Great gain. 16.

…To contract a marriage means happy times. To be married, unexpected dangers. To see a marriage of someone means sickness, melancholy. Marry an ugly person, illness or some serious disaster. A handsome person that you marry, indicates joy, happiness and great advantages. Marry your own wife in a dream means profit. To marry a virgin, means honor without profit. To espouse one’s sister means jealous peril. Mary a servant means deception….

To dream of ants denotes that you will live in a great town or city, or in a large family, and that you will be industrious, happy, well married, and have a large family.

…In a dream, iron represents longevity. If one sees himself holding a piece of iron in his dream, it means wealth and strength after poverty and weakness. If one sees himself eating a piece of iron in a dream, it means victory in his life. If he eats it with bread in the dream, it means bearing difficulties in his livelihood. Discovering iron as a mineral in a dream means prosperity and strength in one’s livelihood. Forging iron in a dream means becoming competent and qualified in one’s craft. To own iron in a dream means wealth which is accumulated with great pain. (Also see Bond’ | Fetter)…

If you dream about the top toy, it means that you are balancing in your life perfectly especially if the toy is spinning perfectly. The top toy that is not working great or you accidently dropped it, means that you are unable to keep the harmony in your life. You need to prioritize issues in your life.

Great fortune. 8.

When the dreamer makes something brew, then such dream shows the endurance, stamina and tough work that will bring great results. Consider to keep going and makes sure you get rid of all of the obstacles while achieving the target.

…Dreaming of machinery, denotes you will undertake some project which will give great anxiety, but which will finally result in good for you. To see old machinery, foretells enemies will overcome in your strivings to build up your fortune. To become entangled in machinery, foretells loss in your business, and much unhappiness will follow. Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream….

The fountain in dreams is known as the symbol of joy, happiness, new activities and childishness. There is also a possibility that you are getting into new relationship. If the fountain doesn’t work or is completely dry, then the dream shows the reality you have faced after great and joyful time that you have had.

To dream that you are traveling is a very common dream and have few different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. If you are traveling with some people, then it means you have a great company around you in your waking life. If you are traveling in unknown places you should be aware of dangers that might be lurking for you. If you travel on your own on the bad road, you will have some obstacles in your life.

If you see the crop in a dream, then such dream represents the prosperity, plenitude and approval. The dream shows that the effort you have put will bring great results.

Seeing them working announces great hardship. With the fire off, it indicates your concerns will end.

…and weave as a cloth, then sells it in his dream means that he will forge a testimony. Clipping one’s beard in a dream also means losing money. One’s beard in a dream also represents his job, business, clothing, gains and losses. Cutting off the hair of one’s beard with one’s own teeth in a dream means sufferings, distress and trouble. Swearing by the honor of one’s beard in a dream may denote either one’s truthfulness or lies, his stinginess or generosity. One’s beard in a dream also could represent his wife. If a farmer finds the hair of his beard black in a dream, it means that he should start harvesting his crop. A white beard could denote illness or frailty. If one’s beard in wakefulness is gray and he sees its color black in a dream, it means strength, determination, firmness, certainty, having great energy and exuberance. If…

…To dream of a witch foretells that you will leave your home and sojourn among strangers: if the witch attempts to injure you, it denotes that you will be dependent upon strangers for your support. No intelligent person believes in witches, yet a great many-dream of them, and the above is the horoscope of such a dream. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 17….

…Rescuing one’s self, out of great danger. 24….

Release of a great burden. 39.

…Dreaming that you commit homicide, foretells that you will suffer great anguish and humiliation through the indifference of others, and your gloomy surroundings will cause perplexing worry to those close to you. Dreaming that a friend commits suicide, you will have trouble in deciding a very important question. See Kill….

…To dream of brewing is a sign you should be up and doing great in love, it denotes idleness in your sweetheart; if in trade you will sustain losses. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 31….

…Dreaming about your siblings or other family member is usually a good dream; it symbolizes love, thou it depends a lot on how you see them in that dream. To dream about your own siblings and that they’re healthy and happy suggests that the same state reigns among you and your family members, so it promises a great future. If instead your siblings seem poor, sad, sick, etc., you may end up the same way….

…Dreaming of hearing a minister reading his text, denotes that quarrels will lead to separation with some friend. Dreaming that you are in a dispute about a text, foretells unfortunate adventures for you. If you try to recall a text, you will meet with unexpected difficulties. If you are repeating and pondering over one, you will have great obstacles to overcome if you gain your desires….

…Dreaming of engaging in combat, you will find yourself seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love of some one whom you know to be another’s, and you will run great risks of losing your good reputation in business. It denotes struggles to keep on firm ground. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing combatants, signifies that she will have choice between lovers, both of whom love her and would face death for her….

…(See Milk.) To dream of breasts, denotes great gain and profit to man; but to a woman, losses. If a young woman dream that her breasts are full of milk, it signifies she is near her marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6….

The bats denote great storms, and strife, and news not good.

Dreaming of a yule log, foretells that your joyous anticipations will be realized by your attendance at great festivities.

The turtles are the symbols of long life and great health. Because it is not a very common animal, the dream is not very often either, so if the one has such a dream, it means that very unusual situations will come into your life, but not necessarily bad ones. Maybe you will find some of the qualities within yourself.

…Usually dreams about the place being crowded denotes to the lack of freedom in your life. There is a possibility that you feel suppressed and unable to express your feelings and emotions. The dream could also show the tendency of yours to go along with others which means that you lack of individualism. If you are in the crowd and feel like unable to get out of it, then it means you should try to find the solution in order to become happy. If you feel great while being in the crowd, then it means you are surrounded by surrounding you feel happy with….

…To dream of one or more emeralds suggests your desire to make a good business and have great profits, and to have a comfortable and sumptuous life, but it also warns you that this will be very difficult to achieve and that you’ll first have to overcome various problems. To dream that your beloved one carries emeralds on her/him suggests that a tough to beat opponent may exist. To dream that you’re buying emeralds indicates that you’ll make bad businesses….

To dream you see a person hanging on a gibbet, is a sign of damage and great affliction.

Great change in fortune. 203.

To see in your dreams a composing stick, foretells that difficult problems will disclose themselves, and you will be at great trouble to meet them.

…Dreaming of a bishop, teachers and authors will suffer great mental worries, caused from delving into intricate subjects. To the tradesman, foolish buying, in which he is likely to incur loss of good money. For one to see a bishop in his dreams, hard work will be his patrimony, with chills and ague as attendant. If you meet the approval of a much admired bishop, you will be successful in your undertakings in love or business….

Great loss in business.

To dream of yourself writing a letter, a note, a message, etc., indicates prosperity and great economic achievements. On the other hand, it means your some kind of communication with someone.

Signing in a dream means strong unavoidable commitments. Signature is a sign of great responsibilities that are going to fulfil. Be aware, do not compromise too much.

A pearl diver in a dream represents a royalty, a great person, or a man of authority. Diving into the seawater to catch pearls in a dream means entering into a business with someone in authority, then marrying a daughter from his family and begetting a beautiful son from her. Seeing a pearl diver in a dream also means seeking to learn about something, or seeking to borrow money from a merchant, or asking someone in authority for an important appointment, or it could mean adventuring into the business of treasure hunting. A pearl diver in a dream also represents someone who knows the inside secrets of things, or he could be a scholar, a gnostic, a seeker on the path, or an interpreter of the true meanings of the early prophetic teachings. (Also see Diving)

Fortunate omen, great luck. From fright, safety. With precipitation, unexpected happiness. After an enemy, indicates victory, profit. To run naked means betrayal of relatives. To see people run one after the other, denotes temporary problems or fears the dreamer has. If they be armed with clubs or other weapons, then it signifies problems to be apprehended, internal dissensions, however if you run fast enough, none of this will be applied to you. It is a bad omen for a sick person to dream of running, because it shows he doesn’t want to stop and heal himself. Make sure you take the time to looks after yourself.

…To dream of men with long beards, great honour doth show, but with short beards, contempt and poverty you’ll know….

Getting released from great troubles.

Denotes great honour.

Dreaming of looking at rags is often an indicator of shame and misery. Dreaming of mixing rags is an indicative sign of great sorrows.