Prosperity in business.


Hoping one’s wishes to be realized….

…Snake-dreams are unlucky, and signify injuries by enemies, scandal, unkind gossip, and falseness on the part of those who have hitherto posed as friends.From among the many snake-dreams I have heard and recollect, I select the following, as examples.A lady, who had formed a great friendship with a woman with a peculiar cast in her eyes (a disfigurement which, in my opinion, frequently points to deceit), once dreamed she was walking in her garden, when out of a rose glided an enormous green snake. Greatly alarmed, she was on the verge of running away to solicit help to kill the brute, when she saw, to her amazement, that it had human eyes, and, on bending down to examine it more closely, she found herself looking into the countenance of her woman friend. Hair, features and complexion were exactly similar, but the expression was different: it was an expression of…

…To dream of white horses foretokens good luck of various kinds; of black horses, serious misfortune in the shape of accidents (frequently on the water), deaths, loss of money or property, violent quarrels and rupture in love affairs; of roan-coloured horses, journeys; of grey horses, good fortune in many forms, viz.: legacies, presents, success in love affairs and work; of brown horses, nothing in particular; of chestnut horses, danger of all sorts, from fire, water, and other accidents, from assaults, and from illness. To quote even half the horse-dreams that have been told me would fill a book, so I must content myself with merely quoting a few. Shortly before a violent rupture with her husband, which terminated in a divorce, one lady I met told me she had dreamed she heard a loud neighing outside her house, and, on looking out of the window, saw a gigantic black…

Honour and wealth.

Flour dreams are a guarantee that we will not lack the most indispensable things. The greater the amount we dream of, the higher standard of living we will get. In a higher level may mean the food that allows us to reach higher levels of consciousness.

…Dreaming of rats or mice is never pleasant, especially when this occurs frequently. This dream is a bad sign because it announces several misfortunes, among others, risks in your own health or in the health of loved ones. In some cases, it usually announces the start of infections. In any case, it always suggests problems at home, with family, with friends or neighbors, in business or employment. If the dreamer is involved in politics or complicated businesses, it means that there could be betrayals that will be dangerous, especially by those who are acting extremely giving and helpful. Dreaming of chasing a mouse or rat but having it escape, it could mean that problems will persist, although they are under control. Dreaming of killing a rat or a mouse signifies triumph over problems and enemies. When a woman dreams of rats or mice it might mean that she suspects…

Getting plenty of work. 318.

…(Cure | Bitter almond | Sweet almond | Truth) In a dream, almond represent a cure for an illness, impeachment of a governor or loss of one’s job. In a dream, almond also represent a deceased person in his shroud or in his grave. Yet, seeing fresh green almond in season in a dream means profits and blessings. Sweet almond in a dream represent lawful money or earnings, depending on the quantity one sees in his dream. Eating sweet almond in a dream means profits, though to be earned with a fight. Plucking almond from a tree in a dream means earning money from a niggardly person with a fight. An almond tree in a dream also represents one who is stingy with people, though generous with his wife and children. Eating sweet almond in a dream also means tasting the sweetness of one’s faith. Bitter almond in a…

Receiving presents in a short time.

Good prospects in life. 199.

Commencing a great undertaking.

…(Compromise | Peace | Reconciliation | Settlement) Making peace with one’s adversary in a dream means disagreement in wakefulness. However, reconciliation between two adversaries or friends in accordance with the prescribed laws in a dream means unity, repentance from sin, guidance that pleases God Almighty, blessings and profits. It also could mean an argument with the person seen in the dream. If one sees himself making peace with an adversary in a dream, it means that he will call upon a heedless person to walk on God’s path. Making a settlement with an adversary over money in a dream means profits for the lender. In a dream , signing a peace agreement between two enemies in the battlefield means safety and prosperity, intending to get married, or building a business partnership. Conciliation between arguing drunk- ards over what they are drinking means enmity between people. If two groups of…

(Cheetah | Panther) Lynx, a cheetah, or a panther in a dream represent might, exaltation, cuddling and coquetry, along with anger, rage and enmity. A lynx in a dream also represents an enemy who does not show either his enmity nor friendliness. Fighting with a lynx in a dream means fighting with someone with such qualities and character. Using a lynx to hunt with in a dream means prosperity and might.

…Dreaming that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue. If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men. If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you. To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time. To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful. Dreaming that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere. To be…

…are no benefits in that climbing in the dream, for there are no benefits without hardships. If at the end of his climbing one thanks God Almighty for what he has reached in the dream, it means that he will become a just ruler. If he calls to prayers on the top of a mountain or performs his prayers thereat in the dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern. If one sees himself descending a mountain in a dream, it means loss of rank, business losses, or regret. If one is accompanied with his king and soldiers in a dream, it means that he is in the company of God Almighty and that of His angels, therefore, he shall be victorious, whereby, he can win a war, conquer an enemy, or renounces his attachment to the world. If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending…

…(‘Uthman bin ‘Affan, God be pleased with him. The third of the four righteous califs) Seeing him in a dream means celebrating knowledge, being a godly person, friendship and love for others, lowering one’s wings before God Almighty and to the believers among His creation, and he represents a trust- worthy leadership. Seeing ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan in a dream also could mean facing the aggression of one’s enemy and losing to them by winning martyrdom. It also means having a great luck, prosperity, kinship with noble people, or being a pious and a religious person. One who sees ‘Uthman, God be pleased with him, in a dream will become a scholar. If one sees him doing business in a dream, it means that one is seeking worldly profits, though he likes to adorn himself with a religious garb and titles but lacks true piety. If one sees him besieged…

Good crop, success is undertakings.

Sickness or other bad occurrence. 16.

Love and peace.

Escape out of danger.

Receiving handsome presents.

…Sopped bread with meat and broth or soup in a dream represent man’s livelihood. The amount of food one eats from a bowl of soup represents the portion of life one has spent, and the balance in the bowl represents what is left. Looking at a bowl of soup and being afraid to eat from it in the dream means longevity which is accompanied with comfort and ease. Eating fat-free soup in a dream means wishing for death because of one’s poverty or illness. Soup with bread but without meat in a dream represents a high ranking position without benefits. Eating a lion’s soup in a dream means presiding over heartless and inhumane people, along with mistrust and fears. Eating a dog’s soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits. If the soup has no fat…

…for people’s sins. If it rains dust or sand in a dream, it represents an unjust ruler in that locality. If the skies rain dirt without dust, it also means prosperity and a good harvest. If a traveller sees rain in a dream, it means hindrances along his journey. A destructive rainstorm in a dream denotes dishonesty, cheating with measures, or the spread of sodomy in the community. Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearing down structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represents a punishment for the corruption and sins of the dwellers of that place. A good rain in a dream could mean reconciliation with one’s enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person. Rain in a dream also represents a caravan of camels, and a caravan of camels in a dream represents rain. A good rain in a dream also means prosperity, happiness, refilling wells…

Standing in good remembrance.

Vexation and disagreeable things, or death of her husband. 82.

…(Giving birth) Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth. If a pregnant woman sees herself giving birth to a girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries. If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth. If the person in question is poor, it means that his financial conditions will change for the better, but if he is rich, it means restriction of his earnings, for a child is…

The flood is not a good omen if the water you see is dirty and unclear and you see lots of mess around you, because it shows the destroyed expectations. However, if the flood is not big one, this won’t make big misunderstandings. The flood that is easily escapable is the sign that you can deal with all the barriers and obstacles, because the minor problems won’t let you down. If the flood has swept you, you will have to deal with your enemies, because they will try to remove you from their way.

…For a young man to dream of going with a picnic party into the woods, is a sign that some silly girl will fall in love with him: if a young girl dreams this, some vain fellow will probably pay her attentions and compliments merely to gratify his own vanity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 37, 12….

…a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream. If one sees himself delivering a baby from his mouth in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend. If a man gives birth to a baby boy in a dream, it means that he will carry a heavy burden then escape from it, or it could mean that he will vanquish his enemy, or it could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman. If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she…

For a young man to dream of going with a picnic party into the woods, is a sign that some silly girl will fall in love with him; if a young girl dreams this, some vain fellow will probably pay her attention and compliments merely to gratify his own vanity.

…Rams in dreams denote quarrels of a more violent nature than do sheep. For example, I remember, when I was a boy, prior to a quarrel (which ended in a fight) with a schoolfellow, dreaming I was attacked in a field by a big black ram with red eyes, that chased me persistently over hedges and ditches, and through water, and when, in some miraculous fashion, I took to the air, it sprang up after me, never desisting from its fierce butting still I was reduced to a hopeless state of jelly, when I was permitted to awake. In after years, before quarrelling with a venomous attorney, I dreamed I was fishing in a weir, when a grey ram, catching me unawares, butted me in the back and precipitated me head first into the water, where I found myself attacked on all sides by slimy, yellow snakes….

…Dreaming of a quiet, bright, green, and flowery countryside insinuates that the dreamer is at peace with himself or herself and spirit, thanks to advantageous conditions in not only sentimental affairs, but also materials and health. Dreaming of the countryside with vast and distant horizons is a symbol of great desire for freedom and the desire to travel. This dream is common in people who live in big cities and feel the need to breathe pure oxygen and receive sunrays, away from the crowds that oppress them. Dreaming of being in a country house or somewhere beautiful in a nice little town hints that the dreamer isn’t happy with living in the city which is why the dreamer is searching for a definite change or at least an extended vacation in a quiet place. Dreaming that the countryside surrounding the house or the village is in ruins, indicates that…

…Rats, whether white, black, or brown, singly or collectively, import illness, death, and serious misfortunes.The night before his son was drowned at sea, a man I once met dreamed his bedroom was full of enormous black rats with grey eyes that raced round and round the bed, and eventually leaped into the empty grate and disappeared up the chimney.Another person, a lady in London, if I remember rightly, dreamed that she saw her youngest daughter sitting on the floor playing with a big brown rat that suddenly sprang at her, tore the ribbon out of her hand, and raced out of the room with it. Some days later, this particular daughter developed consumption, of which she eventually died….

…(Moth | Silkworm) In a dream, a butterfly signifies ignorance, lack of experience with people, or inexperience with the proper protocol. A butterfly in a dream also could signify love and sacrificing one’s life for others. A butterfly in a dream also represents fire worshipers, fear, or a weak enemy who speaks big words. If a farmer sees butterflies in his dream, it means hardships and lack of work, or consenting to evil by associating with evil companions, or befriending vile women. A silkworm in a dream represents the best of people who spend in charity from their best and who curtail their evil, or it could represent children who live a short life in this world, or people who leave a sizeable estate for their posterity. A silkworm, or a butterfly in a dream also could signify a short life, the near end of one’s life, a miller,…

…shows your wish to change yourself. If you see new clothes with tags on it, then it shows how you are trying to adjust new things in your life. Perhaps you find it being too difficult and not what you wish for. If you wear clothes that are torn, then it shows the minor issues while accepting different opinions. The dream also shows the negative features of your personality. If the clothing you wear is too tight or too small, then such dream represents the situation in your life you find hard to fit. If the clothes you wear are too big or very loose, then it could show the mellow features in your personality. Such dream could also indicate the stage in your waking life you feel uncomfortable to be. If you dream of the clothes that are all white, then such dream could show the bland aspects of…

…success in any branch of art; pinks, success in business; poppies, breaking off an engagement, work or business, losses; prim- roses, new friendships; roses (white), success in courtship and the arts; roses (yellow), danger from intrigue and jealousy; roses (pink), engagements, journeys of pleasure, presents; roses (red), weddings and legacies, falling in love; sunflowers, accidents (chiefly on land); sweet peas, reunion of parted friends and lovers, kisses; tulips, deaths, journeys to foreign parts; wallflowers, visits from old friends and to old places.To dream of forget-me-nots portends visits and presents from old friends, new clothes, success in work; heliotrope, falling in love, visits to places of amusements, meetings with those likely to influence one in after-life; violets, reciprocation of one’s affections, presents from lovers.If a girl dreams she is given a bunch of violets by her sweetheart, it is a sure thing he is sincere in his protestations of love….

If the avenue is big and illuminated, you will soon have a happy encounter with a nice person. It indicates big projects for the future.

…To dream one’s belly is bigger and fuller than ordinary, shows his family and estate with increase; if one dreams his belly is grown lean and shrunk up, he will be joyfully delivered of some bad accident; if any one dreams that his belly is swelled, and yet not withstanding be empty, he will become poor; if a girl dreams of a big belly, it is a sign of marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 77….