If you see a Barbie doll in your dream it denotes the perfection of the world. The dream explains that you have a sense of no one understanding you and accepting the way you are. It might be that you have too big expectations for yourself just to prove those around you that you can do everything and are capable to reach any goal. The other explanation of this dream foretells that the Barbie doll wants to avoid the duties and charges it has

In a dream to see a cloth, denotes to the things in life that are made of pieces. Perhaps the minor things in your life make the very big importance to you.

If you dream that something has befallen or you demolished something, then it portends that you will have courage to overcome a big obstacle.

Symbol of material protection. Depending on how leafy and robust are the palms that we see, will indicate how big the protection is. If the palm trees are puny it is an indication that we are helpless. Full of flowers and fruits but out of season indicate sorrow. If this occurs on the right season, then it portends friendship and love. Dry palm trees indicate misfortune. Palm tree with broken branches represents illness. Green leaves symbolizes profits. When you are climbing one, you will get honors and fortune. Falling from palm tree means loss of favors with our superiors.

This dream is almost always an indicator that important events will change our lives, due to a big change to which we must adapt. If in the dream you’re about to cross the threshold of a house, you have to consider the kind of people you’re going to find in there, the characteristics of the house and the entire atmosphere in it, to give proper meaning to the dream.

If you dream that you have lots of money, it means that you wish to become rich and fulfil all of your needs. If you see lots of money that do not belong to you, you will get disappointed soon. If you stole the money that are not yours, you will be sorry for your own affairs. If you lost the money, you will make some decisions that will make you feel guilty. On the other hand, losing the money means the opposite, you will receive the big amount of it.

Bad News and marital misfortunes. If the snake curls: a big problem will be fixed soon. When the snake is killed: honor and triumph.

When you dream of being in a basement it foretells deep thoughts, hidden secrets and anticipation. The condition of the basement reflects to your thoughts and emotions. Consider at the condition of the basement, how dark or big it is as it would give much more clue about your dream. If you see the basement that is untiddy, dirty it denotes the puzzlement you have to figure out. The state of the basement could also represent unfixed objects or questions.

The sailboat is very common dream for those who are making big changes in their waking life. The sailboat is also a symbol of freedom, therefore you feel the necessity for more space or you simply feeling free from all of the negativities and unnecessary responsibilities. To dream about the sailing boat which is moving along, means that you are taking the right direction towards your life. The sailboat that is difficult to move indicates how you are struggling with your life. You need to get things perfectly again.

You will become rich and fortunate. Black and big horned cattle indicate enemies of a violent nature.

…(Ass | Obstinate person | Steadfastness) In a dream, a donkey means a boy, a child, a wife, livelihood, a man of knowledge without work, or it could mean travels. Riding a donkey in a dream also may mean easing of one’s difficulties. Riding any animal without the required saddling in a dream means imposition upon oneself or others or unnecessary and inadequate going out of one’s way. Riding a donkey or a mule in a dream also represents one’s ornaments, children, a rich wife, wealth or a profitable business. The braying of a donkey, a mule or a mare in a dream may mean evil, excruciating trouble, an illegitimate child born from adultery or evil spirits. Riding a big donkey in a dream connotes a respectable rank. An upright walking donkey represents worldly benefits. A beautiful looking donkey or a white donkey in a dream means adornment. An…

Dreaming of big fields of beet crops suggests that there is inner peace and tranquility in the dreamer. Dreaming that someone gives you a dirty, muddy, beet like if it was freshly taken out of the ground, and serves it in an ugly plate, as food, it may mean that someone wants to hurt you using rumors and gossiping.

…Dreaming of a large mouth and big lips is a sure sign you will be kissed by some one of the opposite sex: to dream of a mouth out of shape, or with a hare lip, denotes to a woman that she will have a deformed child, and to a man that he will get into a difficulty by means of his intimacy with a woman: to dream of a small mouth and thin lips is a sign of loud and angry words, and that someone will give you a scolding. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 6, 3….

The sea lion is the animal that doesn’t do any harm, it signifies friendship, loyalty and playful side of your personality. If you played with sea lion, it could even mean that you have a very big love for animals or simply are ready to have a children of your own if you do not have them yet. The sea lion is also a symbol of your friends who make you feel happy and relaxed.

The building in dreams signifies the things you are building in your waking life. If the buildings are very big and modern, you should be softer with those around you. Maybe you also take things too serious? If the buildings are destroyed, then it shows the destroyed parts of your personality. You are feeling totally wrecked and do not know how to rebuild yourself.

…The bullet in dreams is a bad omen. You should be aware of those around you. Perhaps there is this one person who you trust the most and he will deceive you when you won’t expect him to do so. If you found a bullet in a dream, then you will find out who is working against you. If you were hit by a bullet, then it suggests to look after your health as it could be a sign of some illness. If you see a bullet, you should avoid making a big fuss about something and keep calm, otherwise it will bring you even more troubles….

…To dream of seeing a shark in the water, is an excellent omen, as it foretells that you will escape a great danger that menaces you: if you dream of capturing the shark, you will soon thereafter get a big lump of money. Catching fish of any kind foretells money getting. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 31….

When you dream of a barbecue it indicates the small problem that is causing some difficulties when you are dealing with the social life. Maybe the sence of community is quite a big part of you, so try to solve that little problem as soon as you can.

Dreaming about a big and colorful fan means that you would like to see life with more optimism and joy, and to leave behind what makes you feel down. If the fan is black, it means that you’ll be betrayed.

If you dream about near sighted, then such dream indicates the temporary satisfaction you are working on, instead of thinking about the permanent ones. You only think about small amounts of happiness, instead of making big plans. It could also mean that you do not pay enough attention to your partner. The dream suggests to look after him or her, otherwise you will lose him or her.

Big belly, opulence. Loose belly, bad business, material losses, leisure. When coming out from your mother’s belly means estrangement between family members.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of big.

If you dreamed of seeing a staff that is dependent on you, then such dream indicates the power and big influence you carry on other people. On the other hand, the dream of seeing a staff, indicates the trip you are taking and acknowledging or accepting other people around you.

If you dream of overcrowded airport it represents your intentions of being free. This dream shows how big expectations you are having out of your work and personal life. This dream is a sign of the new beginning, new purposes and new tasks. Make sure of the new thoughts you are having and start realising them. This dream could also be the meaning of new relationships, new job or new happenings in your life. Do not worry, as these changes will be pleasurable. If you see the airport in a dessert it represents that your schedule will be changed not in a positive way. Anyhow, this is only for a temporarily period of time.

Dreaming of being a powerful person with a high social rank suggests that this is precisely what is being searched for by the dreamer in daily life, and that he or she is considered to have sufficient capacity and intelligence to be self-directed, but cannot find the right path. This dream is common during youth, when the dreamer has his or her own life ahead and wants to conquer great heights. However, these desires are often turned into big failures when there is over-confidence in the dreamer.

The butterfly is a symbolism of chaos in your waking life. Perhaps the dream suggests to be more stable, otherwise the consequences won’t be very favorable. The butterfly that is big could also foreshadow the fact that you will be seen by others a lot, because of your behavior and it’s not bad if you like the attention. See the explanation of flying to get more detailed dream interpretation.

…OUT OF THE ORDINARY DREAMS I have often questioned those who have been born blind as to their dreams. They can, of course, only judge of dreamland by the impression it conveys to their senses of smell, hearing and feeling. One blind man, a musician, told me he had most of the ordinary dreams, such as those of falling, flying, and drowning. “But” he added, “My most common dream is to imagine I can see, and when I awake and find I am still blind, totally blind, the dis- illusion is most cruel. I invariably have this dream before a severe cold in my head. Before financial worries, I have dreamed I am being chased from room to room in a big, empty castle by something that is not a human being, something I have never met in real life but which I can only presume must be a…

Dreaming of having any part of your body broken or wounded is a warning that means you are at serious risk of experimenting big setbacks and losses in the affairs being handled. This dream, especially if you have it repeatedly, warns that there are problems at home or mental instability (hesitations, changes of opinion, etc.). Dreaming of breaking your own furniture, or someone else’s may mean that there are constant fights at home, which are caused by jealousy. Dreaming of objects that are made of glass, especially cups or glasses, are the symbolism of happiness and prosperity. Dreaming of tearing clothing items can mean complaints and fights at home that can end very badly.

Dreaming of a deep state of distress means big surprises are coming.

(Turk. Double veil worn by Muslim women | Apparel | Attire | arb. Khimar | Niqab) A yashmak or a veil covering the lower part of the face up to the eyes in a dream represents a young girl who will live a long life, or it could represent one who devotes her life to religious and spiritual studies. (Also see Khimar | Veil)

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

…To dream of seeing this vine running over and covering any house, is a sign of poverty, particularly if the ivy grows thick and abundant: if you dream that it covers your own house, the sign is still more sure: for a farmer to dream that he sees ivy covering a tree, denotes bad crops. A girl who dreams of being in a bower covered with ivy, will probably marry a poor and shiftless man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

…To dream that a ram runs at you for butting purposes, shadows forth to a young man that his society will be coveted by the girls, and that he will be fortunate in love matters generally: if a girl dreams this, she will probably have her choice of lovers, as all the young fellows around there will fall in love with her: if the ram succeeds in butting her, she will surely be taken captive and brought as Cupid’s prisoner into the matrimonial ranks. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

Toward the fair sex, satisfaction and good health. If the dreamer is a woman, good luck will be noted while trading different things. If she is an unmarried girl, inconstancy will be to her admirer.

…(See Trap and Mouse.) To dream of rats is a sign that thieves are around: if you see any of these animals, it shows that some friend will be robbed, but if you hear them gnawing, you will suffer a loss from robbery yourself. If a girl, who has a lover, dreams of rats, she had better be careful and not let him be too free with her person, or he may rob her of that which cannot be restored. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54 21…

…If you dream of gold chains it is a sign of a wedding; if a girl dreams she is presented with one, it is a sure sign of a speedy marriage. Such a dream to a man in business predicts that he will be prevented from doing something that he specially desires to do. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 15, 11….

…To dream of dancing a jig with a lady is a sign she is in love with you, or is pleased with you; and if you like her you may go in at once for her favour with much confidence. The omen is the same to a girl who dreams of jigging with a young man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 65, 14….

…If you dream you are in company and feel particularly hilarious, or jolly, it is a sign of sorrow; mark well who it is that contributes most to your mirth, for he or she may cause you pain. If a girl dreams this of a young man, let her beware of him for a gay seducer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20….

…To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover don’t play her false. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34 3….

…(Drum | Musical instruments) In a dream, a tambourine means adversities, pain and sufferings. It also means fame for the one carrying it. If a girl dancer carries it in the dream, it means that she may win a lottery, or acquire a publicly known fortune. The sound of a tambourine in a dream represents a recognized and a baseless fallacy. Seeing a man carrying a tambourine means fame for him and for whoever accompanies him in the dream. A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend. In general, when musical instruments are used in one’s dream, playing them in a festival, a wedding, or in any type of celebration means trials. (Also see Musical instruments)…