Broken arms shows danger, great or long arms, friendship; but small ones, enemies, who will your prosperity strip.

…Dreaming of eating fresh, golden butter, is a sign of good health and plans well carried out | it will bring unto you possessions, wealth and knowledge. To eat rancid butter, denotes a competency acquired through struggles of manual labor. To sell butter, denotes small gain….

To see a fly-trap in a dream, is signal of malicious designing against you. To see one full of flies, denotes that small embarrassments will ward off greater ones.

When you are dreaming off getting an acupuncture it symbolizes your poor health. This dream wants to let you know, that maybe you need to change your lifestyle by going running, dancing, playing tennis or any other type of sport you would like to do. It is not only only the exercising, it is more about changing your lifestyle like going abroad for a small trip, go for a walk or any other stuff you think you would like to do. Try to change your attitude towards the active lifestyle.

…Dreaming of a sieve, foretells some annoying transaction will soon be made by you, which will probably be to your loss. If the meshes are too small, you will have the chance to reverse a decision unfavorable to yourself. If too large, you will eventually lose what you have recently acquired….

Small and unexpected surprises. Joy at home. Happy meeting.

To buy chamomiles indicates a small illness without importance. To drink chamomiles’ tee reflects healing, improvement in your health.

…Dreaming of seeing feathers falling around you, denotes that your burdens in life will be light and easily borne. To see eagle feathers, denotes that your aspirations will be realized. To see chicken feathers, denotes small annoyances. Dreaming of buying or selling geese or duck feathers, denotes thrift and fortune. Dreaming of black feathers, denotes disappointments and unhappy amours. For a woman Dreaming of seeing ostrich and other ornamental feathers, denotes that she will advance in society, but her ways of gaining favor will not bear imitating….

Dreaming of seeing them on your person, denotes poverty and small ills. To kill them is good.

…Dreaming of eating macaroni, denotes small losses. To see it in large quantities, denotes that you will save money by the strictest economy. For a young woman, this dream means that a stranger will enter her life….

This plant, an herb with aromatic leaves and small purple or white flowers, symbolizes solace.

…Dreaming of sailing on calm waters, foretells easy access to blissful joys, and immunity from poverty and whatever brings misery. To sail on a small vessel, denotes that your desires will not excel your power of possessing them. See Ocean and Sea….

…Receiving happy surprises, means a multitude of high accomplishments. Working people will advance in their trades. Giving birthday presents, denotes small deferences, if given at a fe^te or reception….

…(Damp | Food | Humid | Produce | Ripe | Tender) Fresh vegetables or fruits in a dream and in their season represent a political appointment in a populated village or a small town. Eating fresh produce out of season in a dream means an illness. As for a merchant, eating fresh produce in a dream means profits and plenitude. Fresh or ripened fruits in a dream represent glad tidings, spiritual awareness, victory over one’s enemy, chastity, lawful earnings or absence of trouble. Eating a ripened fruit out of season in a dream also may mean a miraculous recovery from illness and a blessing….

Be bitten by them, annoyances on a small amount, originating in envy, vexation and shame.

…Dreaming of seeing a wife or husband, signifies small anxieties and probable sickness. Dreaming of social companions, denotes light and frivolous pastimes will engage your attention hindering you from performing your duties….

Small losses.

Joy and success. Fish with hook and line, patience, small profit, forgiveness of injuries. Fish that is caught with nets means great gains in all aspects of your life.

Firefly symbolizes the aspirations of spiritualty and can also be an omen that small solutions to problems will start arriving, but very slowly.

Fish with different colors enlargement in sickness, or, if the dreamer is in good health, quarrels, injuries and sufferings. Fish that is dead in its element, deceitful expectations. To take them in a seine, joy and profit, in small quantities, sorrow and ruin, in proportion to the quantity that has been taken. For a woman to dream that she has given birth to a fish, signifies that she is afraid of the baby’s health. Dream of seeing such a phenomenon occur that was given by other woman means, joy and health.

To sweep in a dream denotes to the clearance of your thoughts and still period of your emotions. Probably you started to look at things differently. The sweeping may also point to the need of attention to small things and details you are not paying enough.

Dream of receiving a blow from a stranger, domination, profit, good news. Receiving a blow from an acquaintance, a small service to be rendered by that person.

…Dreaming of seeing young people, is a prognostication of reconciliation of family disagreements and favorable times for planning new enterprises. Dreaming that you are young again, foretells that you will make mighty efforts to recall lost opportunities, but will nevertheless fail. For a mother to see her son an infant or small child again, foretells that old wounds will be healed and she will take on her youthful hopes and cheerfulness. If the child seems to be dying, she will fall into ill fortune and misery will attend her. To see the young in school, foretells that prosperity and usefulness will envelope you with favors….

When you are going through mire in a dream, then it denotes to small dissolution within your project.

Fire is one of the archetypal elements of the universe and symbolizes the purification of the spirit through understanding. To analyze our dreams with fire, we must observe the shape of the flames. A devouring fire is the opposite of the flame brightening which symbolizes exalted passion. A small but well lit fire, without smoke, represents the desire and tenderness, our need for human warmth. A fire burning can hardly talk of betrayals or problems, omens that concern both the body and the spirit. Feeling threatened in the dream by the flames, speaks of an intuitive fear to see us overcome by a company that holds any disloyalty or failure. Some authors believe that dreams in which we are stoking a fire can have a relation with sexual desires or desires for revenge.

(Money) In a dream, a loaf of bread represents little money, little earnings, or a small wage. (Also see Bread)

To be on one, voyage. If it is small, infirmity. To see one sailing, good news. (See Ship, Boat.)

It symbolizes the spirit and the spiritual side of the dreamer. The flame symbolizes the intellect. The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect in the service of the spirit. The flickering flame symbolizes the intellect forgets the spirit. The smoking and devouring fire symbolizes the exalted passion. A small or moderate fire represents desire and tenderness. If the fire is too strong and wild that indicates danger of arguments, passions and anger. If the fire burns badly and produces a lot of smoke, then that announces betrayals. Feeling threatened by the flames denotes fear of facing an enterprise. Walking through the flames with impunity reflects the determination to overcome all obstacles.

If you wash your mouth in a dream, you will have to make adjustments in your personal or professional life to achieve your goals. If the mouth is small, it means that people are speaking ill of you. If the mouth is big it’s a sign of you being flattered. If you dream of having bad breath, is a premonition of temporary discomforts.

See a mouth in a dream means the need to express or talk about an awkward situation. On the other hand, you may have talked too much and should keep your mouth shut. Dreaming about washing your mouth indicates you will have to readjust your personal or professional life, if you really want to achieve specific goals. If the mouth is very small, then it means that someone is speaking badly of you. If the mouth is big means that you will be commended for some work you have done. If you dream you have bad breath is that you have or will have a temporary discomfort.

Rage, impotence, small frictions that stay inside the dreamer and decide to show up in the dream again.

To analyze our dreams with fire, we have to observe the form of flames. A devouring fire, opposite from brightening, symbolizes exalted passion. A small but well lit fire, with no smoke, represents desire and tenderness, our need of human warmth. A burning fire can talk about betrayals or problems, presages that concern both body and spirit. Feeling threatened in a dream by flames, speaks of an intuitive fear of seeing us overcome by a company that holds some disloyalty or failure.

Dreaming of lozenges, foretells success in small matters. For a woman to eat or throw them away, foretells her life will be harassed by little spites from the envious.

If it’s decapitated, it means your ideas, projects and dreams cannot be achieved or materialized in short term; dreaming of a big head indicates health and abundance; a small head means the start of an illness and impairment in the economy. Dreaming of a head separated from the rest of the body represents a mismatch between the way you think and the way you act. If you have an ailment in the head, it’s a sign of adversities to come.

If you saw yourself shrinking, then it means that there is a shortage of self-trust. You could also feel dull and not interesting person. Maybe someone humiliates you for a long time, therefore you started thinking about yourself on the worst way. The bad opinion about yourself brings depression and hard feelings which might lead one to suicide, therefore make sure you find the help from the others. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the old times when you were small as a child.

…The feet in dreams is the symbol of your ability to walk through your path. The feet shows how much you are in touch with the reality. Washing the feet shows how you are getting rid of your old habits and how you are creating the new life and it is also a symbolism of freedom. The itching feet could show the annoying things or the actual itching you suffer from while sleeping, because of some bug that bite you. The feet of the others, means new friendships. The cold feet is the symbol of the lack of in touch with the situation. The feet that hurts may show that you are tired from all of the activities or responsibilities. The feet that is small means minor problems, big feet is a symbol of great achievements….

…Dreaming of a small boat for recreation or racing, especially an open boat with a mast and sails, or any other boat of this type, only if it is not to for war, indicates hopes, projects, trips, and joys, all depending on how the waters are to know if everything will be happy or tragic. For example, if the waters are turbid and there’s a storm threatening to start, it’s a warning of approaching problems, on the contrary, if the waters are calm and the ship floats smoothly, it indicates that everything will be okay. Dreaming of being in one of these ships, like dinghy, accompanied by several people and that you’re afraid of your lives being in danger, indicates that soon a request for help from your friends or family will be received. Dreaming that you fall overboard in a storm warns that you should be careful and…

Seeing in dreams a hedgerow with living plants or shrubs, usually mean that we will have to face some small obstacles, and that if we put a bit of effort in it, we can successfully overcome them. If you dream that the hedgerow is around a house, then it usually means that you’re being protected in everything you do; remember that houses in dreams usually symbolize the same dreamer and the hedge, in this case, it represents protection.

Mustard in a dream is an omen of a series of small problems or obstacles that will make us sink into a state of extreme irritability.

Some small wounds to our self-love, without much consequence.