness or hardship. If they are longer or robust than in reality, we will reach success and wealth.

…Dreaming of seeing the moon with the aspect of the heavens remaining normal, prognosticates success in love and business affairs. A weird and uncanny moon, denotes unpropitious lovemaking, domestic infelicities and disappointing enterprises of a business character. The moon in eclipse, denotes that contagion will ravage your community. To see the new moon, denotes an increase in wealth and congenial partners in marriage. For a young woman Dreaming that she appeals to the moon to know her fate, denotes that she will soon be rewarded with marriage to the one of her choice. If she sees two moons, she will lose her lover by being mercenary. If she sees the moon grow dim, she will let the supreme happiness of her life slip for want of womanly tact. To see a blood red moon, indicates war and strife, and she will see her lover march away in defence of…

If you chance Dreaming of the crucifixion, you will see your opportunities slip away, tearing your hopes from your grasp, and leaving you wailing over the frustration of desires.

…Dreaming of a large, handsomely dressed crowd of people at some entertainment, denotes pleasant association with friends | but anything occurring to mar the pleasure of the guests, denotes distress and loss of friendship, and unhappiness will be found where profit and congenial intercourse was expected. It also denotes dissatisfaction in government and family dissensions. To see a crowd in a church, denotes that a death will be likely to affect you, or some slight unpleasantness may develop. To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you. To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others. To see a crowd is usually good, if too many are not wearing black or dull costumes. Dreaming of seeing a hypnotist trying to hypnotize others, and then turn his attention…

Dreaming that you are watching a ballet, has meaning of harmonic life. Ballet also stands as an omen for cooperation and consistency. To have interaction or to encounter or to see or wear ballet slippers, when you are dreaming, suggests that you have understanding of how to achieve success. You carry yourself with balance, grace and everyone feels great in your company.

…Dreaming that your child has the croup, denotes slight illness, but useless fear for its safety. This is generally a good omen of health and domestic harmony….

(See Slingshot)

…Rams in dreams denote quarrels of a more violent nature than do sheep. For example, I remember, when I was a boy, prior to a quarrel (which ended in a fight) with a schoolfellow, dreaming I was attacked in a field by a big black ram with red eyes, that chased me persistently over hedges and ditches, and through water, and when, in some miraculous fashion, I took to the air, it sprang up after me, never desisting from its fierce butting still I was reduced to a hopeless state of jelly, when I was permitted to awake. In after years, before quarrelling with a venomous attorney, I dreamed I was fishing in a weir, when a grey ram, catching me unawares, butted me in the back and precipitated me head first into the water, where I found myself attacked on all sides by slimy, yellow snakes….

Dreaming of receiving a package or a bag of any size is an announcement of upcoming benefits and self-improvement, but if the package slips out of the dreamer’s hands and falls to the ground, then this means that there will be unfortunate situations and the loss of an important opportunity.