…In a dream, an old woman represents the ending of one’s life in this world, sorrows, the hereafter, wine, or bearing children after having lost hope in one’s fertility. An old woman in a dream also could represent deceit, cunningness, duplicity, backbiting, or slander. Seeing an old and sick woman in a dream may mean impotence, weakness, or disability. Seeing a thirsty old woman in a dream means drought. If she turns a young girl in the dream, then she represents rain. If an unknown old woman visits a sick person in a dream, it means his death. Otherwise, if an unknown old woman visits a pregnant woman in a dream, it means giving her the glad tidings of a son. If one is engaged in an important project and sees himself sleeping with an old woman in a dream, it means that his project will not succeed. An…

…tears; coffee, severe criticism; robbery, illness; pale blue (in the eyes of the lady), impending trouble; diamonds, drowning. Money, minor ailments and surprise visits; murder, great danger; hanging, violent quarrels, separation and divorce.The realisation of these prognostications worked out thus: Within a week of the dream I was deeply grieved at the death of an old friend; one of my books came in for very severe criticism; a near relation fell ill; the wife of one of my old schoolfellows was drowned under very painful circumstances; I received a visit from a man I had not seen for twenty years, who told me he had just been divorced; and as I drove back with him to the railway station our taxi collided with another, and we had a remarkably narrow escape of being killed.I think it was about a year after I had this dream that I again dreamed a…

…A huge, old-fashioned silver stand, containing one big fruit dish and four small ones, stood in the centre of the table, whilst all round were big silver cake dishes. To each place there were at least five too many forks and spoons, whilst on the sideboard was the most vulgar (you see, sir, I understand the real use of that word) display of silver bowls, cups, entree and bon-bon dishes, knives, forks, and spoons I ever have seen. The sole idea of the hostess seemed to be to impress her visitors with a sense of her wealth — she had, so to speak, purposely made an exhibition of it.”I was so interested in my observations that, quite unconsciously, I left the shelter of the trees, and, stepping up to the railings, leaned over them. I was now close to the window, the lower panes of which were almost on…

…in a dream, it means relief from her difficulties. If she gives birth to such a child from her mouth, then it means death. A little girl in a dream also means a new world, while a young girl in a dream implies getting a new job. If a woman sees a little girl in a dream, it means that she cannot conceive children. If one hires a little girl to work for him in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings. If he hires a little boy, then it means bad news. Carrying a little girl in a dream is better than carrying a little boy. If one carries a baby boy wrapped in a swaddle in a dream, it means imprisonment or a sickness. If one is poor, then it means that he will live to an old age in misery. If he is rich…

…Celebrating the new year’s day in a dream means a short lived happiness, reminiscing the past, the passing of sorrow and adversities, or recovering lost money. In the dream, if the new year’s day coincide to be on a Friday, it means the spread of evil, corruption, or political turmoils for that year. If it is a Saturday, it means drought, hardships during a difficult year, plagues and illness. If it is a Sunday, it means a cold winter and a blessed crop for that year. If it is a Monday, it means floods, winter illness and perhaps a partial loss of the crop. If it is a Tuesday, it means shortage of rain and a cold winter. If it is a Wednesday, it means scarcity and deficiency of water, and a cold weather by the end of summer and beginning of autumn. If it is a Thursday, it…

…(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news coming from an unexpected person. Seeing a young and a beautiful looking female servant in a dream means blessings, a favor, joy and festivities. In a dream, seeing an unknown young girl is more advantageous than seeing a known one. The strongest in meaning are those teenage girls who are presentable, well mannered and beautifully dressed. If she is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct. If she adorns herself and plays up her charms in the dream, then such goodness will be public. If a young girl sees herself as an old woman in a dream, it means that she will live with modesty and…

…(Age | Period | Time) In a dream, a year represents drought, doubt, difficulties, threats, scientific advancement, trials, temptations. If one identifies a year in a dream, during a drought season, it means a good harvest. As for a pregnant woman, identifying a year in a dream means delivering her child. Seeing a year in a dream means experiencing an adversity, or witnessing someone else’s trials and learning a lesson from it, or to repent of one’s own sins….

…If you dream of seeing old men fortunate you’ll be. But old women shall cause much vexation to thee. Old clothes signify fire, perhaps very next morn. Old buildings show contempt, trouble, losses and scorn….

Dreaming of the new year, signifies prosperity and connubial anticipations. If you contemplate the new year in weariness, engagement will be entered into inauspiciously.

To dream of something being big, means that there is a particular person or situation in your waking life that takes a big part in it. Your mind is sending you a message how important it is to you and what kind of life changing experience it will have on you.

…For a young man to dream of admiring a pretty girl, is a sign he will marry a simpleton: if a girl dreams she has a nice and pretty-looking lover, she will be apt to take up with a putty-head. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4,13….

…When it’s really old it represents wisdom. It is a beneficial and protective dream. Whether male or female puts us in our rightful place. These dreams are always transcendental and impressive. It is a good dream. If the old man is evil, then this shows the inner evil of our personality….

…(Advantage | Gains | Profits | Spoils) In a dream, receiving a share in a booty means joy, happiness, profits, benefits, attaining one’s goals, blessings in one’s earnings, buying power, or it could mean abundance. (Also see Spoils)…

…he stopped, and, with the perspiration trickling down his face, pointed to a bloody pile on the floor. ‘There they are,’ he said ‘ thirty-two of them! The toughest to draw imaginable. Now I shall stick them in again and fill them!’ He did so, and the torture was so great that over and over again I swooned. For twenty hours he whirled away first at one root and then at another, piercing the gums and pricking the nerves; and the more I implored him to stop the more he hurt me. At last he finished, the whirling instrument was laid aside, and with the tip of my bleeding tongue I felt, in each tooth, a hole big enough to hold an egg. “Do you see this? ‘ he said, holding up a bottle. Its Scotch whiskey, and I’m going to fill your teeth with it. You will then know…

(See Year)

Dreaming of past years suggests longing. If we dream of coming years, it announces new projects. To dream about the New Year predicts a change in your life.

…To dream you give a New Year’s present, signifies you will hear good news. To receive one, is a signal to you will soon get into trouble. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 19….

Dreaming of New Year means prosperity and hope. It is a new beginning in a new spiritual level that suggest clarification or finding a new understanding.

…To dream that someone or something is bigger than normal, is sign of arrogance. If in a dream you are bigger than normal, it is interpreted as your inflated opinion of yourself. If someone else is bigger – then this person has an inflated opinion of himself/herself. To see things being bigger than normal, also indicates expression of passion to be more dominant in some situation or relationship. To have interaction or to encounter or to see a big figure, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of the power to influence others. Do you have authority and power? Perhaps someone else has such power on you?…

If this is a big lottery ball, it announces worries and annoyances.

If you see the girl scouts in your dream, it shows that you should communicate and be surrounded by people more than you are at the moment. The dream shows that you spend too much time on your own or do not participate with others as much as you could. The dream could also be interpreted as the suggestion to try something new in your life.

…To dream of an aged woman is generally a good omen, as it shadows forth domestic happiness: to a married woman such a dream foretells the birth of a child: to a young girl, that she will have an offer of marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3….

Meeting old acquaintances or friends again. 17.

(Patching) Darning an old garment in a dream represents hypocrisy, fawning, adulation, impertinence, or it could mean to manage by, or to suffer from a lasting poverty.

Seeing something old in a dream suggests that you should put something somewhere else. On the other hand, it can indicate something of the past that you need to enter into your life now.

Dreaming of an old age is a sign that contradictory feelings will be experienced and unusual ideas will occur or actions will be taken.

To dream that you are courted by an old woman, and that you marry her, shows you shall have good luck in prosecuting your affairs, but not without some reproaches from the world.

…Dreaming of seeing an old man, or woman, denotes that unhappy cares will oppress you, if they appear otherwise than serene. See Faces, Men, and Women….

If you receive the message from a particular person in your dream, it shows how important relationships are to you with this person. There are unsolved issues and the things weren’t said either.

Dreaming of New Year’s Eve parties or gatherings usually indicates and even announces important successes in the immediate future, providing you with profits and joy.

(See Boiler | Kettle | Roasting)

Loss in your business.

Wealth and honour, or wisdom and patronage. 263.

Being honoured and respected.

If you dream that you see a girl in a dream, then such dream indicates childish, playful and funny side of your personality. The dream may also show that you are not acting as the adults supposed to act. If you see a girl in a dream, whom you met lately, then such dream shows your desire to give a good impression for that certain girl. In reality you are thinking if you made a good impression, and if you will meet her again. If the girl didn’t like you in a dream, it could show your fear to be rejected. When the man sees himself being a girl, this dream may indicate the feminine aspects of his personality such as innocence, sensitivity and tenderness.

Constancy in love. 125.


(See Young woman)

(See Boy | Virgin)

Being betrothed.