…a rank of honor and dignity. If one becomes tired during his flight between tow cities or places and finds himself incapable of benefiting or harming anyone, and if he seeks nothing from his flight but is still happy about flying in the dream, it means that he is trying to find money for his personal needs or business. If one sees himself flying from one land into another in a dream, it means that he will attain honor, power, comfort and satisfaction. If one sees himself flying hori- zontally in the dream, it means that his wife will straighten her act and without much effort on his part. If one sees himself flying vertically with his head up and his feet pointing to the ground in the dream, it means that he will receive benefits. The more he rises, the greater are his benefits. If rich people or craftsmen…

If you saw the citrine gemstone in a dream, then it shows the power and force you have within yourself. Make sure you do not lose the power and stimulus to move on.

…Red snake as a symbol of a fire represents most violent destructive power of burning fire. It can mean digging to raw energy, excavation of vitality power, finding of infinite light. It is positive signs because they represent a part of never ending cycle of life. Thus after this part, a calm period always come into waking life….

If you dream of wearing the collar, then it shows luxuriates and power in your life. Alternatively, the dream could indicate some situation in your life that takes lot of attention and power from you.

To see a jaguar in your dream represents unexpected speed, energetic agility, and physical power. To run together with a jaguar indicates that great opportunities are being put before you but out of your reach. Through stubbornness, you will win out in the end. To be attacked by jaguar means your worries about not being powerful. Alternatively, it suggests advancements of your competitors. To play with jaguar means that you are in control of the situation or that your skills are evolved enough. You have the power of moving quickly and easily in any circumstances.

(Lance | Spear) Seeing it in a dream represents a fight, evil, or disunity, and if it denotes the emblem of a religious man or a scholar, then it means innovation. Holding a javelin in a dream also means strength, power, a strong son, or a profitable business. If a poor person sees himself carrying a javelin in a dream, it means earnings. If a rich man sees himself carrying a javelin in a dream, it means increase in his wealth and power, or expansion of his control. (Also see Lance | Lancet)

…(King | The Fourth heaven | Planet) In a dream, the sun represents a great king, the vice-regent, a father, a prince, a commander, gold, or a beautiful woman. If one sees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream. If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government. If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate. If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons…

…To dream that you’re maneuvering or trading gas or any lubricating oils symbolizes your desire to achieve a position where you can exercise your power, for example in politics or in business. To dream about big volumes of gas or lubricants suggests that you are thinking about a big business. If a young woman dreams this way, it symbolizes her desire to marry a rich man, regardless of his true personality. All matters relating to oil indicate strength, wealth and power….

(Captain | Manager | Ship) In a dream, the sails of a ship represent its captain, or they could represent a good manager, or they could mean gaining power. If one sees sails being raised to honor him in a dream, it means that he will attain power, leadership, honor and exaltation. If a ruler or a general of an army sees such a dream, it means that he will remain strong and secured from enemy attacks.

…(Couch | Mattress | Sleeping pad) Abed without covers in a dream represents travels, a wife, honor or a high rank. Sitting on abed in a dream means regaining power or authority over something one had lost control. If the bed has it covers on, then it means ruling over a group of hypocrites who live in heedlessness. If it is not covered, then it means a journey. If one sees himself wearing his shoes and sitting on his bed in a dream, it means that he will undertake a trip in the company of an ostentatious person. Sitting on a bed in a pleasant surrounding in a dream means honor and power. The covers of one’s bed in a dream represent his wife, his livelihood, or his mistress. Whatever stands on top of a bed represents one’s male children and whatever is hidden under it represents one’s female…

…Dreaming that you are in a hypnotic state or under the power of others, portends disastrous results, for your enemies will enthrall you | but if you hold others under a spell you will assert decided will power in governing your surroundings. For a young woman Dreaming that she is under strange influences, denotes her immediate exposure to danger, and she should beware. Dreaming of seeing hypnotic and slight-of-hand performances, signifies worries and perplexities in business and domestic circles, and unhealthy conditions of state….

…mean difficulties, distress and losses. A gathering of soldiers in a dream means destruction of the wrongdoers and victory of the righteous ones. A soldier carrying a scourge or arrows in a dream also represents good conduct. A count of one hundred soldiers in a dream represents the chastisement and calamity which God Almighty inflicts upon the people of the earth because of their sins at the conclusion of each century, or at the beginning of a new one. Seeing one thousand soldiers in a dream represents the blessed Night of Power which occurs near the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. If soldiers are led by a prophet, a king, a wise man, or a man of knowledge in one’s dream, it means victory for the believers. If one sees an army entering a town in a dream, they could represent rain. (Also see Night of Power)…

The jaguar as the animal has such qualities as quickness, strength and power. The dreamer who sees jaguar probably has the ability to act fast in unexpected situations. The strength while reaching the goals is seen even if the circumstances are very unfavorable. The power of reaching the tasks and the speed while doing it is not regular one, but extraordinary great.

The walrus in a dream shows the security and power you have towards some relationships. You are the person who looks after the others and makes sure that everything is the way it is supposed to be. On the other hand, the dream may show your ability to stand up for yourself. In some cultures such as Eskimos and Native American the walrus is the symbol of power.

…had doubt about God’s power again. Seeing him in a dream also represents bounty, good luck, or having good friends. If a child sees Jesus in a dream, it could mean that he will grow up as an orphan, or be reared by his mother and live as a scholar and a righteous person, or he may travel frequently between Syria and Egypt. If one who is impotent, or sterile sees him in a dream, it means that he will regain his fertility and fruition. If one sees Jesus upon whom be peace descending upon a town, it means that justice and righteousness will prevail and permeate that place, as it will be when he shall, by God’s leave, descends upon the earth to kill the impostor (Antichrist) and destroy his followers, obliterate infidelity, and he shall fill the earth with justice, blessings and lend victory to the believers….

When you dream of being impotent, then such dream shows that you are afraid of losing your abilities and power. Perhaps you are afraid of being less good than you could be. The dream about impotency is also related to the sexual power and ability to perform normally, therefore you might be afraid of losing it.

To have interaction with testicles in the dream, denotes you hidden desires and sexual lust. To see testicles, when you are dreaming, symbolizes instinctive energy, power, fertility. Testicles is also a symbol of sexual drive. Alternatively, testicles in the dream may refer to anxiety about your skill or expertise in a sexual activity. On the other hand, there can be third explanation: testicles it is interpreted as suggestion that you will need a lot of power for focusing attention or mental effort to achieve important task.

The leopard is the animal of grace, power, strength and ability to adapt in various circumstances. If you see the tiger, this dream means that you have these qualities that were mentioned such as power and strength or you know the person who is very strong both mentally and physically.

Dreaming of being in a very dangerous situation at risk of dying but escaping it, suggests that the dreamer is acting and thinking big, which will provoke jealousy and attacks to the dreamer’s aspirations of conquering honors and power, even if it’s only economic. Dreaming of being injured or killed in dangerous situations announces that most likely every attempt of acquiring wealth and power will fail. This dream concerning romantic relationships announces disappointments and failures.

The authority figure in dreams indicate the certain person in your waking life who has the power in controlling your life. This person has an ability to make the decisions you wish to make yourself or the power to control you in all aspects of your life. However, the dream may have a positive meaning, because it signifies your devotion to another person and the influence he/she gives you is not necessarily a bad one.

…To dream that someone is following or pursuing you, means that you are refusing to accept influence from others. Maybe someone is trying to help you or to make some influence on your decisions, but you refuse to accept that. If you are dreaming that something is in pursuit of you, then this dream is interpreted as the refusal to accept new idea. Maybe you are refusing to acknowledge a certain viewpoint. Dreaming that you are in pursuit of someone, symbolizes the rejection of your power and ability to persuade certain people. If you following or pursuing something, then this dream can be interpreted that some idea is not accepted by someone, because this person has inability to accept your power and influence. It means that you need to re-evaluate your strengths and concentrate. You should try to put more efforts to change your own mind or someone else…

It is a sign of the creative and destructive power of divinity. When in the dream there is rain along with the lightning, then it acquires a fecundate power, cleanses and purifies. The lightning, with its blinding light, make us to look inside ourselves.

The lion is the animal of power, strength, courage and assertiveness. The lion can hide the feelings such as aggression in your personality that hasn’t been expressed. The lions in the jungle indicate the features of your personality such as loyalty, dignity and respect. Usually the lions are known as the kings of the jungle, therefore the reamer who sees the lion has the huge power amongst the others. If you see the lion, it reminds you how powerful you are and no matter what the circumstances, you shouldn’t let yourself go. If you are attacked by the lion and finally kill it, it means that a very important decision must be made in order to protect yourself and those around you.

The elk is the symbol of power and strength. It is also the symbol of feminine aspects of your personality. The dreamer who sees the healthy and graceful looking elk is going through life easily with power and grace. The elk that is sick doesn’t bring very good dream explanation, because it shows the tiredness the one is suffering from.

(Betting | Casting lots | Games | Risk) Gambling in a dream denotes something groundless, distress, falsehood or an unattainable goal. If one bets money or something with an adversary and wins his bet in a dream, it means that he will overcome him. Generally speaking, betting or gambling in a dream means quarrels, disputes, uptightness or agony in wakefulness. (Also see Casting lots | Distress | Games | Uptight | Worries)

The dream in which you won the bet, means that the fortune is on your way. If you lost one of the wagers, you will be disappointed a lot and might suffer illness and losses. To make a wager means that you will have the different thoughts you had before.

…‘ and you may bet your whiskers they are good, too!’ he added, smacking his lips.’ Better than they give you at home, eh? ‘”Yes, sir,” I replied. We can’t afford much in the way of meat, one joint has to last us a week; and as for the entrees — well, we generally manage to do without them.”Just so!’ the gentleman smiled, ‘ and that is why I am going to give you a treat to-night. In spite of the fact that I’m a pretty well-to-do banker — regular City man, don’t you know — I’m in my heart of hearts a bit of a Socialist : don’t believe in class distinction and all that sort of thing, like to see the poor man enjoying himself as well as the rich. Why the deuce shouldn’t he? The same God made them both. I am just letting you know my…

It reveals the desire of a better life, the weaknesses of character and the lack of courage to get it. If we bet and lose it, then it reflects the fear of disgrace and misfortune.

If you put the big sign of x on some kind of map, it means that you already have a target and know exactly what to do if you wish to succeed. The small x that is almost impossible to see shows that you have a target, but have no power or will to go and get it. Perhaps at this time of your life you are not prepared all of your steps, that is why the x is written in such a small letter.

…the Muslim army will triumph in that year. If one sees him (uwbp) combing his blessed hair and beard in a dream, It means that one’s distress and adversities will be dispelled. Seeing him (uwbp) in his own mosque, or in any mosque, or in his usual place in a dream it means gaining power and honor. If one sees him standing in the midst of his companions delivering a revelation in a dream, it means that one will acquire a greater knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Seeing the grave of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity and profits for a merchant, or the release of a prisoner from his jail. Seeingoneself in a dream as the father of God’s Prophet (uwbp) means that one’s faith will diminish and his certitude will weaken. If a woman sees herself in a dream as one of the wives of God’s…

…(Height | Size) To see oneself taller than usual in a dream means increase in knowledge and wealth. If a man of authority sees that, it means expansion of his power. If he is a merchant, it means business prosperity. If one sees himself extremely tall and beyond the tallest human being in a dream, it means the nearing of his death, or it could mean his downfall. It is ominous for a tall person to see himself short in a dream, for it also denotes falling in rank, losing respect, or nearing one’s death. Even seeing oneself shorter in a dream means death. If one sees his figure taller in a dream, it means that his authority will expand and he will win victory over his enemies. Tallness of one’s figure in a dream also denotes longevity. If a short person sees himself tall in a dream, it…

Dreaming that you are watching a horse race (horserace), has the symbolic significance of the power and drive you need to move forward in life. You need to believe that you are capable of succeeding in all your ambitions and aspirations. The dream also has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your sexual energy or competitive nature.

The wind is the symbol of variations and alterations in your waking life. If the wind is very strong, the changes will be significant, but if it is not very strong or even mild one, you will not have any huge changes in your waking life. On the other hand, the strong wind indicates the power that is in you, and if there is no wind you are feeling very weak.

Bravery, courage, power. If he escapes one, misfortune.

Irrational symbol of power and domination. If we use it, then it warns us that we made an arbitrary action. If we got hit with a stick, then it shows that we will see ourselves humiliated.

The jaybird has the qualities such as the power, active lifestyle and strength while fighting for its needs. The dreamer is very strong person who no matter what the circumstances are is feeling very strong person who is willing to do whatever it takes. The jaybird could also represent the love you have for animals and their ability to adopt in different environments.

…Dreaming of scarlet fever, foretells you are in danger of sickness, or in the power of an enemy. Dreaming a relative dies suddenly with it, foretells you will be overcome by villainous treachery….

Dreaming about a wand symbolizes energy of love. Waving a wand in a dream represents power and influence over others. If someone is holding the wand, it means that you are the master of the situation.

To dream of the wand, signifies the power you have towards the other people. Perhaps people trust you and believe in your opinions. If you saw the other person holding the wand, then it shows their influence that has a much importance to you.

To dream of the Tarot cards is an indication to keep reading your thoughts, because the inner you tell what it wants out from the life. Consider to pay attention of what the cards were saying and what kind of symbols it had written. If you saw the Wands, then it indicates your creativity, spiritual state of mind and curiosity. The suit of Swards denotes to strength, huge power, fearless. The Pentacles indicates the wisdom, business and communication with earth. The Cups foretells about your innocence, clearness and feelings.