If you dream that you are awaken in your dream, it symbolizes spiritual revival. There is a possibility that you involve both of your feminine and masculine sides of yourself. Make sure you pay attention to who awaken you, as this represents what is deficient in your life. If you dream of awaken someone up, it shows that you recognize key sides of that person in your personality.

…Dreaming of rats or mice is never pleasant, especially when this occurs frequently. This dream is a bad sign because it announces several misfortunes, among others, risks in your own health or in the health of loved ones. In some cases, it usually announces the start of infections. In any case, it always suggests problems at home, with family, with friends or neighbors, in business or employment. If the dreamer is involved in politics or complicated businesses, it means that there could be betrayals that will be dangerous, especially by those who are acting extremely giving and helpful. Dreaming of chasing a mouse or rat but having it escape, it could mean that problems will persist, although they are under control. Dreaming of killing a rat or a mouse signifies triumph over problems and enemies. When a woman dreams of rats or mice it might mean that she suspects…

…(Garden greens | Herbs | Legume | Sprouts) A bouquet of fresh garden herbs in a dream represent a man in sorrow and distress. Gathering a bunch of mixed herbs from one’s garden in a dream signifies trouble caused by a female members of one’s family. If it is a bunch of fresh sprouts, then one should be careful about an evil mishap. Dry sprouts in a dream signify money that will salvage a bad investment. (Also see Sprouts)…

See several running around the house while the dreamer in reality has none of the embarrassment in business, difficulties in the way of having children or in bringing them up will come on your way. Talk with children means prejudice. See the feet of little children, joy, profit, health, pleasure and consolation.

…(Keeper | Plantations guard | Warden) In a dream, a rural warden represents a rich person. If he looks at walnut trees in the dream, it means that he will control business interests for foreign people. If a warden looks at glass in a dream, it means that he will guard women’s interests….

The dream in which you have a broken leg, signifies the fact that you are unable to move in some situation. Perhaps you feel helpless and powerless to change some situation. The broken leg could also signify broken dreams and plans, perhaps you should slow down.

It symbolizes life, hope and immortality. It also symbolizes the poison and death. When in a dream everything is surrounded in snow and cold, or everything is surrounded in barren desert and in these circumstances you see something being green, then it promises life and hope. If it is a green dream, the excess means an overflow of vegetative, instinctive life, which can drown out the rest of the personality. Generally green in dreams symbolizes sensitivity and immaturity and indicates that what we want or project is still immature, therefore it cannot be realized.

…If you ascend to heaven in a dream, you will fail to enjoy the distinction you have labored to gain,, and joy will end in sadness. If young persons dream of climbing to heaven on a ladder, they will rise from a low estate to one of unusual prominence, but will fail to find contentment or much pleasure. Dreaming of being in heaven and meeting Christ and friends, you will meet with many losses, but will reconcile yourself to them through your true understanding of human nature. Dreaming of the Heavenly City, denotes a contented and spiritual nature, and trouble will do you small harm….

To dream that you discourse with your brethren, betokens vexations; because our brethren bring us nothing when they are born, but diminish our inheritance and succession, and are the cause that those things which would be all our own are divided into many parts between them and us. The one who dreamed that he buried, or caused to be interred, one of his brothers, departed, and a little while after, one of his chief adversaries died. To dream of the death of our brethren, signifies, not only the loss of our enemies, but also deliverance or acquaintance from some loss or hurt which attended us, and whereof we stood in fear; as it happened to Diocles, the grammarian, who sustained no loss of money, whereof he stood in doubt, and was afraid because he dreamed before that he saw his brother dead.

…(ant.) A healthy spleen in a dream means that one’s coffers are well protected and that he will enjoy success in his life. If one’s spleen is inflamed or larger than usual in the dream, it means that one will fail to achieve his goals, or to change his general condition, or that he will become physically weakened by a debilitating illness. Suffering from one’s spleen in a dream means that one will spoil or waste a great wealth which he is supposed to use to support his family. (Also see Body’)…

…To see linen in your dream, augurs prosperity and enjoyment. If a person appears to you dressed in linen garments, you will shortly be the recipient of joyful tidings in the nature of an inheritance. If you are apparelled in clean, fine linen, your fortune and fullest enjoyment in life is assured. If it be soiled, sorrow and ill luck will be met with occasionally, mingled with the good in your life….

The chicken is the symbol of femininity. The one who is dreaming about it may wish to have some children. The chicken could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping. The dream is also a symbol of the fear the one is having because of something. Sometimes the chicken could be related to sexual dreams, because the chicks are the woman, therefore you wish to interact with them.

…To see a beautiful and thrifty garden in your dream, denotes good luck and abundance: if the garden is run to weeds, you may still have luck, but much trouble and vexation will accompany it: if you see rats or pigs in the garden, it denotes thieves to annoy you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 31, 17….

Seeing a pen in a dream signifies expression and communication. Writing with a pen signifies that you will soon receive important news.

If the hen crows you will experience weariness, devouring sorrow. Laying eggs, prosperity. To see a hen and her brood, losses will be stopped. If the brood chuckles then it means joy, profit.

The wren is the symbol of freedom and independency. The dreamer who sees the bird in his dream may wish to escape the daily life and live the life that doesn’t take too much of the work. Perhaps the dreamer has a very stressful life, therefore he wishes to become a bird. Alternatively, the wren could indicate the relaxed type of the person, when he is flying through the life easily without any stress.

To dream that you are rear ended means that you have some kind of apprehension being distanced from those you love. On the other side, the rear ended dream means that you have difficulties while trusting those around you. You have the issue that you will be cheated.

…To dream of rotten things of any kind (except eggs), foretells sickness and-death: to imagine that you handle rotten eggs, foreshadows disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35….

To dream you are walking in a garden, and the trees are all bare and fruitless, is a very bad omen. It shows that your friends will become poor, or that you will lose their friendship. If the garden in its bloom is of a very favourable nature, it promises everything to a farmer in short, prosperity at large.

To dream you are walking in a garden, and the trees are all bare and fruitless, is a bad omen. It shows that your friends will become poor, or that you will lose their friendship. If the garden in its bloom is of a very favourable nature, it promises everything to a farmer: in short, prosperity at large. To dream you see any two different trees mix their branches bearing fruit, marriage and a number of children will follow. The children will be fair and aspiring, and will rise to riches and honour.

…When a woman dreams about her oven, which is turned on and is actually very hot, and that she is baking bread or cooking meat, it suggests that she enjoys the sincere affection of her family members and the sympathy of her friends. To dream that what you’re baking burns is a warning that soon you’ll experience problems at home. If the oven is broken or cracked, it indicates that soon you’ll be subject to humiliations, slander, etc….

To dream that you are in kindergarten as the child, means that you wish to have the life with less of the responsibilities then you have at the moment. If you are the teacher of kindergarten, you feel that you have too much to take care of.

…The screeching sound of a pen in a dream represents a writer, or writing on paper, or writing on a chalkboard. Such screeching in a dream also could represent the chalkboard itself, or teachers of various grades. As for most people, hearing the screeching of a pen in a dream means divulging secrets, or attacking people’s reputation in the process of attaining one’s selfish goals….

If you dream of the warden, then such dream symbolizes the protector that is looking after you. Consider that the warden could also represent the way you are acting, which means that you are protecting others in your waking life or somebody is looking after you.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see an enchantress when you are dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for feminine energy. Enchantress shows the ability to influence, affect and persuade.

…Dreaming about oxygen symbolizes life, your inner strength and creative energy. Dreaming that you don’t have enough oxygen to breathe suggests that you’re feeling suppressed by a strange situation in your life….

…(Abdomen | Anus | Aorta | Back | Bones | Brain | Breasts | Buttocks | Chest | Earlock | Ears | Eyes | Eyebrows | Face | Feet | Fingers | Fingernails | Forehead | Hand | Head | Heart | Heels | Intestines | Jugular vein | Kidney | Knee | Legs | Limb | Lip | Livers | Loins | Lungs | Marrow | Mouth | Nails | Navel | Neck | Nerves | Nose | Rear end | Ribs | Penis | Sexual organs | Shoulders | Skin | Spinal column | Spleen | Stomach | Temple | Testicles | Thighs | Throat | Tongue | Umbilicus | Veins) In a dream, the head and the brain represent man’s controller, strength, benefits, longevity, wisdom or power. One’s ears in a dream represent his wife, daughter, sister or aunt. The eyes represent one’s faith, religion or…

To have interaction with wooden shoe in the dream is interpreted as the state or situation of being alone. Additionally, wooden shoe, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of infidelity and unfaithfulness.

To dream about the garden is very common dream which shows the way you see the life and the way you live your life. The state of the garden represents the state of your life and views.

…To see a garden in your dreams, filled with evergreen and flowers, denotes great peace of mind and comfort. To see vegetables, denotes misery or loss of fortune and calumny. To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles. Dreaming of walking with one’s lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means….

The number seven can indicate the end of some aspect of your life, because it is the last day of the week. However, the changes are going to be good for you and pleasant. The number seven is the lucky number.

…Dreaming of a kitchen, denotes you will be forced to meet emergencies which will depress your spirits. For a woman Dreaming that her kitchen is clear. and orderly, foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes….

…For a woman Dreaming of a beautiful fat, white kitten, omens artful deception will be practised upon her, which will almost ensnare her to destruction, but her good sense and judgment will prevail in warding off unfortunate complications. If the kittens are soiled, or colored and lean, she will be victimized into glaring indiscretions. Dreaming of kittens, denotes abominable small troubles and vexations will pursue and work you loss, unless you kill the kitten, and then you will overcome these worries. To see snakes kill kittens, you have enemies who in seeking to injure you will work harm to themselves. See Cats….

To dream about seeing an oven is a good omen, because it brings domestic happiness. The oven could also be related to the womb and the fact that you are afraid to have children. For pregnant women this kind of dream is very common.

…If you see yourself being engaged for the marriage, then such dream indicates the wishes and needs you have in your waking life. Perhaps you wish to be appreciated, loved and understood. Maybe you are feeling lonely? If you have broken the engagement, then it shows the dishonest behavior in the waking life. Perhaps you will do some damage to the loved ones. If you are making some engagement within your professional life, then it symbolizes the fears you have about the work you do….

If you see an engine in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the goodness and honesty within your personality and how powerful it is. The engine that doesn’t work signifies the betrayal and frustration from people you have trusted.

The dream, in which you see the envelope, denotes to new opportunities and chances. If you see the enveloped that is unopened, then it means you have missed some chance the life has given to you. The envelope could also represent the news you will receive.

Loud chicken in a dream means calumnies and fights. Silent chicken to dream foretells security and good hopes.

If you dream you hear hens cackle or that you catch them, denotes joy, to dream you see a hen with chickens means loss and damage; to see a hen lay eggs is gain.

The dream about the queen could have very similar interpretations to the one the king has. The woman who dreams about being crowned is feeling special and appreciated by the surroundings she is in. The queen is also a symbol of happiness, joy, rich life and success the one has.