To have interaction with or to see an emblem, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic importance of ancestral descent or lineage. Emblem also suggests your cultural ties to your nation and ancestral links to your fathers of your family. The dream about emblem come from your inner power. You are gifted with a sense of confidence.

…Reading the holy Qur’an or part of it in a dream means rising in station, gaining power, repenting from sins, prosperity, paying one’s debts, witnessing the truth, or delivering a trust to its rightful owner. Reciting the holy Qur’an with a beautiful voice in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. Reading the holy Qur’an and adding one’s own words to it in a dream means wavering from the truth, or betraying one’s promise or covenant. If in the latter case one does not understand the meaning of what he is saying in the dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in a court of justice, or that he will be involved in something evil the consequences of which cannot be foreseen. If one sees people listening to his recital of the Qur’an in a dream, it means that he will command a job, and…

(Planet) In a dream, the planet Saturn represents subjugation, rulership, deputyship, power of attorney, or seeking any of the above. If one sees the planet Saturn close to the moon in dream, it means that he is thinking of business expansion, real estate, properties, or buildings. The planet Saturn in a dream also represents a person who lives in the wilderness and mixes with wildlife, buffalos, dears, peacock, francolin, parrots, or any beautiful looking animal, or it could represent a caterpillar, silk, or a stripped fabric denoting an architect, or a caller to prayers, or any courteous employee who willingly and wholeheartedly serves others. The planet Saturn in a dream also means punishment, poverty, business losses or adversities.

…who will rarely be defeated. If the blackboard is corroded in the dream, it means that one’s son will have no dynasty. If the blackboard is made of stone in the dream, it means that his heart will be like a rock. If the blackboard is made of copper in the dream, it means that one’s son will grow to be a hypocrite. If it is made of lead in the dream, it means that one’s son will be an effeminate person. A tablet in a dream also denotes a woman and the writing on it represent her children, or it could represent an intelligent and a good natured boy who accepts what he learns from his teacher. Receiving a blackboard from someone in authority in a dream means gaining power. If a pregnant woman sees a blackboard in a dream, it means that she will beget a son….

…will be his warning from God Almighty and the parables will denote his need to contemplate the meaning. If one sees himself writing the verses of the holy Qur’an on slabs of a mother of pearl, or on a piece of cloth in a dream, it means that he interprets it according to his own liking. If one sees himself inscribing a Qur’anic verse on the ground in a dream, it means that he is an atheist. It is also said that reading the Qur’an in a dream means fulfillment of one’s needs, clearing of one’s heart and establishment of one’s success in his life. If one discovers that he has memorized the Qur’an in a dream, though in wakefulness he has not memorized it, it means that he will own a large property. Hearing the verses of the holy Qur’an in a dream means the strengthening of one’s power,…

…If we see a flag waving, it portends wealth and honor. If we have it, recognition of our courage. If we lose it or it is taken away from us, it indicates the loss of power and command. If our country’s flag, our merits will be recognized. Being from a foreign country indicates that our worth will only recognized in another country. If it is an imaginary country, our dreams of greatness will not come true. If the flag is black, we will be fighting a disease. If it’s red, we will fight to defend feelings. If it is purple, for freedom. Yellow, we will fight for intelligence. Brown, for our material interests. The more damaged the flag is, the bigger acknowledge our merits will have and our worth….

If you dream about the hammer, then such dream signifies the necessity for power and strength because of the others actions. If you use the hammer for cutting the wood, then such dream foretells about great success and fortune you will face very soon. If you cut some of your body parts with the hammer, you will suffer because of your own mistakes.

The globe symbolizes the whole. The dreams in which a globe appears can reveal the thirst for power and domination or announce a long journey. The hot air balloon and toy reveals the inconstancy and versatility of our thoughts and desires that are the main cause of our failures and frustrations. We can include the globes as the crystal ball of fortune tellers. In this dream, the desire to receive news or visit the person we miss is revealed.

Dreams about cars usually reflect the desires and lust for power. To interpret this dream you will have to attend to the shape, rating, price and size of the car.

The power of being yourself and the strength doing what you want. The dream shows that you have an ability to feel yourself and do whatever you like to do in your life. You are the person who is confident enough to be himself instead of pretending someone else. If you are dreaming that you are invincible in front of bad people, it means that you do not care about others opinions and do not let to control your life.

…Dreaming of Satan, foretells that you will have some dangerous adventures, and you will be forced to use strategy to keep up honorable appearances. Dreaming that you kill him, foretells that you will desert wicked or immoral companions to live upon a higher plane. If he comes to you under the guise of literature, it should be heeded as a warning against promiscuous friendships, and especially flatterers. If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others. If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles. If in the form of a fair woman, you will probably crush every kindly feeling you may have for the caresses of this moral monstrosity. To feel that you are trying to shield yourself from satan, denotes that you will endeavor to…

(Lotus | Jujube tree) In a dream, a lotus tree means money and profits. Eating from its fruit in a dream means having a good spirit and a praiseworthy religious standing, or if one qualifies for leadership, it means that he will attain it. In a dream, a lotus tree is also a noble tree. As for religious people, seeing a lotus tree in a dream means spiritual growth, and for a ruler, it means gaining power. (Also see Jujube tree)

Seeing or playing with an electric guitar in the dream represents sudden power and immediately occurrence of new passion. You clearly express your thoughts and feelings to others. Alternatively, it is symbol of youth and rebellion.

…(Whip) In a dream, a scourge means fulfilling one’s needs, attaining one’s goal, or subjugating one’s enemy to accept one’s conditions. If one’s scourge is cut in two pieces during a fight, or while lashing someone in a dream, it means loss of power. If the rope splits, it means weakening of one’s authority. If one sees himself driving an animal with a whip in a dream, it means praying to Almighty God to ease his burdens and to facilitate his earnings. If one sees himself riding a horse and hitting him hard with a scourge in a dream, it means that he is in dire need and is praying for a way out of his difficulties. If one sees himself lashing a sittingperson with a scourge in a dream, it means admonishing him, and if the other person is scared, or if he shields his face with his…

Dreaming of iron symbolizes the power that is acquired by force, and it is interpreted as a way for our subconscious to show us our inflexibility or excessive rigor.

…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

To dream about muscles symbolizes power and strength. You need to develop your qualities and become stronger and more confident.

The knee in dreams indicates the power to move through your life. If the knee is healthy, you are dealing with your life perfectly. If the knee was injured because of some reason, you have difficulties in your life and feel helpless.

…Dreaming that you see seals, denotes that you are striving for a place above your power to maintain. Dreams of seals usually show that the dreamer has high aspirations and discontent will harass him into struggles to advance his position….

The dream symbol of web marks your ability to make influence or power to control other people. Also this may be that someone tries to lock or to stop you, and leave you without ability to express yourself freely. It feels that you are in traps and can not find the way out from this current situation. The web may signify your social position and communication with people, how friendly or boring you are.

It symbolizes strength, hardness, flexibility and excessive rigor. But also iron represents the dark, impure and evil force. It means that all our power has been obtained by force.

To have interaction with an Indian or to encounter one or to see an Indian, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of primal instincts. Indian in the dream represents the primitive and instinctual qualities of your character. Indian in your dream may suggest for you to be in more control of situations and surroundings in your life. Maybe you also need to be more self-reliant. Are you exercising your personal power enough? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Alternative meaning of this dream about Indian has symbolism of superior aspects of yourself. Indian stands as an omen for honesty, dedication and knowledge, wisdom.

…(The archangel Malik | The guardian of hell-fire) Seeing the archangel Malik in a dream means standing before a policeman or a police commissioner for questioning. If he smiles in the dream, it means that one will be saved from imprisonment. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he may die shortly. If one becomes the archangel Malik, or eats something sweet from his hand in a dream, it denotes that one is a true follower on the path of God Almighty and His Prophet, upon whom be peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion. Eating…

(Fruit) In a dream, a jujube fruit represents a noble, strong and a cheerful person who benefits people at large, and who is firm and patient in the face of adversities. Sucking the juice of a jujube fruit in a dream means gaining power. In a dream, a jujube fruit also represents the fingers of a woman who had applied henna to her hands for a wedding or for a religious ceremony. (Also see Henna | Jujube tree)

The color black in a dream means prosperity and happiness. In a dream, everything black represents money, dominion and power and particularly for those who are used to wearing black. Otherwise, as for those who are not used to wearing black garments, wearing it in a dream means sorrow.

If you dream that you are involved into airplane crash, it shows your apprehension about some situation where you have no power to change. Perhaps you are unable to manage some part of your life of there is something very disturbing that just happened, therefore it is seen as the airplane crash. Sometimes people who have the fear of the flying, dream about airplane crash. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of plane crash.

Power over enemies. 158.

…Dreaming that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing fish, portends that she will have a handsome and talented lover. Dreaming of catching a catfish, denotes that you will be embarrassed by evil designs of enemies, but your luck and presence of mind will tide you safely over the trouble. To wade in water, catching fish, denotes that you will possess wealth acquired by your own ability and enterprise. Dreaming of fishing, denotes energy and economy | but if you do not succeed in catching any, your efforts to obtain honors and wealth will be futile. Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments….

If you dream of seeing or lightening up the badge, it symbolizes your image of dignity and power. This dream shows that you have a very high attitude when it comes to appreciating yourself. Keep in mind that while you have the ability to use these features, you can achieve great results.

…(Capture | Fingernails | Strength | Victory) Fingernails in a dream represent victory over one’s enemy. Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity. Long fingernails in a dream also mean a trend that opposes what is common and practical. Long fingernails in a dream also mean strength, power and protection from one’s enemy. Long fingernails in a dream also denote shame. Losing one’s fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one’s wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one’s fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. White fingernails in a dream mean understanding, vigilance, or memorizing things. Fighting someone with nails in a dream represents a cunning person. Long and beautiful fingernails in a dream mean money, or business. If the length of one’s fingernails reaches near breaking…

When you dream about the horse, then such dream shows the inner power and beauty that lies within you, except if the horse is black then it means bad luck.

If you dream of the testicles, then such dream indicates the strength you will have to get, in order to achieve your goals. According to Freud, the testicles in dreams are associated with the sexuality of the human beings. Probably the one who has seen the testicles in a dream is willing to fulfill his sexual desires. It is also a symbol of manhood, masculinity, power and fertility.

When you dream of inauguration, then such dream denotes to increased power and condition. Perhaps people respect you a lot for what you have achieved.

It is as if this dream speaks to you about will power and courage, but also of all the dangers and instability that can cause you to act too strongly.

To see an old-fashioned carriage, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as conservatism in your thinking. Carriage is symbol that you need to change methods of your thinking from being old-fashioned and outdated. Additionally the carriage in the dream is also a symbol of high status in society and power to influence others.

When you are impaled in a dream, then such dream indicates the strong power that was in you. Now you are able to let it go. Perhaps you don’t feel the limits anymore and able to go ahead with that huge force. Try to pay attention to the certain part of your body that has been impaled, as it would give much more of the clue about the dream and its meaning.

(Fringes) In a dream, tassels represent money, power, evil, falsehood, or a following. A tassel maker in a dream represents evil and doubt, or he could represent a school teacher, or perhaps having a large progeny.

To notice your eyelashes or to dream that eyelashes are growing, is interpreted as symbolism of your personal individualism. Eyelashes shows that you are trying to express yourself in some subtle or covert way. It also stands as a symbol and sign for good luck. To dream that all your eyelashes fall off, can be explained that you are having difficulties expressing yourself. It may also mean a loss in your feminine power. For a man, it means, loss of energy in business. If only one eyelash falls off, then it also stands as a symbol and sign for good luck.

…In a dream, exclamation of God’s sovereignty, i.e., uttering the formula ‘La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Ilia Billah’ (There is no will or power except that of God’s Almighty) means constant repentance in wakefulness and hope for salvation. It also means conquering one’s enemies. (Also see Exalting God’s oneness)…

The dream about calm and transparent waves announces you peacefulness and calmness in your inner world. Now you are ready to clear your thoughts and make a very important decision which will change your current life. If you hear how waves break of on the shore, then a dream will bring you calmness and relaxation period in your life. To be in a tidal wave shows your power to withstand against negative events or thoughts. In the dream to see muddy or dirty waves denotes to mistakes that you have done in your life while making important decisions.