(See Beast)

Asthma dreams may indicate that a betrayal is discovered and because of that there is the likelihood of search for the revenge. But if you had studied things, then the outcome wouldn’t be like this.

Generally, it is a bad omen to be at last place in any kind of competition in our dreams. It usually indicates an upcoming time of bad luck in which failure will prevail. Obligations will emerge, to which it will be impossible to face, just in case you are not already overwhelmed by them.

The yeast as a dream symbol shows spiritual and emotional stagnation. Your unconscious sends you a signal that you have to improve yourself as a personality. Also there is another meaning which indicates your spiritual development. You have got energy and power from your inner world to start and create something new and awesome in your life.

Announces sadness and regret. If you have a cast for some of your body part, then it indicates the risk of accident.

When you eat breakfast in a dream, then it means that you must think before you do something. When you eat this kind of meal with others, then it shows that you like to share your day with others.

When you dream of astrology or pseudoscience (any of belief systems) it foretells that you are worrying about things that will happen in the future. This dream could tell you the essential news, which you should look into very closely and try to find out how it could connect with you. Maybe there are important cases in this message, which will have a huge consequences.

Beast is a sign of insults and difficulties.

…To dream that you are eating breakfast shows you will do something of which you will be sorry. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 4….

To see or eat roast in a dream, is an omen of domestic infelicity and secret treachery.

Dreaming that you are in a broadcast, shows your strong feeling of wanting to have your voice heard. Do you want to translate some message out there to the public? Maybe you need to speak out more in order to achieve some goal. Are you expressive enough?

When you dream of asteroid, this could be a message from God. You should be happy, as there are things only you know and have an ability to look closer at it, as no one else does.

If you dream that you are suffering from asthma or choking and/or have some difficulties with breathing and/or to breath then the dream indicates unsafe surroundings and changeability. This dream wants to show you that you feel the tense and stress around you. You are not able to concentrate on important things and feel out of control.

Dreaming that you purchase yeast, and afterwards make no use of it, betokens that you will be deceived by some friend, and meet with heavy losses in a pecuniary way.

If you dream of being an astronaut or cosmonaut (member of a spacecraft) it means that you have extended your views and became more tolerant and liberal person. It is a good sign, because you absorb all the facts very well and already know how to act in particular situation.

To dream that you are eating breakfast, shows that you will commit some folly.

…Dreaming of seeing the masts of ships, denotes long and pleasant voyages, the making of many new friends, and the gaining of new possessions. To see the masts of wrecked ships, denotes sudden changes in your circumstances which will necessitate giving over anticipated pleasures. If a sailor dreams of a mast, he will soon sail on an eventful trip….

…Is favorable to persons engaged in mental work. To see a breakfast of fresh milk and eggs and a well filled dish of ripe fruit, indicates hasty, but favorable changes. If you are eating alone, it means you will fall into your enemies’ trap. If you are eating with others it is good. See Meals….

When you are seeing a cast in any shape during the dream, then it foretells about the proximity of a painful period. We can expect to incur a large debt as well as suffer emotional losses. If the dreamer sees himself with a casted body part, it is a clear warning that some danger is coming.

Dream of fresh yeast means success in love affairs.

(See Perspicacity)

(See Disbelief | Irreligious | Wandering)

(See Accountant)

Constancy in love. 125.


Approach of misfortune.

(Astrolabe. See Astrologer | Fortuneteller | Moon)

If you dream of feasting at a friend’s house, or eating with him anywhere, it shows you will make a new acquaintance through his means. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will soon have a lover from that very house or place where she dreams of feasting. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 76, 18….

(See Celestial sphere | New year’s day)…

(See Resurrection)

Dreaming that you´re fasting indicates that you will have a very difficult time and you´ll unfairly distrust of different people.

Meetings of false and hypocritical friends.

(Also see Day of Resurrection | Reckoning | Trumpet of Resurrection)

(Cereal | Grits | Kasha | Oatmeal | Porridge) Having a tasty break- fast in a dream means honor, promotion or dispelling distress, adversities and illness. (Also see Porridge)

If the dreamer is deeply religious, the dream indicates shared spiritual pleasures. If it is an ordinary person, it announces pleasant family gatherings or with friends.

(See Boiler | Deep frying | Kettle)

It often means that our respiratory system does not work very well. Other times indicates that we will succeed in a delicate situation. To dream of an asphyxiated person announces a problem with a loved one.

Good for poor people. 375.

Reflects our desire to go back to our roots.

Approach of hard times. 133.