…If a girl dreams that her beau hurts her by pinching I her thumb, it is a sign that if she marries him she will have to get her own living, and help to support him besides: for a man to dream of losing his thumb, or of an injury to it, foretells poverty — on the contrary, to dream of a big thumb denotes much wealth. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 5….

…A girl operating a spinning wheel in a dream represents con- tentment, giving things their true worth, or devoting one’s life to a good cause. If the girl keeps on weaving, then when she finishes her work she unravels the fabric in the dream, it means God’s wrath, afflictions, or destruction. (Also see Spindle | Spinning | Wheel)…

…If a woman or girl dreams that her neck is large and thick, it is a sure sign she will bear many children: if it seems smaller than usual, it denotes to a married woman a miscarriage, and to a girl the loss of her beau: if a woman dreams that her neck is fair and beautiful, it foretells that some gentleman will make love to her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22….

…Dreaming of seeing a well, bright-looking girl, foretells pleasing prospects and domestic joys. If she is thin and pale, it denotes that you will have an invalid in your family, and much unpleasantness. For a man Dreaming that he is a girl, he will be weak-minded, or become an actor and play female parts….

…If you see a friend in the dream, then such dream represents your waking life and the relationships you have with the people you are surrounded by. The dream shows that the people make the big influence to you and your personality. The friendships and relationships you have, made the person you are today. The dream about certain friends could also show how you wish to integrate the features of these people into yourself. If you see the friend from your past or childhood, then such dream shows that you have missed this certain person or you wish to be less responsible in your waking life and live carelessly. Perhaps you wish to become the child again and live the life without any responsibilities and duties. There is also a possibility that you are acting very childish in some situation, therefore you dream about the friend from your childhood….

Dreaming of dump truck represents worries and troubles. To drive a dump truck in your dream indicates that you need to get rid of the problem. Maybe it is big burden for you. Have you been carrying with you some worries? This dream might be a sign of the transition and thus it is related to some major change.

When you dream that you have a big family, then such dream foretells about the fact how much it is important to you your family or close friends. The family of the animals could be as an example of your family and if they are getting along great, you will be in peace with your family either.

…If one sees the walls of his house collapsing as a result of a flood in a dream, it means the death of his wife. If one sees his house caving in on him and causing a big cloud of dust in a dream, it means that he maybe afflicted with measles. A collapsed ceiling in a dream means devastation. If one sees a destroyed house standing erect anew in a dream, it means spiritual awakening of its owner. If one is awaiting the return of a member of his family, or if he is awaiting a guest to arrive, and if a part of his house caves in, it means the near arrival of such a traveller. If a daughter or a sister or another woman live in that house, it means that the guest will seek her hand for marriage. If a hurricane destroys his entire house…

To dream about the identical twins means that you have a special bond with some person, your job or relationships. Sometimes the identical twins represents very big similarities between two individuals. Perhaps these two people are sharing the special bond that no one else has. If you are pregnant and dream of identical twins, there is a chance that you will have twins.

If you are hiking in a dream, then such dream shows your desire to make the progress in all aspects of the life. Because you are going through life with such a big force, then it means you are going to get succeeded everywhere.

…of getting through any obstacle and that you’ll achieve success soon; nevertheless, if the top is not reached in the dream, the meaning could be the contrary. Dreaming of yourself climbing a stepladder until you get to the top indicates success in the businesses you’re handling. But if for any reason you don’t manage to get to the top, or if the ladder breaks, this indicates the opposite and risks will be higher. When you are dreaming that you fall as you’re climbing, the setbacks and failures in your life will be as big as the fall. Seeing yourself climbing during a dream is a sign of your own will to find the right solutions to the tasks that must be completed. The ease with which you get to your final goal, as well as the difficulties found, will also work as useful indicators to understand the dream’s meaning….

If we are eaten by a big fish it indicates that we are in a process of perfection and purification. In other occasions being devoured by a fish indicates a real danger that can cause us moral and material losses. The small fish that we try to catch with our hands and slips away reflect the memory or fear of sentimental disappointments. Dead or solitary fish indicate bitterness, despair and loneliness. Solitary fish hiding among the rocks reveals the desire to hide where we can evade responsibilities and sorrows.

Big problems ahead. If we witness a bombing, it indicates we have completed one stage of our lives. If it’s a water pump, it indicates that your problems will begin to solve with support of your friends….

Scary dreams, even those in which the dreamer wakes up, are usually an important warning that our nervous system is deteriorating, so the cause must be sought, preferably with a specialist. The same can be said for dreams of anxiety and intense fear, although there are cases in which they’re just a sign of warning. Dreaming of yourself being scared may be the announcement of a serious disease or accident, which seriousness will depend on the attention you pay to this warning. Dreaming of other people being frightened may mean that you’re falling into situation of useless nervous deterioration, which might lead to self-destruction. It’s about the so-called stress, that’s a quite common disease in big cities.

…To dream about spiders (with the exception of big black spiders) in general — for there are, of course, many species of this insect — is lucky. It foretells presents, and unexpected success in work and business; also journeys. Black spiders in dreams signify danger from drowning, and falls….

If you see the dandelion in a dream, then it means you will have wonderful experiences with your significant other. The great times are ahead of you. If you are eating dandelions, then it means you should reconsider your own health and make big changes in order to avoid the bad consequences.

When you dream of drinking an alcohol, but in a small amounts, it represents you going on the right direction, reaching the proper destinations while feeling fulfilled that you managed to reach them. It means you are managing the problems the way they supposed to be managed and t means that whatever you do you it will be successful and pleasurable. If you dream of drinking alcohol in a big amounts, it indicates frustration and pithiness you will suffer. This indicates your fear of people finding out for who you truly are and while you drink alcohol it makes you to forget your problems, but it does not mean it they are solved. What you have to do is to make sure that you are not overindulging with alcohol.

When you dream of a barbecue it indicates the small problem that is causing some difficulties when you are dealing with the social life. Maybe the sence of community is quite a big part of you, so try to solve that little problem as soon as you can.

If we see a big mouth, then it shows that we talk too much. A deformation in the mouth warns us of a possible disease. Swollen face refers to a selfishness. Face with a head turned upside down indicates preconceived ideas, prejudices.

The sailboat is very common dream for those who are making big changes in their waking life. The sailboat is also a symbol of freedom, therefore you feel the necessity for more space or you simply feeling free from all of the negativities and unnecessary responsibilities. To dream about the sailing boat which is moving along, means that you are taking the right direction towards your life. The sailboat that is difficult to move indicates how you are struggling with your life. You need to get things perfectly again.

The building in dreams signifies the things you are building in your waking life. If the buildings are very big and modern, you should be softer with those around you. Maybe you also take things too serious? If the buildings are destroyed, then it shows the destroyed parts of your personality. You are feeling totally wrecked and do not know how to rebuild yourself.

The sea lion is the animal that doesn’t do any harm, it signifies friendship, loyalty and playful side of your personality. If you played with sea lion, it could even mean that you have a very big love for animals or simply are ready to have a children of your own if you do not have them yet. The sea lion is also a symbol of your friends who make you feel happy and relaxed.

Dreaming of being a powerful person with a high social rank suggests that this is precisely what is being searched for by the dreamer in daily life, and that he or she is considered to have sufficient capacity and intelligence to be self-directed, but cannot find the right path. This dream is common during youth, when the dreamer has his or her own life ahead and wants to conquer great heights. However, these desires are often turned into big failures when there is over-confidence in the dreamer.

If you dream of the strings, then such dream indicates the bond, connection and relations. The dream indicates the big influence some project or relationships have on you. On the other hand, the dream may show that you are not fully sure about the communication you have with others or the project you are working at the moment, because the string may not bond you fully.

Dream of losing your mind or making incoherent acts in public indicates big hidden feelings of sadness and subsequent disgrace. Dream of being diagnosed with madness means you’re troubled by a plight or loss. Also indicates you’re behaving inappropriately in a new situation. Dream of other people suffering from madness means a melancholy end to prospects and hope.

Dreaming about a big and colorful fan means that you would like to see life with more optimism and joy, and to leave behind what makes you feel down. If the fan is black, it means that you’ll be betrayed.

To have a big one, problems while dealing with relatives or friends.

…When a man dreams that someone that he loves is absent, it indicates big issues that need his attention, and if he is older, it indicates that he has too many things accumulated, or too many issues unaddressed. Anyone, who dreams of grieving for the absence of someone, probably has annoying situations with old friends; if you dream that someone’s absence (friend or relative) gives you joy, it announces that you’ll soon be free of those enemies that have been bothering you. If you dream that someone is traveling far away but will return soon, suggests that some issues that were apparently resolved are going to return. If you feel happy because someone is absent, it indicates the desire to get rid of enemies and difficult situations. If someone that is absent dies, it suggests the probability of an upcoming wedding. Any young person, who dreams of absent people,…

…(Belt | Cincture | Sash | Waistband) In a dream, the broad band worn around the waist, also known as a sash or a cummerbund represents one’s father, mother or paternal uncle. Tying a cummerbund around one’s waist in a dream means that one has exhausted half of his life. Owning many cummer- bunds in a dream means longevity. A cummerbund in a dream also represents one’s son or it could denote a big man. If a ruler offers a cummerbund to someone in a dream, it means that he is appointing him to a high ranking position. Wearing a cummerbund without ornaments in a dream means that one will receive the help of a great and a noble person, including moral and financial support. If one is rich, then it means that he will have a great friend to support him and whose inner thoughts and intentions are…

Dreaming of a large and bright avenue means you´ll have a happy encounter with a person who will be extremely pleasant. Big and difficult future projects.

…In a dream, a well inside one’s house means prosperity, riches, a wife, business, a teacher, poverty, deception, fulfillment of one’s needs, travels, goals, stinginess, generosity, or it could mean a servant. The structural condition of each well in a dream has its own interpretation. A well in a dream also represent a woman who has a loud laughter, or it could represent a pleasant and an in- spiring woman. If a woman sees a well in a dream, it means meeting a man of good character. If one sees himself looking into a well in a dream, it means that he is thinking about a particular woman for marriage. A well in a dream is also interpreted to represent knowledge, marriage, a big man, prison, ties, or deception. If one digs a well and finds water in it in his dream, it means that he will marry a…

The bus driver dream may have several meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream. The bus driver who is driving the bus with confident and you feel happy while being driven, shows that you have someone in your life who is very important to you. The bus driver could also mean that this person has a very big influence in your life. If you are the bus driver and driving many people in the bus, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected by those you are surrounded by. The crash of the bus shows that you who was driving the bus or another person who was the driver is unable to control the situation.

…Dreaming of leaving one’s job, business or property, suggests that the dreamer feels upset about the difficulties that are around, many of which were caused by the dreamer and they’re now affecting him or her. Dreaming of working intensely in complicated business announces that soon there will be good news and that the dreamer’s affairs will improve. If during the dream the dreamer discovers that he or she will triumph in business, then this might refer to success when entering a partnership or marriage. If some doubts occur during the dream, it means that there is some risk involved in what’s being done, which is reflected by the subconscious. Dreaming of being a big and important businessman suggests that the dreamer is a dynamic person that is seeking self-improvement to achieve an outstanding social and economic position with chances of achieving whatever is desired. If a young man dreams…

If your dream that you sweep your house home is a sign of good health and prosperity. If the street is swept it indicates that others will look at you with respect. If you sweep a lot, it means that you’ll experience a big material loss.

To dream of your own father indicates that you will have big responsibilities to afford. If your father is dead and you dream of him, it presages a bad step which you will overcome. In a dream to live with your father is a sign of security and good news.

The dream in which you see hurdles is the symbol of something you are unable to deal with. Perhaps you are facing very big obstacles while trying to achieve your goals, therefore you dream about hurdles. When you jump over the hurdles then such dream indicates your ability to pass any barriers that are getting on your way. When you knock on the hurdle then such dream shows the harsh times.

Mostly the palm trees are very positive omen of tranquillity, joy and easiness. The ones that are being sere, denotes to sad news you will hear in the short period of time. If you see many palm trees with big green leaves, then it will bring much joy, but if you see only one palm tree, you will lose an important friendship.

If you have a breakfast as your meal, while dreaming, it could have several meanings. The dream could indicate the fact that you are actually feeling very hungry and wish to have something to eat as soon as it is possible. If you eat too much of your breakfast, it means that you are not ready to take such a big amount of work or friendships, therefore you dream as overeating. Sometimes the breakfast could have a good meaning especially if you enjoy the company you are eating with or you are having a very healthy meal.

When you dream of eating the jam, then such dream foretells about your satisfaction with the life you are having at the moment. If you were making the jam in a dream, then such dream promises the domestic happiness in your life. If you were spreading the jam on bread or pancakes, then such dream shows that too much of the energy is being given to others. The jam could also be a pun of the traffic jam, which means there is a big traffic ahead of you.

…The loneliness that is felt in the dream could be the reflection of your actual life where you feel lonely and misunderstood. You have no one to talk to and think that nobody cares about you. Sometimes the loneliness could mean the opposite, it shows that you are surrounded with big companies and sometimes wish to have some privacy….