To analyze our dreams with fire, we have to observe the form of flames. A devouring fire, opposite from brightening, symbolizes exalted passion. A small but well lit fire, with no smoke, represents desire and tenderness, our need of human warmth. A burning fire can talk about betrayals or problems, presages that concern both body and spirit. Feeling threatened in a dream by flames, speaks of an intuitive fear of seeing us overcome by a company that holds some disloyalty or failure.

…In a dream, a filter represents the essence of one’s faith and knowledge. A filter in a dream also could mean music, taverns, dancing or insolence. A filter in a dream also represents a man who speaks only the truth and who does not allow for impurities to seep into his life. (Also see Sieve)…

A fishing pole in a dream means a ploy and deception. The same interpretation goes for all fishing tools and equipment. It is better to see oneself in a dream holding it, than seeing others fishing with it or carrying it.

For a married person to dream that the fire burns clear, and the smoke spins from the chimney, is a good omen, but to dream that the fire is difficult to light, and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that matrimony will prove incomplete. If the fire ceases to burn, it is a sign of separation.

…To dream of catching fish is a sign of excellent good fortune, particularly if you haul up large ones; if the fish fall off your hook, it predicts troublesome fortune. If you dream of fishing with- out catching any, it shows that you will fail in some undertaking or speculation; and to a lover it is a sign that he will get the mitten. To dream that you see an abundance of fish, foretells the receipt of money, or success in collecting it. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 71….

…(Defeat | Depression) Losing a fight in a dream means joy. Losing a fight in a dream also could mean vanquishing one’s enemy if they are compatible. Otherwise, the winner of a fight is a dream denotes the loser in wakefulness. (Also see Defeat)…

To dream about the fish could have several meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. If you catch the fish, it is a good omen which brings good luck and abundance. If the fish is rotten or smells very bad, beware of easily achieved things in your waking life, because it will give you more damage than happiness.

To see a lit fireplace in the dream means life, love, and passion. Also, it signifies pleasure, warmth, and relief. Dreaming about lighting or stirring a fireplace means a burning a aspiration or your need to get to the heart of a matter or in situation. Seeing of an unlit fireplace in your dream, is an indication of low energy, apathy and depression.

Fish with different colors enlargement in sickness, or, if the dreamer is in good health, quarrels, injuries and sufferings. Fish that is dead in its element, deceitful expectations. To take them in a seine, joy and profit, in small quantities, sorrow and ruin, in proportion to the quantity that has been taken. For a woman to dream that she has given birth to a fish, signifies that she is afraid of the baby’s health. Dream of seeing such a phenomenon occur that was given by other woman means, joy and health.

To dream that you are married, and the fire burns clear, and the smoke spires from the chimney, is a happy omen : but to dream that the fire is difficult to light and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that matrimony will prove incomplete If the fire ceases to burn, it is a sure sign of separation.

…Dreaming of seeing your fingers soiled or scratched, with the blood exuding, denotes much trouble and suffering. You will despair of making your way through life. To see beautiful hands, with white fingers, denotes that your love will be requited and that you will become renowned for your benevolence. Dreaming that your fingers are cut clean off, you will lose wealth and a legacy by the intervention of enemies….

…To dream that you participate in a fight represents damage to your freedom. Maybe you are feeling locked up and unable to use total expression of your emotions, thoughts, actions. Also, fight represents inner chaos. One aspect of your personality is in conflict with another aspect of your character. Perhaps an unsettled or unrecognized part is fighting for its right to show up. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your life. To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are reluctant to acknowledge your own complications and disorders. You are not taking any obligation or initiative in trying to resolve questions in your waking life. To dream that you are fighting to the death symbolizes that you are unwilling to acknowledge real conflict. Also, it suggests that you are hiding your own inner turmoil. Maybe you are very stubborn….

…Dreaming of the firmament filled with stars, denotes many crosses and almost superhuman efforts ere you reach the pinnacle of your ambition. Beware of the snare of enemies in your work. To see the firmament illuminated and filled with the heavenly hosts, denotes great spiritual research, but a final pulling back on Nature for sustenance and consolation. You will often be disappointed in fortune also. To see people you know in the firmament, signifies that they are about to commit some unwise act through you, and others must be the innocent sufferers. Great disasters usually follow this dream. See Illumination….

…In a dream, a fight means deception, betrayal, misleading or trickery. A fight in a dream also means inflation and rising prices, plague, food lines, adversities or stress. If a soldier sees himself engaged in a battle in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits and a rewarding success. Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband. Fighting against the truth in a dream means aligning oneself with heedless people or going astray. (Also see Disbelief | Killing | War | Wrestling)…

…To see a potter’s field in your dreams, denotes you will have poverty and misery to distress you. For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will give up the one she loves in the hope of mercenary gain….

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a flying fish, when you are dreaming, is symbol of emotional freedom. Flying fish is interpreted as signal that your psychological health is very favorable. You are feeling emotionally free and uninhibited.

To dream that you are fighting with someone may mean that you are having anger issues with this particular person that was seen in your dream. You didn’t say anything to this person, therefore you dream of saying what you actually think of and express your anger without the fear during the dream. Sometimes the fighting could indicate your inner fights you have while deciding about something.

To dream of any religious figure could be interpreted as your way of better knowing yourself. You think of the things in life and there are some questions that no one can answer, therefore you are looking these answers through the religion. To interpreter this kind of dream you have to pay attention to the figure that was seen in the dream and look for the explanation in other dream interpretations.

To dream that you are dealing with some kind of finances could have several meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. The finances could indicate the things you are giving or receiving from those you are surrounded by. If you have to pay the money for something or someone is asking the money from you in order to pay, then such dream indicates the things in your life that you feel are unfair because you have to give something in order to receive something. To dream that you receive the money from someone or you have won the lottery, it is interpreted as your wish that you want to become true. If someone owes money to you, it means that you actually think this person should give something to you.

To see a fishnet, when you are dreaming, shows situation or past, that is haunting you. Fishnet in the dream also stands for a fear of being found out or caught in daily activities.

The dream in which you see the first aid could be interpreted as your wish to get help from those around you. You feel that you do not know how to act in certain situations, therefore you need a hand. Some decisions that must be made or problems that must be solved are too difficult to you. The dream suggests to look out for help, otherwise you will become even more stressful. If you give first aid to someone, this particular person needs your help immediately. Don’t forget that either.

If you dream that you receive the medal for something, but it isn’t the first place in the competition, it shows that you are going very well while dealing with your life. If you are not satisfied with your medal, because you wanted to receive the medal for the first place, then such dream shows that you are not happy with what you have achieved. The dream could also mean that you are too competitive and should relax and enjoy the life as it is. Don’t push yourself too hard.

Very great prosperity. To walk in green fields indicates great happiness and wealth. Everything happens good. Scorched fields denote poverty.

To dream of blowing the fire, denotes, to the rich, servitude; to the poor, profit. To dream of stirring up and blowing the fire, denotes also the stirring up of wrath, and that old quarrels, that have long lain dormant, shall be revived.

…To dream of eating good figs, signifies joy and happiness if the figs are mouldy or defective, your pleasure will be marred by some disagreeable event. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 29….

…(Build | Contour | Frame | Profile) Having a tall figure in a dream signifies pride, arrogance, stinginess, ostentatiousness or pretending to be tall. (See Tallness). If one sees his figure shorter than his normal size in a dream, then it denotes losing respect or nearing the end of one’s life. Seeing oneself beyond the common human size in a dream also denotes the near end of one’s life, or it could mean falling in rank. If someone in authority sees himself shorter in size in a dream, it means that he will lose his post, or fail to render a just verdict, or it could mean a political fight. Being smaller than usual in a dream means defeat in a war or losing a fight. If a politician sees himself tall in a dream, it means that he will win his political battle. (Also see Body’)…

If you see yourself having the fits, then it might symbolize the financial losses. It could also show that your health is no longer as good as it was before. If other people are throwing fits in a dream, then it denotes to losses of the connection with those that are important to you.

…(Rasp | Tongue) A file in a dream represents one’s tongue. It also means satisfying an innate need or giving a keen edge to an expression. It also represents a helper, a son who provides for the need of his mother or younger brothers and sisters. A file in a dream also represents demands, obligations, or sexual intercourse….

…(See Burning.) If in your dream, you see a house on fire other than your own, it foretells that some event will happen to make you melancholy and sorrowful, such as the death or ruin of some esteemed friend. If you dream your own house or place of business is burning, it is an omen of good fortune. If you dream of playing with fire, it is a sign of a quarrel in bed. For this dream play your age first. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 26….

…not hold such a position, then it means the opposite of one’s wishes. Finding a lost ring in a dream means earning money from a foreign land, or having a new born son, or it could mean a marriage to a righteous woman. If the stone of one’s ring seems unstable in the dream, it means that one will be fired form his job. Removing one’s ring in a dream means that one maybe removed from his job. If a woman sees herself removing her wedding ring in a dream, it means the death of either her husband or of a close relative. A ring in a dream also connotes a band, an encumbrance, or a shackle. If one’s ring disappears and only the stone remains in the dream, it means that once the responsibilities are gone, good memories of the person will remain. A man wearing a golden ring…

Lovers fighting is joy, old people, death and pain. Fighting with swords deliverance and freedom doth show. To the debtor gives help, and relief from his woe.

Seeing fire bright and clear shows happiness is near. To dream of fire-arms some quarrelling you must fear.

To dream you are burnt by fire, means you will have a fever. A sparkling fire denotes money in plenty.

To dream you see or catch large fish, it is a token of profit. A woman with child to dream she is brought to bed of a fish, shows that she will be delivered of a dead child.

…To dream of these beautiful fish is a sign of good fortune generally: if you dream of catching a large one, it foretells that you will soon get a large sum of money: any kind of a dream, about these fish is lucky. 20, 6….

Is also a symbol that speaks of what is presented to us, but in the sense of what we need or surplus so projects go to a good end. If the field is dry or neglected indicates the need to analyze the clutter in our feelings. If the field is in good condition but unproductive, we must think about the need to get rid of laziness and become better workers.

Eat them, problems solved. Pinned to the fig tree means health and good fortune. Dry fig means difficulties and squabbles.

If you see the fishhooks in a dream, then such dream indicates the necessity to catch some thought that is lurking within your mind. The fishhooks could also show that you are being hood by someone or something just hasn’t noticed it yet.

If you are fishing in a dream, then it means you are trying to catch some idea or finally bring up some problem on the table. If you are ice fishing, then such dream shows that you are trying very hard to get over with some problem or you are facing some issues within yourself.

To do something with fist in the dream, symbolizes hostile or violent behavior. To see a fist, when you are dreaming, stands as an omen for anger, power and aggression. It is also indicative sign of your readiness to fight, attack or confront and defend yourself.