…(Armor | Protection) Fasting in a dream represents vows and offerings. Interrupting the fast in a dream means an illness, a journey or backbiting someone. If one interrupts his obligatory fast through forgetfulness in a dream, it means that he will receive a pleasing gift or money. Fasting in a dream also means honor, rising in station, or it could mean repentance from sin, repayment of a debt, penitence for a sinner or begetting a son. Observing the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan in a dream means understanding something about which one has doubt or recognizing the truth without falsification or distortion. If one finds that he is the only person observing the obligatory fast in the dream, and if he is unlettered, it means that he will memorize the Holy Qur’an, attain a spiritual maturity and receive glad tidings. This dream also indicates that he is…

…(arb. Eid-ul Fitr | Lesser Bairam | Ramadan | 1st of Shawwal) Witnessing the feast of breaking the fast of Ramadan in a dream means overcoming depression, dispelling stress, regaining joy, ease in one’s life, acceptance of one’s prayers, repentance from sin, recovering one’s losses, relief, finding a lost object, prosperity, comfort, spending money and exchanging gifts. (Also see Feast of Immolation)…

…(Imprisonment | Suckling | Nursing) In a dream, it means being in need, becoming an orphan, business losses, being emotional or having a temper. If a woman sees herself breast-feeding a man in a dream, it means tightness of worldly means or imprisonment for both of them. Breast-feeding a child after weaning him in a dream means a sickness or imprisonment. Though, if a pregnant woman sees herself breast-feeding a child in a dream, it means that she will have a safe delivery. If one sees himself breast-feeding a hunted animal, or a domesticated one, or if one sees himself suckling their milk in a dream, it means that an affliction, or a calamity will strike at that person, then it will secede. If a man sees himself having milk in his breast in a dream, it means material success and prosperity. Should he breast-feed someone in that dream,…

If you dream of astral projection or astral body (astral travel or any other out-of-body experience) it means that you started to see things from completely different point of view. This dream indicates the freedom and emancipation. Alternatively, it could mean that you are not connected with those around you and it could symbolize that you need to take relax and enjoy yourself.

…(Woman’s milk-producing glands) A woman’s breast in a dream represent’s one’s wife, progeny and a large property. They also represent honor and prosperity. Their beauty is her beauty, and their ailment is her illness. If one sees a woman hanging down from her breast in a dream, it means that she has committed adultery and that she will give birth to a bastard son. If a man sees milk coming from his breast, and if he is poor, it means that his poverty will end, his life will be a long one, and he will even carry the financial responsibility of caring for two of his brothers. If he is unmarried, it means that he argues about his fertility and doubts his own ability to conceive children. If a young woman sees her breasts in a dream, it means that she will bear a child. Otherwise, if a single…

…(Hajj | Eid-ul Adha | Feast of sacrifice | 10th of Zul-Hijjah | Greater Bairam | Manumission | Sacrifice | Pilgrimage | Responding) Witnessingthe Feast of Immolation (arb. Eid-ul Adha) in a dream means reminiscing the past, renewal of past celebrations, reviving a state of joy, recapturing moments of one’s pleasant past, escape from destruction, salvation, redemption, release from prison or freedom from debts. (Also see Feast of Breaking the Fast | Ram | Sacrifice)…

…(Foreseer | Fortuneteller | Predictor | Soothsayer) Seeing an astrologer in a dream means associating oneself with spiritual masters and witnessing some of their miraculous signs. An astrologer in a dream also may mean knowledge of people’s secrets, curiosity, inquisitiveness, meddling in people’s affairs, divulging people’s secrets, soothsaying, fortune-telling, backbiting, predicting the future, hearsay, gossip, distress or trouble. If the one who is seeing the dream suffers from any of the above ills, seeing an astrologer in a dream also means dispelling such misfortunes. Seeing an astrologer in a dream also signifies marriage, divorce, the death of a sick person, travels, delivering a baby, hearing good or bad news. Seeing an astrologer in a dream also may denote knowledge, following the true path and acting upon it, for a God fearing astrologer mostly arbitrates by the prophetic rules. (Also see Astrolabe | Divi- nation | Fortuneteller)…

…Huntsmen not infrequently figure in my dreams. On July 1st, 1909, I dreamed I was standing on the veranda of a house, overlooking a neatly kept lawn and a broad white carriage drive, beyond which was a spinney. It was a beautiful evening, and every object stood out with startling perspicuity in the powerful moonlight. Whilst I was gazing admiringly at the transcendental loveliness of the landscape, I felt a soft hand laid caressingly on my arm, and, on looking round, saw a lady clad in the costume of the middle ages. As she often figures in my dreams, I was in no degree astonished at her appearance. ”How romantic we are!” she said, with a smile; “I was quite under the impression that lingering so long in a great city had spoilt you for the pleasures of the country. With me it is too much country, I long…

…A huge, old-fashioned silver stand, containing one big fruit dish and four small ones, stood in the centre of the table, whilst all round were big silver cake dishes. To each place there were at least five too many forks and spoons, whilst on the sideboard was the most vulgar (you see, sir, I understand the real use of that word) display of silver bowls, cups, entree and bon-bon dishes, knives, forks, and spoons I ever have seen. The sole idea of the hostess seemed to be to impress her visitors with a sense of her wealth — she had, so to speak, purposely made an exhibition of it.”I was so interested in my observations that, quite unconsciously, I left the shelter of the trees, and, stepping up to the railings, leaned over them. I was now close to the window, the lower panes of which were almost on…

To dream about breakfast, shows the start of a new task, project, plan, or scheme. Breakfast also symbolizes the birth of a new period in your life. On the other hand, breakfast in the dream can induced by external stimuli. Your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to eat for breakfast in this morning. It is not uncommon for your conscious ideas, thoughts and conceptions to be incorporated into your subconscious. And that shows up in your dream.

…Dreaming of a beast is a distorted reflection of our conscience, because that accuses us of something wrong that torments us. If it is a terrifying beast, this dream reveals to us that we are still tied to children’s fears and guilt complexes. If the beast is tempting, it reflects mistrust in ourselves and fear our weaknesses. A conciliatory and friendly beast reveals our tendency or desire to lessen our guilt, because of our sins….

…(Instinct | Nature | Profits) In a dream, milk represents nature, instinct, or easy and lawful money. However, curdled milk in a dream represents unlawful money. If a man or a woman discover that they are carrying milk in their breast in a dream, it means building of one’s savings. If a man sees milk flowing from his breast in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and that new opportunities will rise from every direction. Woman’s milk in a dream means recovering from an illness. If a woman sees herself carrying milk in her breast in a dream, when in reality she does not have it, it means that she will breast feed a new born. If a woman sees herself breast-feeding a baby, a man, or another woman in her dream, it means that the source of earnings will be hampered or restricted to both the suckling person…

To dream that you are in a hurry, because of the last minute, indicates the tendency of yours being late or leaving the things until the last minute. The last minute could also represent something you are afraid you won’t finish up. On the positive note, the last minute indicates something you have already finished.

…(Curse | Omen | Policeman | Warning sign) In a dream, thunder without rain means a scare, a warning or an ultimatum. It also represents good promises, gracious orders, or the sound of drums. Seeing thunder in a dream means repayment of one’s debts, and for a sick person, it means recovering from his illness. Thunder, lightening and rain in a dream represent fear for a traveller, or the greed of a merchant. Hearing about an awesome blast in a distant land in a dream means that the dwellers of that place will be struck with a major calamity or sudden mass casualties. The sound of thunder in a dream represents a murder, a fight, a dispute, an argument, lack of religious atten- dance, loss of money, or the release of a prisoner. A thunderstorm with rain when needed in a dream represents a good harvest for that year…

…the weathercock ejaculated sternly. A drunkard! He drinks every drop of rain that falls on the tiles!” “The beast!’ all the cowls and chimney-pots” shouted. ‘The beast! Let us hope that he is suffering.’”Have no fear on that account,’ Moses replied; he is connected with the kitchen range, and I have given the chef strict orders to cook a forty-course dinner every night!’”And can’t I have even one drop of gravy?”I groaned.”Not a drop,’ growled the weathercock, ‘for the dinners are damned, and so are you!’ — Which so frightened me,” added the Salvationist, “that I awoke, and from that very day to this have never tasted a thimbleful of alcohol.”Another Salvationist, who attracted my attention by the vigorous manner in which he pounded the drum, informed me he owed the fact of his now being saved — and he seemed to regard it as a very sure fact —…

To see a gymnast, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of controlled emotions and feelings. Gymnast in the dream is also a sign for strength and grace. To be a gymnast in your dream, represents your ability to move freely and easily with comfortable adaptation of society standards. Also it means that your strength and grace is exemplary model of living for others.

If you dream of a beast it represents silyness and arogance. If you dream of the beast that is without the face or the face is covered it symbolizes the fears you have or maybe not taking responsibility for something that should be done. Otherwise you are informed about all the circumstances that can be caused. There is a possibility that the dream warns you about your lack of confidence . Consider that on the basis of the Bible the beast is a symbol of a man who does not know it.

…(Affront | Attract attention | Criticize | Excavate | Probe | Sideswipe | Stir up) Digging up the past in a dream means an argument or exposing one’s dirty laundry, blocking the road, earning unlawful money, or it could mean excavating hidden valuables, reviving past knowledge or discover- inga treasure. Diggingup the past and not confronting anyone with it in a dream means relief from distress or receiving glad tidings. (Also see Court)…

…Dreaming of a feast, foretells that pleasant surprises are being planned for you. To see disorder or misconduct at a feast, foretells quarrels or unhappiness through the negligence or sickness of some person. To arrive late at a feast, denotes that vexing affairs will occupy you….

If you have a breakfast as your meal, while dreaming, it could have several meanings. The dream could indicate the fact that you are actually feeling very hungry and wish to have something to eat as soon as it is possible. If you eat too much of your breakfast, it means that you are not ready to take such a big amount of work or friendships, therefore you dream as overeating. Sometimes the breakfast could have a good meaning especially if you enjoy the company you are eating with or you are having a very healthy meal.

…Dreams of the astral, denote that your efforts and plans will culminate in worldly success and distinction. A spectre or picture of your astral self brings heart-rending tribulation….

If you see the feast in a dream, then such dream represents the wishes you have either emotional or sexual ones. There is also a possibility that you will experience unexpected joy. If you dream about some confusion at the feast, then such dream indicates ache you will experience through some illness. If you were late at some feats, then such dream indicates boring activities.

If you dream of looking at the coast, then such dream indicates the spiritual journey you are taking in your waking life. The coast represents the inner and outside worlds, therefore you are trying to understand the meaning of it. Perhaps lately you had questions about the meaning of life and its values. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to take the life more vigorously.

If you are part of the feast as a guest, the dream could be revealing your intimate need to access an environment that is not yours, in which appearances and conveniences dominate. If you eat a lot at that feast perhaps is due to the many longings that you are trying to face and satisfy.

To dream of yeast shows that what your next undertake will prosper, that your wife will soon be in the family way. If a single man your sweetheart’s love will increase. To a maiden, her lover will be rich, and, very likely, a brewer or baker. To dream that they are kneading dough with yeast, is a sure sign of being comfortable for life.

(Astrology) In a dream, it represents the assistant or the servant of a governor or ruler. An astrolabe in a dream also represents someone connected with the leadership of a land. Accompanying such a person in a dream then means benefits equal to what one sees in his dream. Seeing an astrolabe in a dream also may connote someone with uncertainty, or an ever changing person who lacks determination, loyalty, or honor. (Also see Astrologer)

If you see yourself going to the east, then such dream indicates the inner realization about true meaning of life. You chose the right way to fulfill your spiritual needs. The east also symbolizes the beginning of something new and positive. You chose the right way to become a better and wiser person and provide the happiness to your family and friends.

To dream of eating a feast may mean that you are suffering from the hunger, because you didn’t ate enough before your sleep and your body is giving you a signal. The feast could also have a negative meaning which shows that while eating you are trying to avoid the negativity in your life by stuffing yourself.

…To dream of yeast denotes that what you next undertake will prosper, and that your wife will soon be in the family-way. If a single man, your sweetheart’s love will increase. To a maiden, her lover will be rich, and very like a brewer or baker. To dream that they are kneading dough with yeast, is a sure sign of being comfortable for life….

To dream that you’ve got a yeast infection means that you are feeling the lack of privacy. Somebody is getting into your territory too much. The yeast infection could also represent the minor things that makes you feel annoyed.

If you dream of the yeast that made the dough to rise, then it shows some situation that is rising above and you are able to see what is going on there at the moment. The yeast could also indicate the tendency of yours to look after the others.

Dream of yeast indicates a spiritual quest. You need to look at yourself to improve your soul. On the other hand, yeast is symbol of your renewed energy or increased enthusiasm for an idea or a project.

(Monster | Wild beast) In a dream, a beast represents mountain people or people living in the wilderness, or an innovator who breaks from the community and introduces his own religious ideas. (Also see Hunter)

Dream of a toast with friends or relatives is happiness next to your loved one.

…last half -hour. I came here to be alone — utterly alone — save for him!” and here she gave a kind of convulsive sob and stretched her hands appealingly before her. The woman interested me, and I felt that there was much in her that would furnish me with copy — copy for some article on real humanity, on the flotsam and jetsam of womanhood.And so, instead of obeying her injunctions to go, I stayed.Tell me,” I said persuasively, your history. You can confide in me; I am old — old enough to be your ” — then I thought of my bare thirty-seven summers, and blushed — ” well, old enough to be your uncle. May I sit down? “The seats,” she murmured, are free to all. I can go!”She rose, and I touched her gently on the arm. Come! I said, “You can trust me. I’m only…

In a dream, an astronomer represents someone who trades with women, a pimp, or a salesman.

Making a toast with friends or relatives means happiness next to your loved one.

Dreaming that you are in the East means wisdom and spiritual intuition.

See or eat roast meat in a dream means melancholy in the home, betrayal, and / or secrets.

Dreaming of a gymnast, denotes you will have misfortune in speculation or trade.