Feeling thirsty within dreams is usually a real need to drink something. Dismissing the need of drinking something, thirst in dreams usually mean that you are an ambitious person, in the best sense of the word, that is, you don’t feel envy for the things other people have, but you really crave for achieving the things you want through effort and hard work. If the thirst is satisfied during the dream, it’s usually a sign that you’ll obtain the things you want. However, if during the dream is not possible to mitigate your thirst, it often means that sorrows, sufferings and misfortunes are approaching.

…yellow cat chases you, it suggests that you’ll meddle among intrigues and embarrassments that will end up harming you. To dream about a cat and a snake and that these animals have a friendly relationship is the worst dream and omen, and the best we can do is watch carefully around us to find out what can be upcoming. It is said that this dream in some cases suggests industrial, political or military espionage. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. When a woman dreams about one or more white and beautiful cats is a warning that there are some selfish interests that are trying to harm her, but she’ll be able to end with those…

…Dreaming of beans is the best omen those who want to have a child can have because it’s a guarantee of the child’s next arrival….

…To find a pocketbook filled with bills and money in your dreams, you will be quite lucky, gaining in nearly every instance your desire. If empty, you will be disappointed in some big hope. If you lose your pocketbook, you will unfortunately disagree with your best friend, and thereby lose much comfort and real gain….

If you see the Supremes, then such dream shows your tendency to be the first and the best at all situations of your life. The dream displays your accomplishments that you reached through hard work.

…To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover don’t play her false. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34 3….

…To see a long bridge dilapidated, and mysteriously winding into darkness, profound melancholy over the loss of dearest possessions and dismal situations will fall upon you. To the young and those in love, disappointment in the heart’s fondest hopes, as the loved one will fall below your ideal. To cross a bridge safely, a final surmounting of difficulties, though the means seem hardly safe to use. Any obstacle or delay denotes disaster. To see a bridge give way before you, beware of treachery and false admirers. Affluence comes with clear waters. Sorrowful returns of best efforts are experienced after looking upon or coming in contact with muddy or turbid water in dreams….

If you have some dinner by yourself, then it means you are trying to figure out which direction of life too choose. Perhaps you reached the point of your life where you need to make these kinds of decisions. The fact that you have the dinner on your own could also represent the lack of communications with those around you. Maybe you are the person who feels best on his own. If you are having dinner with other people and having a great time, then it means you are able to communicate with those around you. The dinner could also represent the important meeting that is waiting for you in the waking life.

The jars that are empty are the reflection of your condition, you feel empty, numb and dull. The ones that are full, signifies the joy and fulfilment of your dreams. The cans of food shows your tendency to prepare for the best.

To dream you see others eating, is a bad omen. But if you dream you are asked to eat, and partake of those things which you like best, some relief perhaps will follow.

…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…

To dream you see others eating, is a bad omen. But if you dream you are asked to eat, and partake of those things you like best, some relief, perhaps, will follow. But if they leave off eating, and you eat after they are done, and you are soon done likewise, and they commence eating again, shows you will be a dependant for time on some churlish family.

…Dreaming that you are stricken with this malady, signifies that you are worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you, and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work. Dreaming of seeing some of your family sick with fever, denotes temporary illness for some of them. See Illness….

…To dream of a white cat is lucky; of a black, either extremely lucky or the reverse; of a tabby, neither lucky nor unlucky; of a tortoiseshell, simply disastrous.Of the many cat dreams that have from time to time been related to me, I think the following are the best examples:Mrs. Smith, who resides in the neighbourhood of Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, writes to me thus:“My daughters and I have on several occasions dreamed of white cats, and our dreams have always been the precursors of astonishing pieces of good luck. Daisy, my eldest daughter, dreamed a black cat sprang on her shoulder and refused to stir, the night before she received tidings that her picture was on the line in the Royal Academy. Vera, my second girl, dreamed she was punting on a lake, which was overcrowded with white cats, that swam about with the keenest enjoyment, every now…

If you see the junkyard in the dream, it shows that you are dealing with unpleasant circumstances in your life. If you are picking up good stuff from the junk yard, it shows that you are not enjoying your life and trying very hard to find the positivity in all of this mess. Sometimes the junk yard indicates the life you are not happy with, because of the others damage that was made to you. The junk yard could have a positive meaning either, because it shows your ability to find the goodness in the bad things and take what is the best for you.

…Pictures appearing before you in dreams, prognosticate deception and the ill will of contemporaries. To make a picture, denotes that you will engage in some unremunerative enterprise. To destroy pictures, means that you will be pardoned for using strenuous means to establish your rights. To buy them, foretells worthless speculation. Dreaming of seeing your likeness in a living tree, appearing and disappearing, denotes that you will be prosperous and seemingly contented, but there will be disappointments in reaching out for companionship and reciprocal understanding of ideas and plans. Dreaming of being surrounded with the best efforts of the old and modern masters, denotes that you will have insatiable longings and desires for higher attainments, compared to which present success will seem poverty-stricken and miserable. See Painting and Photographs….

The dream about possum shows that you are able to control almost all of the situations. You are a very sharp minded person that gets to receive the best out of some situations.

If a woman dreams of embroidering, she will be admired for her tact and ability to make the best of everything that comes her way. For a married man to see embroidery, signifies a new member in his household, For a lover, this denotes a wise and economical wife.

In dreams the eyes are the symbols of your view to word. The eyes that are beautiful and even sparkles, signifies the goodness. The ones that are closed foretells about the reality the dreamer tries to escape. If the eyes are crossed, then it foretells about some misunderstanding between your inner self. You do not find the solution to some problems. If your eyes were injured by someone, then it shows that those people are trying to get the financial goodness from you. It is the same explanation that is given if the eyes were covered with a hood. The dream in which you are wearing the blindfolded, foretells about certain situation that you are trying to avoid facing it. You tend to pretend that nothing is going on around you. The small eyes shows the secrets, but the large ones denotes to friendship, love purity and truth.

To see many small tacks indicates minor problems that will be very easy to solve. If you drive the tack, it also means that you will overcome obstacles. If you hurt your hand while driving the tack, then it means you will not have an ability to control the mess that is going on around you.

Strong and handsome man means fleeting happiness. Small and weak man means laziness and inconstancy. Unknown man is a sign of ingratitude and treasons. Armed man means fear and insecurity.

…To dream about caterpillars foretells small accidents, such as cuts on fingers, bumps and bruises; and minor ailments, such as colds, neuralgia, and toothache….

…(Carbonize | Charcoal | Fuel) Burning coal in a dream means immediate earnings or a ready to fill order for one’s merchandise. If one can benefit from it in his dream, it means easy benefits or receiving jewelry as a gift, or having a type of work in which one needs to use coal. Seeing burning coal in a dream also means seeking knowledge and wisdom. Coal in a dream also represents an evil and a dangerous person, or it could mean tainted money, unlawful earnings or receiving a grant from someone in the government. Burning coal in a dream also denotes someone who is unjustly suffering from hardships and trials or someone who’s property is unjustly confiscated. Consumed or burned up coal in a dream means the same thing as ashes and signifies falsehood. Having large cuts of coal when one needs small pieces in a dream means…

To see a white one small success. A black one means affliction. To see more than one means ruin at some stage of your life.

If you saw a hanging in a dream, then it indicates your thoughts of anxiety. Perhaps you do not feel protected. The dream could also represent things you started to do, but didn’t finish until the end. The dream, in which you were hanging some things, denotes to the consciousness of the small things that were happening in your life. Finally you are able to put them together and see the whole image of it.

Dream of insects represents small obstacles that you must overcome. Moreover, insects in a dream may symbolize a promise of financial gain or solving a mystery.

…If you took a shower in a dream, then such dream indicates the new beginning of your life, but only in those cases if the water was crystal clear. To be in a shower where the water is dirty and unclean, denotes to the state of the mind which has not been cleared up. The muddy water also promises small unpleasant changes. To take a shower while wearing all of the clothes indicates the changes you have made with yourself, but not the inner ones. On the other hand, the dream in which you wore of the clothes, shows the wall you have made between yourself and others….

To eat them at maturity, denotes joy, profit, rejoicing and overall pleasures. Eat them green, small contrasts, followed by heavy profits. Eat grapes dried means loss of cares and/or bitterness. To squash grapes beneath foot, victory over enemies. Red grapes, passion. White, innocence.

Dreaming of a janitor or doorman who neglects his work suggests that issues that the dreamer has are being neglected, which is the reason why subordinates ignore the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking a janitor or doorman because he is not at his post insinuates that there are small doubts or worries regarding the dreamer’s own issues. But if in the dream the janitor is found, then there is no need to worry, because everything will be fine.

If you dreamed of the spark, then such dream symbolizes the new beginning, goals and tasks. Usually all of the things that have started, started from the very small perspective, therefore the one should not remove the minor things as it will lead you to happiness. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the fresh and new love.

To dream you see a pond with clear water in it, betokens great success in your undertakings to a man, it denotes his being beloved by a beautiful woman, to a maid, it shows the constancy and affection of her swain, and that they will have great prosperity after marriage. If small fish are seen playing about, it denotes a large family of children.

Domestic grief, annoyance or small profit.

If you dream about the yacht, it shows your passion for luxury and good life. You could also take some small journey.

When you dream of a barbecue it indicates the small problem that is causing some difficulties when you are dealing with the social life. Maybe the sence of community is quite a big part of you, so try to solve that little problem as soon as you can.

…Dreaming of one or more fishing nets suggests that soon the dreamer will enjoy of small satisfactions and profits. If the net appears to be hung or rolled, it means mishaps and misfortunes. Dreaming of fishing nets announces various problems that require immediate attention to avoid complications. Dreaming of covering something with a net suggests that the dreamer is acting improperly, and hurting others. Dreaming of an old net suggests that the dreamer’s affairs and businesses are going from bad to worse and that it won’t be able to be solved in a short period of time. Dreaming of walking over nets without a difficulty, announces prosperity due to defeating enemies. But if there are setbacks, for example having your feet tangled with the net, then it means the opposite. If a young woman dreams of walking under nets, it announces that she’ll have many suitors and she won’t…

Dreaming of an almanac, means variable fortunes and illusive pleasures. To be studying the signs, foretells that you will be harassed by small matters taking up your time.

(Small hawk) In a dream, a kite means an insouciant or a languorous ruler who is audacious, defiled and stouthearted. If one catches and trains a wild kite to hunt for him and he finds that it is not obeying him or holding fast to his wrist in a dream, it means that he will bear a son who will become a ruler. Otherwise, if the kite flies away from his wrist in the dream, it means that the fetus may die before birth. Its chicks represent boys and girls banding at wrongdoing. A kite in a dream also represents an adulterous wife and a secret affair. (See Introduction)

If one chases or bites us, it announces small problems. If we kill them, we will overcome problems.

In the ear, profit and wealth for the dreamer. Heaped in great quantity, abundance of wealth and great profits. In small quantity means famine and misery. Carry it signifies infirmities. See a wheat sheaf burn and consume, represents famine, mortality. Burn without consuming, fertility and abundance of wealth to the dreamer. Tread it under foot when on the ground signifies money gained through trouble.

…let you to see them and to defend yourself. For them the perfect opportunity to move is missed. If the red snake bites you, then the dream is trying remind you the importance of this threat. Also, it shows that it has developed to new level and thus your attention has to be directed to it. You need to assess it again, especially paying attention to the progress it has made. To see a red baby snake in your dream means that a development of a hidden threat is just beginning. Also, it can mean that your awareness to it is too small. You are underestimating this danger. If you kill the red snake or if the red snake is dead, then it means that you have successfully stopped the progress of this threat. Also, it can mean that you have defended yourself. And your troubles have passed away….